Friday, November 18, 2022

What Should You Say?...

If You Were REALLY "Against-Nazis" - Just Quit Virtue-Signaling, For Starters!

What should you say, to a Berliner born and raised in 1960s West-Berlin, whose Protestant grandparents dedicated themselves to resisting the Third Reich, whose own Protestant congregation - from its top Pastor and Deacon down to its least member, men and women - held out against the State, hid Jews, endured interrogations, represented REAL Christian values at risk of their very lives and livelihoods?  What should you say to such a person as this Berliner, who has much, much to tell, of her upraising precisely by said grandmother and said Pastor and Deacon and congregation, deeply impressed with their values and fighting spirit, and an abiding love for those values?  What should you say, when this Berliner can so inform YOU of all that and more, whose Grandfather was arbitrarily shot and abused in 1945, who herself experienced in childhood what The Wall was, and how the 1960s, '70s, '80s here in Berlin were, and the gradual rise of Green-Socialist Authoritarian Ideology to assume the mantle of its Brown and Red predecessors?  What should you say?...

I'll tell you: You say nothing, you shut your goddamned mouth and LISTEN!  You humbly SHUT UP with your virtue-signaling, and check YOUR own ignorance!

What should you say, to Hitler's and the NSDAP's having been so thoroughly beholden to (not exclusively - British and Rothschild nothwithstanding - but especially) American support from abroad?  HQ in NYC, fanfare in Madison Square Gardens, TIME Mag, Standard Oil and DuPont, and most significantly IBM - with FDR's personal knowledge and quiet acceptance if not indulgence - and this throughout the 1930s AND '40s until defeat came in 1945?

What should you say, to "Jewish" George Soros' being formed in his infamous career of toxic international piracy and destruction, by (in his own words when confronted in that 60-Minutes interview) "the best years of (his) life" at age 14 under the direct tutelage of his paternal SS guardian who'd groomed him in how to locate, denounce, and confiscate the goods and property of his own fellow Hungarian Jewish families prior to their being deported to Auschwitz?

What should you say, to Stepan Bandera's SS welcoming-and-trained Ukranian Regiment, which by its own all too willing hand murdered some 800,000 Jews - at Babi Yar for example, let the reader be reminded - and some 100,000 Poles?  What should you say, to his legacy living long and entrenched in the hearts and minds of ALL Western Ukrainians to this very day and as of this printing, whose Svoboda Party has a "Josef Goebbels Institute" which only changed its name in 2014 under outside pressure?  Or what should you say, to a "Jewish comedian" like Zelenskyi (propped up in his earlier career by a "Jewish oligarch" and producer like Kolomoyskyi) under whose current "PR-esidency" the openly Nazi AZOV (the real power behind the Zelenskyi regime) and other paramilitary thug elements have been integrated into the national army?  The very same demonstrably "white supremacist" and "ultra-nationalist" rune-and-swastika tattooed Nazi thugs and convicted-now-released hardened sadistic criminals who had terrorized the ethnic Russian and Russian-identifying populace of the Donbass for eight entire years with artillery fire and every form of threat and aggression, beginning with the 2014 Maidan putsch, which included chasing opposition into a burning trade union building to suffocate or be shot or jump in desperation out of windows into a crowd awaiting them on the street with fists and kicks and baseball bats to the head and body - while the police looked on, and the fire department looked on - ALL chillingly reminiscent of Goebbel's Reichskristallnacht 1938?  What should you say, if you are American and Jewish, and pride yourself in your identity as a liberal and/or Democrat?

What should you say?  You SHOULD, at least MIGHT be saying to yourself - and to others in your circles of like-identifiers:  NO!  I WILL NOT, I REFUSE TO EVER BE manipulated into supporting Nazis!  But you don't, and you won't - and ARE.








