Thursday, October 22, 2015

The PEGIDA Notes, part II

13 Apr.

IN MEMORIAM: YOSI DAMARI was a 22 year old Israeli who'd traveled to Cologne, stayed there a while then headed for Berlin last week and approached the Israeli Embassy for assistance reaching his parents back home to arrange a return flight there. As Passover was just approaching, he wound up being invited by the Chabad Community rabbi to stay for Seder and was offered lodgings. He decided instead to take a room in a hostel near the Klosterstr. subway station, adjacent to an old Franciscan monastic ruin in mid-town, evidently sharing the quarters with an Albanian - had he stayed. On Saturday he had neither been seen at the hostel nor was he to appear at Seder. He was murdered in broad daylight, in the front court of the ruins right where you see the memorial on Apr. 12th taking place here. The act was so brutal that his face was destroyed to the extent that the police, who'd found his body Easter Sunday, could no longer identify him by his passport photo, they had to resort to a DNA match. The Albanian, being the chief suspect, had fled to the Czech Republic and was apprehended there, should be extradicted any time now. The memorial took the form of "giving Yossi back his face" using the passport photo, and returning his dignity. Therefore it was never a German or a "right extremist" act, as anyone with sense here would know but which the Central Jewish Council and the media as usual prematurely claimed because that's good press. No, it was an Albanian and for that, Muslim. Bad press. Don't ask, don't tell.

Speaking of dignity, or the entire lack thereof, conspicuously and despicably missing from the memorial event were the following: any single representative of the Central Jewish Council, and who'd also failed to so much as mention this on their page (I've been blocked for having commented there on just that); also missing from the memorial were the district mayor, the Lord Mayor, any Church representative - Catholic or Protestant; not a single dignitary or celebrity. No one, just a couple dozen Jews and non-Jews who did show up and heard a brief word of mourning and a psalm being sung. I spoke my Kaddish, funeral or no funeral. Photos of Yossi were carried to the gate you see of the closed ruin, set down with candles and some flowers. The above mentioned "Town Worthies" will be hearing from us, and we will not mince words.

The murder makes me sick at heart, the memorial saddens me, but the bloodless, scraping, appeasing hypocrisy of keeping a muzzle on this (not to start trouble with the Muslims) makes me puke. HAD it been some skinhead neonazi, ALL of Berlin's "Gutmenschen" would have turned out, they'd have made another useless chain of lights to feel good and ALL affirm in chorus, "Never Again" ad nauseum. They commemorate Buchenwald but cannot bother with a murdered 22 year old Israeli just around the corner, who could have been our own child. To avoid embarrassment they just brush over it and 3,000 attended that same time of day a campy "anti-homophobia" parade in a heavily Muslim district on account of a young gay Egyptian who had been dragged home by his own family, murdered and burned by them. No mention in the parade of the fact of Shari'a or Muslim attitudes and brutal traditions toward gays throughout the Middle East - and in this and some other districts of Berlin. You would have thought this was an act of German "homophobia" or "right extremism." Just leave the Muslims or rather Islam out of the equation of causes and effects, and keep everyone in a happy-goofy fog of "multi-culti."

The six-day oil candle I keep burning on my window sill, 24/7, is there for just such cases as Yosi, or this Egyptian lad - because you can never know at any given moment, what is being done to whom or where, which would break your heart if you did. But God knows, and God is the witness. We who were there today held a vigil of witnessing. And we were witness as well to the absences which were so conspicuous.

20 Apr.
We made it to Schloss Bellevue, the Presidential Dwelling Quarters. We sang the National Anthem, all three stanzas as always, with particular gusto. My two placards that evening read as follows:

(Und liest nun, Epheser 6:10-18)

(Without Judeo-Christian Culture, there would be no "West"!
And now read, Eph. 6:10-18)


(Whoever judges or insults my German co-citizens of today,
for being German, is a racist!)

25 Apr.

Two things I found interesting here, as we were unceremoniously sent away by the Left-Green-SPD-Antifa (ca. 150 of those altogether present) Israel-"Support" rally in front of the big Arena where some 30,000 or so Hamas-loyal attended the Palestinian National Conference (PNC). We knew we would not be welcomed as Bärgida or as Jewgida, because we're politically incorrect and antisemitic, racist and fascist. We merely came as ourselves, nothing about us indicating Pegida or any other "Gida" - but it appears we got outed and damned fast. Okay, someone recognized our faces from the nonviolent Monday Walk-demos we've become rather known for. Maybe some of the Antifa present here in unexplainable "support" for Israel (!) were in Frankfurt that March night when they hurled heavy slabs and bricks and bottles at the defenseless Fkft. Pegida Walkers, striking one young woman right in the head with a large stone - maybe they have a good eye for detecting us even without Bärgida or Jewgida stated anywhere.

Actually I had expected many more to be at this support rally, and thought our idea was to join with StandWithUs, who so far as I'm aware were a no-show. My mistake. American Jewish Committee (AJC)? Dunno, we couldn't stay long enough to find out. So we wound up being escorted for security reasons (good ones, too) by the police who actually have the best relations with us, as we enjoy generally very good cooperation with each other every Monday evening.

And we wound up waaay around two corners and up the street to a backyard lawn of the Arena grounds. The cops must have thought, as did we, that the six of us unimportant and irrelevant figures would just be there satisfied (we were that) and unnoticed (that we weren't) with our couple of statement placards and flag-with-fish (oldest symbol of Christianity, and for persecuted Christians anywhere) - I had my yarmulke on, and my "No-to-Shari'a" T-shirt of course. To the surprise of the police and to us, there was a sort of welcoming demo for arrivers to the Conference, of (We're-not-Hamas-yes-we-are!)-Palestinians with lots of flags and a loudspeaker (their speaker was himself pretty loud and tiresomely tireless in his tirade toward us). As we placed ourselves, or were placed by the police escort, pretty far off to the side and well out of their way, the total reaction of this 60-70 person group of slogan-chanting, cheering, jeering group of Palestinians and their handful of gleeful "gutmensch" German supporters, was to turn their entire attention toward us, so many yards away and actually behind them, blocking no one, and scream at us, provoking any possible reaction on our part, which to their grave disappointment and evident chagrin, was just not forthcoming. We made no gestures, spoke no word, offered no grimace or menacing signal, we just stood our ground and held our vigil, which it was merely intended to be. We observed, we witnessed, we held vigil. But for them it was already too much, because we're politically incorrect and antisemitic, racist and fascist.

The police doubled their presence for our protection to about 30, keeping the Palestinian participants from edging ever closer to us, keeping them at bay. We even were moved a few yards back - twice - during the nearly two hours of our standing there and taking this barrage without a second's break, of very twisted propaganda, illogical epithets, accusations, presumptions and open provocations - the usual as one would expect form a guy like this Fuad A. The thing is, we would have stayed there longer, but as the Conference itself had ended, the police wanted to break up our six-some and escort us directly back all the way to the subway.

We had caught Fuad observing us fixedly at the subway stop when we'd arrived, not knowing who he was but knowing what he was about, as he called his contacts on his cell phone. We proceeded from there to the rally which had unwelcomed us. Now standing on that lawn for the better part of two hours, he shouted himself nearly hoarse trying to break us down, flying into a rage when he saw that his and their tactic of intimidation wasn't reaching us, we just didn't get it. And he tried everything, from insult to ignorance, I almost brought out my violin. He especially zeroed in on me, on my person, which I really took umbrage at, as my five companions were every bit as irrelevant, unimportant, calm and unprovoking as I was, yet he seemed particularly pissed off at moi. He tried boring into me with his glaring eyes fixed as he frothed, and while he did bore me half to death, I steadily fixed my eyes squarely on his, unmoved, unperturbed. This was no great feat on my part, I wished in my heart for him that he would get therapy.

The worst insult was that, beside calling us the "anti-Germans," meaning that all "real" Germans today are pro-Hamas (he should have gone around the corner and counted the Antifa and Left-Greens at the "Israel-Solidarity" rally, who on every other day of the year are indeed pro-Hamas and decidedly anti-Israel) he also accused us of keeping "anonymous" on FB, which meant he'd never taken the trouble to visit my page. So I now dis-invite him to do so.

