Saturday, July 7, 2018

What's "Right"? I'll Tell You What's Left

What's "Right"?  I'll tell you what isn't, and then we will see what is in fact, and always was, Left.  Sometimes one has to take one's own long-held beliefs and perspectives to task, take the perhaps excruciating and yet liberating course of throwing dead baggage overboard, realizing that not only is it deadening, but that it always had been.  This may be taken in steps, sometimes a quantum leap of sorts in the twinkle of an "aha!" moment.

It is made all the more refreshing by sensing the palpable authenticity of having known the one perspective for so long and taken leave of it, for that which is more real, more grounded in fact, and likewise inquisitively open and flexible for further development according to actual information as it is continualy gathered and assessed. 

It is also made all the more difficult however, in a pervasive and intellectually stifling climate of political-correctness which literally dictates with emotional bludgeoning all that does not fit with the advancing extremism over the past decade into the present, representing with accelerating fervor and escalating pressure - even violence - the very Leftist ideology one had discarded and freed oneself of like a pseudo-religious sect, by merely reacquainting oneself with a clearer perspective and adjusting one's own coordinates with life and with political realities as they affect all lives, whether everyone is conscious of this fact or not.

In their book, Living With The Left (p.239), Austrian authors Lichtmesz and Sommerfeld refer to a study by an American opinion research institute, which found that "those of the Left are much more intolerant of conservatives or (even) 'moderates', than vice versa".

How often, over years where I considered myself, and identified with being, a "liberal Democrat" - with "socialist sympathies" out of a sense of obviousness which needn't be challenged or discussed, as nearly everyone in my circles of contact were more or less of this same cloth - did I sense some lack of ground.  Still it was simply "understood", a no-brainer supported by a wide echo chamber - which I'd only much later felt compelled to come to terms with being indeed that: a No-Brainer.  Two factors particularly contributed to my waking up on this, to put it in a nutshell:  the German Left, and the Clintons.

But all those years, how uncomfortable it was to be confronted with finding - or hearing from others - that it was often conservatives, yes sometimes even voting Republicans, who were most open to what the other person had to say, who were most liberal toward what other viewpoints there were to matters, who were the least racist because of not having issues about race, who had the least invested in "being right" or dominant on anything, being more likely to champion freedom of mind and opinion and speech.

What is Right is, and has always been, in various degrees across any spectrum, at its core conservative, just that.  It may even carry some quite liberal elements within itself.  (Only the Left would reject this assertion, but I'll come back to them.)  Right is by nature nationally grounded and patriotic.  This need have nothing to do with an ideological "nationalism", for as is the case with any ideology, it is known to be the death of any possibly good idea.  To be patriotic and to love one's nation and one's people, and to identify most with one's own native culture and identity, is hardly at some risk any more - at least long since not, to be honest about it - of fomenting hatred or bellicose contempt toward any neighboring or foreign state or culture.

Right is therefore not, by any necessary or honest definiton, "reactionary" or "fascist" or domineering, let alone bellicose.  With the French Revolution's radical terror as fore-runner to the wonders of Communism:  Every system which has governed over the longest periods of the 20th - and, so far I'm afraid, current - century in a characteristically totalitarian manner, whether under a specific dictator with personality-cult or a dictatorship by overweening control-freaking ideology-functionaries keeping the Machine oiled and its rule draconic, has always been and remains even now:  Socialist.  That is, of the Left, and of none other.  The Right has always been the national and conservative thinking, at best stabilizers and at worst rather stuffy.  A Holocaust is no product of the Right, and no faking the facts will ever make it so.  Hitler's was a revolution in the strongest socialist terms - not the "socialist" in NSDAP was the manipulation as we'd been taught to regard it, but the "national", for although it was that indeed, it was the red-herring of this brown-styled Socialism looking to re-invent the wheel as Socialism always does, and always at severe cost in human lives, suffering, failure.

Permanently installed Concentration and Death Camps, Gulags and Stasi-prison systems, the threat of any of these as a part of a ruling shadow of terror - all these are of the ideologically Left-totalitarian conception in subduing, controlling, coercing a populace into numb obedience.  An obedience to the raw power of Socialist tyranny.

Now, then - what is Left?  It so happens, that while the Right is by principle always the bulwark of stability, preservation of culture and values, which in a working democratic and Constitutional system should ideally provide for changes, as was originally so intended, in order to keep the system doing what it already is doing - only better - the Left by contrast is constantly concerned, even obsessively so (with a classically socialist drive for power), with Social Experimentation and "creating" The New Man.  Whereby their renowned "humanitarianism", less an expression of, than a replacement for, a grounded religious or spiritual upbringing, is alarmingly shallow and self-serving - if not also criminal in intent.

What my dear partner Rana and I in our findings and observations, and those within our contemporary circles of discussion, exchange of ideas, and public demonstration, all have known for some time - and which has just received still more precise confirmation from the Trump Administration's entirely unique source of guidance cryptically known as Q (Q-Anon) - is that, not only were "The Nazis" (that is, National-Socialists) in fact Leftists - by HItler's and by Goebbels' own public admission - of the Left, from the Left, they were entirely socialist to the marrow.  None from the Left today will even grasp this if you tell them, or if they've "heard it all before" it will be automatically rejected.  (As "propaganda" of course, which the Left itself should know best about.)

