Friday, March 29, 2019

German System-Jews in Panic - the Rammstein "Scare" (Deutsch/English)

(Deutsch zuerst, da "Rammstein" MadeInGermany ist, danach auf Englisch - überhaupt nur, weil die Gruppe längst eine internationale Fanfolgschaft zu sich gewonnen hat, ob diese ein Wort Deutsch verstehen oder nicht.)
(German first, because "Rammstein" is MadeInGermany, then in English - this at all only because the group has long since won an international fan following, whether these can understand a word of German or not.)

Erstens:  Die Systemjuden der deutschen Linkslandschaft ist bekannterweise von NWO-neuglobalistischen, bzw. längst Bundesdeutsch - oder alles Deutsches - verachtende Selbstdarsteller besetzt.  Es passt sehr zu denen, daß sie so Merkeltreu und ihrem Staatsapparat so anbiedernd sind - denn Merkel selbst verachtet sowieso die Bundesdeutsche Bevölkerung, im Ganzes.  In deren klassisch symbiotischem Verhältnis, einigen sich beide auf folgende Punkte, wobei Merkel bekanntlich mit Juden, geschweige Israel, in Wirklichkeit nichts am Hut hat, wenn es um die weitere Islamanbiederung geht.  Also, die Systemjuden biedern sich Merkel an, sie wiederum sich die Muslime und all deren Vereinen.  Wo denn die "Einigung"?  Ich gebe drei Punkte, auf denen sie das sehr genau, sehr vorsätzlich und kalkuliert, tun:

1) Die immer wachsende Islamisierung Deutschlands und Europas, im Namen, bzw. Auftrag, der NWO (UNO, EU, Merkelplan) Agenda per Links-ideologische Experiment des Völkertausch.

2) Die #OpenBorders-Hysterie und der Kult des "Multikulti"-Schwindels - und jetzt der Migrationspakt - wobei weltklasse Judenhasser massenhaft importiert werden, geschweige eine massive Sicherheitskrise auf gerade die Deutschen  angerichtet wurde - ohne jeden Absicht, Gefährder ernsthaft und konsequent abzuschieben.

3)  Die totale Instrumentalisierung von "Antisemitismus" - heißt hier, Hass auf Juden -  als a) manipulative Schuldkeule gegen die Deutschen generell und insgesamt, und spezifischer gegen die AfD, Pegida, die Identitären, und Mitstreiter wie mich; und b) als immer nützlicher Werkzeug in deren phantasievollen "Kampf-gegen-Rechts" - in Wahrheit deren Kampf gegen den Rechtsstaat, was Merkel, mit Hilfe von Systemjuden des Zentral(ver)rats und der jüdischen Gemeinden bzw. Vereinen wie von Charlotte Knobloch (z.B.) vetreten, dazu aber Systemchristen, Systemmedien, Systempromis, zerstören will - und tut, wohl.

Also, und welche Juden gehören nicht zu dieser Verräterband:  die jüdische Mitglieder der AfD (JAfD), und einige wohl bekannte liberale Publizisten und Journalisten.  Die werden, wie die AfD selbst, von einer Charlotte Knobloch (& Co.) regelrecht verleumdet, ausgesetzt, deskreditiert, und durch ermächtigte Stasijüdinnen wie eine Anetta Kahane aufspioniert, denunziert, und dem "Anti"fa-Terror frei gestellt.

Ich erinnere, bevor ich zu "Rammstein" komme, an "Feine Sahne Fischfilet" - die groteskste "Anti"fa-Punk Gruppierung Nichtkünstler von niedrigstem Niveau, mit kotzigen Texte, null Talent, die nur deren Merkel-inszenierte Chemnitz-Propaganda "Konzert" veranstalten konnten mit 65.000 Publikum durch: kostenlose Eintritt, gleichgeschaltete (auch kostenlose) Flixbusservice + Cola + Ben&Jerrys ohne Ende, und durch groß-gepuschten Hype von (höchst persönlich!) Buntespräsident-darsteller Steinmeier, Kriminellin-im-Amt Merkel, und Staatsinquisitator Heiko Maas.  Und zu welchem Zweck?  "Kampf-gegen-Rechts", natürlich.  Das heißt, Freunde, was die Linken sich erlauben - und zwar deutlich, unmißverständlich veranstalten - darf so unter aller Kanonen laufen wie Erbrechen in der Gully...  Aber "Rammstein" darf es "nicht geben" - gleich dazu.

Ich hätte nie gedacht, daß ich "Rammstein" scheinbar "im Schutz" nehmen würde - und das, nur weil ich jahrzehntenlang geglaubt habe, was ich immer von dieser Band hörte und zu verstehen bekommen habe, ohne einmal meine eigene objektive Meinung, eigenen Eindruck zu bilden.  Jetzt erst, wo die Systemjüdin Knobloch wieder ihren Mundwerk breitmacht., für Schlagzeilen sorgt, um ihre ignorante Äußerung und doch sehr kalkulierte Trigger-Mechanismen zur Instrumentalisierung im Gang zu setzen, machte ich mich doch an nur dieses neusten Video von "Rammstein", das Stück heißt "Deutschland".  Ich erinnere daran, wo Merkel, die gar keine Publizistin noch Journalistin ist, ein Dreck von Literatur oder Fach versteht, und Thilo Sarrazins Buch (Deutschland schafft sich ab) hätte unmöglich gelesen haben können, erlaubte sich aber an die Öffentlichkeit mit ihrem dicken Amtsgewicht zu gehen, um das Buch für "schlecht" verurteilen, die Leserchaft davon "abzuraten".  Jetzt kommt Knobloch mit der Keule, mit hochdramatischem Berufsempör, und "verteidigt" ihre kostbare KZ-Ikonographie gegen "Rammsteins" angebliche "Verharmlosen" des NS-Verbrechen.  Knobloch und ihre schleimende Systemjudengesellschaft lassen mich erbrechen.  Sie sieht 9 Minuten+ von einem, schon für mich - bis auf die schwarzen Frau - verständliche "Story", und bezieht sich ausschließlich auf den "Rammstein als KZniks" Image.  Ist sie so blöd oder verblödet?  Nein, sie weiß genau was sie da tut, sie tut immer das, und nur das.

