Sunday, February 28, 2016
Daniel once read the writing on the wall, interpreted the kingdom's fall.
Denial of what appeasement brings, a decadent republic where “Welcome!“ rings.
Denial of logic, denial of sense, denial of every value against this decadence.
Daniel made clear, as spirit moved him: "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin."
He minced no words, translated the warning; the kingdom fell ere came the morning.
Today the Wall no longer stands which once divided two Deutschlands.
There's writing however, which remains denied; another million on the "refugee" tide.
The regime denies it, the media denies it, while "Islam-Is-Peace" completely belies it.
Denying Pegida and AfD, denying what's present, and plain to see.
After all the damage of the regressive Left, what will be left, with no will to fight?
This cold cynical regime so aggressive: bereft will this people be, where might is right.
Denial of nation, of culture, of norms, denial of own nature there gradually forms
The crusty, slimy mold of politically-correct: on the brain, covering the eyes like a cataract.
But "Islam-Is-Peace," and see what that will get you; Shari'a at odds with the Welcoming crew.
The aggression of the Left, Greens, Femen, Elites, and that of "The-Religion-Of-Peace"
Unleash hostilities which were not there before, but now aroused toward what's in store
For those who will not conform or bend to the demands of those who demand our end.
Democratic dissent and objective confrontation denied, of this there's ample confirmation.
What's to do but hit the streets – parliamentary denial … vote 'em outa their seats?
Multi-culti, mainstreaming of gender and of pedos, all part of the mass dogma's holy credo.
But "Islam-Is-Peace" – woe, should you deny it! You racist, you 'phobe, just try it, you'll like it!
Daniel once read the writing on the wall, interpreted the kingdom's fall.
Denial of what appeasement brings, a decadent republic where “Welcome!“ rings.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Krav Maga, Hungarians and Czechs On Immigration, and Getting Along With The Stranger You Meet
I. PlainSpeak in Doitch and in English:
Es ist ja bemerkenswert, wenn nicht ironisch/makaber auch dazu. Die herrschende Atmosphäre hier durch Grünen und Linken verbreitet immer eifrig sowie schlagartig, daß Frauen, Mädchen, Schulkinder jed. Geschlecht (auch wenn Hetero), haben in Deutschland bzw. EU-ropa, nichts zu befürchten von "Flüchtlingen" aus den Gebieten "der-Religion-des Friedens" oder von Moschee getriebenen und beeinflussten Jungs die von eigenen gelernten "Überlegenheit" genau so überzeugt sind wie von der Tatsache daß sie von der deutsche Polizei sowie Justiz und Gericht selber nichts zu befürchten haben sollen.
Und schon gar nicht haben sie zu befürchten, daß ein deutcher Rentner, ein deutsches Schulmädchen oder junge Frau oder ältere Dame, zwar nicht mal jed. durchschnittlichen deutschen Gutmensch im männlichen Körper - sich einmal verteidigen wird oder würde oder könnte. Auch von keinem Juden. Tja.
Und DOCH: seit Silvester 2016, strömen neue Teilnehmer in Selbstverteidigungs-unterricht. Tae Kwon Do? Nein. Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, und was-weiß-ich? Auch nein. Sie brauchen jetzt und für morgen zu lernen, was keine Jahrenlangen Traditionslehre bedarf, nur um bereit gemacht zu werden, sich morgen zu verteidigen. Sie brauchen Krav Maga, und sie kommen, sie kommen. Von wem kommt Krav Maga zu uns?
Indem diese totale Schwächung der entmannten Männlichkeit in Deutschland über Jahrzehnte geschult wurde, und Frauen durch die Gutmenschkultur und "Fremdfeindlichkeits"-knüppel, gemahnt wurden gegen Selbstschutz und Notwehr - die Linken, die Grünen, die SPD, und ja der Zentral(ver)rat der Juden (und seine Gemeinde) haben alle versagt aus niedrigen Gründe bei den ersten drei Erwähnten, und aus reinster Feigheit bei dem letzten Beispiel. Die Grünen und Linken geben sich lauthälsig als Pali-freunde zu sein, wenn sie nur pro-Hamas meinen; deren Judenhaß is dünn gedeckt mit anti-Israel Rhetorik auf billigsten. Ausgeliefert von diesem Pack sind die Frauen, die Kinder, die verweichlichten Männer - die sich alle nicht mehr wissen, sich zu verteidigen oder sogar warum.
Aber "Deutschland"! Und "Nazis"! Und "die Juden," ach, die Juden ... und "Nie Wieder!" und "Zivilcourage!"
Alles schön instrumentalisiert, ja - aber: von woher haben wir Krav Maga? Ist das nicht ... Hebräisch, für "Nahkampf"? OMG, Training in Krav Maga, damit jed. Mensch mit dreierlei Voraussetzung*, wird lernen in kurzer Zeit, sich effektiv auf der Strasse gegen jed. mögl. Angriff, zu wehren - wesentlich und realistisch besser als ohne - diese wurde erfunden von einem IDF-Offizier, uns in Deutschland(!) gebracht und verbreitet und durchgeführt durch israelischer Trainerschaft, und unter deren Aufsicht aufrechterhalten.
