Saturday, June 10, 2017

No Discussion

Muslims will continue to cast themselves as "the victims" (of "Islamophobia" of course) until every last Jihadi is victorious, every last Taqiyya is employed, every "apostate" is murdered, and every last Kafir is either Muslim or else Dhimmi under Shari'a rule (or else dead, yes). I won't mince words with "some" or "all" or "any"...

Those who still refuse to get this, in spite of every reality-check, may count themselves among their best agents and most useful tools. It doesn't matter who "disagrees" with me, really it doesn't. I am no danger to anyone by stating this openly. Jihadis don't ask. And no one "dislikes" my saying this moreso than I myself.

But trust me on this. After all, Jihadis don't discuss, so neither will I.

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