Tuesday, August 16, 2016


16 Aug 2016

BEMERKUNG: Der folgende Artikel zeigt im Bild, zwei (oben) nackte junge Antifa-Girls mit erhobenen Fäuste, deren Körper mit "Antifa-Aktion" und "Thanks Bomber Harris" beschriftet. FB, aus amerikanischer Empfindlichkeit gegenüber nackte Brüste, lässt mich nicht posten - nicht das es sich handelt um antideutsche Rassismus, das nicht. Also - deshalb folgt erstmal nur der Text: Da ein Bild spricht tausend Worte, wird das Ganze durch mein Blog doch erscheinen.

KOPP-ONLINE (11.8.2016)

»Ich finde Deutschland zum Kotzen«: Woher kommt der Selbsthass der »Antideutschen«?
Gerhard Wisnewski

»Die Deutschen sind noch immer derselbe unveränderte Misthaufen, ganz gleich, welche Regierungsform«, faselte einmal der Schriftsteller Arno Schmidt. »Stalingrad war wunderbar – Naziopa blieb gleich da«, hetzte eine Mitarbeiterin der Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, die angeblich unermüdlich gegen »rechts« kämpft. Beides ist Ausdruck desselben Prinzips: des merkwürdigen Selbsthasses der Antideutschen ...


(Zum 69. Jahrestag posierten nun zwei nackte und maskierte Protestiererinnen vor der Dresdner Altstadtkulisse)
Link zu dem ganzen Artikel:

********************************************** Six names convince me that I do NOT
want to see any woman occupying the highest positions of power
on the argument that "replacing men because she's a woman"
makes her either better suited to rule or to govern democratically,
or that it is in the interests of the nation or the international community –
or humanity at all, for that matter:

Margot Honecker
Angela Merkel
Ursula von der Leyen
Hillary Clinton
Anetta Kahane
Ulrike Lunacek

Here's a simple lesson in how to deal with Political-Correctness.
A Gutmensch tells you, you are incorrect in your word usage.
You either:
a) excuse yourself and beg pardon;
b) get defensive and begin stammering;
c) go on the offensive and start a pissing contest; or
d) end the matter in four words: "DON'T YOU MANIPULATE ME!"

Do as you like, but I would suggest you stick with (d) every time.

1) Stasi-Kahanes (SA)ntifa-und-Gutmensch Trotteln.

2) Unsere Antwort...

19 Aug

Theoretisches Szenario: Ich sitze am Tisch mit einem "weltoffenen" Gutmensch - voller Programm: "No-Borders, No-Nation", "Kein Mensch ist illegal", etc. Ich höre alles zu, wir bestellen. Ich erlaube mir eine große Portion von der teureren Seite der Speisekarte. Wir bekommen, ich esse von meiner, sie von ihrer. Ich bin schneller fertig, wische meinen Mund mit Serviette, und fang an mitten im Gespräch, mit Gabel auf ihren Teller zu greifen, ein paar Happen, und noch ein paar - mit einer gelassenen Selbsverständlichkeit und ohne zu bitten oder die Erlaubnis zu bekommen. Sie starrt mich an. Ich sage, "Sie haben doch vielleicht Recht. 'Ohne-Grenzen' passt mir gut, ich habe ein neue Geschmack dafür bekommen." Schockiert, sie babbelt mich an mit Empörung, während ich aufstehe, nach der Rechnung rufe, und ehe die ans Tisch kommt, wo mein Gutmensch alleine sitzt, nehme ich meinen Hut und gehe, ohne "Dankeschön".

Noch was rein theoretisches fehlt mir ein: Man stellt sich vor, ein Deutschland-bewusste Jude in Amerika während der '30er Jahren, versucht so verzweifelt wie vergebens, einige andere jüdisch-amerikanische Mitbürger zum Begreifen zu bringen, was Juden unter Hitlers Regime erleben. Die gesagte Mitbürger interessieren sich ein Dreck dafür, sie sind so voll mit amerikanischem Antisemitismus beschäftigt. Der einer wurde nicht von einem Einzelkaufmann bedient; der andere dürfte keine Mitgliedschaft in einem angesehenen Prestige-Club erringen; noch einer sah sich als Jude benachteiligt in seiner Firma, weil es Antisemiten gäbe. Lächerlich? Heute sehe ich die LGBT genauso, wenn es um Islam geht.

"...Mich persönlich erinnert der Umgang mit der Flüchtlingskrise stark an das Phänomen des Moralsplaining. Ganze 82 Prozent der Zeitungsartikel in Deutschland bezüglich der Flüchtlingskrise sind laut FAZ nicht beschreibend, sondern positiv wertend. Man möchte der Bevölkerung ein bestimmtes Narrativ vermitteln, wonach Millionen von oft über Jahrzehnte islamistisch indoktrinierte und weitestgehend ungebildete Flüchtlinge ein Segen für sie seien. Bei ausbleibenden Argumenten versucht die moralische Elite anders Denkende zu gerne mit dem Vorwurf des “Rechtsradikalismus” zum Schweigen zu bringen. Nicht mehr Gesetz und Justiz, sondern die Regierung schreibt Facebook – der größten Medienplattform des Landes – vor, welche Inhalte zu dulden und welche zu zensieren sind. ..."


