Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Hauptsache, tolerant...


Man schlendert tagtäglich durch Berlin-Gesundbrunnen, auf der Strasse, auf den U-Bahnsteig, in der S-Bahn hinein, oder durch die vielen Läden und Geschäfte.  Man merkt überall eine markante Mischung aus mehrheitlichen Muslimen aus aller (islamischer) Welt, und immer weniger ethnischen Deutschen - geschweige, waschechten Berliner.  Aber das ist Berlin Wedding/Mitte seit September 2015, und man ist und bleibt offen und respektvoll gegenüber andere Kulturen und Ethnien - besonders muslimisch.  Denn man möchte keineswegs Rassist oder (um Gotteswillen!) etwa Islamophob sein - oder (Gott schütze uns!) auch nur so gesehen werden.  Hauptsache, tolerant - und friedlich.

Man steht vielleicht mehrmals auf den Bahnsteig neben einen Bilal (oder neben einen seinen anderen an die Behörden gegebenen Namen), und da fehlt einem gar nichts auf, der ist normal, nur anders - doch wir sind alle schließlich gleich, und der Mensch ist im Kern gut, und meint es eher gut mit uns im Allgemein.  Man darf nicht schlecht herumblicken, das erweckt und schürt nur Paranoia.  Hauptsache, immer tolerant.

Und da "kein Mensch illegal ist", vertraut man lieber nicht dem eigenen Schutzinstinkt - denn gerade der wird von der Kanzlerin bis auf das letzte Tageszeitungsblatt oder Fernsehenpropaganda, und herzensreifen "Refugees-Welcome" Demonstrierenden mit Banner an Bahnhöfe oder auf offenen Strassen, dem Bürger abgeraten und niedergeredet.

Vielleicht steht man Schlange neben, oder sitzt ein Tisch entfernt von, diesem selben Bilal, oder einen Walid.  Beide sind Tunesier, wie nett, wie exotisch irgendwie, wie Verständnisbedürftig und -erweckend...  Doch die sind Menschen genau wie man selbst, mit den selben Sehnen nach Frieden und kulturellen Miteinander, dem selben Wunsch nach Freiheit und nach einem sicheren Leben in Deutschland unter Deutschen, ja, nach einem Neuanfang und einer neuen Zukunft.  Um diesen irgendeinen bösen Absicht zuzuschreiben oder meinen, überhaupt zu ahnen, egal was der Bauchgefühl sich melden läßt, daß Terroristen unter uns seien, wäre unfair und menschenverachtend - denn diese Meldung ist nur abzubauen, für "ein Deutschland in dem man gut und gern lebt," wie Kanzlerin Merkel so wortreich betont - sonst landet man in der rechtspopulistischen Lage.  Hauptsache, tolerant bleiben.

Kann sein, man läuft einem Abed El-Rahman - auch nordafrikaner Neubürger - auf der Strasse entgegen und vorbei, oder passt mit ihm gleichzeitig durch den Türgang am Gesundbrunnen-Center.  Kann sein.  Aber, tolerant bleiben. immer tolerant.  Denn Terroristen sind "nicht nur" oder "nicht mmer" von der islamischen Seite, Gott beschütze uns vor eigener Vorurteilen!  Hat man nicht genug schon, vom "Dritten Reich" und "Neonazis" und dem "braunen Sumpf"?  Na, also.  Ruhig Blut.


Ach siehe mal, da spricht der junge Mann, Walid, mit einem gewissen aus Tschetschenien eingewanderten Magomed-Ali, sie küßen sich an den Wangen dreimal im Gruß, laufen zusammen durch den Shopping-Mall und weiter durch eine Seitentür nach draußen.  Was ist daran "suspekt" - gar nichts, man sollte solche Gedanken wirklich beherrschen, denn "Angst ist ein schlechter Berater," wie Kanzlerin Merkel so ideenreich betont.

Nun, ich lese auf der Zeitungsblatt das heutige Datum, es ist der 19. Dezember, 2016 - 15 Monate und 14 Tage nach Der-Endgültig-Für-Allen-Geltende-Genzenöffnung, von Kanzlerin Merkel eingeleitet und "alternativlos" angehalten.  Es ist spätnachmittags, man läuft wie gelassener Berliner eine türkischen (oder libanesischen?) Cafè vorbei, wo gerade unser Bilal an einem Tisch sitzt und leiser plaudert - mit Anis, auch ein Tunesier.  (Oder war das ein anderer Bilal, vielleicht hat man sich geirrt.  Ein junger arabischer Mann mag auch mal mit einen anderen verwechselt werden.  Versehentlich, natürlich, denn man kein Vorurteil im Kopf oder im Bauch spüren läßt, niemals - oder wenn, dann heimlich und für sich allein.)  Ruhig Blut, keine Aufregung, kein Grund für unbegründeten Verdacht.  Hauptsache, offen und tolerant bleiben - ist gesunder so, Harmonie fördern und vertreten.  Wie Kanzlerin Merkel, nicht wie, zum Beispiel, Pegida - das sind "hasserfühlte Menschen mit Kälte im Herzen," so die Kanzlerin (poetisch und beruhigend wie immer).

Hat man diesen Anis viellleicht sonst irgendwo gesehen?  Er könnte derjenige sein - oder nicht...oder doch - der mehrmals am Alexanderplatz herumlaufend zu sehen war, oder am Hardenbergplatz oder auch Breitscheidplatz, immer mit studierendem Blick und mit seinem Handy immer am Aufnehmen (nur, von nichts, was Touristen und andere Besucher normalerweise interessieren würde - aber was geht das uns an, bitte niemanden so unterstellen!  Schon gar nicht unsere willkommenheißende Schutzsuchenden und Asylbedürftigen, ich bitte Sie!).

