Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Innocence and Purity of Youth

I am an open and a tolerant man, I'm not one subscribing to the satirically ironic motto, "I love humankind - it's people I can't stand", because I do love humankind, and I do like people, rather much in fact. I may rarely ever have "a problem" with "people", generally speaking.

I DO have a problem with people who seem to have a problem with my having a problem with people who apparently have NO problem with the fact that the world is ruled by the might of paedophiles, by the blackmailers and the blackmailed.

Yeah, I have a real issue with that one.

DIVINELY politicaly-incorrect - this miraculous song...
The following is for Christmas now, and for all time:

One of the most perfectly crafted and deliverable expressions to ANY - and to EVERY- child, from cradle to kindergarten (and beyond), of love for that child - is contained in the entire three stanzas and refrain of "Entre les étoiles". I came to own this song for myself ever since back in the '60s when a French teacher played the original by a Belgian Dominican nun off an LP.

I not only love singing it, to my own soul, my own inner-child, I have soothed and put my share of small children and even newborns down, who could not be gotten to sleep by even their own mothers. And this, only half-way into the song.
For brevity and for the purpose of driving home THE Central Christmas Message to Every Body out there, I'm only giving the refrain and the first of three stanzas here - orig. French and my own touch in English.
If FB had sound, you could hear me sing it. And you would taste my tears - and yours.
Entre les étoiles, le seigneur a écrit ton nom,
entre les étoiles, tout la haut dans sa maison.
Entre les étoiles, le seigneur a posé ta vie,
entre les étoiles, près de lui en paradis.

La nuit où le seigneur t'a dèsiré, la nuit;
la nuit où de deux chairs il a créé ta vie;
la nuit où son amour le premier t'a sourit;
bénis la nuit.

Between the stars, the Lord has written your name.
Between the stars, away up in His house.
Between the stars, the Lord placed your life.
Among the stars, near to Him in paradise.

The night when the Lord desired you into existence, the night;
The night He created your life out of two pieces of flesh;
The night His primordial love first smiled on you;
Blessed is the night.

Now let's take a few looks at what might point us toward the innocence and purity of youth - neither a cliché nor a phantom nor a mere invention of the stage and cinema, but a celebration of a real aspect of what youth can often reflect and embody as beauty - and which such aspect is at risk of being completely sucked dry of all virtue by a globalist, Neo-Maoist Zeitgeist taking hold wherever conservative forces have not been sufficiently marshalled against this destructive drive to deconstruct every anchor youth ever needed in order to develop their wonderful potential in beauty and in culture.

1. Wiener Sängerknabe (1977) -
I came across this by merely looking for any traditionally rendered "Silent Night" - I hadn't wanted to get into a 40 minute video, just the one piece. But I became transfixed, and couldn't help but watch the entire run. These lads are simply beautiful to watch, aside from their trained voices thrown in there. My fatherly parental heart was tossed and turned with every face being scanned (don't rush it, just wait for it, ca. 19:00-22:50 in). God love every one of them. Precious!
As for the traditional folk-instrumentals, well - I've ALWAYS had a firm penchant for that, since I can remember. Small wonder I'm still in Europe. THIS Austria ain't Hollywood's "Sound of Music".

2. Mario Lanzo (as Caruso) "Ave Maria" -

3. Heintje (Dutch child-star performing in German film and stage, here with Don Cossack Chorus -

As one very dear friend and intimate commentator aptly put it:
"The innocence and purity of youth radiates to warm the heart. Those that exploit it shall be dealt with severely."

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Patriot PsyOps: Angie's Nightmare, and How We Took Her Down

! WARNING: Satire Piece !

The danger was 14 years old by now, and this was no pushed and manipulated Swedish teenager.  It was the Merkel-Regime.  And it, or rather she, was teflon-protected.  But we found the crack, it was only a matter of time.

