is the discriminating wisdom, where is the genius it evidently takes to discern –
or are
the Left and its apologists simply incapable of discerning:
from appeasement
awareness, from socialism
from ignorance
from totalitarian
open, from being vulnerably clueless
from suicidal
from communism
or discretion, from taqiyya
of values, from inviting shari'a
from rape-ugees
immigration from invasion by invitation
reality, from reactionary fabrication
empathy, from kneejerk simp-pathy
from terrorism
from dysfunctionary
from simply-fascist
from extermination,
from groupthink
from propaganda
from diss and curse
from numb and hysterical
from sentimentality
from idiot-compassion
from treachery
and cultural clarity, from racism
corruption, from thoroughly deep-seated criminal mentality
from xenophobic
from universal love and charity
from ideology
reflectiveness, from sucking others' energy
and responsibility, from sacrifice of others for an irresponsible
morals, from moralizing
intelligent, effective example setting, from crass, effete hypocrisy
authentic, genuine and original, from artificial, synthetic and coerced
It takes real genius, of course, to grasp that ritualized enrichment by "honor"killings, as openly posted by the perpetrators themselves on the internet, is the very symbol itself, of exactly what Merkel has been importing (by pact and by propaganda) into her Rainbow-pathologically prepared German public domain.

Below, you see the funeral in Rome of the 16-year-old Desirée Mariottini, murdered in the course of a gang-rape by a group of illegal African immigrants. What you are looking at is a large and genuinely moving event of mourning and of solidarity as Italians, attended moreover by PM Salvini himself, alongside the family, with no fanfare - just simple quiet piety, and grief, and dignity. ...
Then you have how the German Reality-Deficient Left (RDL) and its fanatically mesmerized public handle the victims of Merkel's mass-imported crime: namely, by not relating to these at all. And that is the moral condition of Germany today under the Left/Greens climate which has made its way into the entire system with tentacles stretching back (who knew?) to the '68ers themselves and the RAF, this is Gemany now, minus its patriots (who are "Nazis" of course).
Shall we consider, by comparison with Italy, how the pulbicly knifed 17-year-old Mia from Kandel, or the nightllong raped and murdered 14-year-old Susanne Feldmann, or the knifed Cuban-German Daniel Hillig in Chemnitz, or the victims of Breitscheidplatz and all the long, ever growing chain of other victims of Merkel's politics get treated? Let's have a look, shall we:
Left-wing extremists danced - in a nearly literal manner of speaking - on the graves of the dead. And this with the actual blessing of the Federal President. (The Jewish Susanna Feldman's mother was exposed to a veritable shitstorm in the net, in which she was insulted as a "Nazi" - just for starters). But no "hate-speech" there.
The thoroughly normal and civil demonstrators of Freiburg, who had recently taken to the streets to voice their outrage over the gang rape of an 18-year-old woman, were first surrounded by the humanitarian "Anti"fa, then - on their way home without further police protection - were rushed upon and chased through the streets by the left-wing mob (always called "counter-demonstrators", "protesting activists" by a press quite resembling Goebbel's "Beobachter" or the GDR's televised "Aktuelle Kamera"), under defamatory screams and getting knocked down. This was the reality beyond the police report and the media.
It takes real genius to grasp this as well:
Yes, it takes real genius to grasp this - the Left's self-adulating "Anti"fa pseudo-Maoistas and Maoistis actually want their civil war, and they may even get it - and they clearly will lose it. Patriots do not lose a civil war.
Dateline: 9 November 2018:
apart from the Versailles Treaty itself, which was the driving force behind the rest of the
worst, most catastrophic tragedies of Europe's 20th
century, so – apart from this – which geniuses here can name me The
Three German November 9th's following that, and thus marking
the three veddy German, veddy Socialist,
criminally totalitarian dictatorships from 1933 to 2018
– well, I'll help you:
