Thursday, January 3, 2019

A Tale Of Two Cities, And A State Of Too Many Lies

Back in September of 2018, there was the Merkel and Media promoted Fake-News lie that the Saxon city of Chemnitz was host to a "rightwing" mob chase and harrassing/beating of "foreigners" in "reaction" to the stabbing death of a Cuban-German Chemnitzer by several of Merkel's "refugees".  Not only was the entire claim proven to have been fabricated all along by the Left - perniciously kept alive by same Merkel and same Media still now - the alleged "mob-chase" was concluded by all law enforcement agencies dirctly concerned, never to have been by any "rightwinger Chemnitzers" against foreigners, but in fact was exercised by "Anti"fa elements on the persons of unarmed protesting Chemitz citizens themselves outraged over the murder (even when it concerned a rainbow-Leftist himself).

Confirmed as a Merkel-and-Media Propaganda-Fake by the Chief of Police, by the City Commissioner, the Saxon Interior MInister, all the way up to the Federal Interior and the highest Federal level of  law enforcement, the German head of Verfassungsschutz (Homeland Security).  This latter, a guy named Maaßen, explicitly went on public record that no such "pogrom" had occurred  from the propaganda-strawman of the "rightwing", none whatsoever.  This of course directly contradicted Merkel's going repeatedly on record as claiming it had.  So he again went on public record repudiating her Red Herring.  And in the face of Merkel's insistent lie, picked up and steadfastly reported by fake-press as "fact", and despite his second public insistence to the contrary, Merkel persisted, the Verfassungsschutz Chief got dropped, was forced to take his hat and leave, even as the Media backed down on it - without one single apology to its dwindling, in fact hemorrhaging, reading public.

His replacement in the Verfassungsschutz persists to this day in Merkel's lie.  And Merkel persists to this day to wield power over all established parties and her Media - without opposition except by the AfD and civil initiatives across Germany.  (Let me remind, we were in Chemnitz ourselves as well, thus belonging to the "pack" of "Nazis" - if one believes Merkel and her Stasi embedded lackeys:  the mayor of Chemnitz, the Federal President, the ex-Justice-now-Foreign MInister.)

All that I have already clarified concerning Chemnitz is here - if one notices the occasional white-out of a photo in my links, it's merely because that was taken from an article or googled and still needs replacing, whereas all textual content remains intact - below here:
and here:
...and here:
...and...oh yes, here - in the course of my interview on just this:

(Similarly in the Baden-Württemburg city of Freiburg it stands mentioning, that in October the murders which have increased there were likewise protested by largely middle-aged and retirement age citizens and their children, and these were likewise blocked off by and phyically attacked by massively organized "Anti"fa, with police and press likewise looking the other way and offering the Red-and-Rainbow Brownshirts of today free access to the likewise defenseless protesters.)

My posted clarifications concerning that as well, in Freiburg, are as follows - here:
and here:

Now in eastern Bavarian town of Amberg at year's end, again a true mob-chase occurred - and this by Merkels "asylum seeking refugees" - Syrians, Afghanis and an Iranian - specifically chasing down German citizens going about their day on the open streets and in open daylight, beating them to the point of hospitalization.  Those who managed to get away were hunted down a second and a third time by said Merkel-Hopefuls and attacked further, any who tried to intervene came into the line of fire.  The Amberg mayor has lied concerning this, the press lies despite the still-fresh affair which had just placed the once-reputable Spiegel in the worst limelight of its history netting it and many other "reporting" mainstream sources severe losses in readership.

Censorship and cover-up continue in a climate of omertà, both in press and in television, on Youtube and on Facebook, wherever it concerns exposure, examination, discussion and clarification of facts.  As "hate-speech", mind you.  Not censored (mind you) are the grotesque distortions and lies on the part of the globalist-Left, on the part of the Islamic channels, on the part of Rainbow-apologists.  I have yet to meet a single TV-watching German in Berlin, who was even aware of the recent ambush and beheading of two naive, starry-eyed Scandinavian Rainbow-SJWs in the vicinity of Marrakesh (where Merkel had just rushed her ass over as the only actual head of State there, to sign onto the "nonbinding"-but-legally-coercive-after-all UN/EU Global Compact for Migration).

The mainstream globalist-Media under Merkel's considerable influence - it is of no consequence whatsoever that she found herself compelled (much thanks to Trump, let me add) to give up her post as Madame Chairman of the Party (merely "replaced" by another colorless Mini-Merkel functionary), she remains ChanceLiar of dhimmi-Deutschland - continues to lie and to cover-up what is actually occurring, twisitng facts and fabricating still more.  Those expressing somewhat more optimism than myself are viewing 2019 as the year in which we'll finally see much finally being exposed to the public for what it is, in which much will implode upon itself.  Before we see this, much will explode outward, the infrastructure will be shaken.  And it won't be pretty.  We are in for a very dark period before the worm turns.