Also, nun zu "Rammstein" selbst, und deren Neuesten, "Deutschland". Die Gruppe ist nicht mein Typ, nicht mein Stoff, werde auch genauso wenig von denen anschauen oder hören wollen wie je vorher.  ABER:  Jetzt sehe ich das ganze Stück an - und Schock aller Schock:  ich bin nicht "geschockt".  Denn "Rammstein" ist kaum "rechts" sondern eher "links" - sie hat immer auf den "Hässlichen Deutscher" gespielt, so nach dem Motto:  "Wollte ihr das? Wir liefern das!"  Davon abgesehen:  Wenn man den Text nur hören würde, und die Augen auf machen, sprechen sie von "Deutschland, ich möchte dich lieben aber kann es nicht" - weil so viel Dunkel drin ist, und es schmerzt...klingt "rechts"?  Auf welchem Planet, bitte schön?  Die "Rammstein"-Crew stellt sich selber die verurteilten KZniks dar, stellt sich selber die geknechtete oder enteignete dar, stellt sich selber die germanische Rohheit dar.  Und wer sind die "herrenrassige" SS-Männer?  Nicht die "Rammsteiner", sondern, sie gewinnen die obere Hand und erschießen die nationalsozialistische Handlanger!  Ganz schön "rechts", oder?  Auf welchem Planet, bitte schön?

Die schwarze Frau ist eigentlich, deren Vision von Germania (immer Frau gewesen), jetzt Afrikanerin, um den deutschen Männer als "Köterrasse" an die Kette zu knebeln.  Aber zu diesem Punkt verliert Knobloch kein Wort.  Das sind deutsche Männerköpfe, die von der schwarzen Frau abgehackt und getragen sind - was die Fresserei auf ihr angebotene Körper und Eingeweide bedeutet kann ich später, andermals analysieren, interessiert mich jetzt kaum, da es Charlotte Knobloch auch wenig wenn überhaupt interessiert.  Was sie nur interessiert, ist daß ihr KZ-Heiligtum dargestellt wurde, und es fällt ihr nicht einmal auf - nicht im Geringsten - daß es auch alles anders als unwürdig oder "verharmlosend", geschweige in irgend einer Art verleugnend oder zwar höhnisch, ist.  Und da hat Knobloch und all die, die hinter ihr her rennen, um sich gegenseitig zu schleimen und verleumden, sich wieder, wie sie auch immer wieder tut, entlarvt.

Aus diesem Grund habe ich mich - und wenn es Jahrzehnte gebraucht hat - von der linksjüdische Gesinnung entbunden, ich stehe (als Amerikaner und als Jude) weiter zur Wahrheit, zur Verarbeitung der Vergangenheit, zur Heilung von allen jedseitigen Instrumentalisierungen des NS-Verbrechens, für den Staat Israels, und für die Wiedereinführung eines gesunden, funktionierenden, patriotischen Bundesdeutschen Rechsstaat.

Hier das "Rammstein" - Deutschland (Official Video)

First: The System-Jews of the German left-wing landscape are known to be occupied by NWO new-globalistic, or long since Federal German (or all things German) despising: self-promoters.  They are well suited at being so Merkel-loyal and so sliming chummy toward her state apparatus - because Merkel herself despises the German population as a whole anyway.  In their classically symbiotic relationship, both agree on the following points, whereby Merkel, as is well known, has nothing to do with Jews, let alone Israel, really at all where it concerns her standard of further sliming toward Islam and all things Muslim.  So, the system-Jews kiss up to Merkel, she meanwhile to the Muslims and all their associations.  Where then the "agreement"?  Here are three points on which they do that very precisely, very deliberately and calculatedly:

1) The ever-growing Islamization of Germany and Europe, in the name of, in fact in commission to, the NWO (UNO, EU, Merkel Plan) agenda by left-ideological experiment of international exchange.

2) The #OpenBorders hysteria and the cult of the "multicultural" swindle - and now the Migration Compact - in which world-class Jew-haters are imported on a massive scale, let alone a massive security crisis has been foisted onto the native Germans in particular - without any serious intention of consequently deporting seriously dangerous illegals with long felony records.

3) The total instrumentalization of "antisemitism" - let's call it what it is,  hatred toward Jews - as a) manipulative guilt-truncheon used on the Germans in general and as a whole, and more specifically against the AfD, Pegida, the Identitarians, and comrades-in-arms like myself; and b) as an increasingly useful tool in their imaginary "Fight-Against-Right-extremism" - in truth their fight against the rule of law, which Merkel is out to destroy, with the help of those System-Jews of the Central Con/Shill and the Jewish communities, or associations such as ar erepresented by the likes of Charlotte Knobloch for example (imagine a German Pelosi), but in addition to which System-Christians, System-media, System-celebrities - and she certainly is getting it done, Merkel.