1. the Reichskristallnacht, accurately Pogromnacht, marking
the open aggression on the part of a 12-year horror;
2. the Fall of the Wall,
marking the end of the 40-year-old SED-regime, but not the end
of the toxic socialist hold on German politics and the public
psyche which keep that going;
3. and which resulted in the still current
Merkel regime of rule-by-elite (now in its 13th year and counting) –
that's three actual dictatorships, three departures from all
democracy, the latter two brazenly calling themselves that nonetheless.
And the still fatally Left-leaning System-Jews of Merkel's Germany today, can still only and exclusively relate to November 9th's Brown-Leftist pogrom horror from 1938, having themselves an incurably soft spot for Communism; they show suspiciously far less interest in the historic shutting down of the Red-Leftist GDR by way of the Wall opening in 1989, after months of Monday-demonstrations resembling Pegida today and without a shot being fired; and they embrace Merkel, they embrace her Rainbow-Leftist Stasi-structure made up of actual GDR apparatchiks. And they shamelessly instrumentalize their Hollow-Cult of the actual Shoa by grabbing every opportunity to demonstrate how little they identify with the Germany they live in, with the Germans among whom they live, with the Germans they themseves are!
Far be it from them, to grasp that:"Tradition
is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire."
And wait till they taste the fruits of what Islamisation brings, can only bring and will assuredly only bring. (Children, can you spell shari'a, dhimmi, kafir, kufaar, hudna, jihad, taqiyya, fatwa, halal, haram, dar-al-harb, dar-as-salaam, hijab, niqab, burqa, sarsour...? Hint: that last one means "cockroach" and begins with linda.) But hey, it doesn't take real genius...or does it.
But apart from just the "Anti"fa clearly borrowing the SA-tactics of its Brown-Socialist and its Red-Socialist RAF role-models, in Chemnitz and in Freiburg and - ohmygoodness everywhere else - let us recall for a moment my more than sufficient reporting here concerning those 65,000-present propaganda-driven Gutmensch fanatics converging upon Chemnitz for that "concert" with its openly aggressive, fart-mouthed, fomenting violent and armed criminal action, tasteless by any standards (except theirs, evidently) punk-band "Anti"fa lyrics - decadent, debauch, frothingly hostile toward police, unspeakably verbally abusive toward women and toward children, not only toward all poltically-incorrect thinkers and critics.
Consider also that this band recieved the full and unmitigated public commercial-medial and official endorsement and hype by the Merkel-licking Federal President - himself a "former"communist - and the effete, wimpy SPD ex-Justice Minister-turned-Foreign-Minister (responsible for the draconic censorship now in law, and whose stated "motivation" in going into politics at all was: "Auschwitz!"). After all, you see, these are the "good guys" and role models this President and this Minister - and all those who slavishly endorsed them - want for the next generation and the one after that, if there is one. But don't worry, no "hate-speech" there. It all had the full stamp of approval from all levels of state. Drawing crowds with free concert, free bus service form all over Germany, all the coke you can drink for nothing, and other commercial endorsements. Now that's "conviction", right there - and no "hate speech"! (One week later, they tried this again without all the freebies - and a C-list band. At most a couple hundred showed, no hoopla, none. You just can't hire good help these days without burying the hype in freebies, for that "Fight-against-Rightwing-Extremism")...tsk.
It takes real genius to see the open and graphic paralleled reference here (below) by the fat-assed lead-"singer" of the above-mentioned SA/ntifa punk-group being "cannibalized" over pizza(!) by - "Anti"fa members of course - can you say "Marina Abramović?" Should we be pronouncing that "Abramowitch?" Oh, sorry, these are all "artists"! Are the Podestas "art connoisseurs" on this wavelength? Can you say, "paedophelia" and "satanic ritual" in the same breath as "The Left"? I can. Does that take real genius? No. It only takes being awake.

