Friday, June 7, 2019

It's Back

Warum Nationalsozialismus Sozialismus war und warum Sozialismus totalitär ist
27. Mai 2019 – von George Reisman -

Yes indeed:  "Why National-Socialism Was Socialism And Why Socialism Is Totalitarian" - a very good read.

But enough about just National-Socialism - we can even put aside the (nonetheless apt) term, Cultural Marxism for a moment - what we are in fact seeing unfolding before our eyes, and will prove itself in all its insane bruatlity in the very very near future, is Maoism, literally and with a dark, mindless, panic-mongering intensity: from Merkel Itself to the beady-eyed Greta's #FridayForFuture, with "Anti"fa thrown in for good measure.

This is all abetted by Merkel and Steinmeier, Maas and more - and steered and geared by enormously large resources behind the bogus "grass-roots" (Astroturf) "movement". Again: the NSDAP was Left, not "Right". The Right was always conservative, and the real, actual non-ideological (non-communist) Resistence to Hitler's regime were conservatives from the Right, together with some Social-Democrats, who not only resisted but effectively laid plans for a post-Hitler, reasonable and sovereign Germany.

They'd appealed to the American and British Allies for support and were rejected, thus extending both war and holocaust for another couple years. Had they been supported, hitelr would have been snuffed out. but I'll be writing on this shortly...

"Communism is always recognizable where the criminals are protected and the Opposition is criminalized."
(observation form an AfD politician)

FRIENDS AND SKEPTICS: MERKEL HAS ushered in the next totalitarian state - this is not rhetorically speaking, but quite real and ice cold behind all the worn-thin teddy-bears and gaslighting.

CRITICAL FREE THOUGHT is bieng repressed, squeezed out and persecuted through "interventionist" propaganda via media, Maoist ideology infesting the youth, and a mass dumbing-down leading to crass conformist behavior and normopathic cognitive inhibitions by way of intimidation.

FREE SPEECH, both spoken and written or in print, has become criminalized and is now facing real and draconic punitive measures. Thousands of FB and YT videos, accounts, channels, either have been, are now being, or will be shut down, deleted from the web. Internet users are being addressed inoffical public messages, to INFORM AND TO DENOUNCE, i.e., to turn "suspects" in - to the BKA.

There are house searches being made by the Federal Police (BKA) - critical voices are now "suspects" and "perpetrators" of "hate speech". Thought Crime is not far.

(Need I say, where it comes to getting decisively illegal and deportable aliens out of the country or bringing down the intensely established criminal Clans out and gone - no spine whatsoever, just fear of "possibly racial profiling" at the cost of all measure of security and public well-being.)

ALL CRITICISM toward Merkel, or toward her Administration (e.g., toward its deliberately passive and quietly supportive strategy vis-à-vis established criminal Arab/Turkish Clans and terrorism toward Germans), or toward her ethnocidal policy of Open Borders and unconditional mass immigration into Germany from almost exclusively Muslim cultures - OR ANY CRITICISM toward the actual and open program of Islamisation via state lies and gaslighting, via soft-jihad, parallel societies, and the legitimisation and "normalisation" of FGM, polygamy, and the infusion of Shari'a - OR ANY CRITICISM toward the evidently insane climate-hype and -hysteria (and other such fanatical ideological excesses) - CRITICISM TOWARD ANY OF THIS will earn the "perpetrator(s)" penalties of up to five years time and/or a hefty fine. For "hate speech".  And on this very score, children and youth are being groomed and schooled - literally - to challenge and "expose" and denounce the very parents who have sent them off to skip school with a hug and a pat, and the over
 forty generation altogether: as such, as "authority figures" to topple and to goad into ideological submission to the Rule of education-hostile hysteria àla hitler, àla Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot...Saul Alinsky.  Yes, the children, the youth.  The "Anti"fa, the Greens.  How does the 12-looking "16-year-old" autistic Swedish hand-puppet, child of a Green-elite family line, the icon and darling of the new hysteria, Greta Thunberg, put it everywhere she jets and globe-trots, while skipping school herself and calling on everyone her age to take the year off?  "I want you all to be in panic."  And chaos of course.  Saul Alinsky.  Point taken, got it.  Merkel and Steinmeier consider her the best thing since slcied bread, the Greens are drunk on her, whenthey're not stoned on everything else they swallow or shoot up.  Power and control.  "#FridaysForFuture".

