Monday, April 6, 2020

Satanism, Savile, And Battling Darkness

"Our hope for tomorrow is assured by those today believing we don't exist." (Current coin of the Satanic orgs, covens, societies)

Satanism, Savile, And Battling Darkness: Wilfred Wong - (Wilfred Wong has investigated Satanic Ritual Abuse for 27 years.) -
MSM And Online Satanism - 7 min. exerpt from above link -

SRA*. Say it, talk about it, shout it from the rooftops. It is real, it exists, it is deep. And always was.

I was commissioned as far back as early Oct 1973, to take a firm position
on this. Awareness has taken quantum leaps since that decade, and it took me nearly 40 years to get to work on it as concretely as we are doing now, eventually losing my FB page over just that. We have commited ourselves to this (among other) research and exposure since well before 2016. Writing, posting, sharing, holding public addresses in the face of "Anti"fa harrassment while under riot-police protection.

If you normopathic normies would just take two hours to watch even this
one interview, you would perhaps grasp why so much unprecedented energy has been expended, marshalled, mobilized and engineered, against this President, Donald Trump. And why we heard his call, sensed his determination, recognized his open declaration of war on trafficking and SRA.

And why I voted for him, why I'm determined to see that he completes a second termm in office.

While some may be aware that Manhattan's Central Park is riddled with underground tunnels - advertised as subway extentions - eye witness reports are out that a very large number of trafficked children have just been rescued out of just those very tunnels. Mainstream mass media will keep that from you, and for very serious reasons, incompetence being only the least of them.

Remember when NBC a short while back showed Syrian civilians being bombarded by heavy fire from Turkish or Syrian forces - and it turned out the footage was all from a night exercise in Kentucky, in some other year? The German FreakNews took off with that and never corrected itself, much like Merkel. CBS just showed footage of chaotic mayhem in the corridors of an Italian hospital - passing it off on the public as being NYC, ...Capisce?

While so many are on Covid-19 Quarantine and lock-down, powers and agencies and personages who have driven SRA and hindered its exposure will be dealt with, exposed, arrested, put on trial and sentenced.

Eph. 6:10-20
Courage, Clarity, Conviction. ...Capisce?

*(Satanic Ritual Abuse)

Successfully Prosecuted SRA Cases -

Child abuse linked to faith or belief -

There’s a Secret Tunnel Under Central Park -


Podesta's "Art" Collection -

Sydney Powell Evidence Weiner's Laptop -

(German) Warum Massenmedien #PIZZAGATE als FakeNews herunterspielen -

The LGBT Community is Sexualising Children -

Illegal Immigrants Drive Child Sex Crime Charges in North Carolina - North Carolina data indicates massive hidden problem nationwide -

Court Documents: Trump Banned Epstein From Mar-A-Lago For Alleged Assault On Underage Girl -

Trump Was 'Only One' To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case -

Billionaire Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Was Informant For Mueller’s FBI -

(German) Die Wahrheit über Notre Dame könnte dich überraschen - SerialBrain2 #157 -
1/2 -
2/2 -

Albert Pike / Ernest Miller / NWO 1970s-80s, and more -

NYC Children Being Freed From Underground Tunnels:  Operation Mercy & Comfort -

Or, just take one hour and 17 minutes to watch the following: Out Of The Shadows - The "Out Of The Shadows" documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of awakened professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video. -

UK's Hidden Shadows is a new documentary examining the recent history of allegations of child abuse and cover-ups within the British establishment. Filmed over the course of a year, the 90-minute documentary features interviews with victims of child abuse, journalists and police whistle-blowers. Each interview offers a unique insight into the alleged Westminster VIP paedophile ring that has darkened politics for the last five decades.

UK's Hidden Shadows was inspired by Out of Shadows: the brilliant exposé on how Hollywood and the mainstream media manipulate the multitudes by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Directed by Mike Smith, you can watch Out of Shadows on YouTube here:
We are not part of the USA-based Out of Shadows group. We are a London-based group operating independently.

UK's Hidden Shadows will be free to watch on all platforms. This Vimeo page was set up only for Shaun Attwood’s YouTube viewers who wanted to contribute to the production costs and to view the video before its official release here:

We hope to follow up this documentary with films about Jimmy Savile and Madeline McCann, which will also be free for everybody to watch.
If you only can afford 8 minutes, however, then go here - and hear this through!  The video appears to be in German, but it's all original English with German subs.  A mother delivers personal confirmation before a live audience, of SRA (ritual satanic abuse) - torture and murder included - out of her own (and others') children's experience -

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