Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Joke of Generalisation and the Lying-Media

The State Propaganda-machine is at war with us, with Pegida/Bärgida, and of course the registered and very votable party of the AfD - for all intents and purposes, still at the propaganda level which however is vast and very encompassing. The "Great Coalition" of (never-govern-just-react) Chance-Liar Merkel & Co., and all the forces at their command are marshalled against us. That's CDU/CSU, SPD. If they could hang a "Verbot" on us and make us illegal they would -and they're working on it. The problem still is, they cannot directly.

This applies not only to us, but to the one honest Party in existence here as well: the Alternative for Deutschland, or AfD.

The Parties of The-Left and the Greens are themselves weaker than they market themselves, but their ideological (idiot-logical) lobbying power has turned German and European norms and any chance of a healthy psyche on its head, perverting and dumbing down everything they get their hands on. And their priggish storm-troopers call themselves the "Antifa" - for "antifascists," a truly narcissistic dream-world of couch-heros who fire shots at AfD office windows, destroy property at whim and in great numbers, physically and psychologically pressure and attack Germans for being just that: Germans.

The intensively compromised no-longer-objective mainstream media and the trade unions, the official Churches and the Universities, the Jewish Central Cow-ncil and Con-gregation, are all marshalled against us - and this not passively, disinterestedly, but actively, manipulatively, every time our name comes up.

If one points out what is in fact occurring among the "refugees" as a result of the unlimited flood of irresponsibly unmanaged immigration - as a result of this Regime and its Bundestagful of Incompetents and Criminals - if one questioningly (much less, critically and informedly) addresses the "Welcome-Refugees" (S)lobby and the "refugees" themselves - take New Year's Eve and since, for example: one will be accused of "generalizing" and for this maligned, slandered, libeled, censored, disinvited, attacked with jeering monotone screeching slogans, and otherwise ignored (except at every opportunity to present us as the Great Looming Evil - and as "Nazis").

No one from Pegida has ever attacked or set fire to or bombed an asylum-house or a "refugee"-facility - no one. Likewise has no one identified with such obvious terror or extremist-aggressive measures, name it what one will. Nor supported or promoted the like of it. Period.

The NPD is the several decades old still-legal Party of the actual neo-Nazis and their actual scene. Have they ever been illegal? Never. Why? They are useful to the Regime under whichever Administration, certainly now more than ever. Useful as strawman - as I've often explained here - to be used to point the finger and to sing the national chant of "Nazis Out!" Only the NPD doesn't receive this treamtent, because it and the real neo-Nazis have become largely irrelevant and the Administration knows this. Pegida is regarded as the REAL "threat" because it demands constitutional responsibility and democratic rights restored, and because it confronts an ideology of national self-destruction, genocide through massive immigration in concert with a clear and concrete plan for Islamization.


No one is called into question for generalizing toward this citizens' initiative, which has spread like brush fire for good reason. Here's the great Joke of Generalization: Since Pegida cannot be directly "blamed" for the attacks on asylum-houses and facilities, the tactic is always to say "Pegida has been baiting and instigating or inspiring such violence" through its "rhetoric"... Always without listening to any of our Talks of course, which for that matter, eschew any and all violence without further ado. So if right-extremists who ARE that, or NPD-backed neo-Nazis, stage a molotov attack on houses where defenseless families might already dwell, of course no one mentions NPD, because the political elite was never "at risk" of actually losing votership to them but certainly to AfD, and certainly to Pegida's warning message to rescue this country from a conformist suicide by Appeasement and ideologically-enforced "multi-culturalism."

Anyone remember the beginning of the '90s right after Reunification? I do, as I was very, very much here. The NPD and its skinhead neo-Nazis were active with their occasional terrorism and far worse and far more brutal than anything they've done today. Verboten? No. So where was Pegida then? Pegida first came into existence in 2014, in Dresden. Logic would tell us, the NPD and the neo-Nazi house-burners and street-clubbers never needed "Pegida" to get ignited, ever. Ever. They're self-starters, you know, their NPD is about six decades old. Capiche?

Speak of generalization, slander and libel and lying to your voters! Merkel is living proof (no, make that, walking-dead), that a "female" in the highest governing office of a nation, certainly this one - is no different in ANY respect, than a male holding a rigid, authoritarian, unbalanced "patriarchy"! AHA!

And THIS SAME Chance-Liar has publicly and for all the world, defended and justified her certifiably insane "Welcome"-policy as being the "antidote" (!) to Germans' "natural bent" to return to - not two millenia of Central-European culture or the Enlightenment or such - but 12 years of National-Socialism. Here she is shamefully generalizing in one statement oft repeated, by coldly, brazenly insinuating her own entire people's "collective guilt" with the implied "Nazism-by-nature". This utter contradiction of the Christian Teaching of individual responsibility and guilt, by someone passing herself off as Christian (CDU) acting on "principle" - betrays her complete incompetence and ignorance, as well as that of all who let her get away with it.

Here I cannot fault the Left or the Greens (or the laughable "Pirates") in the Bundestag, as none of them has ever bothered with a Bible - nor Qur'an, by the way - they are too occupied with dismantling the Judeo-Christian culture and history of Germany, to make room for the advent of Islamic Appeasement and Shari'a, which is aso apparently good for business.
That her touting of German-Israeli relations as "State-Priority and raison-d'etre" is a mockery in the face of the open-gate policy to still more Jew-haters from the hot-beds of "The-Religion-Of-Peace" - has finally even reached the comprehension of the Jewish Community here and the Central Cow-ncil, which only with terrible reluctance and sweating collars might reconsider its own Appeasement-strategies and adherence to "Multi-Culti."
That would be a minor wonder in itself. But let's not generalize.


"What you Germans need is more self-respect and patriotism! You have a right to it! You are a great people which has given the world immeasurable cultural treasures, the treasures of science and art."

- Vernon A. Walters, former US Ambassador in Bonn


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