Siehe mal an! Stellt Euch mal vor: Von Israelis wird nicht Deutschland gerettet; sondern, Deutschen von den beigebracht und gefördert, sich zu retten, und sich zu wehren, und sich zu verteidigen. Na, so was!
Ich wünschte mir, das alle friedfertige Männer und Frauen und Jugentlichen und Kinder in Deutschland, meinem Deutschland - wenn nicht auch Europa-weit - lernen würden, sich effektiv zu wehren.
*(Vorausgesetzt: man muß a) Kampfgeist haben oder entwickeln, b) Technik lernen um aus der Klemme zu kommen, und c) fit sein oder werden.)
It's rather so remarkable actually, if not also ironically macabre. The ruling and dominating atmosphere here by the Greens and the Left altogether, zealously and militantly, spreads the assertion that women, girls, schoolchildren of every gender (yes, even if hetero), have nothing at all to fear from "refugees" out of the regions where "The-Relgion-Of-Peace" dominates, or from mosque-driven and -influenced fellows who are as convinced of their own "supremacy" as they are convinced of the fact that they have nothing to fear from German police, courts, or justice.
And most certainly have they nothing to fear should a German retiree, a German schoolgirl, why, even any average Gutmensch in a male body - just once defend him/herself, or would, or could. Also not even any single Jew. Hm.
And YET: since New Years' Eve 2016, ever more new participants sre streaming into self-defense courses. Tae Kwon Do? Nope. Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, and whatever-the-hell-else? Also nope. They need to learn now and for tomorrow, something which requires no Tradition-discipline and philosophy, just to be prepared to defend themselves tomorrow. They need Krav Maga, and they're coming, they're coming. From whom did Krav Maga come to us?
In that the entire weakening of the castrated malehood in Germany has been schooled over decades, and women have been warned against self-defense and self-preservation, via the Gutmensch culture and "xenophobia"-stick - the Left, the Greens, the SPD, and yes, the Central Con-cil of German Jews and its Con-gregation, have all failed - out of low-brow motives in the first three cases mentioned, and out of sheer cowardice in the latter. The Greens and the Left position themselves shrilly as Pals of Palestine, whereby they mean pro-Hamas: their Jew-hate is thinly veiled by their anti-Israel rhetoric of the cheapest sort. Women, children and soft-boiled men, conformist and maleable, have been sold out by this Pack - and no longer know how to defend themselves, or even why.
But oh, "Germany!" And "Nazis!" And "the Jews," ah, the Jews ... "Never Again!" and "Civil Courage!"
All prettily instrumentalized, yes, but: fromwhere comes this Krav Maga? Is that not ... Hebrew for "close combat"? OMG, training in Krav Maga, so that everybody could stand a chance of defending him/herself against any possible attack on the street, under three conditions* - and this significantly and realistically better than no options and no chance - this was developed by an IDF officer, brought to us in DoitchLand(!) and spread and instructed and maintained through Israeli trainers and under their attention held to standard.
Check that one out! Just imagine for once: not that DoitchLand would be "rescued by" Israelis - hardly; rather, that Germans would be taught by them, encouraged by them, to rescue themselves, to defend and to preserve their own asses! Now really - well, I never...!
I would wish that all normal peace-loving men, women, youth and children in DoitchLand, my DoitchLand - if not also Europe-wide - would learn to effectively defend themselves.
*(Conditions: one has to a) have or develop a will to defend one's sovereign self, b) one learns techniques to extricate oneself from a clinch, c) one has to be or condition oneself to be fit.)
I once found myself in the subway here in Berlin, some 15 years ago, sitting in a nearly empty section facing a Black African. As 99% of Blacks you'll meet are directly from Africa, and judging from his slight physique and narrow features, it was evident that he would be an East-African, south of Egypt of course, and also neither Eritrean nor Ethipopian. either Kenya or Somalia. As he spoke English with me we stuck with that, as my command of it was adequate enough, and it was nice casually inquisitive exchange.
Es ist ja bemerkenswert, wenn nicht ironisch/makaber auch dazu. Die herrschende Atmosphäre hier durch Grünen und Linken verbreitet immer eifrig sowie schlagartig, daß Frauen, Mädchen, Schulkinder jed. Geschlecht (auch wenn Hetero), haben in Deutschland bzw. EU-ropa, nichts zu befürchten von "Flüchtlingen" aus den Gebieten "der-Religion-des Friedens" oder von Moschee getriebenen und beeinflussten Jungs die von eigenen gelernten "Überlegenheit" genau so überzeugt sind wie von der Tatsache daß sie von der deutsche Polizei sowie Justiz und Gericht selber nichts zu befürchten haben sollen.
Und schon gar nicht haben sie zu befürchten, daß ein deutcher Rentner, ein deutsches Schulmädchen oder junge Frau oder ältere Dame, zwar nicht mal jed. durchschnittlichen deutschen Gutmensch im männlichen Körper - sich einmal verteidigen wird oder würde oder könnte. Auch von keinem Juden. Tja.
