Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dieser Jude

Es ist wohl bekannt, daß ich Jude bin.  Ich spiele keine "Judenkarte", erwarte von niemand ein "Bonus", hänge nichts dabei an die Glocke und doch verberge nichts daran.  Ich bin in keiner Gemeinde, habe mit dem Zentralrat der Juden nichts am Hut, und der mit mir auch nichts.  Doch, bin ich ein amerikanischer Jude in Berlin, un' jut issit.

Nur die Linken begreifen das nicht, nur die Internazi-"Anti"fa wollen es nicht glauben, wenn es um Glauben geht, da sie eh keinen Glauben auch haben.  Netz-gegen-Nazis will es nicht glauben, ob es mich gibt, ob ich Jude bin (soll es mich geben), geschweige Amerikaner dazu, oder ob es wirklich ein Jewgida gibt, wovon die hartnäckisch meinen, dieser "fiktive" ich der "Gründer" sei.

Die Frage ist aber nicht, warum ein Jude bei Pegida ist, bei Bärgida ist, bei Identitäre oder AfD Veranstaltungen ist.  Die Frage ist:  wie verstehe ich - als Jude - was ein Jude ist und was ein Jude zu tun hat.

Ich kann das kurz und knapp beantworten.  Ein Jude setzt sein Arsch in die Schußlinie, setzt sich ein für das und für denen er es für richtig hält - und steht dazu.  Dabei ist er souverän, handelt so, und kriecht vor keinem, biedert sich keinen an.  Niemals.  Er steht jeder Zeit vor seinem Herrn und Schöpfer, komme was mag.

In meinem Fall, ja im Fall dieses Juden, geht er in der Schlacht für den Land wo er seit Jahrzehnten entschloßen war, zu leben, und dessen Schicksal mitzuteilen, für eine Zukunft die die neuere Geschichte heilt durch seine beherzigte Schätzung der viel längere Geschichte und ehrenhafte Kultur und Tradition - und ja, Identität - und diese zu bewahren, zusammen mit seinen einheimischen Mitstreiter in der Neudunklen Zeit.

Und das trennt diesen Juden von den Merkel-Juden, den Gutmensch-Juden, den sogenannten "liberalen" Juden die durch deren schweigenden, arschrettenden Anbiederung, die Masseneinwanderung und neu importierten islamischen Judenhass billigen und mitmachen. Und ja, deren eigenen offen-verdeckten Deutschlandhass.

Ein Vergleich fällt mir ein, gerade diese Woche:  Wobei in Friedenau etwas vier Jahre her oder so, ein gewisse Rabbi Alter befand sich von ein paar arabischen Jugendlichen beschimpft, verbal und physisch bedroht, und gedemütigt (zwar vor seiner kleinen Tochter) - deren Beispiel von multikulti-Miteinander eine kuturelle Bereicherung dank "der-Religion-des-Friedens".  Rabbi Alters Handeln dabei war sein Aufruf zu - oder Plädoyer in der Presse und in seiner Kreisen, für "mehr Dialog und Verständnis" den Muslimen gegenüber.  Die aber verstehen solche "Handeln" nur als Schwäche, und ich auch.  Die Juden haben öfter ein verhängnisvollen Zug zu Ducken und sich Anbiedern.  Das Ducken im Fall der Ruf zur Verteidigung, und die Anbiederung für den glatten Bonus durch Staatsmacht und spießigen Biedertum.  Wohl und gut, es trägt seinen Preis.

Nur nicht mit mir.  Dieser Jude steht für das Grundgesetz und für die aktive Verteidigung der Demokratie und des Rechtsstaats.  Und er steht Schulter an Schulter mit seinen Mitbürger, ob Juden oder Nichtjuden - denn das letzte spielt keine Rolle, sowie er selbst spielt keine Rolle, er ist kein selbstdarstellender Jude, nur ein Jude.  Ohne Instrumentalisierung.

Nur ein Jude, der sich für das Land einsetzt, dessen Brot er isst, dessen Schinken und Wurst und Sauerkraut er genießt, und welches Volk er liebt.  Mit "rechts" sowie "links" hat es bei ihm nichts zu tun, sondern Anstand.  Und das ist worum es geht bei einem Juden, bei diesem Juden - Anstand.  Und das er sein Arsch dafür in die Schußlinie setzt.

Die Bewohner von Kandel, die so tapfer auf die Strasse gingen, und sprachen an was anzusprechen war, die angepöbelt wurden von den "Tolerance"-Internazis, und von deren eigenen Bürgermeister in Stich gelassen, und von der Lückenpresse-Propaganda verleugnet, und von deren Regierung ignoriert:  Die sind meine Leute, die Mütter und Väter dort sprachen deren vollblutigen Herzen aus, die ticken ganz ganz anders als ein Rabbi Alter, und ganz ganz anders als die Juden mit denen ich als Jude angeblich identifizieren soll.

