Thursday, September 12, 2013

Beauty Judgeth Not

While we are out there judging beauty,
Beauty judgeth not.

What is that, in the pupil of your eye,
where light is filtered by the ego's I?
What is that, so conditioned sure
of what it sees, beholds as were
this so, as you apparently perceive –
and thus perceived, so you believe?

Seamless seeming to see without question,

the face before us, our reflection –
Look with the eye, look with the heart,
look with the soul – they're not apart:
Pupil soft on pupil focused:
view therein the hidden manifest.

Sovereign the Beauty of this beholder,

letting look, be seen, unfold here.
Fearless, lovingkindness unafraid,
undisgusted, seeing undismayed:
Beauty is in the Seeing – so what's Creation
but God's eye's light forming His intention?

While we are out there judging beauty,

Beauty judgeth not.

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