Und DOCH: seit Silvester 2016, strömen neue Teilnehmer in Selbstverteidigungs-unterricht. Tae Kwon Do? Nein. Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, und was-weiß-ich? Auch nein. Sie brauchen jetzt und für morgen zu lernen, was keine Jahrenlangen Traditionslehre bedarf, nur um bereit gemacht zu werden, sich morgen zu verteidigen. Sie brauchen Krav Maga, und sie kommen, sie kommen. Von wem kommt Krav Maga zu uns?
Indem diese totale Schwächung der entmannten Männlichkeit in Deutschland über Jahrzehnte geschult wurde, und Frauen durch die Gutmenschkultur und "Fremdfeindlichkeits"-knüppel, gemahnt wurden gegen Selbstschutz und Notwehr - die Linken, die Grünen, die SPD, und ja der Zentral(ver)rat der Juden (und seine Gemeinde) haben alle versagt aus niedrigen Gründe bei den ersten drei Erwähnten, und aus reinster Feigheit bei dem letzten Beispiel. Die Grünen und Linken geben sich lauthälsig als Pali-freunde zu sein, wenn sie nur pro-Hamas meinen; deren Judenhaß is dünn gedeckt mit anti-Israel Rhetorik auf billigsten. Ausgeliefert von diesem Pack sind die Frauen, die Kinder, die verweichlichten Männer - die sich alle nicht mehr wissen, sich zu verteidigen oder sogar warum.
Aber "Deutschland"! Und "Nazis"! Und "die Juden," ach, die Juden ... und "Nie Wieder!" und "Zivilcourage!"
Alles schön instrumentalisiert, ja - aber: von woher haben wir Krav Maga? Ist das nicht ... Hebräisch, für "Nahkampf"? OMG, Training in Krav Maga, damit jed. Mensch mit dreierlei Voraussetzung*, wird lernen in kurzer Zeit, sich effektiv auf der Strasse gegen jed. mögl. Angriff, zu wehren - wesentlich und realistisch besser als ohne - diese wurde erfunden von einem IDF-Offizier, uns in Deutschland(!) gebracht und verbreitet und durchgeführt durch israelischer Trainerschaft, und unter deren Aufsicht aufrechterhalten.
Siehe mal an! Stellt Euch mal vor: Von Israelis wird nicht Deutschland gerettet; sondern, Deutschen von den beigebracht und gefördert, sich zu retten, und sich zu wehren, und sich zu verteidigen. Na, so was!
Ich wünschte mir, das alle friedfertige Männer und Frauen und Jugentlichen und Kinder in Deutschland, meinem Deutschland - wenn nicht auch Europa-weit - lernen würden, sich effektiv zu wehren.
*(Vorausgesetzt: man muß a) Kampfgeist haben oder entwickeln, b) Technik lernen um aus der Klemme zu kommen, und c) fit sein oder werden.)
It's rather so remarkable actually, if not also ironically macabre. The ruling and dominating atmosphere here by the Greens and the Left altogether, zealously and militantly, spreads the assertion that women, girls, schoolchildren of every gender (yes, even if hetero), have nothing at all to fear from "refugees" out of the regions where "The-Relgion-Of-Peace" dominates, or from mosque-driven and -influenced fellows who are as convinced of their own "supremacy" as they are convinced of the fact that they have nothing to fear from German police, courts, or justice.
And most certainly have they nothing to fear should a German retiree, a German schoolgirl, why, even any average Gutmensch in a male body - just once defend him/herself, or would, or could. Also not even any single Jew. Hm.
And YET: since New Years' Eve 2016, ever more new participants sre streaming into self-defense courses. Tae Kwon Do? Nope. Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, and whatever-the-hell-else? Also nope. They need to learn now and for tomorrow, something which requires no Tradition-discipline and philosophy, just to be prepared to defend themselves tomorrow. They need Krav Maga, and they're coming, they're coming. From whom did Krav Maga come to us?
In that the entire weakening of the castrated malehood in Germany has been schooled over decades, and women have been warned against self-defense and self-preservation, via the Gutmensch culture and "xenophobia"-stick - the Left, the Greens, the SPD, and yes, the Central Con-cil of German Jews and its Con-gregation, have all failed - out of low-brow motives in the first three cases mentioned, and out of sheer cowardice in the latter. The Greens and the Left position themselves shrilly as Pals of Palestine, whereby they mean pro-Hamas: their Jew-hate is thinly veiled by their anti-Israel rhetoric of the cheapest sort. Women, children and soft-boiled men, conformist and maleable, have been sold out by this Pack - and no longer know how to defend themselves, or even why.
But oh, "Germany!" And "Nazis!" And "the Jews," ah, the Jews ... "Never Again!" and "Civil Courage!"