Nein, nicht mit mir.

(Addendum:  bezogen auf "Wie bei Anne Will Antisemitismus relativiert wurde"

Niemand - und ich meine Niemand! - hat sich in seinem (nachkriegs-geborenen) Leben, jahrzehntelang intensiver mit dem Holocaust bzw. Antisemitismus beschäftigt, als ich.
Und dadurch bin ich - nach über zwei Jahrzehnten in Deutschland, in Berlin, mit weiterer Vertiefung meiner Überzeugung seit 1980 zu der Überzeugung gelangt - das die Deutschen heute sehen müssten, wie deren Geschichte und Kernidentität, wie reduziert sie auf die 12 Hitler-Jahre, zu Unrecht wurden - und zu dem Schluß kamen, nach knapp drei Jahrzehnten hier, daß:

Nicht die "Rechten" (Neonazis) sind die wahre Gefahr für deutsche Juden, sondern gerade, und vor allem, die Linken (Internazis) selbst, ja - die "Freunde der Menschheit" - und denen haben wir, und nun umsomehr, die Träger "der-Religion-des-Friedens" zu verdanken!

Ich spürte schon damals, und bekam langsam über die Zeit die Bestätigungen dafür, daß a) der Holocaust, b) der Antisemitismus, oder besser der Judenhass, und c) deutsche Geschichte überhaupt, in Verhältnis zu Deutschen unter sich, das Verhältnis von Juden zu den Deutschen, sowie Deutsche zum Islam, wurde gravierend instrumentalisiert und manipuliert - um die Bevölkerung unter Kontrolle zu halten.

Solche wie u.a. Anne Will, dienen gern - und verdienen gern viel dabei - bei dieser Staatspropaganda. Ich sehe leider, selbst als Jude, wie Juden - ja, sogar Überlebende - diesen Dreck mitmachen.)

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Germany, the AfD, and Security

In the new post-election Bundestag (90 seats occupied by the Alternative for Deutschland - AfD) all the established sitting parties sent their respective representatives to join the Federal Committee for Overseeing of all branches and agencies of the secret service (military and civilian). All parties are, according to law, participants on this Committee. It would stand to reason, that would include the AfD. After all, their candidate, Dr. Reusch, is an Attorney General, formerly of the CDU. If you wanted someone on this Committee with more integrity and competence than the entire lot of them (I'll come back to that in a second), and more character, more experience to bring to bear - Reusch would be your man, and the AfD would be the party to deliver that.

But they shut the AfD entirely out - which is illegal, is unconstitutional, but that's nothing new any more. ("Badges? We don' need no stinkin' badges!") No AfD, no Attorney General Dr. Reusch on a Committee of such import.

Well...WHY on earth would they do that? Trust me on this one: the AfD is the one and only party - and the only oppositional one at all - which, when it comes to work it goes to work; when they show up, which unlike the other parties they do in full, they are ready to go at it. They have set a record in the very short time they've been in the Federal Bundestag, for how many problems they have directly taken on and addressed, and outspokenly given solutions for, they have tabled more drafts and ideas than anyone else, because they mean business, they mean to bring Germany out of the dreck of Merkel's Dark Age. No one is perfect, but the AfD is THE Red-Pill which Germany desperately needs, it has its integrity and that is its best credential - okay, that and the fact that it has the most widely competent, highest educated and most politically experienced members, culled largely from the other parties which they'd left for AfD.

Now: what would a guy like AfD's Attorney General Dr. Reusch actually do on such a Committee, why would his presence there present such a "threat" and to whom? Well for one, he would uncover and expose everything which the various branches and agencies of Merkel's secret services have been doing for the past 12+ years - courting and grooming terrorism, shredding or "losing" vital documents of evidence, covering trails, inviting Islamisation, tending to Merkel's Gaslighting...stuff like that. And he would uncover and expose their past offenses of commission and omission, their present offenses of the same, and their future plans for more of it. "Can't have that, can we?"

And who, among those long established, long sitting parties HAVE their representatives on this extremely vital and sensitive Committee overseeing all matters of secret services?...

The Greens have their "man" on it, Stroebele, a former lawyer for the terrorist Red Army Faction (RAF). The party of The Left, which is the direct successor to the East German Stasi-SED, have their girl on there. And so forth and so on.

But an Attorney General? Nooo, not from the AfD, which alone among all parties speaks for direct democracy as an integral part of their platform. Because: the AfD are "Nazis". (What alone makes them "that", is merely that they aren't Communists. They are the only liberal-conservatives and the only opposition worthy of the name.)

