Tuesday, July 7, 2020

West-Berlin/Minneapolis: Another Tale Of 2 Cities

West-Berlin/Minneapolis: Another Tale Of 2 Cities - Parallels In The 45 Goals Of Communist Takeover #InconvenientTruth


Late 1960s, West-Berlin: Benno Ohnesorg, a known name among demonstrators in the virulent (and still non-violent) protest movement back in the day - suddenly and without provocation, fatally shot by a "West-Berlin cop". So went the narrative, and remained so for decades, and the act ignited a further intensification of the radicalisation of the Marxist Left of the time, leading to the birth of the notoriously terrorist Red Army Faction (RAF, headed by a low-brow character who ripped the program from the hands of the intellectual Ohnesorg, et al.) - with its bank robberies, plane hijackings, PLO camp training, Munich Olympics hostage taking, political murders, keeping the public in panic of this domestic terrorism and its ideology, and - last but not least - its romanticisation (to this day) by many supporters from the academic and liberal, to the radical, Left, its's media and celebrated literatti. (Old RAF cadres train and school "Anti"fa even now.) Cui bono?

Who was the "cop"? After decades of concealed truth, it turned out - and with full and documented confirmation - that this was a GDR-STASI agent, wearing a West-German police uniform, targeting Benno. The myth of the movement's "legitimacy" has since been belied by the coming to light of the factual guidance, infiltration and manipulation of the Leftist protest movement of the time, by the East-German regime and its agents - actually from the beginning, and this has long been acknowledged - as well as by socialist entities from Frankfurt to Paris. All of this over time confirmed, documented, reported - and subsequently forgotten by the public at large under a Merkill regime where the openly "Anti"fa supporting parties of the SPD, the Greens, and above all the (former SED) Die Linke. flourish and hold sway.

Sound familiar yet?...

2020, Minneapolis: George Floyd, a guy with a criminal record, bouncer at a pizza joint known and under observation by the FBI as a heavy money laundering front, with drug trafficking, is observed being murdered on an open street in broad daylight by a Minnesota cop who stares at a camera for the eight minutes he holds his knee on Floyd's neck - unleashing the weeks, now months, of coast to coast hysteria of violence and destruction known as "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) along with of course, "Anti"fa: and the act ignited a further intensification of the radicalisation of the Marxist Left of our present time Cui bono?

Who is "Derek Chauvin"? Is the guy with his knee fatally placed on Floyd's neck actually Derek Chauvin, or even a cop at all? Are the killer of Floyd, and Derek Chauvin, one and the same person? Who is Derek Chauvin, and what was his shared background with George Floyd? Why is no one interested in this?

BOTH with Benno as with George, neither is the "systematically racist cop" narrative confirmed, nor was ever the West-Berlin "reactionary cop" narrative true (as the facts confirm). Neither the one actual case nor the other, suit the Left, but are inconvenient truths.
BOTH fomented and served as a starting-shot of dramatic intensification and radicalisation of the Left and its standard narrative of "police discrimination". Very conveniently so. BOTH (RAF/"Anti"fa/BLM) led to organized "spontaneous" violence and domestic terrorism. BOTH cases were the intended fuse to light up the narrative to give us what came of it then in Germany and what we have today in America.

West-Berlin: Benno was a demonstrator, no more and no less, known in the protest movement whose believed and mythological legitimacy was in fact GDR-communist programmed and dictated from the start - with financial sponsorship and refuge on the GDR side of The Wall. Sort of like BLM today, with Soros and the DNC.
Minnesota: George had significant criminal record, and had worked as security at the Nuevo Rodeo together with Chauvin.

Cui bono?...Capisce?


#OhneSarg: "without coffin" #OhneSorg: "without cares"
(Nomen es omen) #BennosLifeMattered #BouléLiesManipulate

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