Der Anis verläßt schnell Bilal und Gesundbrunnen, eilt sich nach Moabit, zur Moschee.  Wie schön.  Heißt Fussilet, und er wird da oft gesehen, oft gern empfangen.  Hat mit uns gar nichts zu tun.  Denn Glaubensfreiheit ist A und O, und nach GG unantastbar, so wie der Mensch eben ist.  Und - sind wir nicht alle Menschen, mit mehr oder weniger den selben guten Willen?  Na, also.

Gleich ca. halb-acht abends, an diesem Dezember-Tag, wo all die Weihnachtsmärkte in Berlin mit großen Begeisterung und Adventlicher Stimmung besucht werden - aus aller Welt - läuft Anis zügig von Moschee zu einer gewissen Brücke wo mehrere Lkws geparkt stehen, und geht direkt zu denen den er schon früher ausgesucht hat.  Da erschießt er sofort den polnischen Fahrer und fährt gleich den Lkw fort, hin zum Breitscheidplatz.

Denn unsere durchaus unauffällige Goldstücke, laut Merkel, Altmeier, Steinmeier, Gabriel, Maas, u.a. - ja, unser herzlichst fürgekämpfte Flüchtlinge sind tatsächlich Anis Amri (mit 14 Tarnnamen), der sich gerade mit Bilal Ben Ammar (mit mehreren Tarnnamen) getroffen hat, wird ihn und Walid S., und Abed El-Rahman W. (aus dessen Fenster man Breitscheidplatz von oben direkt anschauen und studieren kann), bald wiedersehen um ca. 20.10 - wenn dieser Amri der gewählte Lkw über die Strassen rasend und in dem Weihnachtsmarkt selbst hinein fährt mit einem Wucht, bevor er shcnell aussteigt und verschwindet.  Der Magomed-Ali C., auch vorort, gehört wie die anderen - und wie noch mehreren Mitinvolvierten - zum IS, und haben sich alle den Dschihad geschworen.  Mit 12 Toten, 70 Verletzten, einige im Koma oder schwerst gelähmt.  Alles - von politischen Ämter, von den Qualitätsmeiden, von Bahnhofklatschern - niedergespielt, vertüscht, geschwiegen, verhöhnt.


Ermittler gehen davon aus - nur, bis heute dürfen sie keineswegs beim offenen Interview oder vor einer Pressekonferenz oder so gar vor den September 2018 Untersuchungsausschüsse, das sagen - daß Bilal Ben Ammar es war, der den Sascha Hüsge (der als ungetroffener Zeuge hin zu der Lkw-Stelle gerannt war, um Erste Hilfe zu leisten) davon lebenseintscheidend verhindert hat - mit einem schwere Kopfverletzung, durch die er zusammenbrach und bis heute körperlich gelähmt ist, kann nicht mehr sprechen, sondern nur mit Augenblinzeln kommunizieren.  Damit Anis Amri gut weg kam.

Kommisch, oder?  Gesundbrunnen, Alexanderplatz, Breitscheidplatz, Hardenbergplatz, Moabit.  Man weiß niemals wen man unheimlich, aber doch flüchitg, unauffällig trifft, und wo oder wann - und was das für eine Auswirkung haben kann.  Zwei waren gerade am Tee trinken, im Kiez um Gesundbrunnen, man läuft denen vorbei - Hauptsache, tolerant, wie immer...


Gut ist nur, das wir den richtigen Schluß ziehen - mehr Merkelpoller beim nächsten Weihnachtsmarkt, und beim nächsten danach noch mehr - dazu auch schwerstbewaffnete Beamte, damit ein sicheres Gefühl (da, wo kein 2. Anschlag eh geplant wäre sondern woanders) erhalten bleibt, Jahr für Jahr, während mehr und mehr Einwanderung auf Deutschland zukommt.  Und man sollte immer offen und vorurteilfrei bleiben.  Hauptsache, tolerant... Gott beschütze uns!

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Cui bono? NWO. ... Cui bono?? Luciferus bonum.

I have NO patience for any Bible-whining quoters of Revelations, they can keep it for themselves. OUR sacred emphasis in THIS time is Ephesians 6:10-20 - and nothing less.

Since childhood I was conscious of pre-life impressions brought with me, among which were both Jewish and Catholic alike. I had to overcome inherited resentments in order to embrace both. I've made myself familiar at one time with Satanism and was demonstrably shown the power and reality of Jesus Christ. The awareness of the one and the choice of the latter has never left me. My very Protestant lady and I in-joy our occasional attendance at an Old-Catholic, all-Latin Mass not far from us. They are no friends of this Pope or this Vatican, and very old-school and authentic.

The Parisian Heart of Christian Europe has just been burned half-way to the ground, it will never ever be recovered. Nearly 200 years in the erecting, it has outlasted six centuries of all manner of history. In one evening - gone. As with the Berliner Christmas-Market Attack in 2016, we've been on this from the first hour. We do not want to see what Macron means to "replace" this with, any more than I can stand to look at the "One-World" piece of shit replacing the Twin Towers.

A triad of Darkness, Decadence, and Despotism - a Dogma calling itself "Diversity" - accounts for the Divestiture of Europe's Cultural and Spiritual Heritage at its most precious roots: envisioned through architecture.


200 years. And six centuries. Until now there has never been a fire which couldn't be extinguished or damage which couldn't be renovated. 2019 and Macron's own firefighters watch it drop in one evening, in ineffectual resignation. In 2016 it was already attacked with jihadi determination, and the jihadi joy now from all those IS-forces which "don't exist" but are swarming into Germany as I write, is palpable. THIS was no "accident", stop kidding yourselves! For once! It was ritual sacrifice, using whatever negative forces at hand - one more and a Big One, in a long litany of such - in our own time.