THAT is what you are doing.  When you support or likewise, deny rather than denounce the existence of "Anti"fa and its SA ilk; when you support or likewise, deny rather than denounce the grifting and unmitigated violence - the physical and psychological terror - of BLM (BombingLootingMurder), when you support or likewise, deny rather than denounce the further PsyOp and virtue-signaling ad nauseum narrative with its mass manipulation, of "Slava Ukrainyi" while patting yourself on the shoulder and joining other "Jews" in firmly reciting the obligatory "Never-Again!" - when you let yourself get played and played and played, when you double-down on getting suckered every fucking time, with your Jewish "because Holocaust" complex, dissing Trump or MAGA in the comfort zone of your herd identification and TDS-mentality, YOU ARE SUPPORTING NAZIS!  You fucking idiots, you are making yourselves complicit with them.

Learn Krav Maga, and quit being not only stupid but arrogant about it, proud of being suckered into accepting and promoting masks and Covidiocy, more jabs and more Fauci/Mengele, unquestioned "authority", pandering to Left-wing terror, satanists, paedophiles - and an ever increasing, ever more coercive cult/ure of the same.

#WalkAway from it all, the entire "liberal and Democrat" PsyOp!  Eradicate the Soros' and the Rothschilds, the Madoffs, the Maxwells and the Epsteins, the Bankman-Frieds, the Schumers and Schiffs, the Nadlers and Raskins, the Bronfin sisters, and all such from your sense of Jewishness, if by Jewish you ever seriously mean letting God be central to your identity.  Listen to what sound, conservative thinking Jews (and blacks and Hispanics and Asians) are willing to tell you, rather than denying their plausibility, let alone considering that they have much to teach you.  Stop equating the Second Amendment with "white supremacy", and stop equating Pro-Life with some mythological fixation on "patriarchy" or the "subjection of women" - while you hypocritically assist in the destruction of women by your shilling for "LGBTQ+"!

And stop manipulating yourselves AND everyone else with your faux-antisemitism ("It's Trump, it's...Kanye!") demands of providing cover for what far, far too many of your "fellow-Jews" are actually doing, actually committing - and their overactive participation in social engineering!  You are shitting on God, and He will require of you to answer for all this, this has consequences.  But sure, keep it up.

You think this is some kind of "rant" I'm pulling here?  This is nothing like the rant you pull as you keep getting suckered and suckered in again, time after time, "current thing" after "current thing", into SUPPORTING NAZIS!

You'd better goddamned well wake the fuck up, because YOU "NeverAgain!"s have been supporting the KKK-historical Democrats, YOU've been supporting the racial-hygiene originating Planned Parenthood and unlimited "rights" to abortion-as-contraceptive now right up to the point of birth, YOU've been supporting the Bill Gates program of decimation, the Soros (and WEF-globalist - Klaus Schwab's chief mentor and inspiration, in his own words, was Kissinger), YOU've been supporting the Fauci/Mengele program of twisted and manipulated experimental medicine, YOU've been supporting the Biden/Clinton scam with Europe's most corrupt country for exactly its Russia-hating Nazi roots and current identity, all the while denying to yourself what is staring you in the FACE:  You have been, and are, and continue to be: SUPPORTING NAZIS!  So, once again, and to close: What Should You Say?

I'll tell you what you should STOP saying:  Stop saying "NeverAgain!" ever again.  Until one've learned to mean it.

For you are being played! 

Ukraine: Lies & Deception -


BONUS: Dreizin Report, on the REAL Ukraine -

P.S. Here's your "Jewish" Zelenskyi, folks, with his SS-Cult Nazi thugs running the regime with his TIME Mag face on it - this is what you're supporting, have a good look:

*Yuval Noah Harari - You OWE It To Yourself To Be Familiar With Him:

ADL Does AZOV A Favor -

The Gray Zone Exposes The Corruption -

Ukrainian Soldiers Execute Prisoners Of War, Admits US Mercenary -

(Interviewing Eva Bartlett) -

(Interviewing Scott Ritter) -

WWF 2023: How The West Just Engineered And Forced WWIII -

Ukra False Flags - And (Wait For It) Third Reich Fans -

It's Over! NATO's Making Ukraine Weaker By The Minute -

Poland And Ukraine: Their History, The Reality -

(1) March 2022: Russia Claims US Running Bio-Labs In Ukraine -

(2) Jan 2023: CONFIRMED! Inside Pfizer's And AstraZenica's Ukrainian Bio-Lab! -

How UkraGangsters "Negotiate" (EU "Values") -

Ukraine Rocked By Corruption Scandal, Wave Of Top Officials Resign: Sports Cars, Mansions, Luxury Vacations...As People Suffered -