All prettily instrumentalized, yes, but: fromwhere comes this Krav Maga? Is that not ... Hebrew for "close combat"? OMG, training in Krav Maga, so that everybody could stand a chance of defending him/herself against any possible attack on the street, under three conditions* - and this significantly and realistically better than no options and no chance - this was developed by an IDF officer, brought to us in DoitchLand(!) and spread and instructed and maintained through Israeli trainers and under their attention held to standard.
Check that one out! Just imagine for once: not that DoitchLand would be "rescued by" Israelis - hardly; rather, that Germans would be taught by them, encouraged by them, to rescue themselves, to defend and to preserve their own asses! Now really - well, I never...!
I would wish that all normal peace-loving men, women, youth and children in DoitchLand, my DoitchLand - if not also Europe-wide - would learn to effectively defend themselves.
*(Conditions: one has to a) have or develop a will to defend one's sovereign self, b) one learns techniques to extricate oneself from a clinch, c) one has to be or condition oneself to be fit.)
I once found myself in the subway here in Berlin, some 15 years ago, sitting in a nearly empty section facing a Black African. As 99% of Blacks you'll meet are directly from Africa, and judging from his slight physique and narrow features, it was evident that he would be an East-African, south of Egypt of course, and also neither Eritrean nor Ethipopian. either Kenya or Somalia. As he spoke English with me we stuck with that, as my command of it was adequate enough, and it was nice casually inquisitive exchange.
"Where are you from?" I asked.
"Africa," he replied.
"Listen," I said, leaning forward. "I know I'm an "American" an' all, but trust me, this one really does know that Africa isn't a country, it's a continent with 50-some or more countries, each entirely different with its own characteristics and ethnic identity. So - where ya from?"
Bingo. And we chuckled.
If I post a 5 or a 10 or an 18 minute video of three Hungarian journalists speaking while perfectly readable English subtitles are provided for every burp and comment - or be it a very calm and dignified Czech President delivering with real statesmanship (as neither Germany nor America and longer know - and for own specific reasons) his country's position on the immigration and integration, and EU-rope enforced doctrine, spearheaded by Merkel, of taking every Muslim non-Syrian who is now an honorary-Syrian into sovereign Czech territory, also with perfectly readable Englsih subtitles: I don't want to hear from people who saw the postings but would not take the time to watch them because they're in either of two thoroughly unfamiliar foreign (East-European) languages with subtitles that you have to read, and THEN explain to me how "racist" I am.
As an American myself, who would rather watch a "foreign film" subtitled as do the Scandinavians, than synchronized (dubbed) as do the Germans, I KNOW that most Amis feel themselves too challenged to bother with subtitles. Not everyone - I would hate to be caught "generalizing" about a people - but most in my Stateside culture.
So be like me that day on the subway. KNOW where Czech Republic or Hungary are on the map, take my word for it, that Germany's main cities and certainly Berlin, and Wall-era West-Berlin (NOT the socialist East, however) has enjoyed decades since the end of HItler and prior to Hitler: a thoroughly multi-cultural reality in an environment of recognizable and identifiable respectively regional German culture.
Otherwise, go back to McDonalds if you're Hungary, order a Bürger and ask if you can pay with a Czech.
"Africa," he replied.
"Listen," I said, leaning forward. "I know I'm an "American" an' all, but trust me, this one really does know that Africa isn't a country, it's a continent with 50-some or more countries, each entirely different with its own characteristics and ethnic identity. So - where ya from?"
Bingo. And we chuckled.
If I post a 5 or a 10 or an 18 minute video of three Hungarian journalists speaking while perfectly readable English subtitles are provided for every burp and comment - or be it a very calm and dignified Czech President delivering with real statesmanship (as neither Germany nor America and longer know - and for own specific reasons) his country's position on the immigration and integration, and EU-rope enforced doctrine, spearheaded by Merkel, of taking every Muslim non-Syrian who is now an honorary-Syrian into sovereign Czech territory, also with perfectly readable Englsih subtitles: I don't want to hear from people who saw the postings but would not take the time to watch them because they're in either of two thoroughly unfamiliar foreign (East-European) languages with subtitles that you have to read, and THEN explain to me how "racist" I am.
As an American myself, who would rather watch a "foreign film" subtitled as do the Scandinavians, than synchronized (dubbed) as do the Germans, I KNOW that most Amis feel themselves too challenged to bother with subtitles. Not everyone - I would hate to be caught "generalizing" about a people - but most in my Stateside culture.
So be like me that day on the subway. KNOW where Czech Republic or Hungary are on the map, take my word for it, that Germany's main cities and certainly Berlin, and Wall-era West-Berlin (NOT the socialist East, however) has enjoyed decades since the end of HItler and prior to Hitler: a thoroughly multi-cultural reality in an environment of recognizable and identifiable respectively regional German culture.
Otherwise, go back to McDonalds if you're Hungary, order a Bürger and ask if you can pay with a Czech.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
" . . . Who Art In Heaven"
In one breath drawn you can know Him,
in one breath, on each breath, if you can train your mind
to concentrate without ego and without thought of "egolessness".
Just you be – and breathe. Love will teach.
Do you see that cosmos, with all its vast power?
It's all show, but a reflection of His infinity.