Friends, listen: EVEN with Notre Dame razed to the gorund, EVEN when the Vatican itself reports on it as it would a subway station incident somewhere far away, EVEN when the Pope himself licks the shoes of African warlords and the other Pope is a cadavre, EVEN when the NWO-Freemasons and Luciferians have hold of all Church officaldom - Catholic and Protestant - the Christian Faith will still survive, there is still Easter.

And EVEN if Cologne Cathedral and St. Peters in Rome should likewise burn, likewise fall - Christianity will not fall, I assure you...as I am assured. But if the Ka'aba in Mecca and the Grand Mosque adjoining it should meet the fate of all these churches and cathedrals in Europe and in Africa and in Western Asia: whither then Islam? It will wither.


(Or, to translate from my Ramona's German on this:

"After years of destruction and soiling of the church interiors in France and in Europe, after attacks, and after executions of priests, Notre Dame is now burning.

"The second largest church in Paris burned in March of this year.
"The first Christian symbol of the Occident was destroyed. Cologne Cathedral and the Vatican will follow. I'm predicting that, and you can take me at my word.
"This is the starting signal for many burning churches in Europe in the future.
"There is already plenty of gloating on the Internet over the fire. I'm not naive, and I say to those who don't believe me: "Learn Arabic!!"


She adds: "The British Times has files showing that ISIS is planning further attacks in Europe, following the example of the Bataclan attack in Paris in Nov 2015. The detailed strategy is said to have been found on a hard drive that ISIS supporters lost during a battle in Syria earlier this year.")

JUST TO RECALL AND REMEMBER WHAT HAS JUST BEEN IRRETRIEVABLY LOST - you don't "replace" in 2019 or 2119 or 2219 THAT which is 600 years of standing history which was begun 8 centuries ago and lasted nearly two to reach completion. No, you don't "replace" that, you mourn it. You don't weave garlands and preach more appeasement or lull to resignation, you train yourself for defense. You don't sing "Thanks for the Memory", you sing the hymns - and prepare for war.


Monday, April 15, 2019

Vatikan Frank und die 4xV


1. Sein Ring - der Verweigerte Kuss 
2. Südsudan - Verbeugung zum Fuß 
3. “Rammstein” (revisited) - Varus-Schlacht und Verknechtung der deutschen Männer von “Schwarzer Germania”, die sie als “Hunde” gebärt - und in Ketten führt (als “Köterrasse”)

WARUM, wenn Franziskus vor gerade einer Woche - plötzlich und unerklärlich - seinen päpstlichen Ring den Vatikantreuen, gläubigen Katholiken vorenthält bzw. deren gebräuchlichen Kuss zu verweigern, WARUM erzählen die Vatikanische Presseorganen nun von “hygienischen Gründen”...seit WANN?! Oder ist es eher, seit Wahn...

Und wenige Tage danach, trifft er mit südsudanische Politiker bzw. Kriegsführer der immer weiter stammesgeordneten afrikanischen Nation - bettelt um Frieden und hier ohne jeden Gedanken an “Hygiene” (oder Würde des hohen Amtes) schmeißt sich zum boden, nee, zum Fuß: und küsst deren Schuhe! Und atmet dabei mit erheblichen Schwierigkeiten...
Na ja, man kann ihn jedenfalls kein “Rassismus” vorwerfen, oder?...oder DOCH! Denn er freut sich, ausdrücklich und außerordentlich, um die Große Experiment, die globale Plan im Gang zu setzen: die Völkertausch in EUropa.

In dem “Empör”-gehypten neuen Video von Band “Rammstein”, die historisch entscheidende Varus-Schlacht wurde frei dargestellt, doch die (männliche) Germanen sieht man von einer unmißverständlich sowie souverän-schöner afroschwarzer “Germania” verknechtet und als “Hunde” in Ketten geführt (ach, wieder “Köterrasse”?) So viel zum Heiligen Römischen Reich, Deutscher Nation - eh, Frank?

Ich weiß es (noch) nicht, ob es damit zu tun hat, daß er Jesuit ist oder Schuhfetischist, Freimaurer oder Luciferianer, oder ob es schon längst seit dem 2. Konsil so läuft, ob er der letzter Papst bzw. Bischof Roms sein sollte - denn zwischen ihm und Benni, der auch noch atmet und sich öffentlich äußert (“Die kirchliche Mißbrauchsfälle beziehen sich auf den ‘68ern!”...tja), ich glaube der Heilige Stuhl ist längst reif für eine Stuhlprobe. Vielleicht liegt’s an zu viel Kuru?...


Vatican Frank - And What’s Eating Him?


1. His Ring - the refused kiss
2. South Sudan - bowing at their feet
3. "Rammstein" (revisited) - Battle of Varus and enslavement of the Germanic men by Black "Germania", whom she is seen giving birth to as "dogs" - and then leads off in chains (as "Race of Curs"*)

WHY, when Francis just a week ago - suddenly and inexplicably - withholds his papal ring from the Vatican faithful, believing Catholics - and refuses their customary kiss - WHY does the Vatican Press tell us inquisitive ones, of "hygienic reasons"... since WHEN?! (I know Catholics have often been called gullible, but please! Does this merit brazenly insulting not only one of their most sacred devotional traditions of respect for the Office of the Holy See, but of their own intelligence as well?)

And a few days later, he meets with South Sudanese politicians, i.e., warlords of the ever still tribally-wired African nation - and he begs (literally on hands and knees) “for peace” and this time without any thought of "hygiene" (or of the dignity of high office) throws himself to the floor, no, at their feet: and kisses their shoes! And breathing with considerable difficulty...