After we'd departed (he expressly took that as a "win" on his part, as if we'd gotten tired or wet our pants and went home with our tails tucked in) we six rode together a few stations, and then Rana and I spontaneously went off to a large Armenian demo-walk through the main central parts of Berlin. It has been one hundred years since the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Turks. Turkey heatedly denies it was that to this very day - and only now, marking one century, some countries, and the sitting Pope himself, have openly and officially recognized the murder of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 as genocide. Now it's out. Washington, to my shame but not to my surprise, still doesn't get it. Germany, much to my surprise, has joined in recognizing this as genocide - i.e., the President, Gauck - for once has gotten something right; Chancellor Merkel still waits for orders from Washington on anything. The Turks held a counter-demo on other streets and all kept separated by our very capable Berlin police, but they got more press on the TV news than the Armenians themselves, which telly me a great deal. The Armenians were super, they were fascinated by our fish-flag, their speaker thanked the non-Armenians who'd joined, mentioning that among them were even some Turks who'd woken up and reflectively dealt with their past as most Germans eventually 
had, and have, with theirs.

The special bonus for ourselves that afternoon, was when among all their other calls and slogans, the Armenians repeated from time to time: "Never again!" which was really nice to hear from non-Jewish, non-Shoah voices just for once, it made it fresh again, original, after so many years of lip-service at official, hand-holding, photo-op "Holocaust-Events" - and we joined the Armenians as they called out to the high rooftops, in broad daylight: "WIR SIND DAS VOLK!" (We are the People!)...gee, it felt just like our Monday evenings.

1 Jun 2015:

REDE, DIREKT AN DIE LINKEN UND ANTIFAS, Berlin Hauptbahnhof am 1.6.2015: "Patriotismus ist rechtslastig? – Zitate linker Patrioten" - (Anlass: Montagsdemo bzw Spaziergang, bei den Bärgida Mitstreitern)...

Linke Mitbürger!

Immer wenn sich heute ein jemand in Europa zum Patriotismus bekennt oder sich für die Bewahrung der nationalen Identität ausspricht, ist der Nazivorwurf nicht weit entfernt. Patriotismus gilt gemeinläufig als Rechts und wird als Ideologie gesehen.

Antideutschtum und Sozialismus sind miteinander absolut unvereinbar. Antideutschtum ist eine Ideologie der Etablierten und spielt ausschließlich ihnen in die Hände.

Wem nützt die Verachtung der eigenen Nation und Identität denn tatsächlich? Etwa dem sich befreiendem Volk? Nun sei jedem gesagt, der sich Links oder sozialistisch dünkt, dass er (oder sie!), wann immer er (oder sie!) eine antideutsche These formuliert, seinen (oder ihren!) Vorreitern, Idolen und Wegbereitern unaufhörlich und pausenlos ins Gesicht schlägt!

Die nachfolgenden Zitate linker Schlüsselfiguren werden dieses Dogma brechen! Wer unter euch, immer mit keinen von diesen Namen noch anfangen kann, darf später Googeln:

Friedrich Engels: "Wenn eine fremde Macht ein Volk ermahnt, die eigene Nationalität zu vergessen, so ist dass kein Ausfluss von Internationalismus, sondern dient nur dem Zweck, die Fremdherrschaft, zu verewigen."

Ernst Thälmann: "Deutsch und kommunistisch sind keine Gegensätze. Ich denke nicht daran, von meinen Grundsätzen auch nur einen Millimeter abzugehen. … Die Befreiung der die Befreiung des ganzen Volkes!..."

"Wir Kommunisten lieben unser Volk und unser Land. Weil wir unser Volk und unser Land lieben, kämpfen wir... Wir bejahen die Nationalfrage."

"Mein Volk, dem ich angehöre und das ich liebe, ist das deutsche Volk; und meine Nation, die ich mit großem Stolz verehre, ist die deutsche Nation. Eine ritterliche, stolze und harte Nation … Ich bin Blut vom Blute und Fleisch vom Fleische der deutschen Arbeiter. ..."

Ja, Linke Mitbürger, er war damaliger Vorsitzender der Roten Front, was später z. Antifa wurde – und ihr, als dessen heutigen Ableger und Verräter, tretet seine damaligen Idealen mit Füße – und versteht kein Scham, so ignorant, und arrogant dazu!

Mao Tse-Tung: "Kann ein Kommunist als Internationalist gleichzeitig auch ein Patriot sein? Wir sind der Meinung, das er das nicht nur kann, sondern auch muss! Wir sind Internationalisten, und wir sind auch Patrioten; unsere Lösung: Kampf zur Verteidigung des Vaterlandes...!"

"Deshalb ist der Patriotismus der Verwirklichung des Internationalismus im nationalen Befreiungskrieg. ..."

Che Guevara: "Dieser Ruf findet das Verständnis und die Unterstützung aller Völker dieser Welt,...(und)...lautet: 'Vaterland oder Tod!'"

Hugo Chavez:
"Heute, nach so viele Kämpfen, haben wir ein Vaterland, dem wir uns hingeben können. Vom Grund meines Herzens, rufe ich nochmals alle (Menschen)...auf. Denn wir manches, doch im tiefsten Wesenskern sind wir Patrioten. … Patrioten..., gebt Acht! Unsere Gegner, Feindes des Landes, werden niemals aufhören, Intrigen zu spinnen und versuchen, uns zu teilen."

Rudi Dutschke: "Wenn die vom bösen Deutschen oder so etwas reden, und wir das noch mitspielen, dann sind wir natürlich erst recht in der Niederlage drin und werden nicht in der Lage sein, deutsche Verhältnisse … zu reflektieren. Auf der einen Seite gilt es, die nationale Besonderheit als solche zu reflektieren, und damit wieder Identität zu gewinnen."

"Schwer genug, in der Tat – ein gebrochenes Land – damit eine Identität zu gewinnen, national und sozial, extrem schwierige Angelegenheit. Aber auf der andern Seite, unerlässlich … "

Bertolt Brecht: (Sein Vorschlag, von seinem Stift, für eine alternative Landeshymne) – eure Aufmerksamkeit, bitte aufstehen!

"1. Anmut sparet nicht noch Mühe,
Leidenschaft nicht noch Verstand
Dass ein gutes Deutschland blühe,
wie ein andres gutes Land.

2. Das die Völker nicht erbleichen
Wie vor einer Räuberin
Sondern ihre Hände reichen
Uns wie andern Völker hin.

3. Und nicht über und nicht unter
Andern Völkern wolln wir sein
Von der See bis zu den Alpen
Von der Oder bis zum Rhein.

4. Und weil wir dies Land verbessern
Lieben und beschirmen wir's
Und das Liebste mag's uns scheinen
So wie andern Völker ihrs."

Eines Steht also klar, keiner von uns beiden vertritt Sozialismus!
Denn ihr seid weder Sozialisten noch Patrioten!
Nein - die Patrioten stehen hier, bei uns!

Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.

(Quelle: )

June Entries, 2015:

("'Antifa' - the Hitler-Youth of today...")

"Wurden nicht 1933 und folgende Jahre alle Menschen mit anderer Meinung als die der Nazis von deren Gruppen wie SS und SA zusammengeknüppelt und sogar erschlagen? Das nannte man dann Diktatur. Heute nennt man diesen Meinungsterror 'Demokratie' und schlägt ebenfalls Andersdenkende zusammen, vermummt, und nimmt lachend verletzte Polizisten und Bürger in kauf. Und ein Grundgesetz, welches nicht das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit eines jeden Bürgers gewähren kann oder will, gehört in die Mülltonne. Diese links-grünen Idioten geben sich nach außen als grün und rot, als tolerant und weltoffen, sind aber in Wirklichkeit nur saudumm, innen braun - und die wahren NAZIS."

