Thursday, December 31, 2015

Hurry Shari'a

Bruxelles Manneken Pis.jpg

With the help of so many Gutmenschen,
and the complacency of populations,
there's no hope in EU-rope, scarcely needs mention:
Islamisation and the long-planned death of nations

will take its toll through the onset of New Order –
something we've heard before and then it's forgotten.
With bromides of "Never again!" to remove the last border,
and forge wars to ensure chaos, enforce without pardon

appeasement sans dissent toward "The-Religion-Of-Peace".
Tolerance an ersatz religion of political correctness,
now: curry favor with Qur'anic designs to extend its reach
of a Seventh-Century Bedouin form of clan jurisprudence.

Democracy which had its cradle here and the Enlightenment's fame,
are destined for the kafir's fate, to pay jizza, under Muslim coalition
welcomed through subterfuge, Parliamentsful, to Europe's shame –
but toward our enrichment, this demographic jihad: farewell, native traditons.

Can this be stopped, or is it as inevitable as it is wanted?
A culture which can't get along with itself should get along now with whom?
Arbiter of "peace" seeking always to dominate; supremacist demands unfailingly flaunted:
At this rate, my friends, the prognosis seems certain – civilisation appears to be doomed.

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