Thursday, November 1, 2018

"Gruesome Is All In Fun"

Dateline:  31 Oct.-1 Nov, 2018

Quite apart from the following update on Germany's American-imported Halloween, as it has devolved into one more occasion for Merkel's imported taharrush gamea as cultural enrichment, in cities throughout North Rhine-Wesphalia (or Nordrhein-Westphalien auf Doitch), chiefly Essen and Cologne (ring any bells?...), but also in Berlin as well: allow me first to translate an opening exerpt from one of the decidedly non-mainstream and most thoroughly reliable sources, PI-News - note the transfer of the state name in the headline, from North Rhine to Mordrhein, Mord being murder, and from Westphalien to Vandalien, which needs no explanation:

"1,200 police actions - numerous sexual assaults -
NRW: Bloody Halloween in Caliphate Mordrhein-Vandalien

"The 'Zombie Walk' turned into bloody ernest in NRW - was that also true of All Saints' Day in the past?

"In the past, the family celebrated All Saints and went to the gravesides of their grandparents and relatives, demonstrating respectful gratitude and reverence for their life's work. The 'Zombie Walk' was now demonstrated for the new German "All Saints' custom" Halloween (from the horny All Hallows' Eve). In this cultural enrichment of Germany, the 'integration' works very well - also in 2018, numerous Merkel zombies took part in the festivities. In North Rhine-Westphalia alone, there were more than 1,200 police actions during 'riots'.

"Essen railway station closed - Merkel zombies attack women

"At Essen's main railway station alone, the officials reported ahving to remove 1,200 people from the edges of a 'Zombie Walk'. Between a group of about '200 provocateurs' and participants of the 'Zombie-Walk' as well as 'travellers' (this latter phrasing being lifted out of the original PC-text of Frankfürter Allgemein), there were verbal provocations and 'bodily injury offences' on All Saints' Day, Federal Police spokesman Volker Stall said. ..."

(Source, if interested: )

Without translating the entire article, let it be further noted, that the same cities which have seen massive sexual attacks - from the directly groping kind - which famously sends #MeToo-ers out onto the streets when they target "old white men" of the "system-patriarchy" - to actual rapes and attempted rapes which the same #MeToo-ers defend when one takes to the streets in open protest because, as in both degrees here, it is perpetrated by Merkel's North-African Darlings and fomented by their "Anti"fa backers, and for which protesting we get targeted by those very same #MeToo-ers as "Nazis" and as "racists".  And this is still directly confimed by the police reports themseves, before the mainstream media and the Left-Green dominated politicians - from local mayors to state Ministers - omit and delete and contradict these.

Which is why alternative news sources are so indispensible - and so under attack by state organs.  Add to this complete vandalist terror, in these NRW ciites and elsewhere - as mentioned also specifically Berlin - with arson on police vans, parked cars, destruction of streets and shops on those streets, older people being frightened out of their wits (not merely by the costumes, mind you, but the open terror).  And let us not forget the currently (since the borders have been slung open like barn doors) "indispensible" trend of - make that, alarming rise in - knifings ending in critical injuries and in death.  This much thanks to more imports from "The-Religion-Of-Peace", thank you Merkel.  But so much for Germany 2018...  Let me just go back to addressing: Halloween.

Sure, I grew up with Halloween, didn't we all...

What is today particularly striking to me however is, that so, so many party this up and hype it as "harmless fun"...

Yet the same people will tell you to stop being "disgusting" when you inform them of the real and present Gruesome which comes with unprotected borders, or in the lives of actual victims of or witnesses to satanic ritual murder. They are too contronted with the fact of it, the reality of it, the monstrosity and nearness and immensity of the horror - the real, actual horror. And you - you will be shot as the messenger, so to speak, you will be hysterically shouted down for being so "negative" and "conspiracy-theorizing". But alas, it is no theory, it is true.

And children will go on being abducted or born into, abused and destroyed and sacrificed.

And Halloween celebrations will go on as well.

Enjoy the candy.

Allow me to elaborate, if somewhat graphically, what I am talking about here, with a thumbnail rundown of the actual Occult Ritual calendar:

"Ritual abuse and ritual killings are real. Many sacrifice victims are born and raised for the purpose of human sacrifice.

"In multi-generational Voodoo families, for example, the oldest girl is often ritually abused and then sacrificed. (The oldest daughter is also sacrificed in multi-generational Satanism.) They are subjected to programming, surveillance and various types of abuses during their upbringing and young adulthood which results in them being socially isolated and emotionally scarred -- in preparation for the day they are caged or programmed via trigger words to return home to be sacrificed.