(Werner Bernshausen, Juni 2015)

Here are some of our own best conceived large posters we'd brought out in the face of the SAntifas:





My Fighting Anthem (thanks for the impulse, Wm. Blake):

"Bring me my bow of burning gold,
bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear,
O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
I will not cease from mental fight,
nor shall this sword sleep in my hand:
till I've restored Democracy
on Berlin's green and pleasant land!"

July 2015:
Was man als Deutsch verstanden hat, hieß bisher: Deutsch.
Nun kommen die Grünen, mit deren „Biodeutsch“ als Hohn gemeint.
Auf solche „Gutmenschen“ mit deren Wortgift, wäre Goebbels stolz –
Auch er hat, längst vor Cem, die Opposition „Mischpoke“ genannt!
Wir drehen den Spieß, die Deutungshoheit nehmen wir im Anspruch!
Wo Linken, Grünen, "Antifa" und Mainstream gern manipulieren,
Geben wir eine Antwort, eine bessere, als deren propagandistischer Fluch:
Denn die, nicht wir, sind die "ewige Gestrigen," die versuchen etwas zu belehren!

Aug. 2015:
Ein Publikum, das Toleranz predigt als Antwort zu Taqiyya, steht vor Tätern gelähmt, hörig, vor ihrer eigenen Opferschaft.

A public which preaches tolerance toward those practicing taqiyya, will only stand paralyzed before perpetrators, in willing obedience to its own peril.

(The following statement has been in my private archival collection since 1994, and remains burned into my conscience to this day...)

"I ask for one thing: you who will survive this era, do not forget. Forget neither the good men nor the evil. Gather together patiently the testimonies about those who have fallen. One of these days the present will be the past, and people will speak of 'the great epoch' and of the nameless heroes who shaped history. I should like it to be known that there were no nameless heroes, that these were men, men who had names, faces, desires, and hopes, and that therefore the suffering of even the least among them was no smaller than the suffering of the foremost whose name endures in memory. I wish that they may always remain close to you, like acquaintances, like kinsmen, like yourselves."

- A Christian Czech Resistance Fighter, executed by the Nazis

ITEM: Recently in the news – en route on a train travelling between Brussels and France or so, a lone Morrocan Salafist packing Kalashnikov heat began firing up and down the aisles. He was overpowered and very professionally taken down by two American soldiers and one civilian Brit – all three unarmed. This incident illustrates three significant things:

1) There is no “2nd Amendment” argument to be read into this;
2) Americans and Brits can almost be expected to react swiftly and effectively when called upon, it’s in the mentality;
3) None of the three was a German, nor would be even if this happened in Germany; the reason for this is, that German males have been gradually intimidated into becoming the malleable, emasculated Metro-creatures of today, via EU-dictated “tolerance”-propaganda, gender-mainstreaming, censorship, and manipulative NewSpeak propagated primarily by The Greens and The Left parties respectively. This is the future being prepared for Europe, and already well underway. I wish it were not so, I really do.

28 Aug:
I AM FOR freedom of speech and opinion, and freedom of the press.

I AM FOR openness of discussion and dialogue.

I AM FOR the right to unpopular perspectives, and the right to express these, however critical or “politically incorrect,” on a level of mutual respect and on the basis of agreement to disagree. Any comments spoken or posted toward what I state or post are admissible in this spirit. In the ever so rare case that what is expressed is either far too ludicrous or inappropriate, under-the-belt or offensively aggressive for its own sake, I’d merely remove it by erasure without further ado.

No one risks being reported by me to FB, either on the American side or on the European; the EU is drawing ever nearer to tightening its grip on this freedom, toward forcing FB to conform to and comply with undemocratic and dictatorial measures being undertaken. That remains to be seen.

But not here, and not on my watch.

All are welcome.


ICH BIN FÜR Rede- und Meinungsfreiheit und Pressefreiheit.

ICH BIN FÜR Offenheit in Diskurs und Dialog.

ICH BIN FÜR das Recht auf unpopuläre Perpektive, das Recht diese auszudrücken, egal wie kritisch oder “politisch inkorrekt,” auf eine Ebene von gemeinsamen Respekt und basiert auf Einverständnis um nicht-einverstanden zu sein. Jede Kommentar, gesprochen oder gepostet, gegenüber den was ich aussage oder poste, sind in diesem Sinn annehmbar. Sollte – seltenerweise – etwas zu weit daneben, dämlich, unangemessen, oder unter den Gürtel und um sonst beleidigend-aggressiv sein, brauche ich es nur einzeln entfernen bzw. löschen, ohne Weiteres.

Keiner riskiert bei mir, bei FB angezeigt bzw. gemeldet zu werden, ob auf amerikanische oder europäische Seite; die EU zieht immer weiter vorne, ihren Würgegriff auf diese Freiheit enger zu drücken, um FB zu konformen Komplianz zu erzwingen, um den undemokratische und diktatorische Maßnahmen mitzumachen, die unternommen werden. Es bleibt noch zu sehen.

Aber nicht hier, nicht mit mir.

Alle heißen Willkommen.

5 Sep:
Ich pflege keine „Angst“ vor Islamisierung-cum-Schari'a der „Religion-des-Friedens“ (RdF) – nee, die werden wir weiter konfrontieren und bekämpfen, dafür ist Pegida entstanden.
Ich mache mir eher Sorge wegen Volksverrat und wegen Volksverräter von Innen, von den Eliten bis zu den Zwangsgutmenschen.
Die zu konfrontieren „darf“ man nicht, kann man aber noch. Doch, wie soll man die effektiv bekämpfen?!

(Ephes. 6:10-18)

6 Sep:
Der selbst-befriedigende „Antifa“-Pöbel (die Rote-SA) sieht sich gern als „Freiheitskämpfer,“ sind es aber nicht – im Gegenteil: das sind eher Freizeit- “kämpfer“ - da die eh arbeitsscheu sind, und von Staatsgönner bezahlt (womit sie auch ziemlich bürgerlich leben und wohnen) um deren Zeit mit Brände zu setzen, Fensterscheiben zu zerschmettern, und die Polizei zu steinigen, auf offener Strasse. Das ist netter so mit Namen zu nennen vielleicht, als Hosenscheißer, nicht? Sowie „Religion-des-Friedens“ netter ist als hasspredigende, volkshetzende Islamträger. Die Freizeit-“kämpfer“ werden kaum oder nie in den Fernsehnachrichten und Massenmainstream-medien erwähnt, weil diese wollen alles bequemlich den „Rechten“ in die Schuhe schieben, ohne wennoder aber. Tja, wie in der DDR (jetzt BRDDR), was „nicht sein darf, darf es auch nicht geben.“

12 Sep:
"Wenn ein Ausländer seine Kultur liebt und zu ihr steht, wird das akzeptiert.
Aber wenn ein Deutscher seine Kultur liebt und sie verteidigt, wird er als Pack, Nazi oder Rassist bezeichnet.
Das versteht man in der BRD darunter, dass alle Menschen gleich sind."

(Maria Tatsuya Woairen)
"If a foreigner loves his culture and stands by it, that's acceptable.  But if a German (dares) love his culture and defend it, he'll be marked (on the public pillory) as The Pack, or Nazi or Racist.

That's what one is to understand in the (current) Federal Republic of Germany, as all persons being equal."


You can see the English version down below the German one.

PEGIDA - 10 Forderungen an die deutsche Asylpolitik

1.) Wir fordern einen sofortigen Aufnahmestopp für Asylanten, d.h. wir fordern ein Asyl-Notstandsgesetz – jetzt!

Unsere Asyl-Gesetze wurden nach dem Krieg für überschaubare Mengen von rund 2000 Flüchtlingen pro Jahr konzipiert und nicht für die Million, die wir voraussichtlich schon in 2015 erreichen!

2.) Wir fordern strenge Grenzkontrollen, dh. wir fordern, SOFORT das Schengen-Abkommen auszusetzen – und zwar für alle Grenzen Deutschlands!

