Sunday, August 11, 2019

Chopped Liver For a Shmendrick: the Jewish Left

>Germans who are Jewish and part of the Alternative (AfD)<

I cannot name anything more Pro-fascist than the "Anti"fa.  I'm hard pressed to find anyone in the political etablishment with more racists, more antisemites, more opportunists among its rank ranks in matters of dis-integration, crime, child trafficking, abortion, fraud - than the Democrats.

It would be a challenge indeed, to find more grotesque hypocrisy and a worse culture of artificial posturing, Groupthink intimidation, mobbing, than among the Left.

Here are two samples from my own lexicon:

Chopped Liver:  a liberal Jew who discovers to his chagrin - and fatally late - that the Muslims he'd shown "tolerance" toward and "solidarity" with, against all warning signs, are NOT "on his side" (to put it gently); and that his own "liberal community" has been selling him out all along.

Shmendrick:  a liberal Jew who discovers to his dismay - and only AFTER the indictments and convictions are meted out - that among that vast elite paedo and child.trafficking circle of networks, there were an uncomfortably disproportionate number of Jewish persons of power and prestige and influence.  And yes, I do mean many celebrated philanthropists among them.

Now here's a "Catch-22": in Stuttgart on the open street and in broad daylight, a Palestinian from Jordan (who'd passed himself off as "Syrian" and remained illegal with "tolerated status" as an "asylum seeker" - and with a police record) slaughters a Russian-German, who'd recently reported him for the above-mentioned fraud, with a samurai sword - before the eyes of the German's now quite traumatized 11-year-old daughter.

Since the Russian-German was Kazakhi, it is possible - nowhere so mentioned, mind you, only my notion - that he might also have been Jewish.  Something like the alleged "Serb", who, mere days prior to this in West German Voerde, had shoved an unsuspecting German woman before an oncoming train to her death, happens to be a Kosovar - and one can (and should!) very well presume that he is a Muslim and not some Eastern Orthodox "Serb".

Peanuts!  Kindergarten!  Bubkes by comparison to what a certain limp-academic Rabbi Alter, en route with his little daughter
in the quiet Berlin-Friedenau district, had to experience a few years ago: being aggressively addressed and threatened by Muslims, imagine that.  Without drawing any consequences.  Or recently Rabbi Teichtel, also from the Berlin Jewish Community - he was also mobbed and spat at by Muslims on the open street, oy vay!  Likewise without drawing any consequences.  Or the Munich rabbi with his children on a sunny day on the street, shortly thereafter - just as badly abused and spat at by Muslims.  And...without drawing any consequences.

No, instead, these System-Jews in particular stick to their pact with Merkel, with her open borders, with her decidedly intransigent importation of ever more hundreds of thousands of Jew-hating Muslims from all Islamic areas, with her thoroughly programmed and unrelenting knee-jerk propaganda of "fighting the right"...  The main thing is to keep up the victim posture that instrumentalizes the Shoa - and the Germans.  And what is the consequence of that? 

Jews starting all over again to leave Germany in order to save their life and limb.  Cowardly traitors to their own German Jews, yes, and to their own German fellow citizens.  But as the hypocrisy of "Never-Again!" has known no limits, which is coming back to bite them with a tragic vengeance, my sympathy with them has long since reached its limit. They position themselves in the face of each incident of aggression with statements that they are "above reacting to this low-brow antisemitism" - so I say to them, keep that "above" shit up as you always have, and you may find yourselves six feet under, as you often had.

But don't talk about Stuttgart, don't talk about Voerde, don't talk about Frankfurt, don't talk about Dortmund... Otherwise you'll wind up being a "Nazi" and an AfD "collaberator", or some kinda "right-wing populist".  The Jews who do draw the conclusion are only those in the AfD, (JAfD) - and they are precisely those who are brusquely dismissed and nastilly frowned upon by the Alters and Teichtels and Knoblochs (et al) of this world.  Because these Jews are German patriots.  And a thorn in the ass of the System-Jews in this gradually more communist Banana-Republic cracking open under the broad weight of Merkel's mental State.

It bespeaks a zeitgeist of sheer madness, it is shameful.  Politically correct, gaslighted, brainwashed - on the one hand cowardly and controllable, on the other hand socialistically and consciously profiting.  It is about negative power, negative and unconscious power - dark, dark power, the pursuit of it, or more of it.  At others' expense and at all costs, walking over bodies, come what may.

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