Well, you certainly can't accuse him of "racism", can you?...or CAN you! Because he is after all only too glad, expressly and enthusiastically, to set the global plan in motion for the Great Experiment: the complete ethnocidal population switch in EUrope.

In the "staged-outraged" hype over new video just out by "Rammstein", the historically decisive Battle of Varus was freely depicted, but the Germanic males are seen being enslaved by an unmistakably as well as sovereignly beautiful Afro-Black "Germania" and led as "dogs" in chains (*oh, another "Race of Curs" swipe? Last year a judge ruled that Germans may be referred to at any time by anbody as...this - while any German so much as hinting at displeasure toward a Muslim of Turkish or Arabic ethnicity will be booked forthwith, no quesitons asked...). So much for the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation - eh, Frank?

I don't (yet) know whether it has anything to do with the fact that he is a Jesuit or a shoe-fetishist, a Freemason or a Luciferian, or whether it has been going on for a long time since about Vatikan II, whether he might just be the last Pope or Bishop of Rome - because between him and Benny, who’s also still breathing and coming out publicly himself ("The cases of child-abuse in the Church can be traced back to the influence of the '68ers!"...hwell, that’s certainly reaching), I think the Holy See (in Doitch, Heilige Stuhl) is long overdue for a stool sample. Maybe the effects of a little too much of Kuru?...


Monday, April 8, 2019

Is That My Father?

He wends his way from his room
to us on the balcony, my son, my pride.
"Is that my father?" brings me from my seat.

"Is that my son!" I reply approaching,
kissing him on the neck in Biblical fashion,
as father receives son in a firm embrace.

His mother is no longer, but in now our hearts.
Sweet is his countenance, his stature robust,
he is in my every most tender thought.

My very breath, in word and in stillness,
would lend his spirit all the strength
bespeaking our twenty-two years of trust, of love.

May our Heavenly Father give this father
the wisdom to further guide this son,
even that Father received his mother to the bosom

of His eternal sovereign love and joy.
My boy, my young man, apple of my eye,
song of my soul, should grow

and mature in the robustness of his great heart,
that he may meet and confront his future
with boldness of character and sovereign love.

His father will always have his back,
our Heavenly Father so willing - Whose light so
shine within his heart, even as he shine in mine.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

"Islamophobia"?...Or Christianitophobia?


Friend, do the elementary equation, it's not complicated if you turn down the noise - and listen.
If one adheres exactly to Islamic Shari'a, to Qur'an, follows the Hadiths and the Sunna, actually emulates and imitates Prophet Muhammad according to Sirra, i.e., makes that one's exact role model: you will come up with...ISIS. Capisce?

If one adheres to Christian Teaching as laid out in the Gospels and the Epistles, and if one emulates, imitates and takes as one's actual role model Jesus Christ, one arrives at quite something else - reflecting into this world, one's total environment, and all one's relationships: Love, joy, grace, politically incorrect and effortlessly persuasive compassion and lovingkindness toward all sentient life - toward believer or unbeliever or disbeliever; toward man, woman or child; toward nature and toward animals.

So...which is it - which will you accept, which reject., for which be the apologist, for which the champion, or which defend (possibly with your own life)?

Your choice, your decision. Capisce?

A note to those no doubt finding me "heartless":

ON THE SAME DAY as the Christchurch matter made "BreakingNews", the exact same number of Nigerian Christians in a Nigerian church were slaughtered in a far bloodier and hands-on manner than what you all saw in the Christchurch video - which I did, and studied - but no "BreakingNews" by the Left-driven globalist international media. Certainly not the BBC or CNN or MSNBC, certainly not the German either.

Whereas much, very much, speaks for the Christchurch attack being a staged FalseFlag - not necessarily faked deaths or casualites, although for me the jury is still out on just that, but STAGED - from the shootings and whereabouts to the video itself to the "Manifesto" to the "perpetrator(s)" to the automatic and conspicuously pre-arranged "Reaction" by all elite entities of government, media, state services, lobbies, NGOs, etc. - not the "usual suspects", dear friends:  the usual culprits and accomplices.

What occurred simultaneously in Nigeria, on the other hand:

a) happens regularly there and all across the regions dominated by "The-Religion-Of-Peace", some more and some less, but nonetheless so. Brutally, bloodily, and as a matter of course, whether IS, Boko Haram, or just locally living out the dictates of Islamic ethnic cleansing according to the Prophet's example and his legacy - through being hacked to death with machetes, shot, beheaded, crucified, raped or carried off as well, decimated on a regular basis;

b) does NOT get so much as a fraction of mention in the above-mentioned Liberal Press or TV, none by the Democrats, none by the German Bundestag (EXCEPT by AfD, and very much so). No oddly professional videos made and posted with such curious technical planning and yet so full of remarkable inconsistencies with its intended narrative.  And the fact that Iraqi and Syrian IS-sympathizing Muslims had painted the letter N on Christian houses and doorways to enable IS-jihadis to better find their victims for slaughter went unreported by the mainstream Left and remained that way ever since;

c) does NOT get the recognition or reaction it deserves, BECAUSE it is the slaughter of CHRISTIANS, and that wouldn't fit into the plan for Islamisation of the West, indoctrination into Dhimmtude and the classically incompatible complicity of the Left (with its openly-and-denied socialist agenda) with exactly that very historic conquest and domination by Islam over the Christian West which everyone today tries to deny while likewise abetting, and for which the Left will hang, as always happens once Shari'a has taken hold.

