Monday, May 25, 2020

Normies Turning In Their Sleep...

BEWARE those Al-Gore-Rhythms!
Freakbook is making it arbitrarily but increasigly dangerous for each our respective accounts, to write, post, comment in any manner, critically or skeptically, on the DeepState-driven narrative #Pan_DEM_ic known as ... you know Thing19. (What had not been satisfactorily achieved with the #ClimateScam is being attempted with all the more vigor and force - greetings to Greta - using the #ScamFromWuhan.)

True in the Dem-extorted States, true elsewhere, and ESPECIALLY so in GERM.MANIA. Civil rights are being, no longer gradually (they've been that for most of Merkel's 4 terms of years) but brutally, cold-bloodledly abrogated. One would like to say that Merkel and all her lackeys, cucks and Stasi-functionaries are masters at gaslighting, lying and disinforming. But the truth is, they are very sloppy at it and it shows - and are too arrogant to even give a sh*t about that, as they have full hold on power...still, still. We've often been laughed and scoffed at by family and old friends, for designating Merkel as a dictator and her system, her machine, as a dictatorship. That laughter is dying down however, fewer are laughing now or even smirking. But not to digress...

One has already observed a gradual but now sharper rise in "corrective warnings", shadow-banning, deletions of material. (Just EU, primarily Germany - or likewise much in the States?) On the self-evidently bogus premise of "the good of the community" and its "standards".

The winds are changing and we're holding back, observing, watchfully analysing the developments, prudently biding our time, as it is not our battlefield of endeavor but the normies who have to wake up and grasp what happens to opposition here - even when some patriot voices think it is already something to join with. (We are very disinclined to jump in shoulder to shoulder with just that left-liberal weekend-contingent which has itself stood by for years willingly, compliantly taking part in the MSM-driven narrative and smear campaign against actual patriotic opposition, just because they're now suddenly "feeling oppositional" and fed-up with a repressive globalist power.) Let us explain:

Across major cities in GermMania, from Berlin to Munich and Nürnberg, from Hamburg to Cologne to Stuttgart, one sees very left-liberal Naives (we could say native Naives) out there demonstrating Saturdays against Lockdown. Diverse groupings: the very very Left establishment which began all this (oddly finding a sudden love for Basic Law and Constitution, calling "Wir sind das Volk" without batting an eye, singing the national anthem or "Die Gedanken sind frei" - "Thinking is free") and yet which wants NO conservatives or patriots lending support, expressly eshewing this. You have some liberals who have no problem with either far Left OR conservative patriots mixing together in the cause of this particular protest.

And you have the #IGNORANCE_IS_BLISS 2nd generation of seemlng Osha-holdovers or wannabes, chanting yesterday's ashram phrases, dancing like fools, "meditating" and performing (keword, performing) Hatha-yoga postures. Nice party atmosphere, friendly, world-peace, standing about holding a semblance of "social distancing" - mostly native GermManians, to a large extent NAIVES. For them, it's still a garden-variety demo. Even these, though out there being "oppositional", DON'T QUITE SEEM TO GET IT, that:

The shrill screaming "Anti"fa/SA thugs and hoodlums AND the police are BOTH on the same government PAYROLL - as is the MSM (subsidized as it is AND extorting the viewing AND non-viewing taxpaying public alike with TV/radio fees on pain of serious measures), smearing now THESE groups as "right-wing" and "Nazi". The only press actually mingling and adequately, accurately and objectively, reporting is of course - as is to be expected: the ALTERNATIVE media - patriotic, with even a certain widely known Leftist - reaching already large and growing viewerships on the internet. Which of course is WHY Youtube and especially Freakbook - now all the moreso with ever new anti-Constitutional censorship laws and measures - are in panic mode and doubling down.

These normie demonstrators are not acutally patriots, but they are turning in their sleep. They're mostly left unmolested by the Merkelpolice. The "Anti"fa - all bunched together without the least "social distancing" - as "anti-COVID-denier counter-protesters" with banners "against Nazis, antisemites, haters and Refugees.Welcome-rejecters" - get right in everyone's face with their banners, moving freely and screaming over loudspeakers(!) "Alerta! Alerta! Antifascista!" at all these clueless liberal bunnies. (And YOU thought this was supposed to be about some "health issue" and virus debate?? Think again.) The police not only look away, they openly indulge this. Controlled opposition meets controlled opposition. While Frau "Dr." Merkel "the physicist" remains safely unimpressed in her MKalm-Ultra world of borrowed power.

Who do the riot-police attack with pepper-spray and batons, throwing to the pavement, 8-on-1, handcuffing, schlepping off like hardened criminals, even arresting? NOT the "Anti"fa/SA, and also NOT for the most part those normies. But the conservative patriot Youtubing reporters, and we're talking about slender young women, a single mother, or middle-aged men and even late-middle-aged women. Carried off and demonstrably manhandled - like hardened serial criminals.

(NOTE:  This is no idle assumption on our part - we have confirmation via a senior police officer, that the orders for unconstitutional and illegitimate targeted brutality and arrest of conservative Youtubers come not just from up the ranks, but from all the way up to the Interior Ministries (federal and every state) level itself - and this since late 2019.  This confirmation makes this officer an anonymous whistleblower - and puts him accordingly at severe risk.  This is no laughing matter.)

The "Anti"fa/SA does its part as follows, not only with complete impunity, but with police abettment, indulgence, appreciation: They attack an alternative conservative reporter as a signal to the police - any conservative who is a recognized figure, or even the 68-year old former GDR dissident and Merkel critic Angelika Barbe as she passes by, is a case for targeted arrest. And the police, leaving the SJW-SA quite alone, go right on cue and take down the just-attacked or just wandering conservative patriot.

