Friday, December 6, 2019

Civil War 2020

The EU Lie proposes, and puts a very coordinated program of coercion, propaganda and disinformation into that proposal, that: no more nations, no national sentiments nor patriotic movements - equals "no more wars".  Some equation - and absolute rubbish.  As Marxist as the German Social Democrats now calling themselves "Democratic Socialists" - likewise the (now former and now runined) American Democratic Party.
Moreover, the far more plausible outcome of this dertermined Lie offers the following prognosis:

Out of this, must come civil war - just not between nations, rather between patriots and globalists, plain and simple.

The latter of these two will discover to their dismay, and to their fatal realization, that these nations - in their own respective sovereign self-determination - are not at war with one another.  No, rather that, the patriots of each country, each nation, each state, will go shoulder to shoulder to war against the SEU - this Soviet European Union - against the elite globalists in Brussels.

These patriots will be defending their European values, traditions, and identity - whether liberal or conservative - as it will be in effect, conservatives at war with "progressives", the war against an overweening globalist agenda with all of its totalitarian traits, this will be a war against nihilistic treason and suicidal policies.

Communists don't have their "proletariat", so they take as Ersatz the Third World / developing countries to promote the destructive globalism we are now facing.

Celebrities and Political Elites:
Those who surround themselves with armed security personnel anywhere they go, are chauffeured about behind bulletproof glass, and live behind gates and watched fences with alarms, with armed protection at their beck and call, these have neither the moral right, nor the ethical legitimacy, nor the political credibility - much less the intellectual competence - to preach OpenBorders or to lecture one single American citizen on the virtues of illegal immigration via a porous southern border through which "MS-13" has flooded into the U.S. in droves and established itself from Arizona and the West Coast to New York.

Its exact counterpart in Western EUrope via Italy is the Nigerian "Black Axe".  Whether "MS-13" or "Black Axe", these make the already present crime and murder syndicates or Clans practically take a back seat.  And the socialists and mushbrained Useful Idiots actually still want this. They malign, smear, and libel all critics as "reactionary", as "racist" or "xenophobic" - while sheltering the most unmentionable abomination of ruthlessly sadistic perpetrators of rape, pillage and slaughter (as a matter of identity and conviction, mind you) for the sake of "seeing the divine spark in everyone" - but out of which real motive, they won't tell you. This, from the atheistic Left?

Trump is protected, Trump has security at his beck and call, because he is President!  And he has alone more compassion and more empathy and the will and means and intention to take actual measures to protect the victims and the would-be and the will-be victims of the aforementioned - and of their lackeys, appeasers and apologists - than all sitting presidents before him.  Because he is a President!

Pelosi Burns Down the Constitution - None Dare Call It Treason - (In an unprecedented and controversial move, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announces House Democrats will move forward with Impeachment. Don't miss Dr. Corsi's in-depth rebuke of the speaker's unconstitutional partisan maneuver.) -

The bottom line is this above all: Where you stand and where I stand, on Child Trafficking.  Because Child Trafficking has three aspects to it, no more and no less:
a) Entrapment, Abuse, and Torture of Children and Youth;
b) Entrapment and Blackmail; and
c) It is, always was and remains, THE Most Lucrative Trade in the world - bar NONE.

Who Is Johnny Lange? - (An Anonymous director interviews former Genovese Crime Family member, Johnny Lange over the course of one night for several hours in the garage of Hollywood producer, Jonna Jackson, who releases this chilling interview.) -

Does Satan Really Exist? - (If he does, is he in charge of the powers on this Earthly plane? I look at some revelations from various sources, I discuss secular materialism's failure to change our society for the better, and I show some examples of the Anti-Christ spirit at work today.) -

