Sunday, December 20, 2015

Rewards and Punishments

When you are sovereign in knowing that you are naught – your dignity
doesn't lie in recognition from this world's company, you can relax
and just love.

Evangelical Christians and loyal adherents of "The-Religion-Of-Peace"
are so hell-bent on seeing to it that heaven or paradise await them after death.
I could care less. God's sovereign Presence is my heaven here and now.

The zealous and the not-so-zealous may sell
their own loved ones to avoid hell. To hell with this shit,
I say, and if a rabbi tells me it's just a "long sleep" I guess I'll pass.

I've slept long enough in my lifetime, I'm staying awake for this.
So wish me to hell, I don't care – I carry God's love in my heart
and in my marrow, where I am doesn't matter, this will never abandon me.

Wishing everyone a beautiful and a blessed Fourth Advent.

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