Meanwhile, the #IGNORANCE_IS_BLISS peaceniks and comatose-liberals go on with their shmoozing and chuckling, dancing, meditating, yoga - "All-we-are-saying..." love-and-lighters immune to taking action, incapable of so much as reacting. They have all been royally cucked. Only some patriots are to be heard off-camera attempting to intervene at least vocally as the cops do their 8-on-1 takedowns.

These Native Naives will NEVER take to the barricades and put themselves actually on the line to intervene for another against repressive measures, against SA-attacks or heavy-handed police actions as these take place before their eyes. They're like the Eloi from "Time Machine", when the Morlocks come they just go on sunning themselves and carrying on like a school social at a buffet.

The Maoist/SA thugs are also to be seen pulling sneak attacks on even those "meditators" - faces concealed as always (bandanas and hoodies) but now allowable with the "COVID" masking generally enforced(!) - sans police intervention. The SA-hoodlums in Berlin were permitted their own registered(!) bike-riding parade on the broad open avenue with signs oddly from some other "demo" - their standard, as they HAVE no other slogans - "No Nazis", "Stay At Home" (which they themselves aren't), etc. etc. Their bikes alone are already weapons in their hands: for spying, informing and coordinating sneak-attacks on mobile-phones, and general mobility - yet no police intervention there. In fact, so that these biking thugs could have still better access, the Lockdown-protesting pedestrians were blocked off with labarynthine police barricades at every turn, so that they had practically no street access to gather in groups to demonstrate.

For the MSM and the "Anti"fa these anti-Lockdown protesters, as civil, as middle-class and non-violent as it GETS, are all "Nazis". For the riot-police they are "hardened criminals" against the State, to be dealt with. But the wind shows signs of changing course. The State is blinking, it is in visible panic. This is not going the way they'd planned, people who should be anathema to one another are banding together, they are turning in their sleep.

Stuttgart, which really had been the largest of protest turnouts - and remarkably free of incident to begin with - this past Saturday had witnessed some 40(!) masked "Anti"fa/SA thugs in force, attacking women and middle-aged trade union members who'd been protesting the Lockdown measures and the economic fallout. Five of these union members, five men, were surrounded by the Merkel-SA, 40-on-5. One SA-thug pulled a gas-pistol on one of the five, held it to the man's head and fired. He is now in coma, two others of the five are in critical condition, one managed to escape. If the guy in coma doesn't make it, it will be the SJW/SA's first (not the first attempted, mind you) case of chargeable murder. Even then, with Merkel's "Justice" branch ruling out the application of "murder" when the victim is German, will likely be ramped down to "manslaughter" - if that.

The "Anti"fa/SA remains unchecked, unmolested by the police, who use them as informants and vice versa - after all, they're paid and maintained by the same intel organ of the Verfassungsschutz (Homeland Security). And the police are the official organ doing the bidding of the extremely Left/Greens local, state and federal governing parties. We ARE back in the GDR. Merkel goes on record saying the abrogation of civil rights "was necessary".

Her now fully cucked (perhaps blackmailed) Interior Minister just went before the cameras announcing in remarkably weak tones and uncertain demeanor, the "threat" of a possible "revolution against democracy" - he was referring, mind you, to exactly THEIR greatest fear, that of their own base turning against them: the oppositional groundswell of ever more vocal union members, doctors and medical personnel, business leaders, high clergy, mainstream middle-class taxpaying Germans - the bulwark of the economy - who have been raising their voices and taking to the streets to make their point. They are especially learning to finally address the matter of the Bill&Mengele (5G)ates Foundation's vaxx record and the Pharmamafia. And it is only a question of reaching that needed critical mass.

People are finally taking note, via the transparently bogus COVID-panic hoax, of the SOCIALIST and cynically atheistic takeover of the German Consitutional Republic - by the Merkel Cabal. (For example, that 52,000 cancer operations have been cancelled on account of the Corona narrative.) THIS is what the latter fears most. Two words which begin with D: democracy and dictatorship - guess which one applies to Merkel? One could say, Democratorship (aka Dictacracy).

What is the defining characteristic of a psychopath? One who is pathologically absent of empathy. Likewise the sociopath. The latter is perhaps more likely to combine with severe narcissism, but that can well apply to both. Where they in any case differ, is that the psychopath may be brilliant, in any event displays a significantly higher IQ than the sociopath. Merkel is a sociopath.

NOTE to those normies who may be in one's own most intimate circles of many years, old friends, even family members, we wish to address one last word - to Germans or Americans alike:

If you knew what we know, if we told you - and still better, showed you - you would be in shock and trauma, perhaps beyond any hope of recovery. You haven't the capacity to face and endure this. We do, and there is a concrete reason for that. So you deny it, and would go on denying it, even if confronted with facts. For you are in darkness, and kept in darkness - by those who are the Darkness itself. You would tell us, "Trump is evil"? You do not know what evil is. But you will learn it. Either that, or it may be, you really don't care about the children having been rescued and still being rescued even now as we write. Maybe you actually just do not care. And that is really scary.

Dems may still think that holding to the DNC, standing behind a Joe Biden, is a "no-brainer" - and we're afraid we may really agree on this one point: it certainly is a No.Brainer.
#DemocratsForTrump #WalkAway #BlacksForTrump #LatinosForTrump #LGBTforTrump

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