So, and which Jews do not belong to this band of traitors: the Jewish members of the AfD (JAfD), some well-known liberal publicists and journalists.  They, like the AfD itself, are downright slandered by a Charlotte Knobloch (& Co.), exposed, discredited, and spied on, denounced, and having the "anti"fa-terror set upon them by such authorized Stasi-(personages-of-Jewish-backgorund) like an Anetta Kahane.

I'll remind my German readers, before I come to "Rammstein", of "Feine Sahne Fischfilet" - the most grotesque "Anti"fa-punk group of non-artists of the lowest level, with vomitously disgusting low-brow "lyrics", zero talent, which their Merkel-staged Chemnitz (Saxony) propaganda-"concert" could organize with an audience of 65,000 only thanks to: free admission, Flix Bus service + all the Cola and Ben&Jerrys you could consume free of charge, and by the enormous hype generated in person by the Federal President-clown Steinmeier, by Chance-Liar Merkel, and by State Inquisitor Heiko Maas.  And for what purpose?  Why, the "Fight-Against-Right-extremism", of course.  That means, friends, what the Leftists permit themselves in spades - and to do it with all their famously reputable charm - may stoop to the level of spewing vomit into the gutter...  But "Rammstein" should not be allowed to "exist" - but I'm coming to that.

I would never have thought that I would find myself apparently speaking for "Rammstein" - and this, because I'd believed for decades what I'd always heard and was to understood of this band, without even forming my own objective opinion, my own impression.  Only now, when the System -Jewish Knobloch is again running her big mouth, making headlines to set in motion her ignorant statement and yet very calculated trigger mechanisms for instrumentalizing, did I start on this latest video of "Rammstein", the piece is called "Deutschland".  I remember where Merkel, who is no journalist or journalist at all, understands a filth of literature or subject, and Thilo Sarrazin's book (Germany Is Abolishing Itself) could not have read at all, but allowed herself to go public with her tfat officious weight to condemn the book as "bad", to "advise" the readership against it.  Now Knobloch arrives with the Holocaust-truncheon, with all the professional dignity of a drama queen's indignation, and "defends" her precious concentration camp iconography against "Rammstein's" alleged "trivialization" of Nazi crimes.  Knobloch and her Merkel-sliming System-Jewish circles make me vomit.  She sees 9 minutes+ of one, already for me - except for the black woman - understandable "story", and refers exclusively to the "Rammstein as concentration camp internees" image.  Is she so stupid or dumbed-down?  No, she knows exactly what she's doing, she always does that, and only that.

So, now to "Rammstein" itself, and its newest, "Germany". The group is not my type, not my stuff, I won't want to look at or hear from them any more than ever before.  BUT: Now I've watch the whole piece - and shock of all shock: I am not "shocked".  "Rammstein" isn't "right-wing", but actually views itself rather as "left-leaning" - it has always played off on the "Ugly German" image, like: "Isn't that what you wanted? We'll deliver it right to ya!"  Apart from that:  If one would just listen to the lyrics and open one's eyes, they speak of "Germany, I want to love you but can't" - because there is so much darkness in it, and it hurts...sounds "right-wing"?  On which planet?  The "Rammstein"-crew itself plays the condemned concentration camp internees, itself represents the enslaved or expropriated, itself represents the Germanic brutality.  And who are the "master-race" SS men?  Not the "Rammsteins", no,  they win the upper hand as camp survivors and shoot the National-Socialist henchmen!  That sound like "glorifying the Reich"?  I think not - but Knobloch knows better.  Pretty much "right-wing," isn't it?  On which planet?

The Black woman is actually their vision of Germania (always depicted as a woman), now an African one (overflooding of Germany with African immigraiton?), yanking Germanic men
on that chain like a "race-of-curs" (which is just what a Turk won the right in court to call Germans a couple years back, in this age of "anti-Hate-Speech").  But Knobloch doesn't comment here, perhaps an oversight...  These are German men's heads that are hacked off and carried by the Black woman - what the feasting on her offered body and intestines means I can analyze later, some other time, that's of little interested here, since Charlotte Knobloch hardly took notice.  What only interests her is that her concentration camp shrine was depicted, and she doesn't even seem to notice - not in the slightest - that it is anything other than indignifying, glorifying, or "trivializing," let alone denying in some way or even mocking.  And there Knobloch and all those who run after her in order to run their power-scheming and suck at the Merkel trough and slime on each other over mutual favors - these have exposed themselves again as Fakes, as they also do time after time.

For these reasons I have managed - after some decades - to release myself from the left-wing Jewish attitude, I stand (as American and as Jew) further to the truth, to the processing of the past, to the healing of all instrumentalizations of the NS-crimes, for the state of Israel, and for the reintroduction of a healthy, functioning, patriotic Federal German state of consitutional law.

Here's the "Rammstein" - Deutschland (Official Video)

Meine erste öffentliche Rede ( Kippa und mit Kreuz) an die deutsche Patrioten - 23.2.2015

 An die deutsche Patrioten - 23. Feb. 2015

(Hier mein Text, unten die Aufnahme - solange es noch zu sehen ist!)

Liebe Berliner!