But where a door is shut, windows open. And I feel sometimes more and more convinced, that God has not forsaken Germany. I'd stake my life on that.

Have the Germans deserved better (aside from the AfD voters)? No. But God is Merciful. Evidently.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Communism’s Last Breath

The Age of Communism in the West is over, it is dying – having never produced anything of value, nor met hopes, nor delivered on promises, but proven time and again to be totalitarian to one or another degree. Its ideological forerunner in theory, Socialism, is on its way out – whether National- or International- or NWO-Globalist-, it is either history or becoming that. And darkly so. Not yet dead, but in its most toxic and insufferable last death throes, gasping and grasping at life, to pull all that is living down with it into the abyss of free-fall toward which it is now tottering.

It proves itself once again capable of stooping to any depth of chicanery, forgery, distraction and diversion, denunciation, pressure and blackmail, violence, destruction, and murder, to achieve power where it hasn't and to hold it at all costs where it has. Especially in the execution of its Social Experiments, determined (at ALL cost to life and limb, to economy and prosperity, to freedom of speech and opposition, to culture and tradition and any natural pre-existing diversity) to prove and justify its reality-challenged theory of world-improvement, a sleight-of-hand term for Collectivism amounting to a Monocultural Dictatorship – over, by, or (in the case of actual history) without the working class “proletariate”. The beast which comes by terror and rules by coercion will fight with all it has left at its disposal, to survive. Including Islamisation and massive repopulation by fiat.

It will be a hard go and a hard fight. They want a war, they shall have it. We have fought offensively in the political arena and in the public realm of ideas. And if they insist on taking it to the streets, as it seems – depending on where in the States or where in the UK, or in Germany – we will fight a strictly defensive war. But we will fight. And win.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Laut Gedacht

- Tja. Ich habe gerade Merkel draußen auf der Strasse getroffen.
- Ach, im Ernst?  Und … wie war's? 
- Keine Ahnung, wen interessiert's! Ich überlasse der Feuerwehr deren Teil, ich habe meins getan.,w=993,q=high,c=0.bild.jpg

Doch, ich will nicht, Merkel „weg vom Fenster“ haben.
Im Gegenteil, „am Fenster“ wäre sie genau so positioniert,
wo ich sie am liebsten haben würde –
wenn ich, als Bürger,...buchstäblich hinter dieser Kanzlerin stehen könnte.

Merkels alter Wahlspruch: „Wir schaffen das!“
Was sie damit nur meinte, zwar öfter und offen erkundigt: „Ich darf das.“

Bürger: Wollen Sie uns für Dumm verkaufen?!
Merkel: Ja, warum nicht.
Bürger: Steht hier auf meinem Namenschild: „Blödmann“?!
Merkel: Da steht darauf: „4x Merkelwähler“. Noch eine Frage?
Bürger: Hmm. Ja, das stimmt.
Merkel: Na, also.

Kannst du LEBENSBORN sagen? Ein klassische sozialistische Experiment. Erinnert sich man daran, das war die Nationalsozis, die sich ein Programm ausgedacht hatten (also, Himmler), wobei Centers in Deutschland, Österreich, Polen, Frankreich, Luxemburg, Niederland, Norwegen getrieben wurden, um durch (spezifisch) SS-Männer und ausgesuchte single junge Frauen, Kinder für den "arischen" Rassenwahn gezeugt wurden. Klinikbordellen eben.

Heute ist es umkgekehrt geplannt, doch ebenso SOZIALIST, zwar durch die Internazis der Globalisierung. In Frankreich und schon Schweden und Norwegen - bald Deutschland - sollten die jeweilige einheimische Frauen und Mädchen sich mit Merkels eingewanderten Arabern, Nordafrikanern, Schwarz-Afrikanern, Afghanen und Pakistanern paaren um gerade die europäische Ethnizität auszulöschen.

Ein NeoLebensborn, also - ganz nach Sozialismus.


Ein(e) längst eingewanderte(r) Ex-Muslim(in) der/die den Islam und die Islamisierung Deutschlands bzw. EUropas dringend und aufklärerisch im Klartext sachlich an die Öffentlichkeit gibt = "islamophob".

Ein(e) in Deutschland lebende(r) schwarzafrikanische(r) - oder afroamerikanische(r) - Mann bzw. Frau der/die AfD unterstützt oder für deutschen Patriotismus und Identität spricht = "weiße(r) Rassist(in)".

Ein(e) deutsche(r) schwuler Journalist oder lesbische AfD-Politikerin der/die sich kritisch und sachlich über die LGBT-Lobby bzw. Flüchtlingsindustrie bzw. Islamisierung äußert = "homophob".