 "Martin Niemoeller" Part  III
Re-education centers - or shall I say, concentration camps?  What had been ironically predicted (and deliberately, 180°-misquoted in the press) hardly three years ago by a guest speaker at a weekly Pegida-Dresden rally, now finds confirmation among voices in theSED-successor party, The Left. Inside this dominating party.  Inside this downsliding party has been seriously suggested, that we should be seeing Central Admission Points for "Nazis", in order that "the rest" can "go on with their lives".  Considering that in the recent EU elections, the brown-socialist NPD, The Third Way, and The Right - each so marginal that most don't know they exist or in the NPD's case stopped being relevant 30 years ago - each won less than 0.04% of any votes...some "Nazi Threat".  Small wonder, they are each by far infiltrated and steered by the Homeland Security itself (Verfassungsschutz) and as such are always left untouched, unmolested, of no interest even for the State-subsidized "Anti"fa-terrorists.

That is because they are strawmen, nothing more, so that the Merkel-State and Consortium of Fake-Parties can "argue" the case for the Grand Scam of "Fighting-the-Rightwing".  Thus is no energy or effort spared in vilifying and excluding and ceaselessly mobbing the conservative AfD which entirely represents what the now-lame CDU once had been.  So when those Re-education Centers do get set up, who indeed will be "the Nazis"?  I don't even want to see the actual brown-socialists land there, because the very idea of such detention centers is out of the National-Socialist and its successor the East-German SED-Socialist "Experiments" in coercing the "New Man".  That is why the AfD is so dangerous to them all, because it is authentically democratic in intent and they are fascist - whether the irrelevant brown-socialists, nor the dominating red/green socialists, nor the profile-neurotic rainbow-socialists.  Furthermore, as we know - or should by now - "Nazi", or whichever boo-word is the current coin, is whoever those in power, and we are talking again about socialists here, say are that.  And they have all the agencies and institutions behind them and the media at their disposal in doing so.  Sound familiar - darkly familiar?  It should.

So when the AfD politicians or members or even voters and sympathizers (like myself) find themselves incarcerated as "Nazis", this will include the JAfD, i.e., the Jews within the singularly oppositional AfD.  And this with help from Merkel's own System-Jews - much like the 14-year-old George Soros of his youth, for which period in his life he still beams.  "And when they came for the patriots I said nothing, as I was not one; and when they came for the AfD I thought nothing of it, as I never voted them; and when they came for the Jewish members of that oppositional party or for Jews opposed at all to Merkel, to Islamisation or to the OpenBorders and unconditional and illegal mass immigration she represents - I did nothing about it, as I was not myself Jewish.  Then one day they came for me...and no one was left, who would go to bat for me."  ..."Martin Niemoeller"3.0...

The Third Socialist Experimental Revolution on German soil is being fomented and has taken root - and it is characteristically fascist and totalitarian in nature. I am in shock right now, but then we saw all this coming. (Even its already being in effect has been missed altogether by the majority - but not for much longer. So FCK "Never-Again" - it's Again, alright, it's socialistically back in business!)

THERE IS A GERMAN DeepState (as there is everywhere), and this one's preparing its intended revolution in stages.
FRINEDS AND SKEPTICS: It is as real as the taste of incarceration for standing on conscience, or of wanton murder for the same. The MerkelYouth are being steered, schooled and groomed to dump school education and to turn on the older and next-older generations AS INFORMANTS AND DENOUNCERS - familiar yet? - as had the HJ, the FDJ, the Maoist Youth of the "GreatLeapForward", each in thier times, always the same.

We may go down or not, but we will go down fighting this. I know where I stand and with whom, and for what. It remains to be seen, at what price.

(Or whadaya all expect, I should shut up maybe?...I don't think so.)

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