So if I come off as "heartless" over Christchurch, while everyone is rushing to don their hijabs - but never a cross - the way swastikas were once hung out of every window all over Gemany in 1933-45 - gotcha on your own favorite "beware-fascism" image there, didn't I... - consider how cynical it is of yourselves to BUY IN to the propaganda EVERY TIME and suck it up. When will you all

...WAKE UP?!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Shall We REALLY Have A Good Hard Objective Look at NZ?

The following is not my work, not one word of it.  It is my translation from the original German of a German Original:  Wofgang Eggert.  He has dissected the "Prohibited Video" - three optional links to which will appear for you in this writing - and, based on his forensic research of what other "Hoaxers" - i.e., those with the practiced capacity to expose where the holes in a narrative lie - have discovered and indeed perhaps uncovered, Eggert gives us a thoroughly graspable run-through of 24 - twenty-four! - cogent, concrete problems with the video itself and the narrative it proposes to have the international public, all of New Zealand and its PM, the German and American liberal FakeMedia - and you, friends, believe, accept and embrace as fact, let alone as truth.  I wish I could say that those I most dearly would have look at this might do just that - but they are unfortunately exactly those who not only would not do so but would roundly condemn my "heartlessness".  Whatever.  I now give you everything - everything:


Wolfgang Eggert is a German journalist and historian. He has decided to leave the German madhouse with his traditionalist self-sufficiency village project http://www.siedlergemeinde.org/

 Video Forensics: The "Forbidden" Christchurch Video - 24 Inconsistencies That Occupy "Hoaxers"

(Link to original full article in German:  https://www.contra-magazin.com/2019/03/video-forensik-das-verbotene-christchurch-video-24-unstimmigkeiten-die-hoaxer-fesseln/?fbclid=IwAR0LGgWq5X6jqOrbNA0jyFSLKxSt-ewWHyaYeW4Uwh2CwQVIQwcu55FqUcE&cn-reloaded=1 )


The video of the Christchurch assassination seems so manipulated that one must assume a staged representation. Here is an overview of the questions you have to ask yourself.

By Wolfgang Eggert

What we know:

1. The official culprit

Brenton Tarrant. The "unemployed speculation winner" has navigated all over exhilarating crisis regions halfway around the world in recent years, allegedly radicalizing himself to the right. Whether this happened in the holiday paradise of North Korea or in the Balkans, Israel, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan or China's Xinjiang civil war region is not explained. In Pakistan, where the alleged racist and Islam-hater also was, just 5 months before the shootings in Christchurch, he seems to have felt very comfortable, very close to the hotly contested Kashmir region. In a Facebook post he praises the inhabitants and indirectly the government of the Muslim country.

This is the Vita, the official Vita, which until a few weeks ago appeared as "complete". In the meantime we have learned that Tarrant was also a member of a right-wing Order of the Knights Templar, which among other things is concerned with "infiltrating Islamist groups in order to report their terrorist plans to the authorities".

How is it that one finds oneself thinking of secret service work in this vita?

2. Radicalization in full view
Now there are rules with most secret services: the employees are to investigate, and may
thereby behave milieu typical. Hitler greetings (not yet given toward by Tarrant) are allowed. Propaganda and the formulation of extremist views are also allowed. On the other hand, carrying out terrorist attacks is not part of the work spectrum. This is exactly where Tarrant now seems to have "landed". He is said to have recently attracted attention on the Internet through wild propaganda - and then to have resorted to arms. Both cases, "purported to have". Because even this last, most recent part of his life can also only be "attributed".

Anyone who takes a closer look at intelligence services will notice that there is a very popular "trick" there, which on the one hand fixes desired political narratives and on the other hand overrides the reconnaisance of the state police and media competition: it consists of threading mutually hostile intelligence agents into dirty events.

The suspicion that "work was done" in this sort of direction exists in various terrorist incidents:

> There is the (Berlin) Christmas Market attack, in which the papers of the alleged agent for the Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution (Verfassungsschutz, German "Homeland Security") Anis Amri were found in the driver's cabin; before he could testify about his earlier activities he was shot.
>  There is Daoud Sonboly, who is blamed for the Munich rampage; shortly before that, the man who had voluntarily trained in weapons in Iran - or someone else under his name - got himself live-fire weapons, via the Internet - Sonboly was shot.
>  There are the extreme right-wing (actors) Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos - head of the so-called NSU cell - who went underground with the help of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Homeland Security) and were sent money while underground. When, following a series of murders in the highly remunerated drug/weapon/money laundering milieu and a guilty party
was being searched for, both men were found shot and their last act is said to have been the sending of confessional videos.
> There is Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged killer of John F. Kennedy, who'd spent a long time in the CIA environment. He was shot dead. Afterwards a souvenir photo was found, on which the sniper is to be seen, his murder weapon in the proud arm. It's fake.

Each of these men documented his dangerous intentions. Or got it documented. Tarrant fits into this chain. He is said to have been caught. The pictures, which should show him in court, are pixelated.

3. The exercise

If one wants to compare Brenton Tarrant with a terrorist "precedent", then his agreement with Anders Behring Breivik would be the most obvious. In the "Manifest", written under his name, Tarrant refers to the Norwegian who first bombed half of Oslo's government district into ruins and then slaughtered several dozen participants at a youth camp.

Like Breivik, Tarrant visited a radical Templar order. Most of the photos shown by Tarrant - like those by Breivik - show post-processing. And: his "sharp deployment of Christchurch" ran completely parallel to an anti-terror exercise of the police, at the same place, at the same hour - as was the case with Breivik's bloody special deployment.

This interaction is also, as chance would have it, a specialty that negative whisperings attribute to the secret services: To adapt anti-terrorist exercises, to use one's force there, to strike and afterwards to let the responsibility rest on the authorities of the host country for the resulting mess, or at least the after-taste that has arisen from it.