Als Amerikener jüdischer Herkunft, kam ich vor 26 Jaren nach Berlin, weil ich ein großes Interesse hatte, das Nachkriegs-eutschland zu sehen und zu erleben.  Ich wußte damals noch nicht wie lange ich bleiben würde, und Pegida war noch nicht zu denken.  Mein Ziel war es, die Nachkriegsdeutsche kennenzulernen.  Ich glaubte, gerade auch nach dem Mauerfall, das die NPD, die Neonazis, und die Braunen insgesamt, die größte Bedrohung für die Zukunft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland dargestellt hätte.  Was ich aber schon früher erkennen konnte - und mir dreht es sich oft immer der Magen um - war der pathologische Selbsthass der Deutschen, in dem kein gesundes Patriotismus mehr Platz haben dürfte.  Ich erkannte, daß dieser Selbsthass, auch gescürt durch Politik, Schulunterricht und Medien in Wahrheit die eigentliche Bedrohung ist, denn dieser Schuldkomplex läßt die Nachkriegsgenerationen - und damit unschuligen Deutschen - von diesem Trauma nicht heilen.  und somit frei werden!  Denn es darf von keinem Volk erwartet werden, das es sich selbst hasst.

Wir Amerikaner sind in der Tat, als U.S. Nation, ein Einwanderungsvolk, mit einer 239-jährigen Geschichte.  Ihr Europäer aber, habt seit Jahrtausenden ein bunter Teppisch, mit mehreren Landeskultur und Zweigkulturen und Identitäten, etc.  Meine Regierung - ein U.S.-Ami Regierung - will aus einenem Macherhalt schon seit Jahrzehnten die europäische Nationalstaaten und -kulturen zerstören.  In dem sie die EU den Islam instaliert haben, und jetzt Euch das Freihandelsabkommen aufzwingen wollen.  Und da kann ich als Amerikaner nur auf Eure Seite sein, denn das Vorhaben meiner Regierung ist ein Verbrechen an Euch, und insgesamt die europäische Völker! 

Nun, zu meinem zweiten Punkt, ganz kurz:  Berliner, Pegida-Mitspazierer - dort drüben (an die masshenhaften "Anti"fa gerichtet) sind die wahren "Mitläufer".  Wie wir alle wissen, sind die aufgehetzt und bezahlt dafür, uns einzuschüchtern und uns zu provizieren, um das wir die Nerven verlieren, um unsere Spaziergänge endlich verbieten zu können.  Aber wir als Bärgida, bleiben weiterhin gewaltfrei.  Wir bleiben stark, und sprechen frei aus was uns ehrlich bewegt und zusammen bringt.  Bleibt Euch auch unter diesen starken Druck und Verleumdungen selbst treu!  Haltet durch, haltet durch!  Denn nur eine selbst bewusste und selbstschätzende Kultur kann Frieden finden, Frieden stiften, Frieden vertreten und verbreiten.  Nur solche eine Kultur als Nation und als Nachbar kann eine respektvolle Zukunft mit anderen Ländern aufbauen.


Translation please:  Dear Berliners!

As an American of Jewish background, I came to Berlin 26 years ago because I had a great interest in seeing and experiencing post-war Germany.  I didn't know how long I would stay, and Pegida had long since yet to be conceived.  My purpose was to get to know the post-war Germans.  I still believed, especially after the fall of the Berlin Wall, that the NPD, the neo-Nazis, and the brown elements as a whole would have posed the greatest threat to the future of the Federal Republic of Germany.  But what I was able to recognize earlier - and my stomach often turns regarding this - was the pathological self-hatred of the Germans, in which no healthy patriotism may have any place.  I recognized that this self-loathing, also fomented by politics, school classrooms and the media, is in reality the real threat, because this guilt complex does not allow the post-war generations - and thus innocent Germans - to heal from this trauma and thus become free of it!  For no people should be expected to hate themselves.

We Americans are, as a matter of fact, as a U.S. nation, an immigrant people, with a 239-year history.  But you Europeans, for millennia, could boast a colorful tapestry, with multiple national cultures and subcultures and identities, etc.  My government - a U.S.-"Ami" government - has wanted to destroy the European nation states and cultures for decades by way of  maintaining its power base.  By installing Islam in the EU and now wanting to force the Free Trade Agreement upon you.  And as an American I can only be on your side, because that project of my government is a crime against you, and the European peoples as a whole!

Now, to my second point, very briefly: Berliners, Pegida co-demonstators - over there (addressing the massively gathered "Anti "fa, this time held at a distance form us) are the true "followers".  As we all know, they are incited and paid to intimidate us and provoke us in order that we lose our nerves so (the Merkel State) can finally forbid our walks.  But we as Bärgida remain non-violent.  We remain strong, and speak out freely what moves us honestly and brings us together.  Stay true to yourself even under these strong pressures and slander!  Hold forth, hold forth!  Because only a conscious and self-appreciative culture can find peace, make peace, represent and spread peace.  Only such a culture as a nation and as a neighbour can build a respectful future with other countries.

Thank you.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

When "Antisemitism" Implodes - On The Liberals

WHILE AMERICANS ARE ALL UP IN ARMS ABOUT ANTISEMITISM, i.e., "Antisemitism" as Talking-Point - whether it's just more virtue-signaling as Jewish Democrats will do anyway, or jacking up the implications and indications of a "white&right" terror act of slaughter on a Pittsburgh synagogue, while always always and always ignoring, whitewashing, playing down or outright denying the ISLAMIC implications and accordingly urgent indications behind MUSLIM terrorism and specifically and highly focused Jew-hatred. The same faced by Christians from the same is a subject unto itself but has already been covered and will again, just not here.

System-Jews and AfD-Jews

The GERMAN message below reads:
Anti-Semitism - Jews feel threatened primarily by Muslims and the Left! 

Followed by a Quote:
"The problem is, if a perpetrator cannot be identified, the police will automatically assign this crime to the right-wing spectrum." 

