Thursday, November 10, 2016

It's Not Time ...

It's not time to speak of this, most are not ready for it.
I know that.  It's not time, so be silent and change the subject.

Children abducted, children drugged, traumatized,
children born and raised into this, groomed for it,
children sexually abused from infancy to age three,
from age three to seven, from seven to their teens,
if they make it that far.  Children groomed for sacrifice.

Do you believe in a "Satan"?  (Who does?)
Well Satanists believe, and they practice ritual slaughter
on children and on animals, after these have been kept
and passed around as toys - isn't that enough "Satan"?

Satanism and its deeply and widely networked community
has it easy - no one believes in it because "there's no Satan".
But for those holding positions in a massive hierarchy of status
it is quite real - and for every child abducted, raped, tortured, bled.

Pedophilia alone may be an aberration, but Satanism gives it abundant
space: yes, they go hand in hand, hand on privates, hand on dagger.
Whether a sacrifice is simulated for performance or in private quite real,
the practice with all it entails affects all concerned, doer, watcher, victim.

Well it's really not time to go open with this, "we all know" shit happens.
This shit isn't about some oddball still living at home, in a cellar.
This is EUrope-wide from its center in Brussels to the halls of power
in every capital, and US-wide from L.A. to D.C., staining the White House.

The elite in power, whether one speaks of Bush or Clinton,
don't indulge this merely, they are quite in it.  The trick of the matter,
is that it is so wide open and referred to in said elite's own biographies
that no one gets it, the passages get glossed over, one won't let it in.

It's not time.  It's not time to speak of a system of code words,
on tweets and emails, in personal accounts, code words known
to pedophiles and Satanists, red flags for investigators - investigators
Federal and local, and security personnel for the elite, sworn and held

to an oath of silence, unwilling complicity leading to personal breakdowns.
It doesn't take a "Christian fundamentalist" to address this - it takes balls.
It's not time to call out the power elite on this, inform a reticent public
on the takeover of Church and of State halls by a perniciously dark force.

Yet there is Internet now.  People are coming forward.  There is Wikileaks,
providing current and long-standing facts and proofs of what most would
rather call "crumbs for conspiracy theorists" - only these are neither
crumbs nor theories, this is quite real.  And I say it is time.

Since over four decades I have personally known second hand from
direct encounters of this, and direct confrontation as well.
And it is time.  Because it is not for me to say who will get it,
who will scoff, who will deny.  Every child speaks to my heart
in the sleepless night, every child is saying, it is time.

What can anyone do?  Damned little, obviously.  But have the courage
to be informed, to look it in the eye and name it - it's leaving its mark
in all aspects of our lives, the music industry (no news there),
commercial media, and politics - NWO, that sort of thing.

It is prancing before our very eyes with a smirk,'s not time
to demand complete exposure of all this.  Wars are fomented, fresh meat
refugees arrive in droves - 10,000 refugee children disappear inside EUrope
without trace, without explanation, and after first reports, without further word.

That was all within less than a year - but it's not time.  Too confronting.
Providers of these children have it good, they are courted, have good lawyers
(one such former lawyer just lost her last bid for the very White House
where much of this has gone on) - but it's alright, wave this off as bullshit.

For every minute it takes me to compose this writing and keep my composure,
children, as innocent as children - being children - are, will be subjected
to sexual servitude, to unspeakable pain, to horrors testing your imagination,
to being drugged and groomed for their own ritual slaughter - toward occult gains.

We needn't argue over whether said occult gains exist - the power and status
enjoyed by these mass-organized perpetrators of some diabolical Mass speak
for themselves, alone the psychological power will do.  And yes, occult is real.
But it's not time to be able to do much, as this really is a tall order.

What it's time for, my friends, is to wake up, get informed, sort it out, pay attention.
What it's time for is to actively pray with all love and concentration - with wrath and resolve.
Light that long-burning oil candle, keep that flame going, for these unknown children,
be that light in that window, make a statement deeply to God, and speak it.

Say it, with your gut and with your tears and with your determination, say it
and quit being obedient, quit being Mister and Missus Rational - say this:
"It is time."

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