Friday, November 15, 2019

Gleichschaltung, That's Something To Google

Gleichschaltung: enforced conformity, socialized synchronisation, through gradual mass grooming or by direct fiat, with rewards for normopathic compliance and varying degrees of punishment for dissent or non-compliance.

The East German SED-Unity Party and Stasi-State was not only never dismantled but rather handed over the entire German infrastructure, it was reassembled and is in fact - not figuratively or rhetorically speaking - the New Socialist State under Communist-in-Chief Merkel.  With old-former and new-generation Stasi such as Anetta Kahane, who like the Occupier-for-Life in the Chancellery, Merkel, had been an active and willing asset to the SED-Regime of the "former" GDR and its apparatus of informing and denunciation, repression and smear-tactics, intimidation, agitation, propaganda, and terror to the point of leaving behind a trial of suicides and ruined lives.

The highest ranking secret service, the German Verfassungsschutz, a concept and function somewhat akin to Homeland Security, has gradually reached the point of now - under its newly appointed head zealot - fomenting a climate of denunciation among citizens at home and in the work place, in schools and in universities, as well as in the professions and in the celebrity world - within sitting political parties already a constant, against the AfD.  Former Justice Minister and now Foreign, Heiko Auschwitz Maas, SPD (the "Auschwitz" is the "reason" he so tastelessly and opportunistically gives for having entered politics in the first place) had illegally pushed through a measure of censorship draconically called the NetworkEnforcementAct of 2018 for purposes of putting into execution his vision of denunciation, coertion, and intimidation.  This from a physical and mental, anal-retentively awkward dwarf who'd failed in three election tries during his rising career as determinedly poorly dressed Loser.

"Sex-Ed" from pre-school through middle-school has taken on the actual form (not appearance) of literally coerced early sexualisation in child educational planning.  Noncompliance by parents toward such a "curriculum" is being literally threatened with swift and direct consequences as draconic as a) fines or prison and/or b) having their own children removed from the family by the authorities (school and social services alike) - if this isn't already long in practice in the States, it is indeed already a factual phenomenon since nearly a decade now in parts of West Germany, and gaining ground.

Grooming, mental and physical abuse through social engineering, family-hostile and woman-hostile and child-hostile planning under the auspices - and with the assured blessing -  of a childless, ice-cold Trojan mare as head-of-State (with tail between her legs vis-à-vis her handlers, from EU to Soros - and Obama and Hillary until Trump appeared on the horizon) who has no more class or clue about leadership of (or even interest in) her own people than would a barnyard wench.

Let's have a look at one of the great pioneers - if not the quintessential pioneer - of gender-mainstreaming as we now have it today:  Dr. John Money, who could have been one of the Frankfurt School's own greatest Cultural Marxists, a true brother in spirit, a widely respected philanthropist of his day.  We'll just look at some exerpts from Wikipedia:

"He was one of the first researchers to publish theories on the influence of societal constructs of "gender" on individual formation of gender identity. Money introduced the terms gender identity, gender role and sexual orientation and popularised the term paraphilia.

"(...) During his professional life, Money was respected as an expert on sexual behavior, especially known for his views that gender was learned rather than innate. However, it was later revealed that his most famous case of David Reimer was fundamentally flawed. In 1966, a botched circumcision left eight-month-old Reimer without a penis. Money persuaded the baby's parents that sex reassignment surgery would be in Reimer's best interest. At the age of 22 months, Reimer underwent an orchiectomy, in which his testicles were surgically removed. He was reassigned to be raised as female and given the name Brenda. Money further recommended hormone treatment, to which the parents agreed. Money then recommended a surgical procedure to create an artificial vagina, which the parents refused. Money published a number of papers reporting the reassignment as successful.

"During subsequent appointments with Reimer and Reimer's twin brother Brian, Money forced the two to rehearse sexual acts, with David playing the bottom role as his brother "[pressed] his crotch against" David's buttocks. Money also forced the two children to strip for "genital inspections", occasionally taking photos. Money justified these acts by claiming that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity". (...)