And THAT, coming from Josef Schuster of all people, a system-Jew loyal to Merkel and chairman of the Central Con/Shill of Jews in Germany (not: "German Jews" mind you, for that would suggest that there were actually Jews here who saw themselves as German and would identify with its active defense as a sovereign consititutional state (as do those Jews in the AfD).
No, System-Jews rather see themselves as Jews who sort of "happen to be" in Germany and would rather continue being passive toward any thought of its defense, and go on having the government and it police protect their asses at taxpayers' expense ). Yet notwithstanding all this, sometimes Schuster seems almost awake... but only sometimes.

And here's the kicker: we have Björn Höcke (AfD), of all people, to thank for this meme-observation. Höcke is himself the controversially-conservative AfD politician most vociferously derided as "Nazi", by that very Left being addressed here.

Pussies and Patriots

If Jews ever stopped being pussies and identified as patriots, what would they look like? Well, look at the Jews in the AfD (JAfD) in Germany, look at Jews who voted Trump or are just plain conservative, look at Jews getting training in Krav Maga - or look at that Jew with the cigar. Just don't try to find a non-whining Jew among the Left or the Democrats, a Jew who will stare his enemies down (rather than softly and arrogantly "dismiss" them as "irrelevant"). Because the Left, and the Jew-hating&baiting Qur'an-fed and Shari'a-bred Muslims who either are militant now or prone to become, or who will bend under future pressure to conform to their heritage of Muslim assertion of domination over every nation, will stop at nothing to mow your Jewish ass down.  Not mine however, not mine.

JEWS: STOP this endlessly tedious pattern of grooming your stupid vulnerability and grow a set of real ones - STOP talking so much "about" Israel and start thinking more like Israelis - STOP soaking everyone's sympathies and start kicking some ass - and STOP dissing your false "enemies" who might be your best allies, while you pander to really false "friends" who will one day have you for dinner - not "have you over for" dinner, but HAVE you for dinner, and I don't mean kosher...but halal.

My Russian-Jewish Immigrant grandfather told my father who told me so I could pass on to you here, the following anecdote, a statement about whining-pussy virtue-signaling if ever there was one:
Two Jewish friends encounter each other on the street.and chat:
"So, how was your job interview, did you go? How'd it turn out?"
"Oh-o-oh, went b-b-badly, I...I c-c-can tell y-ya."
"Well, gee, that's too bad - what were you applying for anyway?"
"R-r-radio a-a-n-nounc-anouncer…"
"Well, hmm, why do you suppose they didn't take you on, then?"
"D-damnit-it, it's, it's ob-obvious, now is-isn't-isn't it! A-a-anti...antisemi-Antisemitismus of course!"

EVERYONE has weaknesses, EVERYONE has vulnerabilities. So what. LIBERALS just capitalize on it, and Liberal Jews worst of all. That is why I learned to STOP being one.

CONSIDER THIS: So, "Nazi" is baad - and the dark occult is...good? The occult is already not of the Light, but the actual choice of, or entrapment by and into, the dark-occult gets very - and I mean very - dark.

CONSIDER THIS: Socialism (brown and red, now rainbow) historically mixes well with Islam - but only in the recruiting and skirmish phases. At the end of the day however, when the dust has cleared, it will be the socialists who will be marked for the gallows or the firing squad or the stoning pits - and the LeGaBiTras will be found hitting the pavement. These will all have brought this onto themselves. Because they would not listen to us - in fact they oppose us in their brainwashed treason toward their own people and toward themselves. It's the consequence of oxytoxin-spiked kool-aid if you will, and chanting in daisy-chain and unicorn circles that "hate only breeds hate" while completely overlooking that Stupid only begets more Stupid.

CONSIDER THIS: The Left and Islam are in that stage of symbiotic embracing which necessarily produces False Flags - this means nothing less and nothing other than: The manipulative steering and staging of that NZ slaughter by sending in some ten elite mercenaries - and on the bodies of those dead, over which the globalist DeepState elite walk, the reality of Islamisation fares forth, riding to conquest on the backs of a propaganda-insatiable public "moral outrage"  No one seems to remember or even know, to say nothing of finding this of relevant interest .

CONSIDER THIS: The Left hates children (hence, gonzo- and full-term abortion and when even that doesn't come off, then murder at birth) and families - I never would have imagined this to be possible, but we are watchin git unfold before our eyes. Communists give the impulse for the fanatic, policy-making and policy-chasing Left wherever power is palpable. The manic hysteria preaching the hoax-bogus "CO2-danger" and justifying the mass cutting of classes by all these child prodegies so they can imitate an "exotic"(?) Swedish genius of cluelessness as she cuts classes to read to the world from her script - this goes so far as to promote the misshapen assertion that CHILDREN are somehow "CO2 killers"(!) and therefore we don't want any of those.

China began its program of enforced one-child-per-family back in the '80s or so. What happened? Abortions were of course astronomical - but more: daughters were disproportionately murdered in favor of boys, girls were even buried or left to the elements. Quite aside to what that does to any culture's psyche in our day and age - the practical consequence was that an entire two generations of males were naturally left without womenfolk, i.e., mates, and subsequently found themselves horribly alone without a solution. (Fine if you're gay, bummer if you're not.) And now the Chinese government - believe this or not, I don't care - have drawn up a new system of "points" you either gather, for exhibiting the "right" or positive mood or emotions, or else lose, for not having guarded yourself from carrying the "wrong" or negative expressions. This can win or cost you the "privilege" of being permitted to travel abroad, or to partake in other bennies which Chinese cannot take for granted in their daily relaity. No, really. And - don't laugh - we are "going there" ourselves, on every socialist ticket, from West to East Coast, from Macron to Merkel to May and so forth.