"Pray that God will rescue every person that Satan's workers have planned to ritually abuse and/or sacrifice. Also, be prepared to open your home to anyone that God has sent to you for refuge. Be in prayer and be sure you understand the Lord's will because God might lead you to be his instrument to save a life."

(Blood Rituals)
Animal and/or human sacrifice and dismemberment

(Sexual Ritual)
Oral, anal, and vaginal

Jan. 20 ~ GRAND CLIMAX (thru Feb. 2)
(Sexual & Blood Rituals)
Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for Candlemas
Oral, anal, and vaginal, and human sacrifice

Feb. 2 ~ CANDLEMAS (Sabbat Festival, Satanic Revels)
(Sexual & Blood Rituals)
Oral, anal, and vaginal, human and/or animal sacrifice

Feb. 14 ~ Valentine's Day (human sacrifice)

(Blood Ritual)
Communion of blood and dismemberment

(Blood Ritual)
Drinking of human blood for strength and homage to Satan

Mar. 20th or 21 ~ SPRING EQUINOX (Sabbat Festival, Major Fertility Sabbath) ~ (date varies annually)
(Orgy Ritual)
Oral, anal, and vaginal; human and/or animal sacrifice

Apr. 6 ~ GOOD FRIDAY (Death of Christ) ~ (date varies annually)
(Blood Ritual)

"Good Friday" is the beginning of satanic high days that are celebrated throughout the weekend to the end of the day on Easter Sunday. Pray with us for the rescue of all people being held for human sacrifice at this time.

Apr. 7 ~ EASTER EVE DAY (date varies annually)
(Blood Ritual) Human sacrifice

Apr. 21 ~ GRAND CLIMAX (thru Apr 30)
(Sexual and Blood Rituals)
Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for Walpurgisnacht
Oral, anal, and vaginal, and human sacrifice

(Blood Ritual)
Animal and/or human sacrifice

May 1 ~ BELTANE (Fire Festival, Coven Initiations
(Fire and Orgy Rituals)  HUMAN SACRIFICE
Oral, anal, and vaginal

Jun. 21 ~ SUMMER SOLSTICE (date varies annually)
(Sexual and Blood Rituals)
Oral, anal, and vaginal, and human and/or animal sacrifice

(blood sacrifice)
Activity: Druids sexual association with demons
Age: Any age (female)

Jul. 20 ~ GRAND CLIMAX (thru Jul. 27) ~ (date varies annually ~ 5 weeks, 1 day after Summer Solstice
(Sexual and Blood Rituals)
Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for Lammas Day
Oral, anal, and vaginal, and human sacrifice

(Blood Ritual)
Animal and/or human sacrifice

(Sexual Ritual)
Ritual Abuse: Oral, anal, and vaginal

(Unknown at this time)

(Orgy and Blood Rituals)
All females (especially children) in the cult are married to Satan, in full bridal wear. Oral, anal, and vaginal, animal and/or human sacrifice, dismemberment

(Blood Ritual)
Dismemberment, hands removed of victim for the "Hands of Glory" to Satan

(Orgy Ritual)
Oral, anal, and vaginal;
human and/or animal sacrifice

Oct. 13 ~ Continuous High Holiday (reverse date of October 31st)

Oct. 28 ~ SATANIC HIGH HOLY DAYS (thru Nov. 4)
(Blood Rituals)
Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for All Hallows Eve
Human Sacrifice

Oct. 31 ~ ALL HALLOWS EVE (Halloween or Samhain)
(Sexual and Blood Rituals)
Sexual association with demons called up, and animal and/or human sacrifice

(Sexual Ritual)
Ritual Abuse: Oral, anal, and vaginal

Dec. 21 or 22 ~ WINTER SOLSTICE (Sabbat Festival)
(Sexual Ritual)
Oral, anal, and vaginal; human and/or animal sacrifice

Dec. 24 ~ DEMON REVELS (High Grand Climax)
(Orgy and Blood Rituals)
Sexual association with demons called up, and animal and/or human sacrifice
Note: Human sacrifices occur from Christmas Eve through New Year's Day.

Misc. Holidays

** Full Moon in any month (referred to as an Esbat) -- human or animal sacrifice**

Friday the 13th -- human sacrifice

** An individual's birthday. ...


See also:  "Nothing Hallowed in Berlin" -

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