Saturday, June 10, 2023

A History Lesson For The German Greens, And For Whoopi

Green like gall, green like poison.  I will dispense with the thousandfold list of what I or any observer could tell you about the historically illiterate German Greens Party.

I'll dispense here, with how they came to occupy and to dominate every aspect of government in a Coalition Regime (harmlessly called "Traffic Light") with the likewise sociopathically narcissistic Social Democrats (SPD, red) and the ever opportunistic Free Democrats (FDP, yellow), forming a perfect Cartel of WEF and Blackrock steered criminals.

I'll dispense here, with their cynically treasonous, nihilistic and paedo-graphic path of extended suicide toward bringing down a once world-class industrial nation, taking themselves with it into the abyss.  I'll dispense with Merkel's actual Greens identity under cover of CDU, and how she above all, over 16 years, moved - shoved, coerced, forced - Germoney into the far-left extreme authoritarian position where it is today.

That the Greens are all - but with one or two exceptions - without any finished university degrees, all without any form of competence for any position at any level of politics, much less governement, except where it comes to the seeking after and wresting of power at any and all costs, including directly lying to and demonstrably throwing under the bus their own voters (by delcaring itself openly to be a war party after all), not "only" all of Germoney and its native culture and values, this I'll dispense with.

I could say so much, but if you look at the DNC in the U.S., then you got what the German Greens are - as dumb as AOC, and as conniving.  This is NOT your American Greens Party with Jill Stein - no power, no influence, no threat.  These are hard-core Maoists, and make no secret about it.  But I'll dispense with all that.

I'm merely going to share with you one recent occurence, one which is short in the telling, and speaks volumes.

Benin-Bronzen: Annalena Baerbock und Claudia Roth geben Kunst an Nigeria  zurück - DER SPIEGEL

While Namibia, once upon a time part of a German colonized area (one of the very few such, by comparison) today welcomes Germans to come and escape the woke-world of Europe and bask in their sun, where natives speak German, serve German cuisine, still have streets named after colonizers - Berlin sees fit to name-changing a few streets or a square in my district's over-100 year old "African Quarter", to mollify the feelings of the radical Left.

Now this:  With the Green Coalition's thoroughly cringe-incompetent drama queen Claudia Roth (as "Minister of Culture") and their world-wide recognized incompetent-idiot for a Foreign Minister, the equally IQ-challenged Annalena Baerbock, they came up with a really super idea, out of nowhere.

Background:  Quite some decades earlier, the French, who had some items of interest from their African colonization, had granted to Berlin for its museum display, a number of bronze statues from Benin.  I don't know if what now has come out was ever given museum visitors as background information, but...the bronze statues were cast from bronze rings, used for a reason, which I'll come to shortly.

Baerbock und Roth übergeben Benin-Bronzen offiziell an Nigeria | BR24

The Gutmenschtum of the pathologically virtue-signalling opportunistic Greens, as another chance to force their CRT-borrowed ideology into the limelight, declared that Germoney would now remove those statues from their place in the museum, and return them, un-asked for - i.e., requested by no African - to Benin.  And they departed on another nice junket spewing more CO2 from their jet, for Nigeria, including Benin in their grifting PR visit to the very-unwoke Dark Continent.

They presented the return of this set of bronze-ring statues to the "Benin people" - which meant representatives of the government and monarchy, and which turned out to be handled upon reception embarrassingly (for Claudia and Annalena) quite other than they'd expected.

While the terms of presumed agreement were that these would now land in Benin museums for Benin's native residents and visitors and tourists, lo and behold:  Upon arrival and shortly after changing hands, photo-op now behind them, the statues were given to the ruling monarch for his own private (no longer in public hands) collection!  Why, who could have seen that coming?  Oh, but wait - it gets better...

Because it so happens, that the bronze rings from which the statues had once been made, were in fact themselves the coinage used back in the day for the buying and selling of native African slaves among native Africans of that area themselves.  No whites, no Europeans, just all in the family, ethnically (or as BLM would have it, racially) speaking.

Oh, by the way - since I'd started with the word Coalition: those colonizing French, back in the day, in coalition with the British, had actively prohibited all further slave trade, and taken these very statues from their hands as an act of that policy.  Only after these Europeans eventually left there did the slave trade factually resume where it had left off.  The German Greens, who  are known for promoting the continued cultural heritage of any place on earth - except German! - were too stupid and illiterate to have known this, and too arrogant and indifferent to give a shit when it did come out.  As long as they could push the German guilt-mania - always to their benefit.

And the final kicker is:  The current monarch, being personally the heir to all of that slave trading heritage in his own family line, was delighted and proud to take these into his safe keeping as part of his private collection.

Job well done, Greens!  Germoney can now be proud of itself.

Roth: Rückgabe der Bronzen wie ein Türöffner – DW – 25.12.2022

Isn't that swell??  Now...who wants to go tell Whoopi?


Mr. Beast "Must Be Stopped!" -

Wikipedia: "Who sold African slaves to the Portuguese? -

"For over 200 years, powerful kings in what is now the country of Benin captured and sold slaves to Portuguese, French and British merchants. The slaves were usually men, women and children from rival tribes — gagged and jammed into boats bound for Brazil, Haiti and the United States."


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