So CONSIDER: NOT falling into the trap of "justifying yourself" vis-à-vis the Ideological Left, that is a losing equation. Go for the throat, stay on the offensive, CONFRONT THEM, hit 'em where they make their money. And don't EVER let anyone preach one goddamned word to you about "the Nazis" or the "Third Reich" and how "everyone followed and swallowed" - just look them square in the eye and very solemnly, at a sensible decibel but with assured penetrating force, reply with: "Just. Like. YOU."

Then this came along:
"Arutz Sheva spoke with Elizabeth Pipko, a 23-year-old Jewish figure skater-turned-model, who recently launched the ‘’JEXODUS’ movement, calling for a "mass Jewish exodus from the Democratic party".
For nearly a century, American Jews have been one of the most reliable voting blocs for the Democratic party. At the national level, Democratic presidential nominees have won the Jewish vote – typically by wide margins – in every single election since 1924. In 2016, Jewish voters backed Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by a margin of 71% to 25%.
Numerous Republican candidates over the years have looked to capitalize on the growing support within the GOP for Israel to win over Jewish voters. Yet no Republican presidential hopeful has managed to win even a third of the Jewish vote over the past 30 years.
But could the Democratic lock on the Jewish vote be about to finally crack? (...)"  Click the link below for the article.

"JEXODUS"??? JEXIT would have sufficed, Jews love to over-dramatize. But maybe their finally getting it, which I would cautiously welcome. I say "they" because "this" one finally did, back in mid-2016. But really now: "a 23-year-old Jewish figure skater-turned-model"?...Please, Jehovah, let this one be serious. But apart from anyone "being serious"- to borrow from that same above mentioned grandfather who'd passed along this riddle (with one minor update) - maybe he actually "saw all this coming": "Why did the Arab sit outside the Democratic chambers squeezing a lemon?...He wanted to see all the Jews come out."

Monday, March 18, 2019

New Zealand Not So New

Tarrant, in his running rambling Breivik-like self-glorifying mania, "attributes" a part of his gonzo-radical, bloodthirsty "inspiration" to - of all people! - Candace Owens, which is mighty puzzling if you are familiar with Candace Owens. Likewise does he constantly mention PewDiePie (which/who also distances itself in no uncertain terms from anything to do with Tarrant or his rambling and his despicable actions).

That said, there are a number of reasons for raising questions as to who and what in reality are behind this - as it plays oddly right into the hands of a) the globalists, b) the timing with approaching EU-"elections", and c) the Trump-bashing legions.

What we do have here is a Serbian(!) terrorist, an "eco-fascist" by his own words, playing a Serbian battle song while shooting down people attending mosque - if indeed what we are seeing is what it is - and firing about outside (sometimes at no one). He goes back in to fire at already dead or nearly dead, ignoring some five or so rooms behind closed doors where people also are inside there. Odd indeed, considering the narrative here.

Unmistakeably visible among the scribblings all over his arsenal is the number "14" without any explanation heretofore given. "14" is seen in photos, by now well-knnown (if forgotten), written on the upheld palm of a grinning John (Pizza) Podesta. And guess who, of all personages, was seen dropping by New Zealand just a week ago, his first visit there ever, for a globalist-"progressive" event: John Podesta. Odd, that - or not... And "Christchurch" (out of all the world) in the DownUnder is a place name which should not escape suspicion. This is sacrificial ritual slaughter. The only agenda I see being served here is the globalist, and the satanic. Accept that or not, I don't care. This will all come to light.

Without giving any crass argument here that the video is itself "fake" - clear to us is that this "manifesto" of his is a fake, or to quote a reliiable blogger, Dushan Wegner (translated here): "The Christchurch terrorist manifesto is a trap. The author calls himself "ethno-nationalist" and "eco-fascist" - all at the same time. He wants to be quoted and to divide society. Too many jump through the hoops he sets, according to his plan. ..."

Furthermore, when speaking of False Flags, one is not necessarily calling this mass murder "a fake" - but to point out an established pattern of such actions perpetrated or steered (MK-Ultra mind-control, MI6, CIA) by DeepState secret services. Disinformation and distraction from real issues are part and parcel of the globalists' pattern, using especially emotional incidents such as we are being presented here.

If this dude was such a "warrior", why hadn't he the cojones to go after Merkel herself (for example), rather than completely innocent men, women and New Zealand?? Because Merkel wasn't at all really the point. This is itself a complete distractor.

Quite apart from the fact that Islamic terror (having admittedly nothing to do with the 49 persons murdered in cold blood - much of which blood is conspicuously lacking for such a bloodbath as this) is regularly overlooked or denied as such, or "explained" away and hurriedly forgotten, in the usual system-press, it comes as no surprise that this NZ massacre will be received and capitalized on with open arms by the Left - although this Tarrant crew (he wasn't alone, there were some nine others) and his "manifesto" are by their own admission eco-socialists, a kind of New Order "SJWs".

For those who are upset with me and/or those who are placing this all under actual, skeptical, objective examination - let me remind here, that we have been following and researching, posting and writing on a number of events and incidents over the past two to three years with ours and others' analyses, and winding up confirmed time after time after time - in the face of constant fake-newsing on the part of system- or mainstream-media (print and television).