Here is a small selection:

> Norway, 22 July 2011: The terrorist attacks attributed to Breivik were a direct extension of an official terrorist exercise, with almost identical content compared to what happened in reality. In the previous four days and on this fateful Friday, the Norwegian Terror Department trained in dealing with a "mobile" terrorist attack in which "one or more terrorists aimed to kill as many civilians as possible and attack the police on arrival". The exercise was completed at 15:00. At 15:26 the bomb exploded in the government district of the Norwegian capital Oslo.
> The terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015, including the Bataclan nightclub, were coordinated attacks at five different locations in the 10th and 11th districts of Paris and at three locations in the suburbs of Saint-Denis. On this exact day, the emergency medical services, police and fire brigade held an exercise in Paris involving attacks by an "armed group in several locations in the city".
> On September 11, 2001, the American Air Defense was "otherwise engaged. In Canada, the "Global Guardian" exercise trained military response to hijacked civilian aircraft, while in the USA, the "Vigilant Guardian" exercise was a computer-simulated emergency exercise: it also included hijacking civilian aircraft to test readiness if the World Trade Center was hit by hijacked aircraft. Osama bin Laden, who is considered to be the brain of the actual process taking place at the time, was in close contact with the CIA from the end of the 1970s until months before the attacks. (See here, here and here: http://img.over-blog-kiwi.com/0/78/07/19/20150908/ob_02bb38_benladen-cia-figaro.jpg
> The bombings on 7 July 2005 against the London public transport system: Ex-Scotland Yard anti-terror agent Peter Power, later director of one of the largest crisis training groups in England, organised an exercise in the hour of the bombings in which the reaction to bomb attacks was to be tested against exactly those underground stations where it actually happened at the same time. The people who were later identified as perpetrators - and who disappeared - all had connections with British intelligence. Whether they were actually at the scene of the crime is questionable, since the only images they show together on the day of the crime (at a subway station) were obviously generated on the computer.
> As already mentioned, a reality-covering anti-terror exercise also took place in Christchurch. On the day of the drama. Topic: armed shooters make the city unsafe (see here: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12213551).

It was members of this troop, not normal policemen, who at the end of the alleged amok run, possibly according to the training script, secured "explosives" in several cars, including the vehicle of the mosque shooter.

Commissioner Bush, 3 hours after the attacks (https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2019/mar/15/christchurch-shooting-injuries-reported-as-police-respond-to-critical-incident-live?page=with:block-5c8b2bbee4b016d23425c3c5#liveblog-navigation): "several IEDs attached to cars have been made safe now."..."This speaks to the seriousness of what occurred."

It was also they who are said to have arrested Tarrant. There is a moving image recording (https://www.nzherald.co.nz//nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12213956&ref=clavis) which clearly shows the access. As professionally as they went about it - the car was rammed - it looks like part of the current exercise scenario. If you have Tarrant's curriculum vitae in mind, which suggests usage of anti-terror practices, then the headline could read: How special forces correctly pull a colleague out of circulation. Fact is: the New Zealand Herald reports that Australian snipers took part in this or an accompanying exercise and were also seen near the crime scene.

If Tarrant was part of that, it would explain how he'd managed to bring his weapons into the country. But how did he get off the track? Or: Did he do that at all? All this is still barely clarified. The police authorities are holding back information. According to media reports, the access officers from the exercise troop are just starting their annual vacation, of course their names are kept secret. And: The face of the arrested person was made unrecognizable during the demonstration show in the courthouse; which raises the question of whether it IS the Australian shown in the picture by the worldwide media.

The great appearance of the great unknown one - most about him is in fact unknown - is yet to come, he has
allegedly renounced defence counsel.

For the time being, only the crime scene film can provide the interested audience with reliable answers. However, it is difficult to get to it. It is being guarded like a state secret.

4. The suppression of the "evidence video"

Tarrant's video, still available to find here: https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=WO4NOH7OD8Y2,
here: https://videos.files.wordpress.com/AHg7RSw6/new-zealander-shoots-up-mosque-march-15th-2019-1_hd.mp4 
and here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ik6VYAJGF7os/ 
(New Zealand Mosque Shooting Uncensored), was criminalized in New Zealand by the "Chief Censor's Office" as "objectionable" and pulled from net traffic. The 1993 law allows the government to imprison its subjects for up to 10 years for downloading and/or distributing incriminated films. The New Zealand police authorities have even investigated personal data of users (https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/03/new-zealand-police-request-personal-data-from-kiwifarms-users-who-shared-shooter-manifesto-video/80039/) in the present case, who have expressed controversial opinions about the video and the perpetrator manifesto at ´erdreisteten´ . These censorship measures spread to the entire world network within hours and made it impossible for even non-new Zealanders to judge the video.

By the way, such interventions did NOT occur in the much more cruel ISIS videos, which show beheadings, drownings and of burning alive. Also the relevant "Carlie-Hebdo-Videos" are still available on the internet.

Why this time is different, so the hoaxers say, is due to numerous weaknesses of the perpetrator video of Christchurch, some of which are openly revealed. And they have quite a few points of argumentation on their side.

What the video shows:

5. The matter of the navigation device -16.10 (0.43) logic fail

The "shooter", who according to information had prepared himself for this crime for 2 years, uses his car navigation on the way to the Al-Noor-Mosque, but refrains from doing so afterwards on his - more stressful - way to the Linwood-Mosque.

