Monday, January 28, 2019

When The Gods Arrive: AfD's Real Jews vs. Central Council's System-Jews

"When the gods arrive, the half-gods go."  The gods have arrived.  And they are speaking loud and clear.  The half-gods have forfeited all credibility or moral highground - fake as it ever was anyway.

(All following translation from the German, so that my American Jews might grasp who their fatal enemies are in Germany and in Europe - and who not - so they can finally stop walking backwards into the same abyss.)

>>As an American Jew, with a vision of healing since 1980 that is thoroughly and explicitly in line with the JAfD text directed at the Merkel-loyal and mainstream-manipulative Charlotte Knobloch (seen central in the above photo), in pointed repsonse to her low-brow and
opportunistic attack on the AfD before a public assembly - my contribution as follows:  I'd been "JAfD" since 1980 before I came to Germany and decades before there ever was an AfD (Alternative for Germany), let alone a Jewish contingent (JAfD). I've been "JAfD" since 1988 when I came to Berlin. I have been "JAfD" since five years of active critical clarification and discussion! And I will remain a JAfD supporter as long as there are such Jews here who are critical of the system Jews and of the instrumentalization by the Central Jewish Council and all its lobbies and communist "activists" such as the "Jewish Forum"! If one reads this entire text, one will understand what I mean here - no ifs ands or buts! YES - I stand by the JAfD and am proud of them. 

For only in a sovereign and national Germany without Socialism of any stripe - brown, red or rainbow - will both Germans and Jews alike find healing once and for all from the Shoah, inside and outside of Germany.  Only a Germany with secure borders can ever protect those Germans-who-are-Jewish within those borders.  Those very borders which Merkel has abolished.  But Merkel's System-Jews don't want healing, they want the underhanded power and manipulative, opportunistic influence which comes with bleeding others, trust me on this -  and we, patriots inside or outside of the AfD - to be more exact, the Jews of the AfD - are calling them out on it like no one ever before, and admirably so.  Because that is the only ethical thing to do.  A kick in arse of the Jewish Communisty of Berlin and the Central Con-shill in DoucheLand.<<

(From PI-News, 24.1.2019) Jews horrified by Knobloch speech 

JAfD: "We all would have left the Chamber as well"

The Association of Jews in the AfD (JAfD) is horrified by Charlotte Knobloch's appearance and her delivery at the commemoration ceremony in the Bavarian Parliament (as PI-News reported).  Furthermore, some commentators suspect that Charlotte Knobloch, herself a member of the CSU, deliberately initiated the scandal of a possible departure from the hall in order to provoke images of the AfD moving out for the subsequent headlines in the media, with the aim of nudging the AfD back into the Nazi-corner in the (ever all too willing) media.

"... what just happened in the Bavarian Parliament - that is beyond words. The entire federal association is deeply shocked by the enormously unscrupulous behaviour of Charlotte Knobloch", who "tramples on the countless graves of the dead Jews in the name of today's mainstream agenda".

The (JAfD) statement goes on to say that Ms. Knobloch "has as much to do with Jews and neutrality in Germany as we have with the Islamic state - namely nothing at all! We, as JAfD, dissociate ourselves in all highest form from Charlotte Knobloch and her cohorts"!

The JAfD statement was occasioned by Knobloch's speech in the Bavarian Parliament at a commemoration ceremony for the victims of the Nazi regime. In this speech Knobloch had strongly attacked the AfD. Among other things she said: "This so-called alternative for Germany bases its policy on hatred and exclusion and not only for me, is not grounded in our democratic constitution".

But the president of the Jewish Community took it to extremes when she indirectly considered the possibility of a new Holocaust in connection with the AfD. In the wording: "It is the responsibility of all of us that the unimaginable must not be allowed to repeat itself".

Upon having to listen to this, most members of the AfD faction, including faction leader Katrin Ebner-Steiner, bursted at the seams, stood up as one and left the plenary hall. Only when Knobloch's speech was over did these deputies return. In the media, this incident will of course once again be blamed on the AfD, despite Knobloch's crude verbal attacks and trivialisations at an official Shoah memorial service.