The time was long overdue to act decisively against Merkel.  It was time to finally and conclusively settle the matter, to dispose of her - for Germany, for Europe, for the free world.  Communism - or its "don't-scare-the-children" term, Socialism - had been on the foremarch since post-Wall pre-Unification.  Merkel however, was to be Honecker's Revenge, the Trojan Mare pulling the most treasonous garbage through the gates and burning down the institutions of German state and identity and any notion of sovereignty, in her wake, and to establish Communism once and for all, uniting all the socialist forces, if you will, of the SPD, The Greens, The continued SED calling itself Die Linke.  And only a few were awake enough to catch on to it.  Out of this came the still embattled but growing single opposition, the AfD.  Her crimes were as limitless as her open borders themselves.  And I had a plan.  The elections had brought nothing for 14 years, the AfD had not had the slightest hopes of unseating her and her Cartel either, the leading media continued to serve her, the alternative media were being increasingly deplatformed and censored, switched off, smashed.  There was no question of an assassination attempt.  We patriots had something much more effective, considering we had no Stauffenberg anyway.  I noted how often Angie had been shown on camera shaking, and under exactly which circumstances - indeed, exclusively such.  And I knew what to do.

There was no intelligence agency I could think of that would accept my plan.  God knows I tried.  CIA, MI6, and, of course, Mossad.  All of them simply rejected the plan - for one reason: they loved her too much, she was so useful to all of them, so pliable, so available, so submissive and obedient.  I couldn't even interest the Russian services in it, not even them.

I knew where her weakness was, it played over and over again before my eyes, saw it a dozen times - and suddenly everything was clear to me. We patriots were indeed networked and organized, but conservatives are not exactly known for courage and daring.  Nevertheless, everyone agreed with my plan - but we urgently needed the right experts.  And that was exactly what we found in my young European-wide national-patriotic associates from both Germany and Austria.

As was well known, the lads
under Martin and Ignatz were very skilled at "pranks" under cover of the wee hours, sometimes even in broad daylight - and were fanatically hated for this by the entire Merkel Unity Bloc Parties, by the media, by Leftists across the entire spectrum, indeed hated very much for it.  They have successfully carried out operations, using large banners to create clear messages where no one else would have dared to - whether at the top of the Brandenburg Gate or on an Alpine route through the Brenner Pass, or on the WDR television broadcasting HQ in Cologne, to name but three examples. They have always shown profound skill and acumen at fast and unexpected undercover "pranks" of the cleverest and most seriously intended satire. It would be anyone's guess, which of either show of skill and acumen brought those most mental of Left-dominated framing-and-fabrication functionaries to a seething rage: was it the substance of the messages our lads present, or was it the disciplined daring with which they always accomplished what they'd set out to do; in either case, the lads always in-joyed their work.  For they are patriots of the first order.

German National Anthem "überall(es)" - i.e., over and around her everywhere:

Since "Dreckel's" greatest weakness was her own rejection of everything German - flag and anthem - in front of all the running cameras, the first of which just mentioned she publicly throws down, and the latter
causes her exclusively, consistantly and in full public view, habitual tremor attacks, whereby she's otherwise evidently quite capable, either prior to this or after, to stand still or to move through a crowd for selfies, for hours without any problem - we only had to take this one measure.  Nothing more, and nothing less.

With the great and indispensible help from my standing contacts among both the German and the Austrian patriots, we were able to hang, place and stretch Federal German flags everywhere by night.  And the technically gifted experts of my young patriotic associates ensured that wherever Merkel was supposed to be or wanted to go - whether standing, walking or sitting, even laying down - would be played, on loudspeakers, radio broadcasts, mobile phone ringing tones, in her apartment, in the office building, in the rest rooms, in the official car, whistled by staged extras as "passers-by" or as protest groups - simply inevitably everywhere: The Song of the Germans, composed by a fella named Fallersleben back in the late-mid-19th century, or as it was to become: the National Anthem - we only had to give her the melody, as it was played at every official state function where she went into fits and conniptions.  In continuum, of course.  Incessantly.  Ad nauseum if you will.

I drew my inspiration for such an action from the Book of Joshua, chapter 6.

And Merkel fell.

