Monday, May 2, 2011

When Men Drink Ecstasy

(inspired by dhikr with Sheikh Muzaffer, Helveti-Jerrahi)
 Men love power, and God knows it.
       If the Lord and Cherisher of the worlds
       cannot reach men throught he love of Woman alone,
He can reach them through the ecstatic empowerment
       of loving His Names.
Any man who can honestly appreciate a child
       can surrender to God by holding hands
       and rocking in a circle, when the rhythm is right.
Rhythm and melody combine in the art
       of my dervish friends and bring out a passion
       for the finest qualities in oneself.
Profound love for Creation, detail by detail,
       replaces bigotry and angst, and all for a song . . .
That rhythm and that melody are like the soul of a woman,
       but this husky and robust chorus of verses come out of
       the sweet pungent earth of a man’s soul.
Nothing can steal this from his hand,
       nor brutish tendencies come near to it.
It is for him desiring to become Human,
       that the Guest may be entertained in his heart.
S. Inayat-Chisti, ca. 1986

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