Eine Feministin alter Schule die sich kritisch und sachlich den verheerenden Verrat an allen Frauen der Welt, seitens des heutigen "Feminismus" = "frauenfeindlich".
Ein(e) nichtdeutsche(r) Jude/Jüdin der/die sich für einen gesunden deutsche Nationalbewußtsein einsetzt = "Antisemit" (oder auch "Nazi").

Wer ein Wort spezifisch gegen Merkel verpasst, oder gegen welche Altpartei auch immer, oder die EU in Frage stellt, egal ob konservativ oder selber liberal = "rechtspopulistisch".

Wer die Pädophilenringe durch die Eliten anspricht = "Verschwörungstheoretiker(in)".

Wer aber als Deutsche(r) zum Islam konvertiert = "mutig".

Wer aber für deren eigenen Täterliebe und Opferhass, und/oder deren antideutschen Selbsthass, und/oder dekadente Bequemlichkeit und Verblödung demonstrieren, deren "Feinde" denunzieren, deren gesinnungsdiktatorische Machtanspruch totalitärisch durchsetzen wollen = "die Guten".

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Leon H., Alex M., and the German Media

Leon H., age 14, tried to intervene as another pupil at their school in this West-German town, Alex M., age 15 and already well-known to the police for his violence, attempted to physically attack a teacher with a knife. In the (presumably chance) presence of his own mother during all this, Alex M. ended Leon H.’s life on the spot with a direct knife jab to the throat.

Leon H. was German, as is the teacher. Alex M. was born in West-Germany to a family from Kasachstan. Kasachstan is predominently Muslim, having also Jews and Christians. One has yet to ever hear of a non-Muslim Kasachstani wielding a knife at school. Ever. And using it, quite professionally at that. We have been reporting on a mere fraction of just such cases, mere fraction of what we could be posting.

Speaking of reporting, all the mainstream media here led one to believe Leon and Alex were just two German youth whose encounter that day ended in tragedy, end of story. The headlines blared: “In the presence of his (Alex’s) mother...!” and “Mother had to look on as her son stabbed a fellow pupil!” Not a word about Kasachistani identity or customs. One would think, with such sensationalist headlines, the mainstream press would tell us more - something, anything! - about that mother. Nada, not a word in any article, just those headlines. (This same press has been known for deliberately concealing the actual immigrant Muslim identity of a perpetrator behind a thoroughly fictitious Western name.)

I for one, would like to know what she said, how she reacted, what her condition is. What kind of home life does Alex come out of, how did his mother raise him. I mean, if you’re going to mention her witnessing this murder before her eyes, by her own 15-year-old son. One would think. But this would be to miss the purpose of the thing. For that is exactly what the standard mainstream press does not want you to do. Think.

This same press wrote in all papers - they work from the same script, that much has been long well established - that the fight ensued because Alex M. felt that Leon H. had given Alex’s mother some kind of “look”. Well, that being the case (were it so) one could understand Alex bringing a knife to school and using it to slit Leon’s gullet - it stands to reason.

Alternative journalism exists - when it’s good - because normal standard journalists have abdicated their jobs for the Department or Ministry of Propaganda. One of the very best and most professional current alternative journalists in German print is David Berger. He brought out the fact that Leon had to die because he intervened for that teacher, and the mother evidently had nothing to do with the matter.

Yet she was there. Where she had not intervened, Leon did. Where neither she nor the police, nor the school authorities nor the courts, in this perpetrator-loving, victim-loathing Merkel-State, ever had intervened in Alex’ life, Leon did. And paid with his.

The Greens, the SPD, The Left, Merkel’s CDU, the press - they are all fine with all of it. The question is long since, not of corruption or ineptitude here - but of cunning complicity. As Merkel’s tired and self-parodying slogan goes, “Wir schaffen das!” (“We’ll manage that!”) Yes, a most macabre truth: they are indeed managing all of this.

A Major False Flag, A Very Red Herring: The German FakeNews

In 2011 the so-called "National-Socialist Underground" (NSU) was "discovered" to have been behind a series of ten murders extending over a decade in Germany, eight of which victims were Turkish Kebap shopkeepers, one Greek café owner, and a young German policewoman.  The murders were real, the NSU did exist, sort of, only the entire NSU-Affaire which captured headlines and was the basis for Fatih Akin's recent movie which was in the running for an Oscar nomination, but didn't get nominated - was, like his movie: all staged..  What is not real, in fact has been increasingly and alarmingly proven with every further disclosure in spite of the official fiction, to have been staged all along for crass and cynical propaganda purposes by the Merkel-State, is the existence of any actual "right-wing" threat here.  On the contrary, the threat is very, very Leftist.  In fact, communist in nature.