Andere EU-Staaten überwachen längst wieder ihre nationalen Grenzen – und das, obwohl das völlig gescheiterte Dublin-Verfahren bisher fast vollständig zu Lasten Deutschlands geht. Die temporäre Wiedereinführung von Grenzkontrollen während des G7-Gipfels hat bewiesen, dass Grenzkontrollen illegale Grenzübertritte, das florierende Geschäft der Schleuser-Mafia und die Einreise von Kriminellen verhindert.

3.) Wir fordern, dass der Kreis der “sicheren Herkunftsstaaten“ auf ALLE Mitgliedsländer des Europarates erweitert wird!

Dieser Europa-Rat besteht aus 47 Mitgliedsstaaten mit 830 Mio Bürgern und über 1.800 europäischen Beamten.

Alle Mitgliedsstaaten haben sich auf die Wahrung des Demokratie- und Rechtsstaatsprinzips sowie die Anerkennung der Grund- und Menschenrechte verpflichtet. DAS sollte reichen, um diese Länder zu den sicheren Ländern zu zählen!

4.) Wir fordern ein ZEITLICH BEFRISTETES Asylrecht für Kriegsflüchtlinge!

Selbstverständlich ist echten Kriegsflüchtlingen und anerkannten Asylanten temporärer Schutz und Vollversorgung im BESCHEIDENEN Rahmen zu gewähren. Aber sobald sich die Lage im Herkunftsland bessert, müssen die Flüchtlinge unser Land wieder verlassen.

5.) Wir fordern eine verbindliche Obergrenze für die jährliche Aufnahme von Asylanten, und zwar festgelegt durch uns selber, das Aufnahmeland Deutschland!

Diese Schicksalsfrage über die Zukunft unseres Landes, sie muss durch ein Mittel der direkten Demokratie erfolgen – durch einen Volksentscheid!

6.) Wir fordern endlich Ehrlichkeit in der Integrations-Debatte und ein Ende des rot-grünen sozial-romantischen Märchens, hier Massen von männlichen, afrikanischen Asylanten integrieren zu wollen!

Kein Mensch will das. Die grünen Sozialisten benutzen die Asylanten, um hier ein rot-grünes Job-Wunder für die Bachelor-Absolventen der Geschwätzwissenschaften zu kreieren. Der pathologische Altruismus und die geheuchelte Empathie der Gutmenschen sind moralische Tarnkappen, die den mega-lukrativen Migranten-Markt verdecken sollen.

7.) Wir fordern, dass sofort alle abgelehnten Asylbewerber und Hunderttausende illegale Immigranten konsequent abgeschoben werden!

Nochmal: Wir fordern MASSEN-ABSCHIEBUNGEN – und zwar SOFORT!

8.) Wir fordern, dass das Flüchtlingsproblem grundsätzlich vor Ort, in den eigenen Kulturkreisen geklärt wird!

Unsere sogenannten Volksvertreter sollen endlich Rückgrat zeigen und Saudi Arabien, Katar und die Arabischen Emirate in die Pflicht nehmen.

Die steinreichen, riesigen Sharia-Paradiese sind viel besser geeignet für die Aufnahme der Massen von islamischen Asylanten, als ein Europa der Ungläubigen!

Und wir brauchen endlich Asylverfahrens-Prüfungen vor Ort in den Herkunftsländern. Schon in Nordafrika muss im Schnellverfahren über Asylanträge nach Deutschland entschieden werden!

9.) Wir fordern, dass kriminelle Ausländer, die in Verbindung mit islamischen Terrororganisationen stehen, SOFORT ausgewiesen werden!

Dazu zählen natürlich auch die adoptierten “Söhne und Töchter” von de Maiziere, also die Djihad-Rückkehrer und alle bekannten und gewaltbereiten Salafisten – diese Leute gehören ebenfalls sofort ausgewiesen!

10.) Der zu erwartende Widerstand aus Brüssel über jede Veränderung unserer deutschen Zuwanderungs- und Asylpolitik muss mit Austritt aus dem uns alle drangsalierenden Saftladen EU beantwortet werden!

Die zukünftige, französische Präsidentin Marine Le Pen hat es kurz und knapp in die Forderung nach – Zitat - “der Zerstörung dieser EU” zusammengefasst.

Nur so radikal geht es! Diese EU wird nie zu reformieren sein – wer sollte sich denn da selber seinen hochdotierten Job wegrationalisieren?

Asylsuchende, die ausschließlich durch wirtschaftliche Gründe getrieben sind, sind uns nicht willkommen in Deutschland! Willkommen sind christliche Flüchtlinge, vor allem diejenigen, die von den Schlachtungen der Islamisten in bedroht sind - denen bieten wir jede Unterkunft, Nahrung und Lebenshilfe, die sie brauchen, denn das gehört zur deutschen helfenden Natur. An alle anderen: Bleibt weg!

Wir, die Menschen der europäischen Nationen, müssen uns zusammenschließen, um unsere Werte, unsere Kultur, unsere Freiheit zu verteidigen und zu erhalten. Wir müssen uns gegen die selbsternannten Könige und Königinnen in Brüssel zusammenschließen. Wir, das deutsche Volk, brauchen internationale Unterstützung gegen unsere eigenen Politiker in unseren deutschen Parlamenten.

Unsere Politiker wollen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland maßgeblich verändern, sie wollen das deutsche Volk abschaffen und uns durch eine multikulturelle Gesellschaft ersetzen, sie wollen einen Vielvölkerstaat auf deutschem Boden etablieren - damit verhalten sie sich wie Hochverräter!

English version

PEGIDA – 10 demands to the German asylum politics

1.) We call for an immediate stop for asylum seekers, and we call for a German asylum-emergency law - now!

Our asylum laws were conceived after the war for manageable quantities of approximately 2,000 refugees per year and not for 1,5 millions we expected to reach already in 2015!

2.) We call for strict border controls! We demand to suspend the Schengen Agreement IMMEDIATELY - for all the borders of Germany!

Other EU countries control their national borders - and that, although the completely failed Dublin procedure goes almost entirely at the expense of Germany. The temporary reintroduction of border controls during the G7 summit has proved that border controls are an appropriate mean to prevent illegal border crossings, the flourishing business of smuggling mafia and the entry of criminals.

3.) We demand that the group of "safe countries of origin" will be expanded on ALL Council of Europe member countries!

This European Council has 47 member countries with 830 million citizens and over 1,800 European officials.

All Member States have committed themselves to the preservation of democracy and rule of law as well as the recognition of the fundamental and human rights. That should be enough to count these countries to safe countries!

4.) We call for a TEMPORARY right of asylum for refugees of war!

Of course, real war refugees and accepted asylum seekers is to grant temporary protection and full coverage in the modest scale. But once the situation in the country improves, the refugees have to leave our country again.

5.) We call for a binding limit for the annual reception of asylum seekers, namely defined by ourselves, the host country Germany!

This vital question about the future of our country must be carried out by means of direct democracy - through a referendum!

6.) We finally demand honesty in the integration debate and the end of the red-green social-romantic tale of wanting to integrate masses of male, African asylum seekers here!

No one wants that. The green socialists use the refugees to create a red-green job wonder for bachelor graduates of chatter Sciences here. The pathological altruism and feigned empathy gooders are moral invisibility cloaks, which should cover the mega-lucrative migrant market.

7) We demand that immediately all rejected asylum seekers and hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to be banished at once!

Again: We call MASS deportations - and do it now!

8) We demand that the refugee problem has to be resolved in locally in their own cultures!

Our so-called representatives of the people should finally show backbone and take Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates in charge.

These wealthy, huge Sharia-paradises are much better suited to accommodate the crowds of Muslim asylum seekers, as an Europe of unbelievers! And we finally need asylum procedure-spot audits in the countries of origin. Even in North Africa has to be decided by fast-track procedure on applications for asylum in Germany!

9.) We demand that foreign criminals, which are connected with Islamic terrorist organizations, are banished immediately!

This naturally also includes the adopted "sons and daughters" of German Minister of Internal Affairs, de Maiziere, all these jihad returnees and all known and violent Salafists - these people are to be deported outside Europe immediately!

10.) There will be expected resistance from Brussels about any changes in our German asylum policies – so then we all have to leave this bullying dump EU!

