Monday, January 29, 2018

Communism’s Last Breath

The Age of Communism in the West is over, it is dying – having never produced anything of value, nor met hopes, nor delivered on promises, but proven time and again to be totalitarian to one or another degree. Its ideological forerunner in theory, Socialism, is on its way out – whether National- or International- or NWO-Globalist-, it is either history or becoming that. And darkly so. Not yet dead, but in its most toxic and insufferable last death throes, gasping and grasping at life, to pull all that is living down with it into the abyss of free-fall toward which it is now tottering.

It proves itself once again capable of stooping to any depth of chicanery, forgery, distraction and diversion, denunciation, pressure and blackmail, violence, destruction, and murder, to achieve power where it hasn't and to hold it at all costs where it has. Especially in the execution of its Social Experiments, determined (at ALL cost to life and limb, to economy and prosperity, to freedom of speech and opposition, to culture and tradition and any natural pre-existing diversity) to prove and justify its reality-challenged theory of world-improvement, a sleight-of-hand term for Collectivism amounting to a Monocultural Dictatorship – over, by, or (in the case of actual history) without the working class “proletariate”. The beast which comes by terror and rules by coercion will fight with all it has left at its disposal, to survive. Including Islamisation and massive repopulation by fiat.

It will be a hard go and a hard fight. They want a war, they shall have it. We have fought offensively in the political arena and in the public realm of ideas. And if they insist on taking it to the streets, as it seems – depending on where in the States or where in the UK, or in Germany – we will fight a strictly defensive war. But we will fight. And win.

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