The death blow being dealt the West today (read: Europe, emphasis on Germany) by the globalist elite and their agenda of ritual murder by steps, is now finalized and to be sealed in the Global Migration Compact, to be signed shortly by 129 countries - who are growing less by the day - in early December of this year, in just under one month. The number of those who, recognizing this perfidy and abomination for what it is, rejected signing any such thing from the start (or else have discussed it first with their respective sovereign national assemblies and have now joined the Resistance in the clear interests of their own futures as the proud self-determining states that they are), has at this point grown to at least 19 - and counting. These key players who won't be playing are, in the order I got them: Austria, the U.S, Australia, Hungary, Italy, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Netherlands, Poland, Israel, Norway, Sweden(!), China, South Korea, Japan, Greece, Brazil, Bulgaria. Do you think it takes genius to grasp why?...
Germany not only is going to fight to be the first in that line to sign, in blood - the blood on Merkel's own hands, native blood, primarily that of women - no: why, its entire political elite across the board and its entire politically controlled mainstream media (print and TV) has refused all along to so much as inform its own public, much less give any room whatsoever for debate. Alone the rising single oppositional party (which can be called one), and is conservative - the Alternative for Germany (AfD) - has forced the debate onto the table in the most recent talk-show appearance, and on the communist-trashed floor of the hobbling Bundestag. The talk-show muppets are aghast, all the hyena-frenzied parties in the German parliament are livid - and scared. They should be. Not because they won't be signing this - they will indeed - but because thanks to the AfD and to alternative media, the public is gradually, albeit too late and too gradually, waking up.

Not only does the Compact - conceived by the UN, pushed through the Brussels Soviet-EU, championed by Merkel with all her apparatchiks - call for completely open borders and the granting of citizenship to anyone anywhere who wishes to come or to go somewhere other than here, with full compensation and rights and identity, which means a rush on Europe (again, read: Germany), it applies to the factual resettlement by invitation and NGO-assistance, of 250 to 300 million Africans, a figure so shocking that when I just yesterday discovered that they are actually talking about 700 million I was then too numb to even react anymore.

As the Wannsee Conference was the regulating formality of the actual Shoa in its day, this is the "Wannsee Conference" for the destruction of Europe now. Shortly to be passed into law without a single citizen's vote, nor even the knowledge of it by most in the first place. It will neither "save" but rather destroy Africa (ask the responsible Africans themselves, they'll tell you!); nor will it "benefit" Europe or any other Western country in any respect at all, but in effect rather amount to a long planned genocide. Take "gen" here as meaning both, "people" and the gene-pool itself - in fact, according to the UN Charta itself - paragraph on Genocide, as it is written, genocide applies as well to "the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such". It does not take real genius to see this and to react with revulsion and with scorn. It takes character. The character exhibited not only by the "bad racist" white-caucasions of Germany (for example), oh no: but by Muslims and ex-Muslims from quite various countries, living decades in Germany and identifying with Germany - and by East Europeans who have lived through decades of Communism and are asking Germans what brand of goddamned kool-aid they've been drinking!

And mind you, it has all been ordered ("suggested" if you insist), but the history of this past century and the new one - just taking Germany under Merkel alone as a scathing example - is rife with "suggestions" which turned out to really be concealed de facto orders, much like the difference between asking for a finger and taking the arm, then taking the arm and stabbing it with a knife in sewing-machine-staccato movements up and down, leaving the body-politic and the population itself bleeding to death. And smiling upon it as it does so. And this, adminstered out of Brussels, managed by the soon-again-to-be-hated Germans. An Orwellian scheme indeed, much according to the Pentagon Map (Thomas Barnett) among other planners.
And as the Four-Year Plans and Five-Year Plans and the Great "Social Experiments" of Socialist horror and terror have historically, inside of less than one century - from Marx and Lenin and Stalin to Hitler and Göring to Pieck and Ulbricht and Honecker, from Mao and Pol Pot and the Kims to Che and any others loved and studied and promoted by the Frankfurt School, or by those from the RAF to Merkel's CDU and the SED-Left party and Greens whose agenda she actually actively executes - accounted for some hundreds of millions of deaths, and I mean civilian deaths, not even the battelfield numbers. But of course, I know: socialists were all out there "fighting the fascists". It obviously does seem to take real genius to grasp: that the socialists have always been the fascists, and the fascists have always been socialists.
This Rainbow
Compact is being promoted as "non-binding" (in its own actual text), yet "non-negotiable" (the asocial-socialist Greens' actual choice of
words), and yet contains nearly one hundred times (likewise within its
own actual text) "obligations" and "obligating".

