Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Left, and the Memorial Stones in Berlin-Neukölln: What "Happened" – and What Happened

During the night of November 7th to 8th, 13 memorial stones were dug up from their places as a crass act of vandalism in the cobblestoned sidewalks of the Berlin-Neukölln district – these bronzed pavement stones represent for all who have ever commented on them, the most touching manner of remembrance of the Jews murdered here under National-Socialism. Designed and implemented by Berliner Gunther Demnig some 20 years ago, the stones are used as replacement paving stones in front of the door of the former addresses of each of them with name, place of residence, circumstances and fate, murdered or tortured and executed Jews. The idea is to let people find themselves quietly, poignantly confronted by these stones – hence the term “stumbling stones” as they are prominently known, in that you happen upon them – and to reflect. And the entire project, wherever he has placed them, always financed by ordinary citizens, as Demnig had so meant it. He has set 63,000 of them in Germany and worldwide, 7,000 in Berlin alone. Great achievement, as honorable and elegant as itis apt, by its very modesty in concept.

What I read in the local tabloid on this afternoon was everything one has come to expect, without any proof - and as I'll explain below, why so inevitably so - about "right-wing radicals" and "neo-Nazis" who alone should have committed this outrage. The whole readership atmosphere is poisoned with the mainstream press lies and signaling, misleading and manipulation, which was also to be expected in the course of the day in all mainstream media across the board. Out of the lowest of motives, and in the most scurrilous manner. The AfD was – not to be pass up a chance to target and malign this conservative and strongly democratic party – obligatorily put into a bad light, because it doen't agree with using public funds for restoring the as yet unretrieved stones. OMG, (ex-President) Gauck's "Dark Germans", what else.

While the "Never-Again" cult of Goodpeopledom, from the media to the Red-Green Senate and Bundestag (especially SPD), from the Central Con-cil of Jews to the Jewish Congregation, from interviews of "Good-Germans" on the street to inside schools: all declare in harmony, their horror and their fervent determination in the "Fight-against-the-Right". As was preconditioned anyway.

As it remains unproven, and in my estimation it will stay that way – after all, who needs proof or facts in the "Fight-against-the-Right"?! I offer here the unspoken truth, and not just that. I'll provide the exact reasons why it's true, in contrast to the lying press and the Merkelish interests that it serves. Because at some point I will be confirmed – on every point.,w=993,q=high,c=0.bild.jpg

First, for more than two decades no one - and certainly no right-wing radicals - has removed memorial stones from the pavement. If that had been the case, it was never reported. What I have seen however, in Neukölln, were Arab teenagers sneering at the said memorial stones, dancing over them and mocking – and they post this on YouTube. A Jewish nursing home in Berlin once suffered an arson attack at the end of the '60s - immediately it was pinned on "right-wing extremists, neo-Nazis" - later it came to light quite unintendedly, that the extreme left were behind it. This likewise applies to some cases today, with stupidly backward "swastikas" sprayed in green(!) on the sides of refugee houses. The self-adulating "Interventionist Left," or "Anti"fa, again - because they have no Nazis, yet so long for them, they have to do the Nazis themselves to gratify themselves and to manipulate us: and to defame the only oppositional and conservative party present today and now taking its rightful place in the Bundestag. And where is the stronghold of right-wing extremism? Certainly NOT Berlin-Neukölln. In Neukölln, the far-left has the say on anything, and otherwise the Muslims have it – Turks, Arabs. Whoever cares to deny this, does not live in Berlin.

Second, why right now? Because the AfD is in the Bundestag since September. Because tomorrow is the 9th of November – and the Merkel-State and its left wing know to instrumentalize this, to unconditionally, pathologically, cynically counterplay the two big events: Kristallnacht '38 and Fall of the Wall '89. (The Muslims in Berlin-Neukölln are not the likely culprits here, otherwise they would have done so long ago - the "Anti" fa knows how to stage a kind of "Kristallnacht", so that the fake-focus on "The Brown Threat" remains in the public perception.) The "Anti"fa, 100% supported – doctrinally, logistically and financially – by the SPD, as well as The Left and The Greens, are not only capable of but notorious for going out as well-disguised instigators of the worst property damage and staging scenarios, massive and wanton vandalism, character and career assassination, attacks on character and person - mostly and specifically against the AfD and its supporters. They're known, by the way, as Red antisemites, who could take the blue ribbon for sheer hypocrisy. And yes, the Jews, as always, going right along with this. JUST NOT THIS JEW.

Third, the AfD's most probable reason why it wouldn't agree to any state funds for the restoration of Gunther Demnig's project is that it was originally intended by him precisely to be financed by ordinary citizens, and not by state or the city. This alone would permit it to develop authentically and to stay that way. The AfD is as consistent, authentic, and non-antisemitic as Demnig himself. Only the Merkel-State, the established parties, the official churches and unions, the IL and "Anti"fa, the Merkels and Stegners, the Göring Eckardts and Kahanes, the Roths and Dittfurths, the Knoblochs and Jaffes and Rosh's: they are all without authenticity, without credibility, and to all the Jewish (let alone non-Jewish) victims under National-Socialism, unworthy. And the souls of the victims know it, and I know it. And this isn't about Brown, right-wing neo-Nazis - we know that as well.

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