"For several years, Money reported on Reimer's progress as the "John/Joan case", describing apparently successful female gender development and using this case to support the feasibility of sex reassignment and surgical reconstruction even in non-intersex cases. Notes by a former student at Money's laboratory state that, during the yearly follow-up visits, Reimer's parents routinely lied to staff about the success of the procedure. Reimer's twin brother, Brian, later developed schizophrenia.

"David Reimer's case came to international attention in 1997 when he told his story to Milton Diamond, an academic sexologist, who persuaded Reimer to allow him to report the outcome in order to dissuade physicians from treating other infants similarly. Soon after, Reimer went public with his story, and John Colapinto published a widely disseminated and influential account in Rolling Stone magazine in December 1997.

"On July 1, 2002, Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. On May 4, 2004, after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and marital troubles, David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. Reimer's parents have stated that Money's methodology was responsible for the deaths of both of their sons.

"Money argued that media response to the exposé was due to right-wing media bias and "the antifeminist movement". He said his detractors believed "masculinity and femininity are built into the genes so women should get back to the mattress and the kitchen". However, intersex activists also criticized Money, stating that the unreported failure had led to the surgical reassignment of thousands of infants as a matter of policy. (...)

"John Money was critical in debates on chronophilias, especially pedophilia. He stated that both sexual researchers and the public do not make distinctions between affectional pedophilia and sadistic pedophilia. Money asserted that affectional pedophilia was about love and not sex:
'If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who's intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual ... then I would not call it pathological in any way.'
"Money held the view that affectional pedophilia is caused by a surplus of parental love that became erotic, and is not a behavioral disorder. Rather, he took the position that heterosexuality is another example of a societal and therefore superficial, ideological concept."

SO, friends...can you spell NAMBLA?  Can you detect any distinction between his defense of "affectional" pedophilia vs. sadistic, and his predelection for pseudo-scientific sexual predation on boys he'd been grooming and abusing, given his private sessions with those Reimer twins?  Neither can I.  Were their suicides just a fluke, unrelated to any ideological manipulation or sadism, or to the irresponsible damage by this renowned philanthropist and professor in good standing?  Do you begin to grasp where Gleichschaltung has taken hold thanks to pioneers of pedo-science such as Money?  Is it true, that nomen est omen?

Cultural Marxism: "Antiauthoritarian" authoritarianism of the worst degree.  We already see here that the coerced conformity generally, is Gleichschaltung - but what explains the abusively sexualized intrusion into the realmo fa child's own sovereign world? Some form of MK-Ultra?

Benjamin Kaiser, KULTURMARXISMUS, Seuse Verlag, 2018 (pp. 122-6, 132/6) - my translation from the German:

"(...) Behind this development is a program. And that is the cultural Marxist redefinition of the term 'family'.  In current politics, 'family' no longer means father, mother, grandparents and children, but a concept of sexual color-spectrum in which 'various forms of living assume responsibility for each other'.

"In the name of individual emancipation, the traditional family was discredited with the result of adapting family life - and the image of female existence - to the logic of exploitation of the labour market.

"(...) Although the sexual revolution in the 1960s was initially actually an individually carried movement, it was not a movement that was carried by the individual.  Today, however, it has long since mutated into a state-regulated ideology that is more about Gleichschaltung than individual liberties.  Because more and more often those responsible use state coercive measures to enforce their program against dissenters.

"For example, most educational plans in Germany and Western Europe can now provide the prescribed practice of homosexual and polysexual practices.  The aim is to question the role models 'man', 'woman' and 'family' and to 'overcome' them with the help of guided sex games.

"So you now have a reality where ten-year-old children are forced to learn, among other things (e.g., gang-bang or fist-fuck), how and on which parts of their bodies lesbians may lick each other with their tongues.  Parents who refuse to let their children take part in this program are threatened by the arrival of police who will be taking their children into custody.

"What initially came across as 'open' and 'tolerant' is now more and more like a colourful Carousel of Death: Somehow it is supposed to seem 'colorful' and 'diverse', but in the background the once existing hope for a 'freer' and 'more open' society has long since become a grey ideology.