JAfD: "Have you no sense of shame at all?"

As further declared in the (JAfD's) response:

How dare you! Have you no sense of shame at all? This impertinence, this disrespectfulness, this dumb and infantile gibberish is stupefying!

1. You have lied to the German public several times and acted as if we, the Jews in the AfD, were possibly not Jews at all.  That is an unequaled arrogance. You will not determine who is Jewish or who is not. No rabbi would accept your statements as to who is Jewish or not. You are not empowered to do so - and you know it.

2. You have ... claimed that the AfD will create the danger of a new Holocaust. That is a ridiculous lie!

3. At the same time you have directly supported the policy of Islamic, Islamist and Islamofascist immigration by the governing parties, e.g., through your patronage of the 'Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Work Studies for the Advancement Promising Jewish Minds'. Among other things, this institute distinguishes itself by excluding (!) Jews and by lying to the German public! It promotes the impression that most attacks on Jews are carried out by right-wing radicals. This is an infamous lie and endangers the security of the Jewish Germans. We expect Jewish behaviour from you, i.e., stop

It has not only shaken us as human beings, as Jews, as Germans, as living beings, as relatives of contemporary witnesses, it has brought us to tears like nothing else can! In the entire career of many of our lives we have never felt so abused as in this moment!

That you of all people, should so opprtunistically exploit the memory of those who'd had to endure so much suffering and sorrow, who'd had to watch their brothers and sisters being gassed and shot, that you should abuse the memory of these people to such a sick and shallow degree - and this, all for your shabby theatrical smear tactics - shows us all, that you have nothing, absolutely nothing, in common with Judaism in Germany!

 [...] Let us be very clear: every single member of the JAfD would also have left that plenary hall!

We thank our supporters, friends and colleagues for their unreserved sympathy and encouragement in this terrible matter! We will look into this! We will keep you informed! We will stay on it! We are never giving up! We are fighting! For our freedom. For our democracy. For our homeland.  For our country. For Germany!

Signed, Jews in the AfD

And furthermore:

The Jews in the AfD have published a further emotional statement in the form of an
open letter by the federal chairwoman of the JAfD, Dr. Vera Kosova:

Dear ladies and gentlemen, dear party associates,

The political attitude of the Central Council of Jews in Germany toward its Jewish members has never been so transparent and treacherous as it has been in recent days.

Mr. Schuster as President of the Central Council of Jews and Ms. Knobloch follow the calls of the Red-Greens (coalition) opinion makers and march in step with the propagandistic pre-drummers of the established parties. They deliberately ignore the real danger to Jewish life in Germany and Europe, namely Muslim and Left-wing antisemitism.

They continue to abuse the dead Jews of the past for their political purposes and do not care about the welfare of the Jews living here today. They hypocritically fight democratic pluralism of opinion "in the name of democracy" and shamelessly spread lies about our party that have nothing to do with reality.

Dear Ms. Knobloch, dear Mr. Schuster, the immigrant Jews from the former Soviet Union, who predominantly shape the Jewish community in today's Germany, know from their own experience the Leftist dictatorship of a Socialism condemned to failure. They experienced the politically practiced antisemitism of the communists and were often at the mercy of the religiously motivated Muslim antisemitism of their former fellow citizens. That is why they left the country and sought refuge in Germany, where they could finally live in peace - until Islamic mass immigration began to take place.

It is therefore just as audacious as it is doomed to failure if you want to gaslight these people and play them for stupid. We will not let ourselves be forbidden to think independently and we will not tolerate any ideological blinders with which you are obviously determined to bind us. If you were to carry out your office as you are obliged to do, you would not abuse it to campaign for the established parties, without regard for the welfare of your own members.

Dr. Vera Kosova

Federal Chairman of the JAfD

23 Feb. 2015:  My initial ad hoc delivery to the Berlin patriots carrying the Pegida Movement into the Federal German capital:

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