Sunday, April 2, 2023

David Kupelian, WND: America’s Elites Openly Call For "Murder Of" Christians (Guest Article)

Help us defend and preserve Christian America from rising attacks
David Kupelian on countering the forces of darkness currently destroying America

While all good people are understandably focused on the heartbreaking mass murder of Christian children and adults in Nashville, you should know that America’s elite class has been literally ENCOURAGING such terrorism for a long time. Yes, I’m serious.

For example, just in the last week or two:

* During an appearance on ABC's "The View," host Joy Behar asked leftwing actress Jane Fonda how best to respond to all those annoying pro-life Christians out there in today’s America. “Besides marching and protesting,” asked Behar, “what else do you suggest?”

“MURDER,” responded Fonda.

“What did you say?” asked an incredulous Lily Tomlin.

“MURDER!” repeated Fonda.

* Over at Michigan’s Wayne State University, Professor Steven Shaviro posted the following on social media, with regard to conservative speakers coming to his campus: “I think it is far more admirable to KILL a racist, homophobic or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down.” Shaviro still has his job – of course.

* In Minnesota, that state’s Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan can be seen online wearing a tee shirt saying "Protect trans kids" – with a large dagger between the words.

* Josselyn Berry, press secretary for Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (whom overwhelming evidence indicates stole the election from Trump Republican Kari Lake), posted a meme unabashedly calling for violence against “transphobes” (that’s code for Christians). The image she posted depicts a woman with a revolver in each hand, pointing them threateningly at an unseen adversary. Berry captioned her image: "Us when we see transphobes."

By the way, she tweeted this one day AFTER the trans terrorist killed six Christians in the Nashville Christian school.

Friends, as I’ve pointed out previously, there’s an increasingly undeniable reality underlying so many of today’s news headlines, public statements and social media posts coming from today’s “ruling class.”

And that is this: Alongside all this unfolding degradation and societal destruction we are now experiencing – from the intentional destruction of our nation’s economy and fossil fuel industries to the intentional full-scale foreign invasion across America’s southern border to the intentional promotion of violent crime and the intentional orgy of grooming and recruiting America’s innocent kids into the ultra-dark transgender world, and so on – something else remarkable is happening: The very same political, cultural and sexual revolutionaries responsible for all of today’s unprecedented chaos in America have recently dared to “come out” and publicly identify exactly WHO they consider to be their mortal enemy.


That’s right, Christians are their enemy. That is the hidden message in almost everything taking place in the public, political and cultural spheres today.

For years they’ve beat around the bush, condemning conservative Christians with labels ranging from “Ultra-MAGA” and “white supremacists” to “the unvaccinated” and some mysterious entity called “QAnon.” Some of their attacks have been droolingly stupid – like the U.S. Department of Justice accusing normal, decent parents of being “domestic terrorists” for standing up and complaining at school board meetings about teachers brainwashing and corrupting their 6-year-olds with Marxist critical race theory.

Somehow, every moral, patriotic, traditionally minded American these days is a “violent extremist” in these people’s minds.

And now we know why.

The ruling elites have finally grown sufficiently brazen to OPENLY identify the one group they consider the true and ultimate enemy:

* "It’s becoming increasingly clear that the United States is under siege by Christian fundamentalists and traditionalists!" warns MSNBC's Ja'han Jones.

* "Christian Nationalism Is The ‘Single Biggest Threat’ to America’s Religious Freedom,” announces the Center for American Progress.

* “[The Republican Party is] a movement dedicated to imposing White Christian nationalism,” insists the Washington Post’s pretend “conservative,” Jennifer Rubin.

* "If Christian Nationalism isn't essentially domestic terrorism, then I don’t know what is,” opines Cari Marshall of the Texas Democracy Foundation, who goes on to explain the methods of all those supposedly violent Christian extremists: “They simultaneously weaponize the Bible and the Constitution to justify their wanton disregard for the views and safety of others and their insatiable lust for weapons and violence.”

Allow me to translate.

What’s REALLY happening is the ruling elite’s fear and loathing of Christianity – the faith that once made America the freest and most wonderful nation in history, the once-widespread belief that the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount provide the basis for a good life and a truly decent society – that hatred is now boiling over.

To the hard Left, Christians ARE racists … and Nazis, and terrorists and fascists. (Or as Biden called conservative Christians during one recent speech, “semi-fascists.”) But in reality, what’s actually going on is that the Left has always been at war with Almighty God and His laws and His ways. They are in perpetual rebellion against the Creator of the Universe, because Marxism – by definition – amounts to hatred and rejection of God so that human “saviors” can create paradise on earth. With them in charge, of course. That, in turn, always ends up being hell on earth, with the 20th century the bloodiest in all of human history, thanks to the very types of God-hating utopians who, right now, are maniacally obsessed with ruling America.

Today’s finally-out-in-the-open hatred of Christianity and Christians explains a lot – including the unprecedented censorship, vilification, demonization and cancellation of genuinely conservative, Christian, pro-American voices. Which of course includes the ceaseless attacks on WND, America’s original independent online Christian journalism organization, now weeks away from launching into its 27th consecutive year of 24/7 operation.

In fact, it explains in a dramatic way why we at WND are experiencing another huge wave of attacks on us as we, as Christian journalists, (figuratively) stand on the rooftops daily and shout the truth in the midst of a political culture steeped in lies and evil. (...)

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