The shooter's own footage is being erased everywhere and speedily, in a frenetic "damage-control" - here, if you have the nerves for it (if not, please spare yourself) is perhaps the last remaining source of that footage. Consider, in watching it, where the inconsistencies lie.…/streamed-from-my-gopro-with-https-…/

WE here have watched enough and studied enough to recognize the patterns of what has been fomented by the globalist and satanic DeepState over the past few years, and WE have been confirmed over days or over weeks or over months, time and again - so WE are in a position to make some calls on this as with most other incidents of terror and slaughter.

Before ANYONE "challenges" my not jumping on the Mainstream-knee-jerk bandwagon of expressing horror and disdain for "right-extremist fascists", HEAR THIS FIRST: To be horrified and disgusted at the wanton slaughter of some 50 innocent people - notwithstanding the two mosques being under the auspicesof the Muslim Brotherhood, that aside - as we are shown to have just happened in NZ, is, first of all: A NO-BRAINER!! So...d-uh. Now hear THIS:

Read the goddamned "Manifesto" of this weird team - NO "right-winger" could come up with such a stupid yarn so laden with mixed and contradictory clichés without being a group of some nine contributors working off a script by either CIA or Marxists or both. Which may sound like a contradiction in itself, but that is the point: Only a Left-extremist agenda would write two Black "role-models" and a mixed anti-Trump swipe ("white good, policies bad") into a convoluted spill of vomit to complement the spillage of innocent blood. Just when Trump has been working on policy points with Australia and NZ - and just a week following John (Pizza-Loving Paedo/cannibal-Art-Afficionado "14"-handed Abramović-Pal) Podesta's sunning himself on that lovely island nation.

Add to this, that the "manifesto" scribbler(s) identifies as "socialist" and "for the working class" and "anti-conservative"...hmm."Right-wing" - or rather...Left?

And only such a sophomor(on)ically penned, insipidly, tediously incompatible pairing of "eco-fascist" with depopulation by decimation to "save nature", of wanting to "target" Germany's own anti-German Merkel with demonstrating this by the extermination of 50 Muslims quietly at prayer in New Zealand, of rambling and belligerant idiocy with a very division-specific and media-savvy outcome: can all be but the scripted agenda of a Network of the highest organized disinformation and gaslighting distraction, a Network which is past-master at directing media to arouse world-wide knee-jerk response (as with Smollett recently, for example) right where the psychology touches the nerve - while relentlessly playing down the direct relationship between expressly Muslim terrorism and Islam.

This same Network (as is the case with the German mainstream press at this moment) then claims for itself overnight(!) the role of "public informant" concerning the actual networked conspiracy surrounding Anis Amri's 2016 Christmas Market attack - something WE knew of, and much more, two years running now via alternative sources - after all this time right up until two days ago, holding to the unforgivable lie and smoke-job that he was some "lone wolf"...

One of the two best (German) analyses we've found:

Meanwhile:  "Radical Muslims Murder 32 Nigerian Christians, Torch Church in Brutal Attack"

(NOR OF THIS ... )

"Children Murdered in Their Beds:  Nigeria Now the Deadliest Place to Be a Christian"

This is all being run on - and by - a globalist and Marxist Agenda of destruction, division, demoralization, and domination.
So this isn't "new" - and it's certainly far from "over"

>>To UPDATE a moment - 18 March:<<

NOTICE TO ALL still-gullible FakeNews readers: the "OK" gesture displayed before cameras in court by the NZ Manifesto/Video Mass-Murderer, from waist-level using the downturned right hand of his cuffed wrists - is NOT some "White Power" gesture as the Left would love to have you believe (if that were so, then most of Hollywood and the Music Industry would be "white supremacists", I don't think so...), but the "6" of the Free Masons, just as the "14" painted onto his weaponry in that trunk was the same number John (Pizza-Paedo/Cannibal-Art-Collector) Podesta displayed onhis one palm (his other designating a fish). This is no coincidence.

As I have already stated, WE get confirmed every time - sooner or somewhat later - when we stay on it we get there, and the cadaverous DeepState stench is rising from the cellar the more we dig: we are coming ever closer to confirming that the NZ attack was a(nother) False Flag operation directed by secret services.

The globalist DeepState @ work. Videos deleted/removed - on pain of massive penalties. Podesta spoke of NZ as "juicy target" - more sacrificial blood ritual? Tarrant had been in Pakistan before, as well as North Korea, and anyone who can fire off rounds into that windshield that confidently from behind the wheel - while driivng - is a professional, with Podesta's "14" and fish painted onto the heat he was packing. But: FOR WHOM AND SERVING WHOSE AGENDA?  This, July 2018:

"Survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school in Florida arrived in Christchurch this morning.
"Twenty-eight students from Parkland city will be spending a week with the Student Volunteer Army, set up following the Christchurch earthquake in 2011, to share their experiences of living through a tragedy. ..."  HELLO??

You want specifics and sources? This is not even three days old, so don't get cocky and just stay with us on this. You will have it as we get it. NZ has just placed a complete prohibition on any posting or downloading - or so much as viewing for oneself - of Tarrant's own video of his massacre, ON PAIN OF 10 - 14 YEARS IMPRISONMENT. Unheard of? You ain't heard nuthin' yet. This is just starting to come to light and to unravel.
And it will, it will.

GO THROUGH ALL the Tweets here and THINK for once!
Muslim Brotherhood has been active in both NZ mosques!
#Pallywood, people, #Pallywood!

The two mosques in question have an established history as recruitment centers under observation, for al-Qa'ida and for Jihadi allegiance to IS - out of these mosques were those recruited for the brutal Nov. 2015 massacre at Paris' Bataclan (130 murdered, 683 wounded - 97 of whom, critically) and Charlie Hebdo .  Crosses worn - or Bible verses read aloud - by Muslims out of solidarity: 0.

