Tuesday, September 4, 2018

To The Sliming German Press And Its Worldwide Immitators


You are all in complete denial!  You mouth everything this Regime tells you!  Merkel is entirely and personally responsible for all the victims who have fallen to her destructive, cynical, self-posturing, manipulating Agenda.  She and her cohorts, she and her own non-German (EU, CIA, Erdogan) order-givers and her own subordinated court of order-takers, are all sucking the very life-blood out of this nation and its people - cynically peddling it as "diversity" and "enrichment"!  This, knowing full well the consequences of giving a free pass to the most hostile elements you could invite carte-blanche into your borderless and hopelessly unprotected coutnry.  Or as Merkel herself has said (no, really!) before the cameras:  "It's really just irrelevant whether I'm at fault or not, they're all here now."

We are merely counting the bodies, giving them their names and dignity back, removing the conveniently forgotten anonymity of their faces, we are confronting Merkel to her face and calling all this by name.

And you have the gall to go telling a gullible world that WE are instrumentalizing?!  Shame on you, and go to hell.

Take one example from yesterday's nationally circulated tabloid:
Bianca T., Daniel Hillig's widow, is quoted in a bona-fide Fake-Interview in the national tabloid rag BILD, in the characteristically maudlin manner in which this paper generally leads or fabricates its interviews, that we who'd marched on Saturday were "not doing this in Daniel's spirit, he would never have wanted this, he was neither left nor right, we just want our peace..."  How interesting  The FACT is, Daniel was an active supporter of the party The Left, of the Merkelian "refugee"-policy.  His own friends, one of whom spoke at the end of Satuday's Demo, had been the targets of the one "manhunt" there had ever been, just not as the press (and world press) had reported it:  it was they who had been chased down and beaten bloody by the "Anit"fa, goddamnit!  And Daniel's wife Bianca happens to be active with Pro-Chemnitz who had held a Demo and then joined onto ours (the AfD- and Pegida-led one) that very Saturday before this "interview" was ever fabricated and published.

One last word about Germany, Germans, about language, and about German.  The very ground basis of a culture is its language.  Not the art, not the system, not the philosophy, not the food, not the landscape, the industry, the agriculture, not even the history, not any of these things are the earth and the soil, the very salt of a culture - they all come after.  Language.  It's the language, stupid.  Take away the language, you have destroyed the culture.

Today I just discovered that in Münster, for one, the first-graders starting school do not get German as a subject, and this pattern will spell out what's in store for them in their future schooling and (re-)education.   They give them German in a mish-mash of other subjects, but not: German.  (Can you imagine this with English, those of you back home?)

As for English:  the AfD is the one federal party fighting an uphill battle to keep German the language of officialdom, just as every other goddamned country does with their native tongue, n'est-ce pas?  So what do the other, Left-extreme and Merkel-System parties want for an official language?  Why, English of course, and German will no doubt leave even second-place in its own country to stand side-by-side in Official-Speak, with Turkish and/or Arabic.

The death of a culture is in the death of its language.  Take away the sovereignty of that language, you have removed the culture at its very root.

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