The actual Islamisation which is fact, the actual "Anti"fa pogroms fomented by the globalist-Left which is fact, the actual coercive climate of gender-mainstream insanity which is fact, the literally satanic and paedophile engine behind all of these harrowing policies (from federal down to local) which is no matter of "conjecture" but fact, the furtherance of communist indoctrination which is fact, the emasculation of both police forces and the Bundeswehr which is fact, all remain on the foremarch, all hailed as "good" and healthy:  in the nightmarishly promoted fantasy-program of "Fighting-the-Rightwing" - yes, they all keep wanting to "fight Hitler"...  The normopathic sickness of conformity at all costs is rampant, even as it gradually wears thin and is coming apart at the seams, it drives full steam ahead in a panicked, nihilistic dance of death stopping at nothing until Germany becomes a tattered, completelyThird World Banana Republic, a ghost of its former "sovereign" self.

There is no mistaking however, that this American President, openly acknoweldging his own ethnic German roots, and for whom I'd voted and for which purpose I'd voted, is pursuing the undoing of this very madness as the only sitting U.S. President who has ever been outside the System.  Whereas the formerly celebrated UN Blue-Helmets have been exposed for their paedo-participation in child trafficking, and the likewise celebrated White-Helmets proven to have been involved with IS-terrorists and propaganda all along: Trump has announced the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and Syria - which leaves Merkel's tattered and dramatically under-equipped Bundeswehr quite alone in those far off boondocks.

And he is garnering all he's got, to build the U.S.-Mexican wall and strengthen the border; he has stopped off to see the troops stationed in Iraq, and he has significantly just visited the U.S. troops stationed at Germany's Ramstein Base - a clear signal to Merkel - and is preparing Guantanamo for a massive new clientele of real traitors and real criminals - who one may expect might not all be American, but EUropean as well.  And in this, 2019 may prove to be the year in which the hammer finally falls.

It would mean that Chemnitz finally becomes vindicated, Amberg finally becomes vindicated, Cologne and Freiburg and so many other German cities and towns finally become vindicated.

Meanwhile, as the mainstream globalist-Left Merkel-press continues to play off New Year's Eve 2019 in Cologne and elsewhere, the truth is that there were widespread reports (confirmed by police and ignored by the mainstream) of the now fully predictable sexual attacks and mob-beatings against celebrating Germans (primarily women) on the part of Merkel's "new-citizens" with criminal records and deportable - as officially legitimized now by that Global Compact signed in Marrakesh - and physical attacks by these same, together with the long since obligatory "Anti"fa terrorists, upon firefighters and paramedics as well as upon police:  this, all across Germany.  On New Year's Eve.

On Christmas Day in Munich a 60-year-old woman answered the doorbell to her apartment,  As she opened her door, oneof Merkel's-Enrichers pushed her and forced his way in, rapingher in her own apartment.  On Christmas Day.   But never mind that, the mainstrema press didn't mind it either.  Nor the numerous - I mean numerous - cases of gangs of Merkel's "nondeportables" running amok and accosting, knifing, beating...well, Germans, who else.  Never mind all that.

In a climate of real GDR-StasiState disinformation and misinformation, "news" is vastly manipulated.  This has been so for as long as Merkel's hold on power, and continues at a now hysterically accelerated pace.  The term "Stasi" is to be understood here as not rhetorical but literal and factual.  For example, while the aforementioned real attacks are played down or go altogether unreported, a driver in West-Geman Bottrop was so beset with a gang of Merkel's Darlings that he panicked and drove through the melee, this can we observed so on video if one looks at the matter objectively - the propaganda press snatches this moment and runs with it without checking facts, hailing it as "yet another example" of "rightwing drivers ploughing through a group of pedestrians".  Get the picture now?

Spreading also - let the elite beware, and they are indeed - is the Yellow Vest protest which has taken on the proportions of a real and determined movement from Paris to every Western still-nation on the Continent and beyond - notwithstanding the "Anti"fa infiltrating its ranks as usual and fomenting more violence for its part.  Pegida is still in full numbers, the AfD gathers in strength.  The answer to the decadent globalist-Left's delusion of  #wearemore and #indivisible is our #wearestillmore.  Prominent names of Old Leftists among the literati who have awakened and raised their voices - and joined our ranks of "Nazis" and "Islamophobics" and "racist xenophobics", indicate that this is much more than any "right vs. left" development, far more a reckoning with a now panicking Elite which is seeing in every gradually awakened and active populace the very threat to its matrix of power which it had used all the machinations at its disposal to prevent.  From Chemnitz to Kandel, from Hamburg to Stuttgart to Munich, from Cologne to Amberg.

Amberg in eastern Bavaria is but the  most recent symptom of what is being confronted, exposed in spite of the Fake News peddling globalist Media and DeepState censorship.of dissent.  We will be see all this descending into a real hell before the ascent out of it, thanks to those with backbone and perseverence, makes its mark once and for all.

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