Without taking this space to tell a long story, suffice it to say, it is a tale of extraordinary public hoodwinking, grandstanding and stalling, all the while projecting a lie into the public psyche, a kind of gaslighting.  The "NSU" were three right-wing idiots who did not really amount to the accusations leveled on their persons.  Two bozos and their female companion.  Right-extremist by all appearances, yes.  The two are supposed to have shot each other in mutual suicide while burning the trailer in which they did so to a crisp - thereby destroying much significant evidence which might have clarified much.  And speaking of evidence, reams of files and docs were shredded during the investigation itself through systematic oversight by none other than the police concerned, the plain-clothed criminal police (KriPo), and the National Intelligence Agency (BND).  The German version of Homeland Security (Verfassungsschutz) had been grooming the three all along (who it appears may well have been left-wing useful-idiots after all) to instigate something in the right-extreme camp in the government's program to foment division and terror.

The above mentioned Verfassungsschutz had been keeping right-extremist activists on its payroll, chiefly one who’d made a name for himself inside his clique and was on record for child sexual abuse and involvement in child porn rings for which he’d also done time. He played a leadership role in the lives of the two “NSU” bucks, though not in the matter of the murders which the latter were alleged to have committed.

Actually, the string of murders had initially all been tagged by the police as “The Döner (Kebap) Murders” because they’d had good reasons to link these to known Turkish mob and rivalry practices. (For example, the Turkish secret service as well as Arab Clans have pursued their respective agenda here for decades - and this is no secret.)  Suddenly in 2011 they all come up with the dubious NSU “connection”, and the Thuringia state DA steps down - in confusion over this.

The two dudes who, with their girl, made up this notoriously active "NSU", had the very mug shots which had been circulated of them in 2011 turning up in about 1999 in a brief opening of a fictional pepretrator file on a fictional TV crime series, "Tatort" (Crime Scene).  That's 1999, in the venue of TV-entertainment.  That's 2011 in a "real" case of "right-extremist murder-spree rampagers".

As for witnesses for the investigation, most of what few the State had and needed for its case had in short time been turning up dead or disappeared.  The two in the trailer were only the first of a trail of staged or faked suicides.  And the one crown witness, namely the female companion - considered the ring-leader and lone survivor - has been sitting in the court dock with her cryptic smile now for several years straight, dumping and changing her  (state) public defenders like a duchess drops courtiers who lose her favor.  She has not uttered a word of testimony yet, beyond giving word that she may be ready to start singing "soon" - this over months, until even the docile public becomes tired of reading anything more about this dark farce.

None of this is theory-spinning, all of the above has been established, with nothing more remarkable about it than the fact that no one seems to be affected any more by how remarkable indeed this is - or would be, if not for the fact that it is one of many, many travesties and demonically cynical gaslightings by this very current regime.

But that is not all, nor is that all that has also been factually established - yet remarkably still unremarkable for (or just gone unremarked by)  the German public, much thanks to its mainstream media.  Dark enough?  Oh, it gets better.  The facts of the matter get really dark here:

The two guys and their lady were in fact purveyors of child and drug trafficking for elite entities who obviously may not be named.  That would be for her, the crown witness and sole surviving perpetrator, to disclose.  Do you think she wants to burn in a trailer as well?  Of course not.  She's not stupid.  Only the German public is that.

Are we some kind of geniuses? No. We follow up, we pay attention, we remain awake. We ask the right questions, the answers come - by staying on it, they get confirmed. Again and again. It isn’t pretty.

And all opposition to the Merkel Cartel, to the EU Resettlement Plan, to the Merkel Plan, to mass illegal immigration toward these ends, to Islamisation, to gender-madness, to the massive violations of law and to state managed terror, all opposition which addresses these among other matters - whether liberal or conservative, and these far removed from being "right-extremist" (if promoting direct democracy, for example, tells you anything) - all oppositional voices are publicly marked as "Nazi" whatever that means, and for the Left which dominates all the long established parties under the Merkel Regime, and all of its organs and institutions, it means this:  not Left extreme enough.

Are you getting this now?


Thursday, January 18, 2018

My Precious Life

This life is precious, capiche?  My life is precious.  With all my shortcomings, my hesitations, my procrastinations, my depressions, my acute awareness of mistakes made and challenges still unmet.  My life is precious, it is full of more incarnations than I'd even know - yet one and singular, and here and now.  It is full of joy.

I love this life, all that I have not yet done or seen, or may never, or revisited - I love this life and where I am now, and with whom.  All that I love, and all whom I love, my partner and my son, the animals in our life, children, grandchildren - met and unmet - family, siblings and their families, all, all...all.  The co-workers in my life, the city I occupy, the people I train with evenings, the people I walk the streets with of an evening and hold public talks among.  All that I have ever experienced in my life, all ups or downs, all heights or depths, all glories and shame, I own and I recall.