"Every dictatorship casts its shadows ahead.  So does the soft dictatorship of Cultural Marxism.  Hans-Jochen Gamm, a renowned professor of education at the University of Oldenburg, among others, wrote in a 1970 handbook for teachers in the federal state of Hesse:

" 'We need the sexual stimulation of the pupils in order to carry out the socialist restructuring of society and to thoroughly eliminate obedience to authority, including the love of children toward their parents.'.

"Similar to Wilhelm Reich and many representatives of the Frankfurt School, Gramm saw the 'traditional' family with its alleged 'authoritarian upbringing' as the culprit of National Socialism (...)."

Kaiser goes on to explain here, that this very school of thought pursued a position that, according to a "study" by a West-Berlin Central Council for Socialist Kindergartens back in 1969, six children studied from the notorious Theresienstadt concentration camp who had had to survive 12 months without any contact with their parents, had been "enriched" and "liberated from parental authoritarianism" through this "experience", providing these students of Marx what they held to be a "sound argument" for collective childrearing.  The sheer cynical, cold  perversity of this ivory tower mentality leaves no doubt of these theoreticians' mental state. Kaiser continues:

"The example of the Berlin kindergartens may seem an extreme exception.  The problem is that it was precisely those forces that held such positions at the time that today set the course for family policy.  Since the turn of the millennium at the latest, these forces have not only determined what the family should look like, but have also determined what happens during so-called sexual education in schools, kindergartens or youth groups.

"Because 'sexual liberation' does not only serve to promote alienation from one's own parental home.  Above all, it has the function of guiding children to so-called ''manifold'' sexual experiences and encouraging them to become queer, homosexual or pansexual.  In this way it is to be prevented that morality, tradition and faith are passed on to the next generation. (...)

 "Behind all this is the strategy of gender mainstreaming. (...) A look at specialist book titles such as 'Gender Mainstreaming in Pre-School' shows that the gender policy demand for 'instigating gender confusion' is an integral part of educator training (...)".

In closing with one last exerpt, following Kaiser's mention of Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner as hyped "courageous roll-model" against whom all skeptical observations are deemed and shot down as up-tight and "heterosexist", he goes on to give an actual and non-satirical confirmation of Monty Python's prophetic scene at the arena,out of "Life of Brian", with the handful of pathetic "revolutionaries":

"But even mothers don't stop at gender mainstreaming.  A draft law (2016) on the new Maternity Protection Act states in Par. 2(1):

"A woman within the meaning of the law is any person who is pregnant or who has given birth to or is breastfeeding a child, regardless of the sex stated in (that person's) birth record'.

"One is to draw from this that it gives the abstruse idea that men could also become pregnant and have children. (...)"

FridaysForFuture, which has found itself becoming inextricably aligned with the likes of the radically socialist "esoterically weird" Extinction Rebellion (itself and offshoot of Soros' Rise Up, as with the gaga-nihilistically destructive and clueless "EndeGelände" - which had made a name for itself trashing a natural forest for the purpose of "rescuing nature", all these are calculated to play their role in a divide-and-conquer model from above, as well as the indispensible use of all media.

It is open season on conservatives, the "war" on "hatespeech" has led to an ever deeper entrenchment in NewSpeak, while "hate crimes" of speech, thought, critical persuasion, opposition, objective analysis - now even (by current standards) moderates, centrists (i.e., centrist-left, left-centrist)  are being literally and brutally targeted by the black-ninja-wannabes of the new SA thugs; whose image is groomed by the media which abets them as "loosely organized" when in fact they are thoroughly backed in finance and in training, in networking and organizational logistics, permitted to continue runningtheir open and criminal page for coordinating before and taking credit after each significantly destructive vandalism, each blackshirted physical attack, and each of a growing number of manslaughters and attempted murders.  This SA is literally and verifiably the paramilitary wing of the sitting ("left-of-CDU") Unity-Parties under Merkel: SPD, The Greens, Die LINKE, just as its "Anit"fa counterpart in the States are the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party.