The Morning I Killed Erich Honecker -

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Merkel in Auschwitz - Heiko Maas' Alma Mater

Dezember 2019:

"Auschwitz ist ein Teil der deutschen Identität."
DAS, von jemandem der selbst gar keine deutsche Identität empfindet.

"Ich empfinde tiefe Scham angesichts der barbarischen Verbrechen, die hier von Deutschen verübt wurden."
DAS, von jemandem der höchst verantwortlich ist, für Breitscheidplatz 19.12.2016 - und läuft tagtäglich über dessen Leichen.

"Solidarität mit den Juden."
DAS, von jemandem der alles tut, damit die Juden aus Schweden, aus Frankreich, aus den Niederlande, und vor allem aus Deutschland, (WIEDER!) nicht mehr sicher sind und an Auswandern nochmal denken.

"Es sei wichtig, deutlich zu benennen, dass damals Deutsche die Täter gewesen seien."
DAS, von jemandem der sich selbst zu Täter macht, nun jetzt umgekehrt.
Und DAS, von jemandem der heute die rot-lackierten SA duldet, und die neue RAF-Generation.

"Einen Schlussstrich kann es nicht geben und auch keine Relativierung."
DAS, von jemandem der ALLES relativiert, ausser, wenn es ihren "#Kampf_gegen_Rechts" dient.
Und DAS, von jemandem der lügt und lügt, und aus dessen eigene Einheits-Block kommen schon Entwürfe für die Errichtung von "Umerziehungslager" für Konservativen und Regime-Kritiker.

"Das Schweigen darf nicht die einzige Antwort sein. Deutschland sei verpflichtet, die Erinnerung an die damaligen Verbrechen wach zu halten."
DAS, von jemandem der schweigt ohne Ende, bei jeder dringenden Gelegenheit, wenn es um die Sicherheit ihres eigenen Volkes geht.  "Erinnerung"??  Wer hat was je "vergessen"?  Wer spricht hier von "wach halten"?! 
Und DAS, nochmal zu betonen, von jemandem der als FDJ-Sekretärin eine Partei gedient hat, die 1.000 eigene Bürger ermordet hat - und unzählige von, in politischer Gefangenschaft gedemütigt und gefoltert hat.

Die Systemjuden der Zentral(ver)rat machen bei dieser neusten geschmacklos banalen Instrumentalisierung mit, sie finden das alles toll. Hauptsache, gegen die AfD, natürlich - und gleich egal, was die JAfD davon hält.  (Denn, wenn die AfD "alle Nazis" sind, sind die Juden in der JAfD, oder bei JewGida, oder ich selber, "alle Nazelehs".)

Ich habe ein passendes Wort für Merkels neuste "Zeichen":  CHUTZPAH.

Jürgen Braun: "Wie lange wird Heusgen noch Ihre Unterstützung finden?" - AfD-Mann bringt Merkel beim Thema Israel in Erklärungsnot -
Kanzlerbefragung: Abstimmungsverhalten Deutchlands gegen Israel - Jürgen Braun (AfD) -
Terrororganisation Hisbollah verbieten! - (Vor sechs Monaten hat die AfD-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag den Antrag gestellt, die islamische Terrororganisation Hisbollah zu verbieten – unter Ablehnung aller Altparteien-Fraktionen. Seitdem wurde unser Antrag in den Ausschüssen blockiert. Nun beantragen die Regierungsfraktionen, erweitert um die FDP zusammen, die Hisbollah über ein Betätigungsverbot zu verbieten und folgen damit der Forderung der AfD.
Das ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, aber greift zu kurz. Sehen Sie hier meine Kritik am unzureichenden Antrag von Union, SPD und FDP.) -
Christoph HeusgenOrganisation setzt deutschen UN-Botschafter auf Platz 7 ihrer Antisemitismus-Liste
Christoph HeusgenOrganisation setzt deutschen UN-Botschafter auf Platz 7 ihrer Antisemitismus-Liste
Christoph HeusgenOrganisation setzt deutschen UN-Botschafter auf Platz 7 ihrer Antisemitismus-Liste
Christoph Heusgen: Simon Wiesenthal Center setzt deutschen EU-Botschafter auf Platz 7 ihrer Antisemitismus-Liste -

