Thursday, July 15, 2021

"Happy 100th", CCP: After Mass-Murder And Atrocities, The Propaganda And Trauma Live On!

“It is not so much death which characterized the Cultural Revolution, it was trauma.” (Frank Dikötter, historian who has painstakingly chronicled Mao’s brutality)

1) Epoch Times: CCP At 100 Years - A Century Of Killing And Deceit


COMMUNISM (from Marx to Mao) and National Socialism BOTH, in FULL measure, have not only wiped out entire generations -  still more: BOTH have so deeply traumatized the surviving generations to this day, such that the ONLY hope and ONLY practical, certain solution to EITHER form of toxic Socialism (Brown OR Red), its ONLY antidote lies in swearing off Socialism altogether - with the tools of transparent political decisiveness (i.e., will), real-world education, an honest (i.e., neutral and objective) media, and literature reflecting the truth.  And to secure this effect, putting stringent safeguards in place that Red Socialism has no more chance at any political power or credence than does Brown Socialism already.

The perverse thing is:  No one in today's globalist Left-dominated and pandering world is willing to do just that, so the dark insanity of Socialism now drapes itself in the Rainbow flag.  It is the same dark ADDICTION to raw manipulating power and violence, the same denial and gaslighting, the same disingenuous hypocrisy and swindle, scamming, intimidation and projection.

It is very much akin to alcoholism, it doesn't matter if you're hooked on beer, hard liquor, or both - you have to swear off alcohol itself.  Once you've sworn off all denial of your addiction to it.  If you have found or researched your way, or have been mentored OUT of this DEEP TRAUMA, then you are a conservative by definition (regardless of party affiliation, or independent from such).

In Germany, this is EXACTLY the case, and it took me longer than I'd ever anticipated to grasp that myself - and the maleable 20th-21st century German penchant for both the Brown and the Red, the latter being much harder to remove from the fabric of the national psyche, having held far longer reign and proven itself to be more devious. To dismiss this as "only" restricted to the realm of politics, which some may claim disinterest in, is to ignore the fact that politics is embedded in every aspect of daily life, whether one is conscious of that or not: political agenda influence if not actually drive the national narrative throughout the infrastructure of norms, from the commercial to the health system, from law enforcement to free speech and free assembly.  But lest we get lost in the banality of often enough heard statements, let us stay on point and keep this short:

This is why no one on the Left can or cares to see the NSDAP for what is was: Socialism - and by its own declared admission, "of the Left".  The PsyOp of the Marxists, neo-Marxism if you will, Cultural Marxism, is to gaslight it to the public by exchanging "Left" for "Right" - it was and remains the disinformation sleight-of-hand to distract from the vast atrocities of Communism with the convenient propaganda (in effect) of highlighting "Hitler and the Nazis" over and over, and obligatorily redundant calls of "Never Again!"  And if liberal Jews are Left stuck, and remain stuck - Marxist Jews are unreachable.

I will go so far as to maintain, that socialists (i.e., Marxists, communists) LOVE trauma, they thrive on it - it is by far the best way to control persons or populations, and to keep them under your control - likewise, disabling all opposiiton, including firm liberals as much as conservatives, as we are seeing played out today.  Barring of course, that one is blind or clueless.

Healing and real progression is anathema to them.  Democrats, academics, who may have never picked up a hammer and nail but want to "organize for the working class" which has historically rejected and disappointed them, changing tactic and going for the race card or LGBT-mania, or the climate panic, or the gene-manipulating trans-humanist injection rapture and push toward The Great Reset.  Ideological training in CRT and BLM tactics arouses the clichéed image of the black sharecropper in baggy overalls, shirtless, out in the field (the very term "woke" crudely reflects their pandering to a romanticized identification with "po' black talk" from field to ghetto - who actually are the racists here?) - part of THEIR Boulè PsyOp to hold Black Americans to the Plantation, with the soft-bigotry of Low Expectation and with faux-outrage giving vent to well orchestrated street rage, rampage and intimidation, and unmitigated destruction and chaos.

THEIR version of "healing" is more ideology and no healing - for the latter is to them, again, anathema.  Keep the levers of that trauma going, keep reinventing it!  Hold to the Frankfurt School doctrines and to Saul Alinsky's doctrinaire strategies.  As with the Holocaust among Jews, the Shoah is put to use, to bludgeon the mind and keep Jews AND Germans in check (not Czech).

The evils of Communism (all forms of Socialism, as they proceeded from Marx - as did both Mussolini and Hitler), share these same totalitarian characteristics with the Islam of Shari'a and JIhad, Du'a and Taqiyya - i.e., stringent codes of ideological orthodoxy, holy war, proselytizing, deceit.  And they each and all create and build on TRAUMA, on traumatization.

While we are on the main subject of trauma and traumatization, let it be firmly noted, in closing, that as of this writing: more and more is being uncovered, revealed, exposed to the light of day - the omertá and open secret of the past hundred years being broken open and addressed - concerning the relationship of paedophilia to the Marxist strain which has produced Socialism in all its forms, and to the Cultural Marxism now, which has thrown open the gates to a doctrine of globalism hostile to any and all national sovereignty and integrity of borders, with more trafficking and trade in paedophilia, and more indoctrination toward the acceptance and submission to it.

Healing through awakening is the key to ending the trauma, the traumatization visited upon humankind by Socialism dating back to Marx and bringing us to today's CCP and all its enablers, to this Stockholm or this Helper's Syndrome, so long as consent is there.  Do not consent to Communism, Covid or Climate propaganda and manipulation.  A nightmare can be broken the moment you suddenly grasp that you are dreaming it, then it is just a dream, and you quickly wake up.  The "Woke" will be outmatched by the Awakened.  We are getting there.

People of faith and bonafide patriots are taking us there.  Be one of them, dare to be conservative, it is the preservative of all that is just and real and dear.  We Americans have the Constitution, we can be that beacon of light to the nations, and we can hold in our hearts that divine antithesis to Marxism: Jesus Christ, who is acting with us and on our behalf.

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