The future French President Marine Le Pen has summarized it in "the destruction of these EU" - quote.

It’s only this radical way, which works! These EU will never be to reform - who should himself rationalize his highly-paid job?

Asylum seekers driven by nothing than economical reasons - are NOT welcome! Christian refugees, specially those who are surpressed by slaughtering Islamists are absolutely welcome in Germany and we provide every shelter, food and life-support they need, because this belongs to the German helping nature. To all others: STAY OUT!

We, the people of European nations, need to unite, to conserve and to defend our values, our culture, our freedom. We need to unite against the self-declared kings and queens in Brussels. We, the German people, need international support against our own politicians in our German parliaments.

Our politicians want to change the form of government of the Federal Republic of Germany, they want to abolish the German state people in Germany to replace us by a multicultural society, they want to establish a multiethnic state on German soil - this is a behavior like high traitors!


15 Sep:
A young Vietnamese woman very close to us recently acquainted me with her father’s concern over Germany. He had been a high-ranking officer in the North-Vietnamese Army (NVA) during the ‘60s, and with his wife had later spent decades in then-West Germany raising their children as German citizens of Vietnamese heritage. He loved Germany (the Federal Republic) and cherished his years here. Now long since returned home to Vietnam, he expresses his astonishment and chagrin at the developments with the EU-arm-bending politics of refugeeism and Merkel’s lock-step compliance in policy.

“What’s going on with Germany!” he asks his daughter here, with profound concern. “Have they all lost their minds, letting unlimited swarms of refugees in from just everywhere, without a plan – and from primarily Muslim populations no less?? WTF!!”

I’m paraphrasing here, as my Vietnamese is very rusty. So tell me, dear FB readers in America, or English-reading “Gutmenschen” here inland: shall we brand him “right-wing extremist” as well, for this statement? Shall I tell him he’s racist, that he’s some kind of a Vietnamese “white-aryan-nazi”? How about the Camerooner I’ve heard publicly addressing this same matter here, telling Germans not to fall for the “Religion-of-Peace”-belongs-to-Germany propaganda? Or the Pakistani who gave the same message at which I was present? Are they also “racists”? Are they, and all the highly eloquent and clear-headed Ex-Muslims – whom no one from the Mainstream Media and Talkshow circuit, from the Greens or The Left or the SPD or Chancellor or President, from the Churches and Jewish Communities, from the entire Bundestag, EVER wants to hear from – are these “Islamophobic” and “Xenophobic” as well?

Waris Dirie, Aayan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, Salman Rushdie, Hamed Abdel-Samed, Necla Kelek, Sabatina James, to name a few – and let the late and renowned journalist with 5 decades of close contact with the Arab world, Peter Scholl-Latour (also ignored and dissed by the media before he passed on last year) also not go unmentioned. With the exception of Latour, the above mentioned share something one can hardly miss: all of them are conspicuously of “Religion-of-Peace” parentage and heritage and actual experience, and all are Ex-Muslims with a Message: that, NOT “Islam’s okay and just a religion, only the radical Muslims are the problem” – but rather: at the core, it is not “Muslims themselves” which are simply the problem, the matter lies with Islam itself, with Shari’a and with Jihad and with Taqiyya.

I’ll mention one other voice, not among these however: “THERE IS NO ‘radical’ and ‘moderate’ Islam – there is ONLY Islam!” (Pres. Erdogan of Turkey)

3. Oct 2015:
Zum 3. Oktober 2015, Jubiläumsdemo:

Freunde, Deutsche Mitbürger jeder Herkunft, Patrioten!

Ist es nicht merkwürdig, wie DDR-ähnlich die Merkel-Regierung sich entpuppt hat? IM-Erika im Kanzleramt, und ein Präsident auch mit DDR-Hintergrund was noch ungeklärt bleibt? Eine Kanzlerin, die bei ihrem letzten (zwar 3.) Wahlsiegfeier, vor laufender Kamera und ganz Deutschland, die Fahne der deutsche Bundesrepublik aus der Hand ihrem Kollegen sichtlich verachtend reißt und wegwerft, hat in diesem Amt nichts zu suchen – und so ist damit, das Jubiläum der 25-jährigen Wiedervereinigung eine Verhöhnung an das deutsche Volk!

Ihr Flüchtlingspolitik ist vor der EU kriechend und den U.S.-Transatlantik (TTIP) dienend – mehr nicht, aber auch nicht weniger: als Vorstufe zu Deutschlands Untergang – als Volk und als glaubwürdiges Land, als Kultur und als Ökonomie! So kann sie doch jetzt mit den Flüchtlingen, als Exportweltmeister auf Billiglöhne zurückgreifen und somit Bundesweit das Lohnniveau senken.

Es geht nicht darum, Deutschland „islamisieren“ zu wollen, denn niemand möchte ein islamischen Staat – sondern um das Christentum zu entmachten und zu schwächen, in dem man eine gegenchristlich ideologisierte Weltreligion vorhat zu installieren. (Denn mit Buddhisten, Hindus, Sikhs, Sufis – oder mit Asiaten zum Beispiel überhaupt, gibt es keine Probleme.) Man braucht eine „Religion“ an der man sich nur reiben kann, die hochproblematisch ist, um das der Staat Schiedsrichter spielen kann.

Wir erleben auch einer massiven Demokratieverlust in dem die „4. Macht des Staates,“ nämlich die Medien, nicht mehr willens sind, die Bevölkerung objektiv zu informieren, sondern im Gegenteil sich mit den Zielen der heutigen Politik identifiziert und die Bevölkerung in die Richtung hin manipuliert. Und plötzlich werden durch das neue Asylgesetz mehrere Forderungen von Pegida durchgesetzt. Damit haben sie sich als „Mischpoke“, als „Pack“, als „Menschen-mit-kalten-Herzen“, und als „Nazis“ geoutet.

Da jetzt schon die Regierung sich über das Verhalten der Flüchtlinge klagt, wird sich die Regierung und deren gutmenschliche Unterstützer für diesen Winter warm anziehen müssen.


9 Oct.
“. . .The struggle for life is a battle and very often those who are unwilling to fight others are likewise unwilling to overcome their own weaknesses. This shows absence of life and power. The purpose of the purification of heart is in the highest degree scientific when viewed from this aspect, as the soul through the heart replenishes the energy in all of man’s vehicles down to the utmost cell.

“From the emotional point of view, the order and rhythm of circulation is necessary to maintain health and vigor, and also in order that one be not overcome through external forces. In meeting the struggles of existence, a bold front is put on through concentration on the heart. This boldness is inner not outer, it is a fine courage which may be hidden by meekness and a true humility. It knows no fear yet disdains neither anger nor egotism. This shows the control of heart and will over mind. ..."

(Commentary (exerpt) of Sufi Murshid Samuel Lewis, on Aphorism of Hazrat Inayat Khan)

15 Oct.
So the police authority tells us that they are themselves snowjobbed by a govt. which minimalizes the facts or dreams them away altogether, and refugee women are "rented" for 10 Euros then gang-raped, the refugees are slated to receive full citizen benefits merely by having gotten here no questions asked (the patsy-voiced "Gutmensch" speaking at the end of course blames the Germans) - only the German justice system will not apply to them as criminal activity does not seem to warrent being tossed out. ALL ARE WELCOME! Just not the native Germans or smarty-pants American Jews living here whose efforts to confront this Zeitgeist and to participate inthe mobilization of a Homeland patriotism here is like pissing in the wind.

16 Oct.
Thomas Barnett, having served primarily in the Bush Administrations and under Rumsfeld, Pentagon and Foreign Affairs advisor, author of "The Pentagon's New Map" which we're currently reading and would recommend others to - in his own words (transl. back into English):

"The goal at the end is the forcing into line of all countries on earth. ...through the mixing of races, the goal being to achieve a light-brown race in Europe, toward which 1.5 million immigrants annually from the Third World are to be taken in. The result is a population with the average IQ of 90, too dumb to grasp (this), but intelligent enough to work. ... Yes indeed, I take note of the reason-resistent arguments of our opponents, however should they manage an uprising gainst th global World Order, we will kill them!"