(Translated from my own German posting, above)

Theoretical scenario: I'm sharing a table with a "worldly open" Gutmensch – I get the full program: "No-Borders, No-Nation", "No person is illegal", etc. I listen to it all, we order. I permit myself a large portion of anything from the more pricey side of the menu. We get our orders, I start on mine, she on hers. I'm finished sooner, dab my mouth with my napkin, and begin, midst of our talk, to jab at portions on her plate with my fork, a few bites of this, a few bites of that. This with a casual assuredness, without either asking or the least invitation to help myself to it. She stares at me in disbelief. I tell her, "Y'know – you may just be right. 'Without-Borders' rather suits me, I could even develop a taste for your theory." Shocked, she babbles with indignation while I stand up, call for the check. Sooner than it arrives at the table, where my Gutmensch is now sitting alone, I take my hat and go without so much as a thank-you.

Still another purely theoretical image hit me: Just imagine an informed American Jew in the 1930s, very familiar with what's occurring in Germany. He's trying desperately and as much in vain, to get fellow American Jews to just grasp what Jews under Hitler's Regime are undergoing. And these fellow citizens don't seem to give a shit, they're way too occupied with questions of American antisemitism. The one hadn't been tended to by a certain single salesperson; the other could expect not to be accepted as member into a posh exclusive club; still another saw himself at certain disadvantage in the work place because of antisemites at his company. Ridiculous, considering German Jews then? Well today I view the LGBT exactly so, where it concerns Islam.

A fresh*man college student in the States whom I've known since many years, and doing her best to reperesent the SJW arm of the LGBT*etc. Chorus of Woes, recently returned to her duty of re-educating or indoctrinating recalcitrant old me.

She chose this time, but as usual from superficial sources, "History Lessons" penned by unschooled researchers probably in her age group, gives us: "The Berlin Wall was built 55 years ago today, and it should remind us that walls don’t work". This is meant as a knock on Trump, as if I cared, or on the idea of walling the border with Mexico. I'll let those two points of the matter rest, as I happen to be in Berlin and not in the States.

Which is much more the point: When I get handed something like this by someone less than 1/3 my age and with only a brainwashed grasp of history, to "straighten me out" - I have to straighten the matter out for real:

Hon' - The Berlin Wall was built for one reason only: To keep its own citizens inside, on pain of being shot and killed, or landing in Stasi-run prisons you don't want me to describe, undergoing interrogations by the Stasi (for wanting to leave Dodge) inherited from the Gestapo in the previous Socialist dictatorship - and therewith also cutting off West-Berlin from the free world. Apropos, that dictatorship lasted 12 years, this one 40 - the Wall 28. They said it was to "keep out the enemy" - really. No one, I mean no one, ever ever tried to "get in" to East Germany. Anyone who wanted to, the few comrades who felt akin there, merely had to go over, it was that simple. Leaving was something else. So: when misusing "the Berlin Wall", which DOES mean something to me, to promote such horse-shit like "No-Borders", one would be well advised to seek an education first, and preferably not from admirerers of dictatorships.

Now - perhaps what was meant were walls to actually "keep out" - well, they DO work. In Israel, unfortunately, a wall needed to be decided on between the State and Gaza. Guess what? It fortunately works. It has drastically reduced the number of terrorist attacks since being erected. I know what's coming - "only if these are exclusively seen as terrorist acts could a wall be justified, but since it's Israel it can't be". Well, apropos LGBT*etc., many gay Gazans slip around or over that very wall to get into Tel Aviv, not to foment terror but to escape it among thier own, and to celebrate with Israelis in one of the world's most LGBT*etc.-friendly capitals.

Now to Mexico. I cannot consider myself any kind of expert on this debate, and will grant everyone their own side of the matter - but I will not stand for the ideologically suicidal bent of starry-eyed multi-culti care-bears WHO IGNORE the statistical fact of drug cartel traffic and its murder and mayhem which makes their way over the border regularly, and which recently drew sharp criticism of the U.S. from a Mexican law enforcement figure, saying Trump was closer to grasping reality and that the Americans were nuts NOT to go for the wall plan.

And finally, those 30,000 Ahmadiyyan-Muslims who have protested against IS. Admirable indeed. What my dear college fresh*man in the States does not know about the Ahmadiyya sect, she should maybe google sometime. True, they are persecuted by the Sunni, but so are the Shi'ites. The Ahmadiyya is as jihad-and-Caliphate oriented (no pun intended) and as patriarchal - also as full of "peace"-selling points as is he main arm of Islam - and as determined to make the world Muslim as is Islam itself. So my critical fire is not simply toward Muslims, Ahmadiyya or any other - I've known more of them over four decades than would a fresh*man in today's gooey climate of moralizing political-correctness - but toward Islam itself, the rest follows from there. And there is a whole world out there of Ex-Muslims, whom no one seems to ask.



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