Gaslighting zu Jom Kippur -

Der Mord von Augsburg und Merkels Versagen -
Augsburg nennt Tötung "Tragischen Vorfall" & Antifa schändet Trauerkranz -

14-Jähriger gefesselt, gewürgt und antisemitisch beleidigt -

Nichts aus der Geschichte gelernt - Willy Wimmer geht knallhart mit Berliner Politik ins Gericht - (Die heutige Berliner Politik läuft den Lehren aus den schrecklichen Weltkriegen zuwider, sich für geopolitische Stabilität und Frieden einzusetzen. Gerade in Bezug auf die Russland-Politik verfolgt diese einen gefährlichen Kurs aus dunklen Zeiten, meint Willy Wimmer, Staatssekretär a. D. und ehemaliger Bundestagsabgeordneter. Auf einer AfD-Veranstaltung im Bundestag geht er mit der Berliner Politik knallhart ins Gericht und appelliert an diese, von diesem fatalen, falschen Pfad abzukehren.) -

Die Antifa frisst ihre Väter - Hamburg: Anschlag auf Auto von Innensenator Grote - (Freitagmorgen wurde Hamburgs Innensenators Andy Grote Opfer des „aufgebauschten Linksextremismus“.) -

Nach den Gewaltexzessen in Deutschland vom Vergangenen Wochenende: Keine Systemkorrektur mehr möglich! -

Europhobia and the Destruction of Edom -

Trigger and Endgame Explained -

GEWINNER! Zehn Sekunden RUHM! - (Eine kurze Präsentation von Menschen, die sich auch mal für ein paar Sekunden in die Herzen der Menschen torpediert haben!) -
Thomas Seitz (AfD) im Gespräch mit Stefan Schubert - (Heute vor drei Jahren fuhr der als "Flüchtling" nach Deutschland gekommene und hier zeitweise unter 14 verschiedenen Identitäten lebende Tunesier Anis Amri mit einem Sattelzug in den Weihnachtsmarkt auf dem Berliner Breitscheidplatz, nachdem er den polnischen Fahrer des Lastwagens erschossen hatte. Elf Besucher des Weihnachtsmarktes starben und 55 weitere wurden teilweise schwerst verletzt, einige werden bis an ihr Lebensende Pflegefälle bleiben. Mindestens 92 Einsatzkräfte trugen ein Psychotrauma davon. Von Anfang an setzte die Bundesregierung alles daran, den Terroranschlag als Tat eines Einzelnen darzustellen. Im Laufe der Zeit verdichteten sich jedoch die Hinweise darauf, dass Amri Teil eines Netzwerkes um den Hildesheimer Hassprediger Abu Walaa war, dass er bei der Vorbereitung der Tat und auf seiner Flucht, die mit seiner Erschießung durch italienische Polizisten endete, unterstützt wurde und sich mit Terroristen in Libyen absprach. Die jüngsten Erkenntnisse, die vor allem einzelnen Whistleblowern in Sicherheitsbehörden zu verdanken sind, zeichnen ein erschreckendes Bild: Offenbar ließ man Amri gewähren, obwohl man sich seiner Gefährlichkeit bewusst war. Möglicherweise auf Anforderung der Amerikaner, die an Amris Kontakte in Libyen heran wollten, tat man alles, um ihn nicht verhaften zu müssen und opferte dafür sogar eine hervorragende Quelle der nordrhein-westfälischen Polizei im dschihadistischen Umfeld. Der Sicherheitsexperte und Buchautor Stefan Schubert schrieb dies schon vor einem Jahr in seinem Buch "Anis Amri und die Bundesregierung". Was von vielen zunächst als Verschwörungstheorie abgetan wurde, wird heute durch jede neue Enthüllung bestätigt. Das stellvertretende Mitglied der AfD-Fraktion im Bundestags-Untersuchungsausschuss, Thomas Seitz, traf Schubert jetzt in Berlin, um sich mit ihm über die neuesten Erkenntnisse auszutauschen. Dabei machte Seitz deutlich, dass selbst der Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestages kaum Möglichkeiten hat, von sich aus die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen, da die Bundesregierung nur gefilterte Akten zur Verfügung stellt und mit den Ausschussmitgliedern der Regierungskoalition manipulativ auf das Vorgehen des Ausschusses einwirkt.) -

