Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Cui bono? NWO. ... Cui bono?? Luciferus bonum.

I have NO patience for any Bible-whining quoters of Revelations, they can keep it for themselves. OUR sacred emphasis in THIS time is Ephesians 6:10-20 - and nothing less.

Since childhood I was conscious of pre-life impressions brought with me, among which were both Jewish and Catholic alike. I had to overcome inherited resentments in order to embrace both. I've made myself familiar at one time with Satanism and was demonstrably shown the power and reality of Jesus Christ. The awareness of the one and the choice of the latter has never left me. My very Protestant lady and I in-joy our occasional attendance at an Old-Catholic, all-Latin Mass not far from us. They are no friends of this Pope or this Vatican, and very old-school and authentic.

The Parisian Heart of Christian Europe has just been burned half-way to the ground, it will never ever be recovered. Nearly 200 years in the erecting, it has outlasted six centuries of all manner of history. In one evening - gone. As with the Berliner Christmas-Market Attack in 2016, we've been on this from the first hour. We do not want to see what Macron means to "replace" this with, any more than I can stand to look at the "One-World" piece of shit replacing the Twin Towers.

A triad of Darkness, Decadence, and Despotism - a Dogma calling itself "Diversity" - accounts for the Divestiture of Europe's Cultural and Spiritual Heritage at its most precious roots: envisioned through architecture.


200 years. And six centuries. Until now there has never been a fire which couldn't be extinguished or damage which couldn't be renovated. 2019 and Macron's own firefighters watch it drop in one evening, in ineffectual resignation. In 2016 it was already attacked with jihadi determination, and the jihadi joy now from all those IS-forces which "don't exist" but are swarming into Germany as I write, is palpable. THIS was no "accident", stop kidding yourselves! For once! It was ritual sacrifice, using whatever negative forces at hand - one more and a Big One, in a long litany of such - in our own time.

Friends, listen: EVEN with Notre Dame razed to the gorund, EVEN when the Vatican itself reports on it as it would a subway station incident somewhere far away, EVEN when the Pope himself licks the shoes of African warlords and the other Pope is a cadavre, EVEN when the NWO-Freemasons and Luciferians have hold of all Church officaldom - Catholic and Protestant - the Christian Faith will still survive, there is still Easter.

And EVEN if Cologne Cathedral and St. Peters in Rome should likewise burn, likewise fall - Christianity will not fall, I assure you...as I am assured. But if the Ka'aba in Mecca and the Grand Mosque adjoining it should meet the fate of all these churches and cathedrals in Europe and in Africa and in Western Asia: whither then Islam? It will wither.


(Or, to translate from my Ramona's German on this:

"After years of destruction and soiling of the church interiors in France and in Europe, after attacks, and after executions of priests, Notre Dame is now burning.

"The second largest church in Paris burned in March of this year.
"The first Christian symbol of the Occident was destroyed. Cologne Cathedral and the Vatican will follow. I'm predicting that, and you can take me at my word.
"This is the starting signal for many burning churches in Europe in the future.
"There is already plenty of gloating on the Internet over the fire. I'm not naive, and I say to those who don't believe me: "Learn Arabic!!"


She adds: "The British Times has files showing that ISIS is planning further attacks in Europe, following the example of the Bataclan attack in Paris in Nov 2015. The detailed strategy is said to have been found on a hard drive that ISIS supporters lost during a battle in Syria earlier this year.")

JUST TO RECALL AND REMEMBER WHAT HAS JUST BEEN IRRETRIEVABLY LOST - you don't "replace" in 2019 or 2119 or 2219 THAT which is 600 years of standing history which was begun 8 centuries ago and lasted nearly two to reach completion. No, you don't "replace" that, you mourn it. You don't weave garlands and preach more appeasement or lull to resignation, you train yourself for defense. You don't sing "Thanks for the Memory", you sing the hymns - and prepare for war.


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