So...who are actually the racists here - the Thomas Barnetts and those whom they serve and those who get into line with this and drag their nations down into it - or the citizen initiatives who oppose it?

17 Oct.
SUPPOSE A PERSON'S POSITIVE POTENTIAL toward greatness is too much competition for you and for others, and you connive to bring this one down, until perhaps it comes to a major war, perhaps to more than just one - as a continuation of the first. Because the will to keep this one down only dominated the stage, and created still more hardship. So with a person, so with a nation. So it is with Germany now.

“Everything German” becomes reduced to the 12 years of “Third Reich” abominations and Holocaust. As if two millenia of history and culture, of mixed and varied tribes and folk which evolved into an identifiable German people never happened or had meant nothing. An agenda to "bomb-a-nation" with a slow genocide of culture and identity through planned (though as such denied) extreme immigration of damaged, verifiably “integration”-resistent new populations predominantly carrying that coveted “Religion-of-Peace” into these streets and into the open arms of self-loathing German Greens and The Left, SPD, and Merkel (with or without her Party behind her - since Washington is) has been long in planning and is currently in execution.

This, at the unholy-cost of retirees’ futures and of our own children’s, of our schools and kindergartens, of our housing, our customs and habits, our diet, the sheer naturalness of being what one is Of being a nation of people who might feel a healthy patriotic warmth in their gut when they'd think of the various circles of Hitler-Resisters who’d paid with their lives and limbs or came close enough to, instead of only thinking of Hitler. These latter who still find Adolf useful for manipulating would-be critics, call those among us who actually question this highly questionable agenda, “the eternally yesteryear-fixated”!

To preach or to practice self-loathing - as would any psychologist or psychiatrist, in fact any therapist, attest: is not only pathologically unhealthy, unfair, imbalanced, and reality-challenged for any individual. Likewise a nation. NO NATION WHICH IS DENIED ITS NATURAL RIGHT TO FEEL AND TO EXPRESS PATRIOTISM AS LOVE OF OWN COUNTRY HAS EVER BEEN, NOR EVER CAN THUS BE, HEALED OF ANY PAST DESTRUCTIVENESS. THERE CAN BE NO HEALING WHERE THE SCAB IS PICKED IN ORDER TO KEEP THE WOUND BLEEDING AND WHERE DENIAL OF HEALTHY TRADITIONS AND HERITAGE BECOMES THE STATE-SANCTIONED, POLITICALLY-CORRECT TREND!

Whereby America - which is no angel, to put it lightly - is teflon-coated with its breast beating patriotism (and I am patriotically American), Germany is entirely denied this. Anyone seriously meaning to stand up for it is immediately trashed on the public pillory as “nationalistic.” And this by those who are professional self-loathers and want to perish as a people, altogether and the sooner the better - by their own statements, comments, declarations, in the public arena and in the media. In any other country these would be called treasonous and rightly understood as such. In America you could never hold public office with this attitude. Imagine any American political figure - at whatever level you wish to name - ripping the national flag out of the hands of a Party colleague and tossing it down to be trod on, and this smack in the middle of an election night victory celebration with TV cameras rolling nation-wide and live. Imagine this in any other country you or I know of. That is what the German Chancellor is about, straight out of the East German Regime - sorry, Republic - and with all the dictatorial style she’d learned there. I’ve never seen this in France, nor in the UK, certainly not Poland. I’ve never seen this anywhere but in self-loathing Germany.

Germany is expected to give all its space to, and foot the entire bill for, an annual number of 1.5 million unchecked refugees and “refugees” who only got the idea of coming almost exclusively to DoitchLand, because Merkel sent them all welcome-battalions and lots of blessed propaganda to swarm on over. Did she ask one single German citizen or voter? Hell no!! That never was her style in her three Adminstration stints. Likewise, Germany is expected to crawl in self-disgust and scream in trained chorus “never again!” - never what again, did someone here born after 1935 commit a Holocaust?

So where does the push toward self-immolation come from? Brussels, the capital of the EU dictatorship of nation-dismantlement and population-swapping (calling it a demographic crisis of course, like it “just sort of happened”). Crush DoitchLand at all costs. Now who’s the engine putting the screws on both the EU to do this, and on Merkel to see that Germany actually “leads” the EU-pressure toward national suicide by fiat (soon fatwa) via forced and contrived mass immigration of refugees from war zones who are only partially actual refugees in the real sense of the word?

And: via a most peculiar permissiveness (called “tolerance” and “acceptance” in today’s NewSpeak) toward “The-Religion-of-Peace” and its demands - all of them, and they are limitless, as is its ready inclination toward violence and any method of pressure which will work on stupid Europeans. The screws on the EU and on Merkel are set and tightened by Washington. This is part of an agenda older than all the last several Administrations, in fact as old as the end of WWII and the onset of the Cold War. Actually, older than even these. Feel free to read Thomas Barnett’s “The Pentagon’s New Map,” Brzezinski’s “The Grand Chessboard,” or watch Barbara Spectre on YouTube. Scary, really scary. (And people still flip through the channels to watch “The Walking Dead”!)

20 Oct. 2015:
Warum stehe ich Pegida bei:

Politische Mordversuche bzw. Mordattentaten. In der Geschichte der BRD kann ich aus meiner Zeit bei der U.S. MI-Dienst, in Dahlem, vor und nach der Mauerfall, wo ich gerade mit linker sowie mit rechter Bewegungen aller Arten beschäftigt war - dazu alles was Terrorismus einheimisch bzw. ausländisch bzw. international betraf, an drei ereignisse erinnern.

Eines war, die mehrjährige Geschichte von der durchaus linken RAF, deren Reihe von Mord, Terror, Verbundenheit mit Terror Gruppen, Bankraub, etc.

Zweitens war, ein Mordversuch auf Kohl, vor dem Schäuble ihn gerettet hat und wofür er sitzt bis heute im Rollstuhl. Von wem war das? Psychisch labiler Einzeltäter mit eigenem Agenda, keine politische Verbundenheit gefunden oder klarer Motiv erwähnt.

Drittens war, ein Mordversuch auf LaFontaine, hier mit messer am Hals, auch sehr knapp und kein Witz. Auch psychisch labiler Einzeltäter mit eigenem Agenda, keine politische Verbundenheit gefunden oder klarer Motiv erwähnt.

Die NPD und Neo-Nazis und rechte Szene habe ich nicht vergessen. Die Bundesregierung schon, trotz all dem was sie so heuchlerisch behaupten seit mindestens dieser dritten Amtszeit Merkels. Die NPD genießt weiter und immer noch eine symbiotisch-nützliche Beziehung mit dem Regierungsapparat. Die dürfen bleiben - trotz allen Versuche über meine 27 Jahre hier, die auszutreiben, verbieten, den ein entscheidende Ende machen - und die Regierung findet sie sehr dienlich als “Teufelskerl,” auch wenn deren “Bewegung” fast irrelevant geworden ist. Andersrum, sieht man bei der NSU-Affaire wie gravierend unseriös diese Regierung - und die unter Schroeder auch - sich kümmert um 10 Morden von gerade der rechten Szene, wo der Verfassungsschutz auch mitinvolviert war. Eine neue Partei, noch rechter als die NPD wurde in den letzten Jahren zugelassen, namentlich Die Rechte, wenn nicht noch eine.

Jetzt ist erneut ein Attentat auf einer kandidierenden Politikerin zu hören, die zur heutigen Zeit gefeiert wurde für ihre “Einsetzung für den Flüchtlingspolitik” wie es eben läuft, ohne wenn oder aber. Obwohl “parteilos,” sie wurde von der CDU und von den Grünen zugleich stark unterstützt - schon merkwürdig. Man braucht einen Attentäter. Er wird selbstverständlich nicht aus der bekanntlich stark gewaltfreudige und doch nie erwähnte Antifa Pöbelmenge kommen. Man braucht ein “Rechter” - obwohl noch nie hat einer aus der rechten Szene einen Attentat versucht bzw. durchgeführt gegen einen Politiker oder Kandidaten. Aber jetzt, plötzlich, wie “bestellt.”

Wir lesen sofort in den Medien, der ist “NICHT” der psychisch labiler Einzeltäter mit eigenem Agenda und keine politische Verbundenheit gefunden oder klarer Motiv erwähnt. Nein, er ist “braun,” er ist “bekannter Neo-Nazi” aus der NPD und Heß-Verbundeten, etc., etc. Kein Name, kein Gesicht, man hat ihn noch zu sehen - äußerst ungewöhnlich, bei gerade sowas wie einer beinahe tötlichen Messerattacke auf einer Bürgermeister-schaftskandidatin. Gerade jetzt, wie gelegen es kommt, wie inszeniert es sehr wohl vorkommt, wenn man diese Regierung kennt.

Aber so viel zu meiner Meinung, worauf ich Recht habe wenn hier etwas von Demokratie noch bleibt. Und WER wird sofort und auf der Stelle an die Prange gestellt, gerade, so geschmacklos wie es sich anhört, wo gebraucht - obwohl innerhalb von einem Jahr gar nicht das erste Mal kommt solche Verleumdung und schwarze Propaganda gegen: ja, “Pegida”! Pegida und AfD sollen “mitverantwortlich” gemacht werden - und diese zynische opportunistische Verleumdung ist verkaufbar an ein Volk von Gutmenschen, und Wähler die immer noch Merkel behalten wollen!

Ist es Zufall, daß ich gestern im Fernsehen “1984” sah, hervorragend mit Richard Burton, John Hurt, Cyril Cusack? Da spielt man mit NewSpeak, DoppelDenk, Mischpropaganda - damit die Bevölkerung biegsam und gebrochen bleibt - und man lernt durch unaufhörliche Hass-Einsätze, den “Staatsfeind” Immanuel Goldstein zu hassen ohne mal zu wissen warum. Pegida ist der “Immanuel Goldstein” von heutigem Deutschland und durch der EU, unterwegs in einer Zeit die vor uns steht, die Orwell, Huxley und Kafka wohl zu bestätigen mag.


Pegida reaches one year:

21 Oct. 2015
Linke und selbsternannte "Autonome" bzw. "Antifa" sind längst dafür bekannt, Galgen und Guillotine symbolisch zu tragen, auf Demoplakaten (hat schon Tradition unter denen) - sogar enorm wie bei deren Anti-TTIP Demo, ohne jede Konsequenzen durch den Verfassungsschutz, durch Parteien oder Justiz, durch die Medien.

Lass sich aber einmal heutzutage bei Pegida in Dresden - zwar verständlich , und übrigens viel kleiner und unauffälliger - ein Galgenabbild zeigen, dann kommen die Staatskräfte und massenmanipulierenden Medienempörungskonzert voll im Schwung.

Die gleiche Presse nimmt eine deutlich und unmißverständlisch satirisch betonte Aussage von einem Redner bei der Pegida Jahrestag Veranstaltung, schlechthörend vor lautem Staatsgehorsam, ins Visier. Wo in der Rede suggeriert wurde, daß der Staat uns (d.h. Pegida u.a. politikkritische Bürger) bald in KZs einsperren könnte, wenn's solche noch gäbe:

Die Medien nehmen dies und manipulieren wie gehabt, die Aussage völlig auf Flüchtlinge und Ausländer gezielt zu meinen - was überhaupt nicht stimmt, wenn man nur einmal zuhört.

Die Aussage war übrigens, von einem bekanntlich kontroversen deutsch-türkischen Autor - die Manipulation selbst wiederum, kommt von der Appeasement-Presse und linksstrebenden Politiker.

Also wie bestellt, kommen knapp darauf die immer parat gehaltenen TV-Programme, drei gleichzeitig Dienstagabend, über KZ, 2. Weltkrieg, NS-Staat - brav und gehorsam ausgekurbelt. Diese Art von Holocaust-Ausnutzung und unwürdige, heuchlerische, instrumentalisierende "Pietät" halte ich als Amerikaner und Jude, den damaligen Opfer gegenüber, sehr verachtend und äußerst suspekt!

Die SAntifa gehen hasserfüllt gegen Deutschland, Europa, Juden, Christen, Polizei, Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit, Arm in Arm auf der Strasse, mit den Pöbel von "der-Religion-des-Friedens". Deren gewalt-sexualisiertes Verachten drückt sich so deutlich wie Vergewaltigungsdrohungen aus, daß man sich wundern muß, warum ein Galgenplakat bei Pegida solch ein Aufruhr auslöst - das andere aber nicht.

Recently this October, one of our best minds, a certain Rene M., was holding forth at Washington Platz before that Monday's Bärgida Walk, and addressing the incoherent screaming and ranting of government-paid "Autonomen," and SAntifas and whatever else is Left, he actually tried to give them clear arguments toward whcih they might just have the chance to respond with counter-arguments.  True to their inherently low character, they could not even comprehend, they could not offer one word of plain thinking - instead they screamed their "Nazis raus" and "Get outs" and "Fuck yous" all the more, having nothing else - and then one, or some of them, screamed back at Rene and the Bärgida participants this retort which is as telling as it gets abotu these Hitler-Youth-of-the-Left:  "We're only here for one reason, because we hate you, no more and no less!"

On this note it should call to mind what I'd posted in Doitch just above, and does well to be given here in English:  "Is it any coincidence, that we just the other night caught on TV, "1984" with Richard Burton, Cyril Cusack, John Hurt - loaded with NewSpeak, DoubleThink, Thought Police, mixed propaganda to keep the population pliable and broken?  And where one learns through regularly scheduled and attended 2-minute Hate-Sessions directed against the image of "Enemy of the State" Nr. 1, Immanuel Goldstein, for reasons not one person can think of.  Pegida is the "Immanuel Goldstein" of today's Germany and through the EU en route into an era which stands before us, which may very well confirm the works of Orwell, Huxley, and Kafka."

7 Nov. 2015, AfD

"...And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."  (Lev. 19:18, Mt. 22:39)

Then as now, inherent in this is that someone who hates him/herself cannot possibly be capable of loving that neighbor.  Self-loathing cannot give (nor receive) love.  Something else, perhaps, a shallow masquerade in the form of  a Helper- or a sado-maso Stockholm-Syndrome.  Just not love.  A mother who lets her mate continue to beat and belittle her cannot in all brutal honesty love her children in this.

True for for an individual rote-memorizing Bible passages,  true for a nation being groomed in suicide following a twisted logic.  True for Germany as well as the UK, Sweden, Norway, France, to name some.

Multi-cultural (or MultiKulti), the current coin and rage, is a dark and slanderous irony forced upon any people being taught and badgered unceasingly to hate and loathe and belittle its own culture.  How can you have "multi-cultural" from a standpoint of hating your own culture?  Or to whom can you ever be a friend when you are your own worst enemy?  (Does this question really require a psychoanalyst?)

I am concerned with Germany, I am on the streets, hearing and sometimes delivering speeches, walking with scores, with hundreds, sometimes - as today - seven thousand, always under enormous police escort.  I am Pegida, a maligned Citizens' Initiative.  I am AfD, Alternative for Deutschland, a Party which has established itself and continues to face off extraordinarily unconstitutional pressure and libelous propaganda from every other established Party.  We are the Resisters of today.

The indispensable police escort is due exclusively to the anti-democratic and demonstrably violent-prone "Antifas" of the dominant Left and Greens - in every sense the aggressive Hitler-Youth of today, the SA-Stormtroopers of now.  Paid and enjoined by Parties assembled and sitting in the Bundestag (Parliament) against the only viable and democratic Opposition to an insane and unstable EU-driven Regime.  This narcissistic "Antifa" of the narcissistic Left, never misses a chance to howl, interrupt, jeer, illegally block legitimate demos, and throw hard objects or molotovs - never stops once to listen to a single speech or come and debate positions - and never receives bad press mention.