BILD: Drei Jahre nach Terroranschlag von Berlin - Polizei räumt Weichnachtsmarkt am Breitscheidplatz - (Nach BILD-Informationen wurden zwei islamistische Gefährder festgenommen. Eine der beiden Personen soll aus Nordrhein-Westfalen stammen. Der zweite Verdächtige soll in den USA wegen Sprengstoffvergehen per Haftbefehl gesucht werden. Beide werden offenbar als Gefährder (Vermerk: Sprengstoff) geführt. Bei den Festgenommenen soll es sich um Syrer handeln.) -

Schweres Erwachen aus Multi-Kulti-Traumwelt:  Die Opfer öffnen uns die Augen - (Aufwachprozess. | Zehntausende Opfer des multi-kulturellen Experiments werden Schritt für Schritt den Schlafenden die Augen öffnen. Die immer näher kommenden Einschläge werden immer mehr Menschen aufwecken, sodass sie aus ihrem bewusst gewählten Dämmerschlaf aufwachen. Medien und Unterhaltungsindustrie tun zwar alles, um den Schlaf zu sichern, doch das wird nicht ewig gelingen.
Jeder Betroffene muss sich mit der harten Realität beschäftigen. Doch wer kann, der flieht noch vor dieser Realität. Er flieht in seine kleinliche Parallelwelt, in seine traumhafte „Es-ist-alles-in-Ordnung“ Phantasie, er flüchtet vor den Fakten, die aber bald jeden einholen werden. Und wer jetzt noch vor dieser Realität flüchtet, tut dies aus angeborenem Selbstschutz: Es ist eine verbissene Abschottung gegen Ereignisse, die das Weltbild für immer zerstören würden. Diese Leute treibt die Angst, es könnte ihnen die harte Realität den Boden unter den Füßen wegziehen. Denn sie haben ihr Leben lang gesagt: Die Globalisierung ist gut. Alle Ausländer sind friedlich. Multi-Kulti funktioniert so toll und alle tanzen um den großen Regenbogen. Und jeder, der das in Zweifel zieht, ist ein böser Rechter, ein Rassist. Wenn man dann insgeheim merkt, dass diese Phrasen untauglich sind, dann führt das natürlich zu einer Identitätskrise – und die tut weh und das kostet Energie. Denn es ist anstrengend, wenn man nicht mehr so komfortabel weitermachen kann wie bisher. Aber die Verweigerung der Realität wird ihnen nur Zeit verschaffen – aber fliehen können sie vor diesem anstrengenden Aufwachprozess nicht.
Unter dem Aufmacher „Augsburg lässt sich nicht aufhetzen“ versucht sich SZ Innenpolitik-Redakteur „Ronen Steinke“ in professioneller Gehirnwäsche:
Macht der Medien: So verhindern sie jede Wende! Denn die Massen-Medien sind Massen-Beeinflussungsinstrumente, um eine Traumwelt zu errichten, die mit der Realität kaum etwas zu tun hat: -

HeikoMaus von ArschWitz -

Verdächtige gehören zur Salafisten-Szene - Breitschiedplatz geräumt: Weniger harmlos als gedacht - (Terroralarm, die Nerven liegen blank: Am Abend des 21. Dezember räumte die Polizei den Berliner Breitscheidplatz. Erinnerungen an den Anschlag im Jahr 2016 wurden wach. Am 22. Dezember geben die Medien Entwarnung: Das Ganze sei ein blinder Alarm gewesen, heißt es. An dieser Darstellung aber kommen mittlerweile Zweifel auf. Tatsache ist: Auf dem Breitscheidplatz wurde keine Bombe oder etwas Ähnliches gefunden. Und zwei junge Männer aus Syrien, die von der Polizei vorübergehend festgenommen wurden, werden auch nicht – anders als zunächst vermutet – als Terroristen gesucht. Harmlos sind sie deshalb aber nicht. ...) -