A high ranking CDU politician Lübcke's murder in West-German Kassel was a gaslighting of attention toward "the right", and as false a flag as was the Halle attack or any others which were not already Islamic in nature or openly Left-fascist.  In the case of Lübcke, for example, we now know that he was liquidated on account of child trafficking - either his involvement or as a potential witness, as Germany (esp. Berlin) is of central paedo trafficking value.  Who this alleged "right wing perpetrator" they nabbed and suddenly you hear nothing more about, was, stooge or controlled actor or fata morgana, is as irrelevant as any other in a long list of cases I could put here - all that matters is the narrative which is sold to the public for complete Gleichschaltung, conformity, obedience.

We are in the midst of an enormous ideological experiment of social engineering, foisted on the public to accept by mass-propaganda - on pain of coercion, intimidation, smearing, and the already planned re-education facilities.

Replacement and Resettlement - get with the program!
Whistleblower Reveals That A UN-Planned Invasion By Refugees Into The US Is Already Underway - (US: A Missouri woman is interviewed by radio-show host, Josh Tolley, and tells how she became involved in her state’s refugee-immigration program and how the program is far more extensive and advanced than most people realize. She describes how the UN, under the heading of Agenda 2030, is planning immigration into the US similar to what is happening in Europe. The goal is to create chaos and lay the foundation for breaking the US into smaller political units with equal UN representation – and the end of America as a sovereign nation. ...) -

Diseased Refugees Obtaining SSN and Passport Upon Arrival - (Refugees are flown in at night and given SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS and PASSPORTS completely non-vetted.) -

Thomas More Law Center Uncovers Taxpayer-funded Islamic Propaganda on Teachers - A SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE REPORT- (ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has uncovered evidence of a well-orchestrated Islamic propaganda campaign aimed at teachers in school systems throughout Michigan and several other states. ...) -

Islamisation, appeasement, naive and very suspect affinity, odd collaboration between presumably incompatible Left and Islam - except that they share so much totalitarianism in common, that the Left doesn't even see where this romanticizing symbiosis is inevitably going...the Muslims do (even the communist YPG/PKK Kurds will eat the Left in the end)

The Islamic and Muslim Brotherhood in Germany - All Strength for the Propagation of Islam
(The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is no less than an Islamic world revolution with the prospect of a global Islamic world state. A guest article by Peter Helmes about one of the most dangerous networks of political Islam. ...) - Ger.-

And this, 14 months after the - still running though from the start disproved - Chemnitz LIE on the part of Merkel and her Merkel-media:
Iranians and Bulgarians - Chemnitz: 17-year-old Held Down And Raped By Migrants - ("...
It is already racist today to warn young girls and women not to get involved with this group of people. Instead, girls are drawn by the mainstream to become easy and naive rape prey for the childless Chancellor's "guests" by broadcasting formats such as KIKA and the Arabic-language "WDR4you" even in childhood.

"Only three days ago, the news of a gang rape by other Merkel migrants on Halloween night in Ulm penetrated the media: Police are currently investigating "five young men" for the joint rape of a 14-year-old girl. According to Michael Bischofberger, spokesman for the public prosecutor's office there, the nationalities of the "suspected participants" had "no significance for the proceedings". The sex offenders come from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan.
  ...") - reported in German --

Here are the realities in Western EUrope one will never find reported in the mainstream press, nor discussed on mainstream TV.  That's because the constantly peddled narrative for the mass Gleichschaltung withholds these harsh realities from the public in order to keep all attention on the "Kampf-gegen-Rechts", the extremely hyped and marketed propaganda-narrative of "all citizens joining the Merkel Badministration in its program (not without pogroms) of Fight against "the Right".  What they won't show you:

And a couple more realties of Gleichschaltung:
gamesoftruth (Ger) - Eliminate differences between men and women! - (This video is based on the research of the ExpressZeitung from Switzerland.) -

gamesoftruth (Ger) - NEOM - City of the future under construction - (Artificial rain, artificial moon, artificial teachers, artificial staff, drones as a means of transport, total surveillance - the city of the future is currently being built.....) -

The public had been fed - and is still being fed - by Merkel's own and by media propaganda, the Chemnitz-Lie, where both visibly "Anti"fa-adherent (this one with an unmistakeably "RAF" tattoo on his raised hand!) set up by the Verfassungsschutz and even VS members themselves staged "Hitler-salutes" for the ever-cooperative press cameras while mingling with angry but non-violent demonstrators made up of a general range of normal citizens venting their protest after a Cuban-German Chemnitz resident had been fatally knifed by three of Merkel's OpenBorder/No-Penalty Syrian and Iraqi "refugees" on the open street - demonstrators who in all their scores and hundreds were being categorically depicted as "Nazis" and "right-extreme populists", including (if not above all) AfD politicians lending their presence and support.

