Saturday, May 6, 2017

Observing Snowflakes

Snowflake [snoh-fleyk] noun.  1. one of the small, feathery masses or flakes in which snow falls. (n2. any of certain European plants belonging to the genus Leucojum, of the amaryllis family, resembling the snowdrop. (n3. a pampered Western Lemming ranging in age from 12 to 30, who shouts "No Borders-No Nations" while demanding in shrill tones that everyone else respect and coddle his/her/its "safe space". (gender undetermined, often confusing itself with feminism.)


Überall in Wedding findet man Folgendes auf der Strasse angeklebt:
"özgürlük için HAYIR dioruz" - Türkisch für:
"Wir sagen NEIN zu Freiheit"

Hmmm. Aber "Merkel muss weg!" darf man nirgendwo ankleben, alleine dies verschwindet sobald eine Kahane-Linke Antifant-Blöckwärt*in "im Dienst" ist.

Autism and the “Autonomous-Anti”fa Snowflakes

As one occupied in the health care field I concern myself with both mental and physical conditions, neurological being of particular interest. So it was nice to refresh some familiarity in a Berlin pharmacy weekly, where I’d come across an article sensitively and professionally covering an autistic woman whose condition falls into a wide spectrum of what constitutes autism altogether. The woman introduced is herself a blogger on the subject and has just put out her first book, a novel of sorts, giving a real glimpse into her world and that of many autistics like herself.

This is a condition of extraordinary hypersensitivity toward what for that person is an overwhelming world of stimuli triggering unprotected reaction and remarkable behaviorisms, requiring utmost consideration on the part of others like ourselves. What applies to the autistic individual cannot be studied enough, nor can our genuine grasp and consideration ever be overstated or an exaggeration, because the overwhelmed sensitivity and sensibilities of those suffering from autism, and learning to cope with it, to cope with their handling of all that (it is at best treatable but in no way curable), is authentic, it is real.

I mention this at all, because the Snowflakes’ totally mental behaviour notwithstanding, THESE are decidedly NOT autistic, they just wish they were, to score points in their clamoring after attention and shrill demands of capitulation by the rest of us. Yes, on observing them, one could wonder if we’re dealing with some kind of autism here, as they are – to use the autistic author’s term for her condition – as unreachable as something from a foreign planet, not of earth. But we are not. We are not dealing with autistics here, just that other neurological pattern of a whole other dimension and reaching epidemic proportions: narcissism.

So if the person before you is autistic, learn about him/her, show genuinely calm compassion and relate to what he/she has going on – they need borders and a certain refuge, and are seeking them. He/she will likely be grateful, however that is shown.

And if it’s a Snowflake (“Anti”fa, LGBT+/ SJW, BLM) wanking on you, call that for what it is, show genuine compassion by setting the limits on the spot, show him/her/it the exit and calmly stand your ground. They are also not curable. And don’t worry – they haven’t a clue what gratitude is.

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