All who are in my life, or have been in my life and therefore still are - I want them there - I would miss them were I to depart it.

But I will come now to the point, for this is not any kind of parting word toward any one, not a testimony, nor even any form of reminiscence to conjure a sigh or wipe a tear - nothing of the sort.

I will stake this very life, this precious life, on the premise - no, the certainty - that I am right.  If about nothing else since a long time, then this:  I was right to vote for The Donald, to vote for Trump.  I was right to see in him promises meant, and meant to be kept - to the best of his ability.  I was right to see in him the ability to push the envelope, to go where frankly no other President has ever gone.  I was right.  And I remain so.

I will stake my life on it.

When I consider the incomprehensible vastness, extent, enormity, of the pedophile network among the elite on down, of satanic cultism among the elite on down, of the real intent of globalists, of the real intent behind courting and laying out carpet for the Islamisation fo the West, of the incessant Deep State hold on power, on war-profiteering; when I consider the cruel irony of a world gone so Left as to embrace Communism and gaslighting its way deeper and deeper into the darkness, or the sheer harrowing lunacy of what passes for "political office" - or what passes for "journalism", or what passes for "academia" - in Europe, in Germany, in all of the Trump-hating, Trump-bashing venues, here and Stateside, one could name - when I consider all this:

I know I am right.  And when I go deep into my spirit, and repose in God, knowing it was His guidance which moved me not to abstain, but to cast my vote and to keep it there, I'd stake my life on it.

Come what may - though we are beset with unspeakable evils being pawned off as "relative norms", or as misinterpreted, or as more enriching, more colorful, more opulent, more preferable, more diverse, more interesting, more feeling, more open - there is a swamp, a great and terrible swamp, which in our own day will be swept through and cleaned out, for there is a river.

What Trump has in store, is as underestimated by his adversaries as is the force behind the groundswell which launched him to Office.  It was not his ego, that was just one of the conditions for his being the one whose time has come to take the reins.  Under these conditions it could not have been less than this.  And he needs our prayers.  Because he is there for us.  For America and for the West.  Those planning European extinction here are but themselves destined for it, those working assiduously on Germany's extinction will but themselves wind up the panicked carcasses left in the frozen mud and slime of their own ice age, whipped by the coldness of their own brittle hearts - they underestimate the intention brewing in the White House, forged in the Oval.  Globalism will fall by its own feet of clay, its gold and silver and bronze will shatter beneath those very feet.  The EU will be as an unwieldy house, topheavy and built on sand, sinking into its own stinking mire.  And nations will rebuild and heal, to reaffirm their sovereignties in a community of mutual regard and compatible trade.

Right - maybe it'll fly, maybe it won't, maybe...maybe it's not worth fighting for, worth taking to the streets for, speaking out for, writing for, being frustrated over, seeing people divided over or distancing themselves over - maybe it's too much for Trump to move it, maybe it's too much to expect of the conservative movements and parties in EUrope to assert themselves, overcome their caution and push that envelope, maybe not.

But I know that I did something right when I put my pen to that ballot with a firm conviction, and would do it again if given that proverbial chance.  I'd stake my life on it.

This precious life.

Germany Now 101 - How GDR Socialism Returned

(In the years prior to my coming here and during the beginning of my stay there was a West German Federal Republic and there was a socialist East German Republic.  With the much acclaimed and celebrated fall of the Wall, built by the latter and dismantled by the former, one was given the impression that the East German regime was being entirely dismantled and absorbed into the West, a reunification toward a democratic and more sovereign future.  We were to find ourselves some two decades since, to have been extraordinarily mistaken in this regard.)

THIS is the future of Germany - it is already underway:

Stalinist GDR 2.0, as we say here. The far Left swing into Socialist practices and manipulation, gaslighting the public and driving draconically, pseudo-scientifically "justified" measures against critical voices - from bona fide conservative to (still) bona fide liberal - who do not suit the resurgence of Communism.

You cobble together a Straw Man, then bash that as the enemy on whom you project it - all the while projecting what YOU are on "them" with all the self-righteous zeal of a denouncer for the current Collectivist State, reaping bennies for serving the "social good" according to that ideology.

The National-Socialists did it, and they took their cue in this (and more) directly from the Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist Soviet model of Socialism. The Socialists of the East-German Dictatorial Republic most certainly did this. And under Merkel, who was raised and schooled in Stasi loyalty, as was the recent ex-President Gauck, we have former Stasi agent Anetta Kahane heading the Antonio-Amadeus-Foundation and "Netz-gegen-Nazis" for the purpose of active defamation, character assassination, slander and libel, blackmail, anti-German hate-propaganda - and she, with all that she manages, is directly answerable to Federal Minister of Justice Heiko Maas. All this with Merkel's teflon blessing.