Yet the PM dons a head.covering while Parliament reads from Qur'an! And you want to tell me this isn't alll being instrumentalized for the globalist NWO? Wake...Up!!

Friday, March 8, 2019

While My Cigar Gently Smokes

(The version neither George nor Paul dared touch!)

I walk in the room where the air mild and gentle
Embraces the guests at the bar.
I sit at a table quite apart in the corner,
Light my cigar - with a smile.

The waiter's discomfort, the crowd's irritation,
Fail to affect my elation - at all...(whatsoever)...
The stares I'm drawing as I draw in the aroma,
Just letting it fill me, to their chagrin...(I grin)...

No signs to forbid me - cigarettes all lit up casually -
While my cigar gently smokes.
Their heads on occasion with shocked glances turn toward me,
While my cigar gently smokes.

I didn't come here to cause any hardship,
Just enjoy the ambiance, sip espresso, and read.
I don't know why someone should have problems,
We each have our own tobacco - indeed.

Some get up and move and the others just glare,
While my cigar gently smokes.
As I'm lost in the mood of my smoke-ring's contemplation,
While my cigar gently smokes...

I smile back - and wink,
While my cigar gently smokes.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Fasching-Basching durch Neofaschist*innen

Kein Winnetou (#MeWinneToo?) in der Kita, gar keine Indianer, nichts Asiatisches (#NoGeisha) , und (um Gottes Willen!!) kein verdünkeltes Gesicht - egal was "das bedeuten soll"!  (Oder Hauptmann von Köpernick?  "Zu militaristisch!") Das ist alles "Verboten und Vorbei".  Die Links-Grüne Neofaschisten wollen daß jede(r) nur kommt wie er/sie/es eben ist, "sich selbst"... (Hauptsache, "politisch korrekt".)

Gut, dann komme ich als "Osama bin Laden" - wenn gefragt, warum ich ein Saudi-Terrorist nachahme, sage ich:  "Nein, nein, ich bin 'CIA'..." Oder als Baghdadi, dann presentiere ich mich als "Merkels Neubürger-Vermittler"...Ta-täää...

Nee, aber die Anglezismen sind in-Vogue:  "Framing" ist in, und "Blackface", "Fat-shaming", "Cultural Appropriation" sind aus.  Man kann es nicht mal sogar in Deutsch ausdrücken - "zu Deutsch", versteht sich.
Alsooo... Pierre Brice? Oder... Gojko Milic? ...

Welcher von den beiden "Winnetou"-Stars verstieß härter gegen "Cultural Appropriation", hmm?  Denn alle beiden wurden jeweils von Native-American Stammesleute in der Tat gern und feierlich empfangen, als Ehrenmitglied des (jeweiligen) Stammes angenommen!  Milic selbst fuhr mehrmals nach der USA um "seine Leute" zu besuchen.  (Nicht mal U.S. Senatorin Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren kann das behaupten, zwar im Gegenteil!)  Aber die Links-Grünen wissen besser, und wollen uns alle was"Besseres lehren" bzw. belehren. 
Und was ist mit... Louis de Funè?

Eine Unverschämtheit, die nicht enmal eine einzige Empörung aus jüdischen Ecken erweckt hat - nicht einmal.  Aber zu Fasching:  "Das geht nicht!"  Okay, okay, - sorry, ich meine, "in Ordnung - wie wäre es denn mit:

Besser?  Und - ohne Geishas im Laden! - wie ist es mit Takeo Ischi, der Japaner der Bayern so liebt. und die Bayern ihn, daß er es zu einer großen Karriere in Deutschland gebracht hatte, als "Japanischer Jodler in Lederhosen und Hut hier am Ort und unter uns" - eine beliebte Film- und Bühnefigur, Goldene Schallplatten dazu?  Ein Hoch für "Cultural Appropriation"!

Und?  Wie wäre's mit... Billy Mo?  Geht das, vielleicht?............

Was ist mit Transvesties überhaupt?  Ist das nicht auch zu verpönen, ihr Links-Grünen?  Soll ich nicht als (Cis) Mann empört sein, von einer Frau sich zu Mann macht?  (Ich lass die Frauen sich empören über das Umgekehrtes, selbstverständlich.)  Von #GeishasAreOut abgesehen, was ist mit der Takarazuka Performer*innen in Tokyo die so auf die Bühne auftreten?

Auch die durchaus amerikanische Geschichte, ein Broadway-Vermögen, wird von japanischen Ladies geraubt:

Da die selbsthassende deutsche Linken bekanntlich an alles Neues aus der USA so hängen, und alle hirnlos-linke Trends aus Kalifornien bis NYC so gern beherzigen und damit identifizieren: Was denn mit Amis, die Germany (okay, Bavaria-Germany) gern feiern?  Alles "Nazis"??


Schließlich ist Fasching mir persönlich kaum Thema, ich finde die meisten "Verkleidungen" aus der Faschingzeit ehe kitschisch, bieder, und die Witze ewig wiederholt.  Nur, das links-grüne gespielte "Empör" ist zu auffällig weit hergeholt - es hat mit Menschenwürde überhaupt nichts zu tun, damit haben sie eh nichts am Narrenhut.  Es hat ausschließlich mit deren eigenen Machteifer zu tun, denn Fasching-Basching ist nur ein Vorwand, ein Knüppel mehr noch, in der Hand der Neofaschisten (mehrheitlich -faschist*innen).  Und darauf kann ich immer verzichten.  Noch mehr kultureller-Marxismus.