Caught RED-handed! (And with "RAF" tattooed on that hand...)
How the ARD TV-broadcast "Tagesschau" made its fake "Nazi" disappear

(At the place in the media library where the "Tagesschau" contribution with the Antifa-Nazi should actually appear, at minute 7:21 but was deleted
- (this is all in German) - , it now says that "these pictures may not be shown for legal reasons.")

(Ger.) Verharmlost die Netflix Serie "Die Welle" Linke Gewalt? Eine Hommage an die Antifa, FFF, XR...! -

(Ger.)  30 Jahre Rote Flora Hamburg - Linke: "Militanz bleibt eine Option" - VS will Spezialeinheit gegen Rechts -

The 2nd American Revolution -

Geo-economics of Saudi Arabia's NEOM Project -

Btw -THE TUNNELS WERE REAL ALL ALONG: Finders, McMartin Preschool & ABC Epstein coverup -

"A Child's Voice": The Next Massive Disclosure Will Schock The World - John Paul Rice -

Ronald Bernard On Child Sacrifices And Abuse - (Dutch with English subtitles) -

The following passages are translated from two PI-News articles - the first and then the update - whereby the (as with the Democratic Party) ever further and further Left determined Social.Democrats (and let this be firmly noted: with all the inherent hypocrisy, totalitarian tendencies, sloppiness toward German traditions of mourning or any sensitivity toward its own people - employing GDR-socialist red rather than traditional white - and rather than checking first as would anyone else, especially when it concerns official wreath-layings, placing all the blame on the florist employee), the badly polling and record-losing formerly second largest party in Germany wants to "take measures" - but read for yourself:

"It's not a fake, it's the pure truth. The SPD in Nordrhein-Westphalia has mercilessly embarrassed itself during the laying of the wreath on National Mourning Day. The Mülheim comrades from the sub-district and the council faction permitted (having failed to take notice first) their own mourning ribbon, which literally read, rather than addressing war and fascism as intended: 'To the victims of war and fucked-over-ism'. (...)

"It cannot be ruled out that the un-word was chosen unintentionally, by whomever. Here, too, the comrades are taking the right position. After all, the SPD has been responsible for education policy in NRW for many years. One only has to think of their school program promoting the idiotic idea of 'writing from hearing'. (...)

"This is not the end of the tragedy. The flower seller is heartbroken, she has resigned, the flower shop is closed on Tuesday for staff reasons. The SPD is going one better. Mainstream's BILD-tabloid:

    "...'They have called in a lawyer and want to ask the nursery and the printer to comment once again. Also the police are now investigating due to the large public interest in the meantime, and the national security was informed. Yet nobody really believes in a political act.'

"The SPD now wants to take security measures, 'so that something like this doesn't happen again,' noted Mülheim's SPD leader Rodion Bakum.

"PI-NEWS tip: pick up the wreath yourself in the future, check the label, lay it down yourself. Then maybe some honest mourning will work out better."

"I don't want to die!" Climate Exploitation of Children - (Children are being used as proxies for climate change hysteria across Canada. Ecojustice is acting on behalf of children in taking the Ontario government to court of the relaxation of certain climate laws, and a key child turns out to be the child of a woman who is on the board of the non-profit foundation of "We Don't Have Time" - the green billionaire carbon offset platform that uses Greta as their walking advertisement. The National Post has reported that even 7 year olds are being terrified in class on climate ‘We’re going to die’: Toronto mother says young daughter terrified by school presentation on climate change.) -

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