Now we have the globalist sect of InterNational-Socialists (Internazis) - not brown, just a lot of red...and green. THIS is what comes of having NO "Nazis to go fight", then exaggerating beyond belief the "imminent threat" of some nowhere pack of inconsequential right-extremist neos - who have no hold on the country, no power or influence worth mentioning, and are themselves too stiff and bland to make a dent anywhere - so one projects this SJW-level wet-dream of FakeNews BadGuys on real conservatives and right-of-centers, then the projection with its insatiably ravenous socialist appetite begins to prey upon even liberals who are critical, anyone and gradually everyone who is not far Left, ergo not Communist. And THESE want you to worry about "Nazis".

- Here you see suggested by a half-baked psychologist (feminist, just btw) receiving an open ear from the already radically left political geniuses of The Left, The Greens and the SPD (Social-Democrats), as well as the neo-liberal/socialist CDU/CSU under Merkel, an Extraordinary Plan. Suggested here, is the very very familiar communistotalitarian measure of a) theorizing Merkel's critcs, or critics of any aspect of her massive demolition of Deutschland, as "xenophobic" - and as "such", mentally ill. And b) being that, they need to be "in therapy"! They need to be picked up, shut away on psychiatric, until they have been re-educated, and made "agreeable", compliant, with-the-program, and like everyone else: dead. Like the silly little bitch with a psychology degree brainstorming this gem.

Angst vor „schwarzem Mann“

Psychologin fordert: „Fremdenfeinde“ sollen therapiert werden!

- We have a highly respected criminologist named Pfeiffer, who just two years ago was still able to challenge the Merkel Lies and Gaslighting with real statistical facts and figures drawn form his Berlin based institute, before the camera, at press conferences or in interview. What happened to him? We see now his 180° turn in favor of manipulating the public with those same, now all the more current, statistics while backstabbing and gaslighting with "caveats" about drawing any "wrong conclusions". Yes, it quite appears they got to him, through some pressure or blackmail - perhaps merely the threat to close down his institute. And they've made him into another Gaslighter.

- There are currently more and more hardened repeat offenders breaking out of two penitentiaries in Berlin alone. Did I say "breaking" out? The ones who have done that on repeated occasions needn't have planned much beforehand - these prison facilities (in Germany's world-class capital) are understaffed, doors are left ajar, and heavy tools (including a power drill for busitng walls and doors) were literally left lying about in easy accessibility. A no-brainer. Does the Berlin Senator for Justice step down? Hell no, not under teflon Merkel - never! A no-brainer. But wait - there was one guy who's currently doing life for a manslaughter, a double-murder, some rapes, child molestation, some extortion and some physical excesses. He has been released unattended into the public for fresh air and outings, 215 times just since January last. Now mind you, he always returned on time. But no one even knew about this until earlier this month when he stayed out 16 hours longer before returning of his own will - and this only after the alarms were sounded and the press got wind of it. Otherwise, "who knew"? The son of the couple whom the guy had savagely murdered in their bed is furious over the FACT that the State really does harbor a love for perpetrators and an open contempt for victims. What would make him think that? The Berlin Senator for Justice doesn't know either - which is clearly why he never so much as responded to this son's demands for an explanation.

- Now you have German women - not even converts or people who have a clue about Islam, Shari'a, or could give a shit about the very notion of being informed - being groomed by the commercial fashion industry to imitate the "new mode order" of cleverly colored hijabs and near-hijabs. In evening courses a trivialization of donning a burqa is promoted as a way of "getting the feel" of it.  Yes, it's "Feminism is dead - long live Feminism!" in this further propagandistic propagation and popularization of all-that-is-Islamic. Shari'a can be fun! Come, come into the fold! (I hear The Who's "Tommy" singing "Come into our one of us...!") More manipulation, more gaslighting.

I could go on, I could fill volumes on this. What is more important is, THIS is how the future Germany is accelerating toward MIGHT be avoided or at least hindered:

- The federally sitting party, AfD (Alternative for Germany)
- Pegida
- Identitarian Movement

- Paying determined attention to objective reporting and exposure among the mainstream independent sources of news and analysis, using the internet
- Trump
- Prayer, prayer, prayer

Monday, January 15, 2018

Merkels "Welthauptstadt"

Wie Merkel sich eine Welthauptstadt vorstellt:

- nach Rot-Grünen Regeln (besonders in Sache Täterliebe und Opferhass in der Justiz
- #OpenBorders um den staatgesteuerten Terrorismus durch Linksextremisten ("Anti"fa) und #dieReligiondesFriedens zu unterstützen
- die Polizei mit türkischen und arabischen großfamilien Clanmitglieder zu unterwandern
- BER: BetrugErpressungRegierung, Scherz in Abermilliarden von Euro aus Steuergelder ohne Resultat, denn "niemand hat die Absicht, ein großgehypter Großflughafen (jemals) zu bauen"
- die Sozialkasse in dem schwarzen Loch der Masseneinwanderung zu dezimieren
- die Einführung des Netzwerkdurchsuchungsgesetzes
- immer weitere Spionage, Stalking, Denunzierung, Rufmord, durch eingestellte Stasi IMs
- Krieg gegen eine gewählte konservative oppositionelle Partei im Bundestag und in mehreren Landtage
- eiskalte und blutleere Staatsführung durch eine Mischung von grober Inkompetenz und perfide Kalkül
- mediale unterwerfung und Gehorsamkeit von Journalismus an den Staatsapparat
- mehr Krisen, mehr Chaos, mehr TalkShow-Propaganda, mehr Regenbögen, mehr Toleranzpolizei, mehr "Wir schaffen das!"


Wenn die Merkelversteher des Gutmenschentums oder die OpenBorders / RefugeesWelcome-Kultgefolgschaft an jedem Tatort nach jedem Fachmord oder Terrorgeschenk durch Merkels Deutschland bereichenden Goldstücke Blumensträuße niederlegen, Teelichte und Grabeskerzen hinstellen, „Warum?“ und „#jesuis“ schreiben, mit noch mehr EKD-gesegneten Regenbögen: DAS nennt man eher MAHNSCHLAFE.

Eine MAHNWACHE können nur kritische Bürger durchführen, im stillen Trauer, mit Würde, erwacht und bewusst.


Ihr lernt nichts, denn ihr wollt nicht lernen,
dafür müssen noch mehr Kinder sterben.
Mädchen, voll im Regenbogen erzogen,
sollen euer Lehrgeld bezahlen -
Arroganz des "Diversity"-Liedes lässt verschwind'...
Und es erscheint mir so, als lebtet ihr euer Leben wie eine Kandel in the Wind.

"Vorschläge des Europaparlaments Bundesregierung alarmiert über EU-Flüchtlingspläne

"Das Europaparlament will die Dublin-Regeln ändern: Die Familienzusammenführung soll wichtiger werden. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen befürchtet Berlin, dass Deutschland mehr Flüchtlinge aufnehmen muss. ..."

Wat?!  "Bundesregierung alarmiert"???...ich bitte Sie!!  Nach alldem as Merkel schon angebracht hat?  Hörts cih an wie mehr Gaslighting...

>>EU Kommission-Brüssel Twittert MERKEL (NSA liest ab, selbstverständlich) Folgendes:
„Weiter so, Angie! Sie schaffen das! Geht, doch…“<<

Saturday, January 13, 2018

She Kissed Weinstein And Dissed Corey


Why was the #FakeMeToo Hype so heavily staged as no one does better than the Golden Globes, where none less than Oprah herself makes a better Poster Feminist than Meryl, because she actually has her own story (which also doesn't add up to a 2018 narrative) - and no one wanted some guranteed spoiler the likes of Corey Feldman there?

Because by his presence alone they'd have been confronted with the REAL issue of Hollywood Predatoria's victims: PEDOPHILIA.

Oh, and speaking of Oprah's own story: while posing (and being royally hailed) as the "authentic antithesis" to Donald Trump let us be reminded here, that

a) it was he who'd told Larry King on camera (1999) why he would consider, without hesitation, Oprah as his running mate if he ever would run for Office; and that
b) it was she who'd told BBC on camera some while back, "old white people should just die".

Astounding arrogance, simply astounding.

So, like, Trump is the "racist, sexist, old white people" here??
And this pathetic, self-adulating crowd of whiners wants "another go" at the White House?!! More pussy-hats maybe? Really "A Night At The Oprah" - better than the Marx Bros.

"Hillary who? We got a new and better replacement: both not-man and not-white, how progressive of us!" (Until the replacement turns out to be out of the question as well, and out of the race - oh, I mean the candidacy of course.)


(MARK LEVIN GOES NUCLEAR!: Oprah's Golden Globes 'Lecture' Was 'GROTESQUE')


MeToo movement "never wanted anything to do with the victims of Bill Clinton" - (It’s “disheartening” the Me Too movement "never wanted anything to do with the victims of Bill Clinton” according to a woman who claims the former President raped her.) -

Dec. 2019 UPDATE: #MeTooFrauds called out: