Saturday, April 9, 2016

Destined For Dhimmitude

One says, some things die hard – like illusions;
still harder die the hard-won Gutmensch delusions.
While some follow a dream, others a hallucination;
whoever follows the EU-nightmare will lose a nation

to the chaos, planned or not, brought on by mass-immigration.
Illusions, delusions and hallucinations deny the coming Islamisation,
political correctness and its denunciations takes its unnatural course,
grooming a culture of censure, censorship, all of whose natural source

lies with the ideological Left and its lies idiot-logical, concerning the Welcome
spread out at the expense of all, for a paralysing parasitic era which will come.
"The-Religion-Of-Peace" does not come without a price, it brings with it shari'a
under which the very notion of democracy and private religious choice is pariah;

which hardly a soul indoctrinated in the "tolerant, multi-cultural" attitude
would ever grasp – that as kafir s/he has but one choice: death or dhimmi-tude.
Conversion being the "best of options", though one finds it unlikely that so many
would renounce generations of free thought for an exotic intellectual slavery.

Nor would such risk death in Resistance – hence tomorrow's role of dhimmi
for those who, with broken wills and resignation, conform (as that is less foolhardy).
Not for these a conscious pride in nation or culture, tradition or personal dignity
appeasement and arrangement whatever the cost, and that cost will be high.

Mosque after mosque ... churches closed or taken over; synagogues, temples: taboo;
Where then will you find your "multi-culti" under mono-culti shari'a, as Christian or Jew,
or Hindu, Buddhist, atheist or other? Where then your LGBT and "feminism", liberality –
your freedom to eat, drink and dress, to dance and sing as you like, farewell democracy?

If enslavement is bitter when it overwhelms by force, it's phenomenally stupid
when one drags oneself by the nose, eyes closed, into it through such insipid
intransigence, negligence, refusal to google and inform oneself of what is afoot;
sucking up all the taqiyyah of those who'll expect your submission via the dhimmi route.

Wake up now or when it's too late – or never, as the case may be:
just don't block the way of those willing to fight the tide of the status of dhimmi.

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