Wednesday, June 11, 2014

There Is A River

There is a constant rushing stream of fresh water
whose ageless stillness is the mother to its steady movement,
embracing all other sound in its own.

As from a choir holding one note drawing myriad overtones,
a bather could be bathed or overwhelmed in the pulse of that current;
one river, many strokes of water, every moment the same and changing.

I can sit on either bank, straddle or wade or walk away;
I can howl at it, laugh or weep, ignore it, curse it or write odes;
there can be no stopping its force, its voice is always with me.

If it were to dry up, if its harsh sweet water were to quit –
if this river gave itself up to the 'dammed', my life would go with it.
This river is simply my love for Levi.

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