Tuesday, December 8, 2020

LIES, Projection, Propaganda

Let us go through some lies, shall we?


These are all equally lies for the purpose of gaslighting and propaganda, targeted for misinformation, disinformation, projections to maintain ignorance (and foment arrogance against changing something about the latter by way of informing oneself - independently of whichever virtue-signaling cult rules the media).  But let us begin with a classic lie to set the point: that as with the first, so the rest - all lies with equal weight.  For as the first would rightly not sit well with my (formerly) fellow Jewish, or non-Jewish for that matter, liberal circles: somehow the rest on this list seem to suit them rather well, and that is what I am out to expose.


1. Auschwitz never existed, and the Holocaust under National Socialism never occurred.  All "baseless conspiracy theory" notwithstanding factual evidence.

Did you like that?  Good, so here are the rest, equally lies:

2. There is no such thing as satanism, much less satanic ritual abuse (SRA), and no such thing as the sacrificial terrorization and rape of children (girls or boys), nor their murder as culmination of the same - nor is there, under any such circumstances as claimed, the enactment of canibalism or the use of their blood for puposes of adrenochrome production and consumption.  All "baseless conspiracy theory" notwithstanding factual evidence.

3. Everything in (2) has absolutely nothing to do with elite circles, or with globalism, likewise all "baseless conspiracy theory".

4. The Migration Compact and The Great Reset are myths pushed by right-wing elements, as is any threat of Islamization - notwithstanding Marakesh 2019 or Klaus Schwab and the WEF, respectively.

5. Neither Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller nor Bill and Melinda Gates, have any kind of evil intent or influence on events, nor are "behind" much of what evil is afoot.  More "baseless conspiracy theory" - and anyone bringing up those first two names is an old-school "antisemite" in any event.

6. Covid is a real pandemic, is not the fault of China, but of Trump - and all critics or skeptics, toward either widespread mask-wearing, social distancing, and any further measures undertaken to combat this greatest evil of our time (next to home-bred right-wing Fascism) are a) liars, b) public dangers, and c) ignorant deniers of science.

7. Antifa is an idea, together with Black Lives Matter these both have justifiably and responsibly filled the streets of America wth righteous wroth in the form of peaceful demonstrations against a systemic and privileged White racism. (Rule of Thumb: "Violence" = Justified Defense against (8)...)

8. Proud Boys are White-supremacist fascists, as are all Trump supporters anyway, and all their claims of "justified self-defense" against (7) are actually their excuse for: violence.

9. The National Socialists were not socialist.

10. The Clinton Foundation is clean, as is that of Open Society.  Nothing happened in Haiti.  Obama was - and remains - a sterling President.

11. Trump is one of, and surrounds himself with, racists, antisemites, xenophobes, KKK, sexists, fascists, Hitler-wannabes.  There is no "left-extremism" - but plenty of right-extremism, only waiting for any chance.

12. Trump is an unpopular warmonger, obsessed with power, a narcissist, an elitist White-supremacist - who lost massively to Joe Biden.

13. Dr. Fauci is arguably the highest knowledgeable authority on virus control and on Covid altogether, masks and Lockdown are entirely justified.  Germany's Merkel is a model example of what a democratic and capable head of state really is about, unlike Trump.  She's got the pandemic down.  There's antisemitic right-wing Fascism on the rise again in Europe, in lock-step with Trump - Merkel is fighting the good fight with all her ressourcefulness.

14. The WHO and the UN are both doing their respectable best in the interests of humanity and of America.

15. All maintream news is to be basically trusted and consumed, which includes print media as well as television networks - whereas, anything you pulled form the internet is trash, right-wing propaganda, and misinformation if not outright fable.

16. Joe Biden does not sniff girls or grope women, has no history of corruption or rape, has always stated his position and stuck to it, has never pandered or prostituted himself, he had no ties with Ukraine, his son is clean, and he is as fit physically and mentally for the highest office as is Kamala herself when he goes.

17. Kamala Harris is eminently suited to be our next President, being Black and female, has never prostituted herself, radiates both kindness and firmness as well as thorough consistency and transparency.

18. AOC is an effective and thoroughly credible politician whose positions demand our respect.  Every bit as much as Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler - in fact, the entire DNC, which continues to hold the highest American ideals and speak for the people, as it always has.  Democrat-run states and cities across the nation, from coast to coast, have been models of government under their respective governors and mayors, throughout their terms, throughout this horrible Trump Virus, throughout the peaceful protesting after the clear and documented murder of George Floyd at the hands of systemically racist cops.

19. Ilhan Omar is straight-up, is far removed form Islamic terror or political corruption, has been baselessly maligned as "antisemitic".

20. Nobody has an "agenda" - except Trump and the right-wing White-supremacists.

21. Trump is the very threat to our economy, to democracy and freedom, to world peace and to any or all cooperation between parties, between groups, between countries, between world leaders and nations - the very threat to national security whom we should all fear and drive out of office, by any means necessary.  He is entirely responsible for: a) all the hate and division his divisive hatefulness has fomented and enflamed, b) the Covid outbreak, the pandemic threatening us all with its ever rising death toll, and its continued spread, c) the laughing stock among all world leaders which he has made America to be, and d) anything and everything else gone wrong or completely upside-down.

22. There is no "Deep State", nor ever was - all "baseless conspiracy theory" used by Trump to his own advantage, as he panders in all his Tweets to his uneducated and anti-social Nazi White-supremacist base.

23. There are no Black or Latino or Jewish or Asian or LGBT conservatives (or women) who would support Trump, ever - the very claim that there are comes only from Uncle Toms, confused Latino-Xs, insulated Hasidic Jews, an odd Asian, and misinformed gays or trans, Persons-Of-Color, respectively.  As we all know, women only support or vote Trump because their husbands do and they're afraid to contradict them.

24. All grounds for impeachment of Trump were, are, and remain real - he'd colluded with Russia and still does, tried to go quid-pro-quo with Ukraine in a phone call to cover his own corruption, is a criminal who pardons criminals like Flynn, puts children separated from their rightful parents into cages like animals, runs border concentration camps, hates immigrants, and lost to Biden fair and square because there was absolutely no fraud - (...notwithstanding factual evidence).


I could certainly list far more lies here, all of them accepted by the brainwashed "majority" which either voted for Biden, wanted Bernie, or just are obsessed with terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).  But I made my point.  If however, still not - go back to (1) and ... start again.

Good luck.

#TRUMP 2020 ... #WWG1WGA ... #WalkAway ... #BLEXIT ... #Jexodus


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