Friday, December 6, 2019

Civil War 2020

The EU Lie proposes, and puts a very coordinated program of coercion, propaganda and disinformation into that proposal, that: no more nations, no national sentiments nor patriotic movements - equals "no more wars".  Some equation - and absolute rubbish.  As Marxist as the German Social Democrats now calling themselves "Democratic Socialists" - likewise the (now former and now runined) American Democratic Party.
Moreover, the far more plausible outcome of this dertermined Lie offers the following prognosis:

Out of this, must come civil war - just not between nations, rather between patriots and globalists, plain and simple.

The latter of these two will discover to their dismay, and to their fatal realization, that these nations - in their own respective sovereign self-determination - are not at war with one another.  No, rather that, the patriots of each country, each nation, each state, will go shoulder to shoulder to war against the SEU - this Soviet European Union - against the elite globalists in Brussels.

These patriots will be defending their European values, traditions, and identity - whether liberal or conservative - as it will be in effect, conservatives at war with "progressives", the war against an overweening globalist agenda with all of its totalitarian traits, this will be a war against nihilistic treason and suicidal policies.

Communists don't have their "proletariat", so they take as Ersatz the Third World / developing countries to promote the destructive globalism we are now facing.

Celebrities and Political Elites:
Those who surround themselves with armed security personnel anywhere they go, are chauffeured about behind bulletproof glass, and live behind gates and watched fences with alarms, with armed protection at their beck and call, these have neither the moral right, nor the ethical legitimacy, nor the political credibility - much less the intellectual competence - to preach OpenBorders or to lecture one single American citizen on the virtues of illegal immigration via a porous southern border through which "MS-13" has flooded into the U.S. in droves and established itself from Arizona and the West Coast to New York.

Its exact counterpart in Western EUrope via Italy is the Nigerian "Black Axe".  Whether "MS-13" or "Black Axe", these make the already present crime and murder syndicates or Clans practically take a back seat.  And the socialists and mushbrained Useful Idiots actually still want this. They malign, smear, and libel all critics as "reactionary", as "racist" or "xenophobic" - while sheltering the most unmentionable abomination of ruthlessly sadistic perpetrators of rape, pillage and slaughter (as a matter of identity and conviction, mind you) for the sake of "seeing the divine spark in everyone" - but out of which real motive, they won't tell you. This, from the atheistic Left?

Trump is protected, Trump has security at his beck and call, because he is President!  And he has alone more compassion and more empathy and the will and means and intention to take actual measures to protect the victims and the would-be and the will-be victims of the aforementioned - and of their lackeys, appeasers and apologists - than all sitting presidents before him.  Because he is a President!

Pelosi Burns Down the Constitution - None Dare Call It Treason - (In an unprecedented and controversial move, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announces House Democrats will move forward with Impeachment. Don't miss Dr. Corsi's in-depth rebuke of the speaker's unconstitutional partisan maneuver.) -

The bottom line is this above all: Where you stand and where I stand, on Child Trafficking.  Because Child Trafficking has three aspects to it, no more and no less:
a) Entrapment, Abuse, and Torture of Children and Youth;
b) Entrapment and Blackmail; and
c) It is, always was and remains, THE Most Lucrative Trade in the world - bar NONE.