Your puny insignificant form against That
is precisely the very love-vessel into which
He will pour all that infinity, when by His grace
you have attained to the potential for which
you took birth, however many Human births it takes.
Would you for one moment hold That enormous love for you
in the pearl of your heart, in the flame of your belly,
in the long intoned chord of your soul, the sound of the Name.
"Shem" is Name, "Shemaya" is Heaven: the Realm of Name.
What you call mind will never come close to comprehending,
as it predates your birth and is your Source.
It is not for you to comprehend but to re-member,
and still not comprehend – yet remembering, embody.
To remember is to know this love is with you,
whatever the idiot others reflect back at you – there are no others,
there is but this: you are loved by That, as you come from it.
And there you return, for it postdates your passing from this life.
You want to fixate on heaven-and-hell? ... Knock yourself out,
you cannot eat them, they will not nourish but leave you empty,
in hunger and loss and fear and wishful delusion, doubt and abandonment.
How will you treat others then, how will you treat yourself?
Look at That! When you know that you are loved by Him,
and heir to that love, whom will you fear – here or there or hereafter?
Behold That and become full with it, gorge yourself on that love,
there is energy no sport-drink will ever give you, you will feel fresh
in your Body, this little Human Body of atoms and molecules and cells
all feeding on that conscious intelligent breath taking in all that love.
Claim your sovereign heritage, bring the universe into your own house.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Pression is a word rarely seen, and suggests a creative act:
to press yourself, hold yourself accountable to your principles.
Impression is to form that pression's image and to hold it in concentration.
Expression is to give it reality in your life.
Repression is the denial of any or all three of the above, and the murder of them.
Depression may well follow in the latter case.
Compression is how one might describe a reality-challenged political elite
in clinch with the reality of a nation's dissatisfaction at being dissed, when
matters of principle are swept aside and growing dissent is faced with
Erpressung is a German word for extortion, as when the Mafia offers a shopkeeper
the choice between paying protection money on pain of remaining unprotected from
the threat of the Mafia's own violence – or of refusing it and taking the consequences
of asserting that one would rather see to one's own security and remain sovereign.
The Mafia here is the EU, and each European nation which at present
has finally chosen the second course is that shopkeeper.
Germany marries the Mafiosi, dreaming of a wonderful honeymoon
and a future of cold dhimmitude.
has finally chosen the second course is that shopkeeper.
Germany marries the Mafiosi, dreaming of a wonderful honeymoon
and a future of cold dhimmitude.
Let's Talk About DRESDEN:
It occurred to me yesterday, as
often happens while driving Tour and asking myself what it actually is
that drives Chance-Liar Merkel (George Clooney's favorite German). She
dictatorially breaks with international law, EU security measures and
everything which ever mattered in German Constitutional law. She (in
tandem with her DDR-partner, Prez Gauck) invites the unlimited flood of
non-refugees - with some real refugees thrown in - mostly illegally
arrived as they have no ID and have arrived through one or more
non-conflict countries. This to the tune of 1.5 million last year and a
projected goal of at least another million in 2016 with no implied limit
in sight. And these primarily members of the regions respectively
dominated by "The-Religion-Of-Peace" to the ignored disadvantage of the
non-members of the same.
She repeatedly insists, unchallenged by anyone in the authoritarian climate of political-correctness, that Germany "must" do this because of "our past". Therewith are all questioners with counter-arguments effectively shut up, whether in the syndicated TV-media or the press, to an extremely large extent. Therewith are the official Churches also on board. One mentions the German refugees of '45 without however once addressing what those German refugees were about - for that would nix her entire assertion and she knows it.
How appropriate that in Dresden was the starting point of a citizens' initiative which has swelled against enormous odds and constant defamation, manipulative propaganda - and found resonance in other EU countries, and world-wide. A critical citizen's initiative which asserts its rights on the street every Monday without cowering before intimidation, the rights to dissent and free thought, to free speech, to unmolested non-violent assembly - and to fair representation in the Bundestag. Dresden, where the Monday demos of '89 had rocked the DDR-Regime, Merkel's predecessor in authoritarian style.
Dresden: where the infamous and perfidious Allied firebombings of '44 rendered a civilian population melted at 1200° C in their own asphalt streets in an atrocity which counted some 200-300,000 dead and some 500,000 refugees. Not refugees-with-"demands," nor refugees-on-demand, not rapeugees, not economic-immigrants - but refugees from terror.
Of these, we have seen in interview Jewish survivors of the Shoah, speaking before the camera, addressing what they knew and experienced directly or indirectly as German Jews, in whose name Merkel grooms her image (as do the Greens and The Left, the Churches, the Unions, the Media, the celebrities among Gutmenschentum, the elite, all in turn) of addressing this way, collective German post-war "guilt" and likewise "redressing" the wrongs done to Jews.
These Jewish survivors abhor with great dismay, the events of those firebombings, they state unequivicolly that this did no favor to Jews, that the mere notion of suviving at the cost of those hundreds of thousands of civilian men, women and children, babes in arms, animals, all living beings, as unconscienable. Period.
And the Left takes to the streets, aided and abetted by the ideologically strict multi-culti elite, with banners of "Never again Germany" and "perish" and even - "artistically" painted over the naked breasts of a member of Parliament: "Bomber Harris do it again!" Do what again: THAT?
These are no friends of humanity, these are no friends of refugees anywhere. Merkel is in this for one thing, and it is NOT "humanitarian" but to bring an absolute end to Germany as a nation and as a people, through enforced population trade, allowing for rapes and for the insidiously pathological fulfillment of her needs. The 7,000 murdered Germans since 1990, when the Federal Republic took its first steps toward becoming the dictatorial successor to socialist East Germany, do not make it into her speeches or statements.
She means business. I suspect, I suspect very strongly, that what she means with driving the numbers of inflooding members of the world's "fastest growing 'religion'," from wherever she can cull them, ever higher and without putting the breaks on, while piously asserting "our past, our past" and "we must - we can manage it" - is to actually use the six million figure of her claim to honor those whom no post-WWII German of my generation ever murdered, to justify the madness of burying this country in as close to that figure, 1:1, as she can "manage" to do with what time she wants to give herself. If, as one hears, her own plans are to graduate to the EU-Parliament or (yes, really!) replace Ban Ki-Moon in the UN, then she'll drive it from there with al the accolades she'll continue to gather. From those with somewhat still more influence than George Clooney.
I came to Berlin 27 years ago to combat exactly this mentality and climate before it had ever openly manifested, sensing intuitively and confirming upon arriving here that the mentality could become ripe for what we have today. It took a quarter of a century for me to "get it". Now we are on the streets, and researching and informing by posting - in the wake of an intimidated and/or deep sleeping public, and facing a viciously hostile reaction from the Left and from the mainstream Establishment.
She repeatedly insists, unchallenged by anyone in the authoritarian climate of political-correctness, that Germany "must" do this because of "our past". Therewith are all questioners with counter-arguments effectively shut up, whether in the syndicated TV-media or the press, to an extremely large extent. Therewith are the official Churches also on board. One mentions the German refugees of '45 without however once addressing what those German refugees were about - for that would nix her entire assertion and she knows it.
How appropriate that in Dresden was the starting point of a citizens' initiative which has swelled against enormous odds and constant defamation, manipulative propaganda - and found resonance in other EU countries, and world-wide. A critical citizen's initiative which asserts its rights on the street every Monday without cowering before intimidation, the rights to dissent and free thought, to free speech, to unmolested non-violent assembly - and to fair representation in the Bundestag. Dresden, where the Monday demos of '89 had rocked the DDR-Regime, Merkel's predecessor in authoritarian style.
Dresden: where the infamous and perfidious Allied firebombings of '44 rendered a civilian population melted at 1200° C in their own asphalt streets in an atrocity which counted some 200-300,000 dead and some 500,000 refugees. Not refugees-with-"demands," nor refugees-on-demand, not rapeugees, not economic-immigrants - but refugees from terror.
Of these, we have seen in interview Jewish survivors of the Shoah, speaking before the camera, addressing what they knew and experienced directly or indirectly as German Jews, in whose name Merkel grooms her image (as do the Greens and The Left, the Churches, the Unions, the Media, the celebrities among Gutmenschentum, the elite, all in turn) of addressing this way, collective German post-war "guilt" and likewise "redressing" the wrongs done to Jews.
These Jewish survivors abhor with great dismay, the events of those firebombings, they state unequivicolly that this did no favor to Jews, that the mere notion of suviving at the cost of those hundreds of thousands of civilian men, women and children, babes in arms, animals, all living beings, as unconscienable. Period.
Even long retired veterans of the British RAF come to gather in mourning with Dresdeners at the Frauenkirche for the annual memorial vigil to those who'd perished in the horrendous phosphorus bombings. Not Merkel, not Gauck.
And the Left takes to the streets, aided and abetted by the ideologically strict multi-culti elite, with banners of "Never again Germany" and "perish" and even - "artistically" painted over the naked breasts of a member of Parliament: "Bomber Harris do it again!" Do what again: THAT?
These are no friends of humanity, these are no friends of refugees anywhere. Merkel is in this for one thing, and it is NOT "humanitarian" but to bring an absolute end to Germany as a nation and as a people, through enforced population trade, allowing for rapes and for the insidiously pathological fulfillment of her needs. The 7,000 murdered Germans since 1990, when the Federal Republic took its first steps toward becoming the dictatorial successor to socialist East Germany, do not make it into her speeches or statements.
She means business. I suspect, I suspect very strongly, that what she means with driving the numbers of inflooding members of the world's "fastest growing 'religion'," from wherever she can cull them, ever higher and without putting the breaks on, while piously asserting "our past, our past" and "we must - we can manage it" - is to actually use the six million figure of her claim to honor those whom no post-WWII German of my generation ever murdered, to justify the madness of burying this country in as close to that figure, 1:1, as she can "manage" to do with what time she wants to give herself. If, as one hears, her own plans are to graduate to the EU-Parliament or (yes, really!) replace Ban Ki-Moon in the UN, then she'll drive it from there with al the accolades she'll continue to gather. From those with somewhat still more influence than George Clooney.
I came to Berlin 27 years ago to combat exactly this mentality and climate before it had ever openly manifested, sensing intuitively and confirming upon arriving here that the mentality could become ripe for what we have today. It took a quarter of a century for me to "get it". Now we are on the streets, and researching and informing by posting - in the wake of an intimidated and/or deep sleeping public, and facing a viciously hostile reaction from the Left and from the mainstream Establishment.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Dear Gutmensch Set Against Me:
I hear your words so unconvincing,
I merely view them in their place.
Behind them all, I'll tell you without wincing:
I hear Cowardice screaming in my face.
For all that's Islamic you've intransigent sympathy -
unconsciously Stockholm-Syndromatic:
For no non-Muslims, nor its victims, you've the least empathy -
For you that'd only be "Islamophobic."
Each makes a choice between the one or the other,
Defining plainly one's character and action:
Empathy or Comfort-zone, and frankly whether
You've even ever grasped real Compassion.
The Zeitgeist pulls and manipulates,
It draws you into its pernicious slumber.
You buy the dope daily, till it's too late:
Proving after all, you're just another number.
unconsciously Stockholm-Syndromatic:
For no non-Muslims, nor its victims, you've the least empathy -
For you that'd only be "Islamophobic."
Each makes a choice between the one or the other,
Defining plainly one's character and action:
Empathy or Comfort-zone, and frankly whether
You've even ever grasped real Compassion.
The Zeitgeist pulls and manipulates,
It draws you into its pernicious slumber.
You buy the dope daily, till it's too late:
Proving after all, you're just another number.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
The Joke of Generalisation and the Lying-Media
The State Propaganda-machine is at war with us, with Pegida/Bärgida, and of course the registered and very votable party of the AfD - for all intents and purposes, still at the propaganda level which however is vast and very encompassing. The "Great Coalition" of (never-govern-just-react) Chance-Liar Merkel & Co., and all the forces at their command are marshalled against us. That's CDU/CSU, SPD. If they could hang a "Verbot" on us and make us illegal they would -and they're working on it. The problem still is, they cannot directly.
This applies not only to us, but to the one honest Party in existence here as well: the Alternative for Deutschland, or AfD.
The Parties of The-Left and the Greens are themselves weaker than they market themselves, but their ideological (idiot-logical) lobbying power has turned German and European norms and any chance of a healthy psyche on its head, perverting and dumbing down everything they get their hands on. And their priggish storm-troopers call themselves the "Antifa" - for "antifascists," a truly narcissistic dream-world of couch-heros who fire shots at AfD office windows, destroy property at whim and in great numbers, physically and psychologically pressure and attack Germans for being just that: Germans.
The intensively compromised no-longer-objective mainstream media and the trade unions, the official Churches and the Universities, the Jewish Central Cow-ncil and Con-gregation, are all marshalled against us - and this not passively, disinterestedly, but actively, manipulatively, every time our name comes up.
If one points out what is in fact occurring among the "refugees" as a result of the unlimited flood of irresponsibly unmanaged immigration - as a result of this Regime and its Bundestagful of Incompetents and Criminals - if one questioningly (much less, critically and informedly) addresses the "Welcome-Refugees" (S)lobby and the "refugees" themselves - take New Year's Eve and since, for example: one will be accused of "generalizing" and for this maligned, slandered, libeled, censored, disinvited, attacked with jeering monotone screeching slogans, and otherwise ignored (except at every opportunity to present us as the Great Looming Evil - and as "Nazis").
No one from Pegida has ever attacked or set fire to or bombed an asylum-house or a "refugee"-facility - no one. Likewise has no one identified with such obvious terror or extremist-aggressive measures, name it what one will. Nor supported or promoted the like of it. Period.
The NPD is the several decades old still-legal Party of the actual neo-Nazis and their actual scene. Have they ever been illegal? Never. Why? They are useful to the Regime under whichever Administration, certainly now more than ever. Useful as strawman - as I've often explained here - to be used to point the finger and to sing the national chant of "Nazis Out!" Only the NPD doesn't receive this treamtent, because it and the real neo-Nazis have become largely irrelevant and the Administration knows this. Pegida is regarded as the REAL "threat" because it demands constitutional responsibility and democratic rights restored, and because it confronts an ideology of national self-destruction, genocide through massive immigration in concert with a clear and concrete plan for Islamization.
No one is called into question for generalizing toward this citizens' initiative, which has spread like brush fire for good reason. Here's the great Joke of Generalization: Since Pegida cannot be directly "blamed" for the attacks on asylum-houses and facilities, the tactic is always to say "Pegida has been baiting and instigating or inspiring such violence" through its "rhetoric"... Always without listening to any of our Talks of course, which for that matter, eschew any and all violence without further ado. So if right-extremists who ARE that, or NPD-backed neo-Nazis, stage a molotov attack on houses where defenseless families might already dwell, of course no one mentions NPD, because the political elite was never "at risk" of actually losing votership to them but certainly to AfD, and certainly to Pegida's warning message to rescue this country from a conformist suicide by Appeasement and ideologically-enforced "multi-culturalism."