6. The selfie of the "perpetrator" -13.46 (3.09) Tech-Fail

The driver deliberately pans the camera over to himself at one point, which makes it possible to go to "reconize"..."him". It is the only single "image proof", because there are no surveillance camera recordings from the attacked mosques which show him. The mask-like face one sees in the car video may well be that of "Aussie" Brenton Tarrant, who is now treated as the "perpetrator". But the ponim, which seems to be cut out, doesn't fit to the body below, respectively, the stills show it particularly clearly, too far away DAHINTER. It seems, that this also works with moving pictures, that they were simply placed on the ´wahre´ face by photo shopping.
See here: https://s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/images.deccanchronicle.com/dc-Cover-m482e2r1n2tei6lsvek9ovrvb3-20190315141031.Medi.jpeg
here: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Brenton-Tarrant.jpg
and here: https://fijisun.com.fj/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Brenton-Tarrant-750x403.jpg

7. The blind "eye witnesses" -10.28 (6.25) basic video versus end product

In the video we see in front of the gate to the Al-Noor-Mosque the passing march of the "shooter" at two people standing next to each other. They don't seem to wonder at all about this passer-by - who in our opinion was helmeted, camouflaged and armed - the "shooter" ignores both "eye-witnesses".

8. The endangerer as friend -10.19 (6.36) basic video versus end product

This obvious illogic continues at the entrance gate to the mosque, where the "perpetrator" is greeted by men standing at the door - his first "victims" - when he puts on his weapon (suggested by the film) with the usual words
among Muslims, "Hello, brother" .

9. No weapon recoils -10.18 (6.37ff) Tech-Logic-Fail

The "shooting" begins at the mosque gate. However, the jerk-free video does not show any weapon recoils, which suggests that the filmmaker did not carry a weapon at all and use it. Just by way of comparison, see 3.00ff:
("top recordings from Syria /GoPro /ISIS" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItILe1yWvZ8)

10. 52 rounds fired from a 30-round magazine -10.11 (6.44ff) Tech-Logic-Fail

After the initial scenario (9 shots) the "shooter" drops the gun and switches to his second rifle. Below is the sequence of shots. Crawling: 3 shots; side room: 4 shots; forward into the hall: 4 shots; entrance to prayer room (crawling and second body): 9 shots; on group right in the room: approx. 24 shots; on attacking person: 5 shots plus 3 on the ground. That results - with a magazine of 30! - in about 52 shots without a noticeable magazine change.

11. Why does nobody flee? -9.59 (6.57) Logic fail

When the shooter enters the prayer room he does not take the group (which is already cramped in the left corner) under fire at first. At - 9.49 (7.06) he is back in the passage where he reloads - 9.41 (7.14), then he goes back to the prayer room and only now - 9.36 (7.19) he fires at the bodies piled up on the left side. They had the chance to escape through a glass door only two steps away into the garden, but with one exception -9.36 (7.19) nobody did.

12. Space-saving cartridges Tech-Logic-Fail

In the same scene the "shooter" covers the right side of the room with such a wild salvo density that it is completely inexplicable why the walls and windows show no effects of ammunition.

13. Socked barefoot "victim" -8.13 (8.42) shooting with "flaps

A "fatal casualty" -10,06 (6.47) crawling away barefoot at the beginning of the corridor wears blue socks in a later camera setting.

14. Water without rain -7.58 (8.55) turning with "flaps"

During his "amok run", the "shooter" leaves the mosque and enters the street. His camera shows a large water track on the entrance to the mosque, which according to the video timecode two and a half minutes before -10.27 (6.27) was considerably smaller or narrower. In the short time interval - a cone blocking the exit underlines this - no cars can have been driven out. This indicates an extended stage setting, camouflaged by a concealed camera cut.

15. Senseless blasting & cool cars -7.58 (8.57ff) basic video versus end product
If this scenic route "sidewalk/street/side entrance" had been "pre-drawn" like the overall sequence by a previous camera-only drive, then it had to be an "act" (i.e. shots) during a recording of a "deed" (although swept empty and therefore defying any logic). Which also happens here. Strikingly enough, the car traffic on the road continues its normal course!

16. Cartridges dissolving in air -7.58 (8.57ff) Tech-Logic-Fail

The phenomenon of "phantom cartridges" already mentioned under 12 is confirmed particularly clearly when the shooter "opens fire" on the street in front of the mosque. Here you can see the ejection of the cartridge casings - but they dissolve in the air, something we can agree is impossible! The few cartridges that seem to reach the ground without the typical clanking noise disappear there within fractions of a second as if by magic. https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=W9956S2AYY9H

17. No consequences for cars -7.04 (9.52ff) base video vs. end product

While the "shooter" on the street passes the entrance area of the mosque, we suspect from the right angle that a silver van parked in front of the gate is in motion in the courtyard. https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=BGORUSUB2H4N However, the "assassin" ignores the car and prefers to shoot into the empty side entrance. When he goes back to the mosque via this alleyway, the van is already gone. There is only one (!) scene in which "shots" are aimed at a car: This is the windshield shooting at 12.50. Where the shooter, despite 3 attempts, doesn't even make any hit(s).

18. Music contradicts Livestream -6.55 (10.01ff) postproduction

Here particularly clearly... In the video, music can be heard almost continuously, regardless of whether the "perpetrator" is in the car, outdoors or in the mosque. This could only be explained if he had a portable jukebox with him. If that was the case, then the question still arises why the music disappears in the temporal in- and after-field of the shots. In principle, this can only be explained by a post-production. An additional hint in this direction can be found in the "attained" mood building after the head shots on one "escaping" -4.45 (12.13ff) where the background music changes
very appropriately to the song "I am the God of Hellfire".