But criticize this? Not once it is signed and placed in effect and executed. In fact it states within the document itself, available to call up on the internet: draconic
measures (penalties, up to prison time to actual internment) against
any and all critics of this UN/EU Migration Compact. Or of Merkel
herself, of her system or of her elite, or their
propaganda and deception in the face of real facts or concrete
dangers – regardless of how transparent to anyone paying attention.
Or of any of the Rainbow-policies shoved down the
Germans' (in fact down all Europeans') throats – from the coerced
acceptance and embracing of mass illegal-immigration-made-legal-by-fiat,
to censorship of all free speech, to the gender-mainstreaming and
early sexualisation of children in school curricula. Movements may be considered uprisings, uprisings will be put down - not by the now tattered and castrated Bundeswehr (another Five-Year Plan), no - by the European Army out of Brussels. Questions? Didn't think so. All geniuses here.
fact, the measures call into practice a severity so insane, it would
be worthy of Gilbert & Sullivan or Monty Python if it were not
seriously written in there, in effect: on account of any, so much
as perceived, slur toward any non-ethnic European (read
especially: non-ethnic German) – in particular toward the sanctity
of Islam or Muslim culture or practice – you (the ethnic
European/German) can soon be charged and sued in court for your
"abominable racism", even (or especially?) when alleged. Now
that's taking “virtue-signaling“ to a whole
new level. But it was inevitable, and we've been seeing this coming.
Let me
make this clear: blasphemy is already on the books now,
it is the most recent introduction of Shari'a Law into the
European High Court – specifically and exclusively
pandering to its application toward the sacredness of Allah and His
Prophet. Considering that we are talking about lawmakers of a
globalist agenda, for whom nothing is sacred except
Marx and Muhammad, this is significant to grasp. Permit me to offer
this background on it, that it may sink in: In 2008 some Austrians
researched and clarified for Westerners their cogent observations on
aspects of Islam, that the public may better understand what is coming.
These had pointed out for example, that "Muhammad was a paedophile"
because 'Aisha was 6 when he'd married her, 9 when he "consummated".
To be accurate on this, I
should point out that in that time and clime, this really was nothing
unusual – in fact it was as much about the binding-by-marriage of
loyalty pacts and oaths between tribes, as about anything else. What
really does matter here, and which lies in our most urgent interest to know, is that because
in Islam Muhammad stands as the Perfect Man, to be
emulated in all that is given out
of his recorded life – through sunna, hadith,
sira – it remains in our own very day 14 centuries
later, still and very much and demonstrably
the expected attitude and the accepted practice among the very
pepretrators who are already being courted and drawn here
since 2015 and who will now be brought in, come
December, in astronomical numbers.
So, to
wrap up about our Austrian researchers from 2008, that's already one
decade ago, they were sued for calling Muhammad a paedophile, and all
these years it wended its way from court to court until it reached
the European High – with the result that we now have in fact and by
fiat: a Western fatwa against calling the Prophet a paedophile,
and naming this: blasphemy. This has no precedence in our modern
Constitutional Law and State Politic, concerning anything else but
Islam. You can still call Moses or Jesus Christ or Buddha anything
you want – no problem. And these globalist Appeasers know exactly
what they are doing – they are literally promoting
the mass importation of - beside everything else Islam has to offer -
paedophilia by permission and by demand.
That is because those European globalists are themselves:
paedophiles and enablers.
But of course it takes real genius to wrap one's mind around this... I'll close with one last appeal to the reader to open up and to wake up and to respond with all that God-given genius one was born with and has as one's innate make-up, all that pre-ideology cognition one may still have at one's disposal.
Who loathes oneself loves no one, and cannot; who has no consideration for oneself and one's own, cannot peddle "consideration for" others, on anyone. But one tries, doesn't one - and the shoe is wearing thin, thin as the ice on which one is standing. Perhaps there will be many geniuses in the end after all, hopefully not after it's all over.

So, like, am I some kind of real genius? Um, no. I don't think so. Waking up is as simple as opening your own eyes - and listening to your own heart. It's unpleasant, but it works.
Why The Left Loves Mass Immigration
is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire."