Monday, June 27, 2016


Apple-Mitarbeiter bei der diesjährigen Regenbogenparade in San Francisco.

Pampering immature egos and giving in to every whim and demand
by a temperamental dictatorial monopoly on public sentiments,
is neither kind nor humanitarian.

Expecting others to accept and share, even participate
in this narcissistic exercise in immolation of Reason,
is to hold public sympathies hostage, bound and gagged
by political-correctness, and to manipulate this
anyway one can, stacking the deck to control others.

 Marchers in Dublin unfurl the welcome banner for people seeking sanctuary for war and violence in the Middle East. (Photo: Sam Boal/The Journal)

The “Rainbow” of persuasion has no honest color
or fairness in it (ah, there can be no brown without red),
nor carries responsibility, nor cares.
It is a tantrum, nothing else; a grand hissy-fit.
No real or deep or hands-on social competence there,
no substance either.

Stockholm- or Helper-Syndrome are not progressive,
just pathological; not logical, only nihilistic;
with a venom, in turns blunt and sharp.

Nauseating, this appeasement of mindless conformism,
collective-guilt peddling, a pernicious intolerance
toward your toleration levels and for any authentic individuality.

A feminism which is merely man-hatred, and does nothing for women;
a gender-mainstreaming which is merely anti-hetero, but delivers no real empowerment;
a scraping and bowing appeasement toward Islam – void of knowledge or empathy –
barely concealing a seething loathing hatred toward Christianity.

Pseudo-logic, pseudo-science, pseudo-morals, ersatz-religion,
void of responsibility, empathy, entirely self-serving,
without ever grasping that this Self is divine,
and from this Divinity alone comes love,
harmony, beauty, culture, dignity, life with dimension.

Think about that, for once just think!
Can you really afford to lose this?

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