19. The murmuring and the falling down Tech-Fail

The background acoustics attributed to those under attack also stand out: During the entire massacre, one only catches a continuous murmuring inside the mosque. Individual cries of pain, shouts, requests, warnings, cannot be heard at any point. Likewise irritating to the observor seeking clarity are the body reactions of "victims": Nearly all persons are
already lying motionless on the ground with the first visual contact, without the viewer being able to follow the effects of anyone having being hit or suffering in the sequential process, it partly -9.59 (6.56) leaves one questioning the relationship of any shots fired and their presumed consequences.

20. Dummies and photo shop? -6.00 (10.55) Basic video versus end product

It is also remarkable that far too little blood can be seen during the "massacre". This applies 100 percent to the first run; which - in the case of a virtual manipulation of the film - would explain why the "perpetrator" had to leave the mosque and "return" to be able to document at least "confirmable" blood at the entrance and at two or three places
in the prayer room. The hoax community therefore suspects that the victims were not "real". In a concrete scene analysis https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=XSY1S9AM6W8X from this environment, an arm movement by a "victim" suggests that the bodies shown were not lying together there during the filming, but that they were extracted from other in image and film footage by a mouse-click and then combined on the computer. The discussed arm movement is less compelling than the leg posture in the same part of the picture; the jeans carrier seems to be hovering (a short spotlighting underneath underlines it). Unnatural positions can also be found on other victims, for example the "fatally shot" at the entrance to the main room 7.20/8.13 whose legs are angled at the air side - which is more reminiscent of a dummy than of a human being.

21. The shoes taken off -5.08 (11.47ff) logic fail

When finally leaving the mosque, the "shooter" stops
at the entrance to the house of worship to zero in on two "escaping", who manage to get out through a side door of the site. It is actually a matter of impossibility to hit them because of the distance, the movement and the very narrow angle of fire. Yet he seems to make it with two shots. The camera movement toward the victim shows that the little door is closed (again?), and one meter apart from the woman, for whatever reason, are her shoes. When the perpetrator of the still living woman hits her head, her half-long hair flies to the side as if under the effect of a strong hairdryer, while the hand of the fatally struck reaches for her head. Meanwhile the traffic moves calmly and normally. The second person, who manages to flee, has still not been presented by the media.

22. The missing jerk -4.29 (12.26ff) basic video versus end product

When the "perpetrator" with his car departs from the "crime scene" he "drives over"  this very same woman. The "bump" FROM inside the car is so small that one is compelled to wonder whether this driving over her corpse had taken place at all.

23. Silence on the day of chaos -4.27 (12.28ff) basic video versus end product

During the "escape", or "drive to Linwood Mosque", although the police were alerted two minutes after the first shots and 20 ambulances were on their way, only one siren was heard.

24 The indestructible windshield -3.58 (12.50ff) Tech-Logic-Fail

Shortly before the end of the video  the "shooter" is seen to "fire" three times from inside the car through the windshield - there is no visible destructive effect. Also the perpetrator access recording shows no
mentionable damage here. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/111328483/video-captures-moment-police-arrested-shooting-suspected

The lack of acoustic effect is also puzzling: In reality, the bang of a shot - potentiated in a closed and even more so in such a small room - is enormous with real ammunition. The shooter would then be "deafened" and the microphone would have had to override here. This means that the recording device would not have been able to process more sounds in the same track - which is not the case here.

The fact is, that those who point out that the event is not "real" have several points for their argument.

>  52 shots from a 30s magazine
>  self-dissolving cartridges
>  missing effects of ammunition on walls and windows
>  socked barefooted victim

All of these are real killer-arguments against the credibility of the film sequences and thus against the official narrative.

On the other hand, there is clear evidence that the confessional video was "produced" and edited precisely, before the act, in two editings: In the first one, where the amok route was recorded in pure camera movement and in a second one, in which one "inserted" afterwards the stirring action scenes. Partly with bluebox/greenscreen effects, with photo shopping and picture indentations, possibly even puppets and - typical for exercises - so-called Crises Actors were used.

The question is: Who was in charge of the political direction? The mosque operators and the New Zealander government, together with the subordinate police investigators, would be suspicious here, because they could hold out the - supposedly fictitious - narrative shown. But why they should have shot such a dubious evidence film remains a mystery. It may be a pure exercise film, conceived for internal use, on this day. However, the film may also have pursued further external intentions from the New Zealand side.

Here as there, the realm of suspicion deserves its due consideration, that the product was diverted or saddled by a third party in order to produce its own film from it - in the truest sense of the word. And thus put the New Zealand government under pressure. We will probably never know the full truth.




(NOTE to the "heroic arresting officers" at Christchurch:  In the local mainstream article cited in one of the links above, the "hero of Christchurch on whom the article placed breathlessly written focus, was repeatedy described as "very humble" and very self-effacing, repeatedly quoted as "just doing his job", repeatedly everything and then ever so vaguely identified if at all - then quite all of a sudden and without further ado sent off on vacation to some unknown or undisclosed location!  In a FakeNews heartbeat!  Remarkable?  No more remarkable than much else kept from the public.  But remarkable.  The PM rushed to not only don her head covering as if she were touring Pakistan, she then had the gall to call on all New Zealanders - including men!?? - - and including female police officers(!), to do likewise, i.e., don hijabs to "show their solidarity" with an Al-Qa'ida and IS recruiting center such as is the case with either or both of these two mosques.  Remarkable?  Still more remarkable are the New Zealanders following suit.  They don't get it, and they don't want to get it.  What they will get is Islamisation, and I expressly hope they enjoy it.  Because they will have to swallow it whole, just as they're swallowing this narrative - hook, line and sinker.)


CAN YOU SAY, #ISIS ?? It only takes one index finger raised...!


 Done for.
