Monday, August 10, 2015

What Peace Is Not

"The-Religion-Of-Peace" being sold us, is not.
And neither is peace "the opposite of war," as that is only a cease-fire or a non-hostile accord; non-hostility is certainly civil, but peace it ain't, rather a civil non-war.

Nor is being nice and getting along comfortably, peace.
Nor is appeasement, nor is it non-action passing for non-violent, nor non-confrontational, nor submitting to more dominant personalities because they dominate.

Peace is not "giving me a break" or avoidance of the unpleasant and disagreeable, nor is it the seeking of these; it is neither a matter of opinion nor is it ever mainstream or politically correct – ever; peace is not wishful thinking, though one may well wish for peace and desire it for others.  It is without arrogance or self-satisfaction in the least, solid without insisting on its solidity.

Peace is:   a state of non-ego, sovereign unto itself.  Politics cannot even approach it, even "balance" does not quite deliver, although there is balance in it.  When Scripture speaks of "the peace which passes all understanding," what Paul meant in this is that peace is without ego – and therefore outside of what the ego can grasp or use or manipulate or fake.  It is not unattainable, just not with ego.  That is what makes it sovereign.

Not with politics, not with appeasement, not with ideology of any kind whatsoever.  Not by falling all over each other to court and crawl before "The-Religion-Of-Peace" and practice greeting one another with "peace" in Arabic.  I once adhered to this notion, we no longer can afford to – one's own language will suffice.  Anyone is quite free to disagree with me on any point, we may argue or not, it doesn't matter.  I am at peace with what I am saying.

Peace is non-ego in action, one responds accordingly without being "the do-er," and leaving the approval or disapproval of others outside the equation.  How one is to come to this, how this is reached, attained, is too obvious to bear mentioning here.

I wish everyone reading this, as likewise myself, peace – the peace which passes all understanding. May healing come.

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