Sometimes I don my yarmulkeor kippa, not as the only Jew I've found among us on the street, but the only visible one.  A symbolic statement of irritation for the real (and irrelevant) neo-Nazis, and  perplexing to the fascists of "The Left"  for whom we are all "Nazis," we are all "Pack" and "Mischpoke" (two terms they'd borrowed from Goebels himself).  The statement is this:  We are here, we Jews are to be counted among the patriots and citizens of opposition, of Resistance to a mad agenda which loathes its own nation and people, its consitution and its hard-won democracy.

The East German Regime has returned in the persons of this Chancellor and this President - and the present entire spectrum of mainstream Parties and media, weighing in palpable angst against - NOT the actual right-wing-extremists or nationalists interestingly, but against us.

No Jew in West German Frankfurt today,  can wear a kippa in public without risk of verbal abuse and physical attack from Arabs or Turks of "The-Religion-Of-Peace," and from every-other-culture-friendly Antifas.  I will wear mine when I do, as a matter of showing the flag.  And train in Krav Maga, a gift of the IDF.

What is the symbol for every visitor coming here, of this Berlin with its 800 years of history?  The Bear, harkening back one millenium to Albrecht who'd founded Brandenburg?  Or the Brandenburg Gate, built after the defeat of Napoleon?  Yes, but above these hovers the edifice of Honecker's legacy of the '70s:  the notorious TV-Tower of the East German Dictatorship, left standing to cast its shadow and stamp itself into the minds of all the world as Berlin's dominant symbol, the most identifiable feature of its skyline.  Had it been erected by the "Third Reich" it would've been long since eradicated, sent to the dust heap of history.

Instead, it has been retained in perverse sentimental determination to prepare the ground for the next Dictatorship and to terminate a nation. 

Gandhi stated, "History teaches us that we never learn from history."

Resisters in democratic opposition to the totalitarian Agenda of those in power are always demonized, always belittled, always held in contempt by the mainstream-guided slanted press.

During the 12-year "Third Reich" there was a Resistance in Germany. The might of the Regime being too ruthless to break, its propaganda too thorough to question, the danger of opposition too fatal, there was nonetheless a minority of active and latent opposition and resistance.

During the four-decade East German Regime there was a Resistance and an opposition facing equally fatal, equally life-ruining risks and consequences. The State machinery controlled and manipulated and twisted and coerced the public majority to swim with the stream, to conform to all State "guidance" and keep their noses clean.

In 1989, in less than one year, the minority opposition - the Resistance, ordinary citizens who'd felt that 12 years of one total dictatorship and 40 of another was pretty much enough for one century - took to the streets. Bearing up under all manner of pressure, they grew in number, still written off as stupid minority negativists and idiots-with-attitude, or as rabble "under some outside influence." And then, just as Honecker prepared his troops for the command to go in with tanks and firepower to end this "meaningless" rabble-rousing, something happened. The Regime lost all its credibility and was itself ended.

Today the Resistance is found in Pegida, and the opposition is found in a not-unpromising Party such as AfD (Alternative for Deutschland). Today it is we who are written off, maligned, demonized, loathed with every form of contempt: by every sitting Party in the Bundestag (Federal Parliament), by the entire bought-off mainstream press and television media, by the unions (!), by both the official Caltholic and Protestant Churches, by an intensive propaganda campaign dictating opinion to a cowed public, by the Ministry of Justice and intelligence agencies. By a treasonous Chancellor and a treasonous President, both from the second above-mentioned Regime without having been part of its opposition, much less Resistance.

This coming Christmas season I may be heard whistling, "It's beginning to look a lot like Orwell, everywhere you go...."

Today we are the Resistance in Germany, in Europe - those conveniently hurling the "Nazi" epithet at us are THEMSELVES the lemmings patterned after the "Third Reich" and the GDR majorities. The conventionally obedient, and the fatally naively arrogant "Gutmenschen," and the aggressive rabble of the Antifa. All Pavlovian knee-jerk tools or instruments of a rising new Totalitarianism which is set to completely destroy this nation.

Gandhi also stated, "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they jail you. Then you win."

Friday, 13 Nov. 2015

PARIS THIS VERY EVENING: "The-Religion-of-Peace" (TROP) - Europe's "enrichment" - strikes again! Gutmenschen are shocked and are still confused over what "Allahu-akbar" means or who on earth would send suicide bombers and create such mayhem taking 100 hostages - and murdering these as well in record time! This was during a France-Germany game at the stadium, in addition to which open marketplaces were hit. Germany still doesn't get it, but is next.

14 Nov.

Concerning Paris, I already got a small taste of the reactions from "Gutmenschen" toward what I'd posted on the matter, as more of such responses, and angrier, may be expected. To point out an unpopular truth is too much confrontation for the comfort zone of so many - it gets you censored and in Germany will soon get you brought up on charges of incitement, attacked, and perhaps jail time.

This reaction is predictable yet curious. Over the past couple years or more, depending on the phase of events and my awakening to them, I've moved from passive dismay to active and very non-cooperative action, out of deep concern for more lives than those reacting to me have ever lost sleep over.

I'm reminded metaphorically here of the widely-known family dysfunction lived out in the actual childhoods of some actual people close to me: the father physically, psychologically, verbally and sexually abuses the children. And the mother looks on and puts up with it, comforting the children after having ignored them, nursing their wounds with bandaids, and telling them to show their father understanding and patience, tolerance and appeasement, respect and obedience - expecting them to "live with it" and thereby adding emotional abuse to their trauma. She DOES NOT just take the kids and leave her husband for safety and a better life.

The "father" in this case is "The-Religion-of-Peace." The "mother" is all of the current EU political elite, from Brussels to Berlin, and Washington, all of the mainstream TV and press media, the entire manipulated establishment - insulting all of our intelligence and abusing our horror and grief with artificial piety, bromides stock full of banality, staged shock and dismay, manipulative avoidance, active appeasement enjoined on the respective native populations forced to endure an unspeakably massive and cynically deceptive Agenda of uncontrolled, unchecked flooding of Europe with (in their words our "enrichment" by) real-world Muslim culture and practices.

Leaving you, us, my kids and yours, out to dry, leaving us all in the gravest of danger.
So I may be pardoned my wrath. I cannot watch this. For your sakes and mine.

"History teaches us that history teaches us nothing." (Gandhi)
"I cannot stuff myself enough, to vomit as I would like." (Karl Valentin)


The German Chancellor, whose name I cannot even mention, had appointed with "her full trust" a Minister of Finance who to this day refuses to answer to concrete charges of embezzlement through illegal weapons trade to the tune of 100,000 Euro. He's still secure in his office, no worries.

And over a 1.50 error - one Euro and fifty cents - roughly a year ago, a supermarket cashier gets fired for this unspeakable crime.  She has worries.

(I hear rumors that Count Dracula will be appointed night-watchman at the German Federal Bloodbank.)

Meanwhile, this Administration's (it's her third, she's campaigning for #4) currently appointed and likewise job-secured Minister of the Interior (our Sec. of State) was formerly deeply involved in the matter of a pedophile ring which he as Minister of Saxony had covered up and never allowed charges to be brought. He now tells the public that what just happened in Paris yesterday "has nothing to do with" the EU asylum policy or the flood of "refugees." That's the current umbrella word for any and all folks coming through a smany as three secure countries to reach DoitchLand, and lots of 'em in no way beating feet out of a war zone nor even appearing to. I would trust this Interior Minister to have the gall to likewise tell us that that pedophile ring had nothing to do with child abuse.  No worry there.

I am not making this up: in Austria a guy interviewed in normal TV related how he'd been fined 50 Euro - yes 50 - for merely passing gas because he'd had to, outdoors in the open air - but made the grievous error of having stood near a "Refugee center" at that ominous moment and therewith offended Muslim sensibilities. (Monty Python did not write this, and they could never have topped it.)

With a sitting Chancellor who'd been as obedient to the East German Regime as her father before her had (who'd gone over early on as "The Red Pastor," out of conviction), it is small wonder to see the sheer madness unfolding here under the auspices of an extreme Left dictatorship-in-the-making, in a staged and strenuous climate of appeasement and dumbing down.

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