Who Is Johnny Lange? - (An Anonymous director interviews former Genovese Crime Family member, Johnny Lange over the course of one night for several hours in the garage of Hollywood producer, Jonna Jackson, who releases this chilling interview.) -

Does Satan Really Exist? - (If he does, is he in charge of the powers on this Earthly plane? I look at some revelations from various sources, I discuss secular materialism's failure to change our society for the better, and I show some examples of the Anti-Christ spirit at work today.) -

Larry Nichols Knows Something About the Impeachment Proceedings That You're going to Want to Hear - (When it comes to former Clinton insiders who have turned the other way, there is nobody more inside than Larry Nichols. Larry had a front row seat to and strategic role in the Bill Clinton impeachment. Larry joins me today for a special broadcast to share some urgent comments with regard to Nancy Pelosi's unconstitutional shift towards Schiff.) -

My Teacher used to say, back in the day, "God is no respecter of people."  It is for this observer the hallmark of one such as Trump, the very character of such a one, that he NOT "be liked".  Of one who
a) has accomplished what Trump has in three years, against enormous odds and obstacles, enormous calumny and vitriole, the most underhanded of chicanery, heaved against him; and who
b) intends yet to accomplish and bring to fruition, in the face of all that is marshalled against him; namely:
c) the darkest of forces, which he is about exposing, naming, confronting, dismantling, bringing to justice, and making an end of.
President Trump is not in the business of "being liked" - he is in the business of serving America as its duly elected President.  It is just this, that those of us who recognize by what Act of God (Who never consults the experts, the polls or the pundits when He chooses the man for the job) this most "unlikely", most "improbable" candidate in 2016 was guided to attain to the Oval, that we recognize and love him and respect him for what he has taken upon himself.
"God is no respecter of persons."  And He certainly was never "with her".  One need only look at the contingent of Trump-haters and their record on values, on methods, on agenda - and it should be clear to anyone why he is "not liked".

Civil War, 2020:
George Friedman at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Feb. 2015: DeepState manipulates Europe, driving the narrative into chaos, dividing and conquering - they just hadn't counted on Trump - 


Thomas Barnett, and his Active Participation on the Pentagon's New Map, April 1 (no joke), 2008: Also had not counted on or ever considered a Pentagon under a Trump Administration -

Angela Merkel is Undoing Germany with Censorship - (On the latest episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we covered German Chancellor Angela Merkel's recent speech in which she urges that society must oppose freedom in order to remain free.) -

The Spectre Haunting Europe, What Ill She Bodes -
Barbara Spectre Is Back - (censored by, and deleted, on Youtube)

Outrage & Injustice - Larry Klayman Reacts to Michael Horowitz IG FISA Abuse Report -

False.Flag Operations occur with growing frequency, and/or are more frequently becoming obvious for what they actually are.  This fits in as part of the gaslighting M.O. behind the EU, behind the Merkel Cartel, behind the DeepState CIA, Pentagon, Mossad, MI6 players.  This is all Swamp Activity.

Will we see civil war?  If so, what will be its outcome?
The real - and first and foremost - civil war we will see, and which we are already engaged in, is the Informational Civil WarThis may well decide the outcome, i.e., whether it really finally is taken to the streets and the trenches.

So, here is my PsyOP plan for Germany - if I can actually get a patriotic outlet to actually print this out in stickers, which would be risky in itself, as the German Verfassungsschutz and all the organs of State are keeping ever closer tabs on anyone producing patriotic materials. So I may be on my own in this. But it involves one simple thing - to get one very suggestive (and yet legally harmless and unchargeable non-offense - this being the beauty of it) message out, in one short sentence, everywhere and on every large or small surface, handscrawled or on stickers or walls, ledges, park benches, flyers, anything:
Merkel did not kill herself.

Of course it would "make no sense" to the vast majority, since Merkel clearly isn't dead. (I mean, she may be The Walking Dead, but she hasn't actually died, right.) Yet it would link up automatically in the public sub-conscious, with something indeed on the mark, which is making its way about internationally - that same reference to Epstein himself. Some will get it right off the bat. The German authorities at large would view it as a "plot" no doubt - but how would they charge anyone on it? The "absurdity" of the assertion behind the wording would be confronting yet breaking no actual law.
It would plague, it would frustrate, it would irritate, it would be blown off - but it would not be forgotten. And perhaps, through the sheer effectiveness of a PsyOP, it would become actual news - fake or not.

Germany Home to 11,000 Islamist Extremists, says Interior Ministry (Apr. 2018) -