The fact is, coming to just thatIt was no one less than the CIA itself at the very onset of the post-war years, which got right to work on all the newly established press media spreading the disinformation on National-Socialism, that it had been "right-wing" when in fact it was - and they were, Hitler and Goebbels quite specifically - Leftist.  The CIA is still at it to this very day, media-control included.  The EU as Hitler had envisioned it under German rule, was effectively confiscated by the Allies and set into new planning as far back as war's end. The continued intent to sublimate or destroy German advancement and competitive dominance in peacetime affairs (this itself having already led to two world wars) still envisions a socialist re-booted EU-Soviet of sorts, now centrally run out of Brussels over and above anyone's national sovereignty, yet with Germany (which still has no soverignty of its own to even "lose"!) as the main driving engine for the whole production - making it once again further un-loved by its neighbors.  Thus Merkel.  And the Inter-Nazis.

So the real role played by the overextended Holocaust guilt-complex undeservedly driven into this generation and passed on to the next, is also in keeping the myth alive that this very Leftist mass-mechanized atrocity was ever a "right-wing fascism" indelibly stamped into every German's - and observer of Germans' - psyche as "The Nazis" without anyone giving a thought to what that "-zis" is loudly telling us.  Do you see?  (Or do you still not-see?)  If the Nazis were Left, were Socialist, that would be problematic for a very Soviet manner of EU (about just which manifestation Gorbachev himself later expressed astonished dismay), so they needed to be rendered "right-wing" fascists.  And this worked without a hitch.

They were not enemies of Communism (German or Soviet) but its competitorsBoth were brutal and both were domineeringly, draconically totalitarian in their joint but of course differently carried out determination to form The New Man, to forge the better Social Experiment and rip the future from each other's clammy blood-soaked hands.  And (real, actual) neo-Nazi fringe groups since then and today, callling themselves, or letting themselves be called, right-wing or -extreme:  they're all as full of shit as any SJW college professor or "Anti"fa-subsidizing politician in the Bundestag.  There was brown socialism and there was - and is now, as virulent as ever in its final Last Stand - red socialism.  Both hate freedom, both hate the sacredness of children, both hate what a woman really is about and what manhood is, both hate the natural sexuality which needs no gender-mindfuck to "improve" or improvise on anything, both hate real tolerance, real diversity, and both hate intellectual integrity, balanced physical and mental health, the real science and art of being Human, and honest hard reflection.

The Left we see before us today is not the classic Left of progressive thinkers - yes, there are indeed those, with all respect, but we are observing precisely these being increasingly pilloried as "Right" for contesting or contradicitng the politically-correct tyranny of the Regressive-Aggressive Left we see before us today.  In a brazen display of cowardice and sheer Groupthink, shouting us down in an attempt to drown out our words with blaring redundant content-free noise and vocal tantrums, and to bolster this manner of "argument" with bottles - sometimes Molotovs - with the cobblestones of the very streets they seek to occupy, oil/petrol mixtures or glue products to spray or toss at unsuspecting demonstrators, sitting blockades which the police won't clear, parked cars set afire, bicycle ride-by attacks or other sneaky tactics (doxxing, defamation and libel, serious vandalism of private property and psycho-terror). Murder is not yet quite their M.O., but its criminally verifiable attempt has been duly noted, reported, charged.

What do they want?  They want Hillary, they want Deep State.  They want Soros and all his NGOs, they want the NWO.  They want #OpenBorders, they want Islamisation (without admitting it exists).  They want the sheer destruction of land and limb which these are bringing, for they do not give a goddamn, they believe they will ride some kind of wave into power (over everyone else, as always with Socialism), not once grasping that they are riding ever closer to the Abyss into which they will tumble to their deaths - in this very lifetime.  They want Mao, they want Che, they want their "Revolution" now.  They want Hitler and don't even known it.  They want all this.  And they want to be known as "The Resistance".  But like every other term or claim they either fake, misname, pervert, abuse or outright destroy - this is one they will never own.  It's not they who are the Resistance - they are the System itself, with all its bile and venom and corruption and nerve-deadening, soul-consuming, child-sacrificing, photo-oping, commercialistic toxicity.  System-Dems, System-Reps - in Germany it's the whole spectrum of bloc-parties, from Merkel's CDU/CSU through the SPD, The Greens, The Left, even the normally inconsequential FDP.

And that is what's Left.  After that, there is only the AfD.

We are the Resistance.  Trump is more than "the 45th" at his Oval desk, he is the Resistance.  Here, where we take to the streets as we have for over three-and-a-half years, we - the AfD, Pegida, the Identitarian Movement, the still-unaffiliated but already fed-up citizens of more and more German cities across this Banana-Republic:  we are the Resistance.

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