Larry Nichols Knows Something About the Impeachment Proceedings That You're going to Want to Hear - (When it comes to former Clinton insiders who have turned the other way, there is nobody more inside than Larry Nichols. Larry had a front row seat to and strategic role in the Bill Clinton impeachment. Larry joins me today for a special broadcast to share some urgent comments with regard to Nancy Pelosi's unconstitutional shift towards Schiff.) -

My Teacher used to say, back in the day, "God is no respecter of people."  It is for this observer the hallmark of one such as Trump, the very character of such a one, that he NOT "be liked".  Of one who
a) has accomplished what Trump has in three years, against enormous odds and obstacles, enormous calumny and vitriole, the most underhanded of chicanery, heaved against him; and who
b) intends yet to accomplish and bring to fruition, in the face of all that is marshalled against him; namely:
c) the darkest of forces, which he is about exposing, naming, confronting, dismantling, bringing to justice, and making an end of.
President Trump is not in the business of "being liked" - he is in the business of serving America as its duly elected President.  It is just this, that those of us who recognize by what Act of God (Who never consults the experts, the polls or the pundits when He chooses the man for the job) this most "unlikely", most "improbable" candidate in 2016 was guided to attain to the Oval, that we recognize and love him and respect him for what he has taken upon himself.
"God is no respecter of persons."  And He certainly was never "with her".  One need only look at the contingent of Trump-haters and their record on values, on methods, on agenda - and it should be clear to anyone why he is "not liked".

Civil War, 2020:
George Friedman at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Feb. 2015: DeepState manipulates Europe, driving the narrative into chaos, dividing and conquering - they just hadn't counted on Trump - 


Thomas Barnett, and his Active Participation on the Pentagon's New Map, April 1 (no joke), 2008: Also had not counted on or ever considered a Pentagon under a Trump Administration -

Angela Merkel is Undoing Germany with Censorship - (On the latest episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we covered German Chancellor Angela Merkel's recent speech in which she urges that society must oppose freedom in order to remain free.) -

The Spectre Haunting Europe, What Ill She Bodes -
Barbara Spectre Is Back - (censored by, and deleted, on Youtube)

Outrage & Injustice - Larry Klayman Reacts to Michael Horowitz IG FISA Abuse Report -

False.Flag Operations occur with growing frequency, and/or are more frequently becoming obvious for what they actually are.  This fits in as part of the gaslighting M.O. behind the EU, behind the Merkel Cartel, behind the DeepState CIA, Pentagon, Mossad, MI6 players.  This is all Swamp Activity.

Will we see civil war?  If so, what will be its outcome?
The real - and first and foremost - civil war we will see, and which we are already engaged in, is the Informational Civil WarThis may well decide the outcome, i.e., whether it really finally is taken to the streets and the trenches.

So, here is my PsyOP plan for Germany - if I can actually get a patriotic outlet to actually print this out in stickers, which would be risky in itself, as the German Verfassungsschutz and all the organs of State are keeping ever closer tabs on anyone producing patriotic materials. So I may be on my own in this. But it involves one simple thing - to get one very suggestive (and yet legally harmless and unchargeable non-offense - this being the beauty of it) message out, in one short sentence, everywhere and on every large or small surface, handscrawled or on stickers or walls, ledges, park benches, flyers, anything:
Merkel did not kill herself.

Of course it would "make no sense" to the vast majority, since Merkel clearly isn't dead. (I mean, she may be The Walking Dead, but she hasn't actually died, right.) Yet it would link up automatically in the public sub-conscious, with something indeed on the mark, which is making its way about internationally - that same reference to Epstein himself. Some will get it right off the bat. The German authorities at large would view it as a "plot" no doubt - but how would they charge anyone on it? The "absurdity" of the assertion behind the wording would be confronting yet breaking no actual law.
It would plague, it would frustrate, it would irritate, it would be blown off - but it would not be forgotten. And perhaps, through the sheer effectiveness of a PsyOP, it would become actual news - fake or not.

Germany Home to 11,000 Islamist Extremists, says Interior Ministry (Apr. 2018) -

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