Thursday, August 28, 2014

You know...?

YOU KNOW WHEN SOMEONE just gets knocked down incessantly, from early on, and gets kept down and kept down and kept down?
When the sheer negativity and power issues of some just bar one's advancement, blocking that one, denying every dignity of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
You know how salt gets poured into wounds, calumny added to indignity and intimidation, murdering the inner child, deadening the native natural joy, warping the psyche?
Sometimes it's from one's own parents, or family structure, or an entire clan-culture.
Sometimes it's the schoolyard or later mobbing at the workplace.
Or it's one's partner or spouse, or neighbor.
Sometimes it's done in "God's name".
It might be small scale or large, individual and personal or massive and looming.
 Well, I'm at war with that.
And where there's indifference toward it, I guess I'm at war with that too.
I always was, though.

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