Zelensky Promo For More Business With Ukraine -

STRATFOR / German FM Declares War On Russia, Long In Planning -

(Ger.) LinkenGegenKrieg: "Nie wieder Krieg gegen Russland!" -

German Greens Leave Old "Pacificism" (And Voters Behind), For WAR -

Why Schiff Was Finally Kicked Off Intel, And None Too Soon -

Merkel/Hollande/Poroshenko/et al. Openly Boast Minsk "Fast One" On Russia...Without Considering That Putin Knew That -

Servant Of The Corrupt: Zelenskyi, Kolomoiskyi, and Washington DC -

Seymour Hersh: How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline -

Whistleblower Confirmed After 4 Mos. By Hersh Report -

Sy Hersh: US Blew UP NS1/2, In Hostile Act Of Aggression Against Russia And Germany -

Russia Threatens US And UK With Consequences -

Clandestine Investigates Biolabs In Ukraine And Taiwan -

12- 13 Biden>Ukraine Trips In Last VP Year -

MSDNC's Gay Madcow LOVES More Dead Ukrainians! -

Children On Ukrainian Govt. Kill List -

War And War Crimes: USA Breaks With Constitution, Geneva, Internat'l. Law -

When Begins Russian Offensive? / Elenskyi Speaks Before UK Parliament -

TREACHERY: What World Leaders Will Learn From Nord Stream Attack -


Sy Hersh Interviewed, On How America Took Out Nord Stream Pipeline

US Official LOVES Ukraine Neo-Nazi AZOV Bn. -

Dem Congressman Confronted Over Bombshell Nord Stream Pipeline Story -

Ex-PM Naphtali Bennett: Biden Blocked Ukraine Peace Deal -

The Biden/Nuland Definition Of Democracy -

Trump Admits US Was Behind 2014 Coup In Ukraine -

Zelenskyi Threatened With Death If He Negotiated With Russia

(Ger.) Letzte SS-Veteranen marschieren durch Riga/Lettland -

No, Putin ISN'T Kidnapping Ukrainian Kids -

Corporate Media Runs With George Soros "Holocaust Survivor" Lie* -

*Soros / 60 Min., 1998 -

The Other Half Of The Story -

(Ger.) Genozid in Krim das ausgesprochene ukrainische Vorhaben gegen russisch-neigende! (u.a.) -

NYT Finally Admits Ukraine's Nazi Problem -

(Ger.) Baerbocks schlichte Weltsicht: Lügen oder Selbsttäuschung? -

Ukraine's Dark Secret: Hidden Agenda Exposed -

The Borscht-Reich -

Dreizin: The Total War Speech - Your Great Reset HQ -


Canadian Parliament: 2 Standing Ovations For Living SS-Nazi Present On Stage With Zelenskyi, Receiving Honors From Trudeau & His (Predominently Klaus Schwab Picked) Hall Of Ukraine-Zombies -

Canada Honors Nazi In Parliament: You Can't Make This Up -

Trudeau's Sliming Parliament Gives Ukrainianazi SS 2x Standing Ovations -
Canadian Parliament, Justin, Vlody & Yaroslav: Oops...! -

Canadian Parliament's Standing Ovation For Ex-Nazi, Dem Sen. Caught In Huge Scandal -
What Is Wrong With Canada? -

Canada's Nazi Celebration Goes Viral -
Chrystia Freeland Ignores Her Family's Nazi History -
(Ger.) Wir sind keine Täter -

(Ger.) Ex-BND-Mitarbeiter schlägt Alarm: "UNTER MERKEL..."! -

(Ger.) Das Putin-Interview: Die Lüge des Westens fliegt auf -

Cookies Nuland Steps Down After Gateway Pundit FOIA Request -

1 comment:

Franz said...

The matrix is a documentary. Every "never again" er should watch it and believe it.