Saturday, November 24, 2018

Taking Stock

And one continues to angrily wonder why I draw parallels between what Merkel began in September 2015 under Soros' guidance, and the Caravans Crisis financed by Soros and fomented by his very beneficiaries at the U.S.-Mexican border?

An unvetted immigration against which Trump alone had not outspokenly positioned himself, but Bill Clinton, Bush W, Obama, Hillary. Only Trump however, is catching all the vicious flack from the (in)famously "humanitarian" Left – who are oddly conspicuously silent concerning, for example, the actual widespread child traficking ...

(Documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz discusses what he learned about the people inside the migrant caravan.)


The following astute observations from 2016 (see link below) were shared by HILLARY with PODESTA concerning MERKEL – the uncoated candor is all thanks to HER assuming that none of this would ever reach the public; the blunt accuracy of HER confidential accessment to PODESTA here is entiely due to HILLARY walking over corpses as blithely as does her own publicly stated Role-Model MERKEL!

HILLARY actually nails this with more content and personal knowledge than TRUMP ever has publicly – after all, she's always identified with ANGIE!

Do note: This is the HILLARY for whom her Soros-funded #MeToo-ers and „Anti“fa SA-terrorists all hit the streets right after her (still unadmitted responsibility for her) loss to this sitting President that year – and in 2020 if she even dreams of it.

Clinton's Migration Analysis Must Feel Like a Slap in the Face to Merkel

>>Translated from the Doitch<<

Hillary Clinton walking in the footsteps of Trump, (Hungary's) Orban, (Austria's) Kurz:
(Hillary Clinton in a credibility dilemma - but all for "the fight against right-wingers".)

You could think the message was fake news if it wasn't in (the high-brow and far-Left shifted under Merkel) Die Zeit. Hillary Clinton of all people, Merkel's sister in spirit, recommends that the German Chancellor and Europe turn off the refugee spiggot and curb immigration. She told the British Guardian, that if the migration problem could not be dealt with, the body politic and social climate would continue to be in turmoil.

Hillary Clinton's migration analysis must feel like a slap in the face to Merkel. Because Clinton is following in the footsteps of Trump, Orban, and Kurz. According to all that was thought to be known about her so far, this means a pretty much 180-degree turn and appears to resemble the Church's late acknowledgement that the earth is not a disk adter all, but a sphere. The reasons for the dramatic turnaround come off like mockery to the ears of all the tireless warners and admonishers of a migrant invasion: "I believe that Europe must get immigration under control, because that is what is igniting the flame," she said. Her petitum (demand), which one first has to get one's mind around, is: Stop migration, because the fight against right-wing populism requires it.

And while she's already on it, Hillary adds two more gemss of wisdom that nobody in Germany, and certainly not in Merkel's Chancellery, had ever wanted to hear either. According to Mrs. Clinton, Merkel's migration policy had led to the election of Donald Trump and had also contributed to a large extent to Brexit. Migration had angered voters, and the British withdrawal from the EU was the greatest act of economic self-inflicted injury in modern history.

In other words: German Chancellor Angela Merkel is ultimately to blame, that Trump is at the helm in America and Hillary Clinton had to suck it up, as one may interpret Clinton's words. Because the Americans and the British had watched the German Chancellor's activities with suspicion and had drawn the right conclusions.

But the noble fighter for everything tolerant and liberal wouldn't be Clinton if she didn't lay a verbal slime trail to Berlin at the same time to sweeten her ugly confession. She admires the "very noble and compassionate approach" of Mrs. Merkel in particular. But her decisive sentence reads as though AfD-Chair Alexander Gauland had dictated it directly to her pen: Europe has now done its part and must make it clear that it can no longer provide asylum and aid.

Of course, the loser's push against Donald Trump is no accident. Hillary Clinton is hopeful that she will be able to run for the US presidency again. She has recognised that Donald Trump was absolutely right with his policy of ceiling limits and strictly controlled immigration. A welfare state with the simultaneous opening of borders cannot function in the long term. Unless society is deliberately divided. If Clinton does not turn around in time, she will have no chance in the presidential election campaign. She is unlikely to make friends by changing lanes with her friends in Germany. It will be interesting to see how Merkel's government and the mainstream react. In the fight for successorship to Merkel in the CDU party leadership, Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn are already making their first moves in migration policy, but Merz is still in the form of the (traditional) Echternach Spring Procession: Two steps forward, one back.

(PI-News, 23 Nov 2018)

(Hillary and The Guardian, 22 Nov 2018)

And. last but not least, just to drive the point home (orig. German, untranslated),
An Open Letter to the Bundestag (21 Nov 2018) on the UN Migration Compact and a Firm Reminder of the Actual Wording of the (1996) International Criminal Code § 6 Genocide:

(Offener Brief an den Bundestag zum UN-Migrationspakt und Erinnerung an Völerstafgesetzbuch § 6 Völermord)

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