Anyone remember the beginning of the '90s right after Reunification? I do, as I was very, very much here. The NPD and its skinhead neo-Nazis were active with their occasional terrorism and far worse and far more brutal than anything they've done today. Verboten? No. So where was Pegida then? Pegida first came into existence in 2014, in Dresden. Logic would tell us, the NPD and the neo-Nazi house-burners and street-clubbers never needed "Pegida" to get ignited, ever. Ever. They're self-starters, you know, their NPD is about six decades old. Capiche?
Speak of generalization, slander and libel and lying to your voters! Merkel is living proof (no, make that, walking-dead), that a "female" in the highest governing office of a nation, certainly this one - is no different in ANY respect, than a male holding a rigid, authoritarian, unbalanced "patriarchy"! AHA!
And THIS SAME Chance-Liar has publicly and for all the world, defended and justified her certifiably insane "Welcome"-policy as being the "antidote" (!) to Germans' "natural bent" to return to - not two millenia of Central-European culture or the Enlightenment or such - but 12 years of National-Socialism. Here she is shamefully generalizing in one statement oft repeated, by coldly, brazenly insinuating her own entire people's "collective guilt" with the implied "Nazism-by-nature". This utter contradiction of the Christian Teaching of individual responsibility and guilt, by someone passing herself off as Christian (CDU) acting on "principle" - betrays her complete incompetence and ignorance, as well as that of all who let her get away with it.
Here I cannot fault the Left or the Greens (or the laughable "Pirates") in the Bundestag, as none of them has ever bothered with a Bible - nor Qur'an, by the way - they are too occupied with dismantling the Judeo-Christian culture and history of Germany, to make room for the advent of Islamic Appeasement and Shari'a, which is aso apparently good for business.
That her touting of German-Israeli relations as "State-Priority and raison-d'etre" is a mockery in the face of the open-gate policy to still more Jew-haters from the hot-beds of "The-Religion-Of-Peace" - has finally even reached the comprehension of the Jewish Community here and the Central Cow-ncil, which only with terrible reluctance and sweating collars might reconsider its own Appeasement-strategies and adherence to "Multi-Culti."
That would be a minor wonder in itself. But let's not generalize.
"What you Germans need is more self-respect and patriotism! You have a right to it! You are a great people which has given the world immeasurable cultural treasures, the treasures of science and art."
- Vernon A. Walters, former US Ambassador in Bonn
Monday, February 8, 2016
PEGIDA Notes, Part VI - Dissent, Arrest, Release, Talk
This fella had shown Hitler in amicable partnership with al-Husseini,
the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem as they'd ironed out further actions of
the “Final Solution“ concerning the Jews of Yugoslavia. Above the two
sitting, one is pointedly reminded of Merkel's and Gauck's repeated
admonishments that “Islam (still) belongs to Germany“ – which in light
of the photo from the early-mid '40s, is “good to know“... Directly
below all this is plain to see the word “Islam“ with the S replaced by a swastika.
This turns out to prove an inadvertant violation of a statute in Germany against so much as showing a swastika in public, regardless of the clear intent behind that. That “Network-Against-Nazis,“ a well supported and well represented blog, has always carried an open swastika being smashed with a fist – but nonetheless open to see – is not regarded as a violation. Nor is our own Bärgida or Pegida banner showing a swastika being tossed into the wastebin of history along with symbols of other hostile socialist ideologies, regarded as a violation. But this fellow here, American and Jewish to the bone, with 27 years in Berlin, was suddenly regarded in violation of this otherwise well-known statute.
(No one showed the least interest in his beloved partner's cogent mention of the 10,000 disappeared refugee children in pädophile-friendly EU-rope.)
And this American Jewish fella, a Berliner since '88 and for the trouble he took to simply show the entire discrepency in the governing Regime's asertions, as well as those of the Left and the Greens altogether, is led off to be booked and charged – because he used a swastika to emphasize his point without considering possibly violating that statute.
But as this same fella was anxiously awaited by those fellow dissenters with whom he regularly participates on these unbroken Walks since the end of 2014, under heavy police escort due to the dissent-hostile climate of the Left here, they kept the booking and paperwork to a minimum of just over a half-hour so he could return to welcome-back cheers as he still had a promised and anticipated speech to deliver – as he sporadically does since exactly this time one year ago.
And got right to it, nonplussed and full of 60 years' piss 'n' vinegar.
(The Idiots of the "Antifa" of course, thought they "had me" on something - just as they never would imagine listening to our talks, much less would they understand a word, being too stoned - they also are clearly incapable of checking their facts, as seen here):
Felix Herzog @flecks
6. Feb.
@flecks das ist doch der Sam oder?
The original text to the talk given in Doitch:
And the Talk - with a slightly belated film-start:
26 Feb
Charge got dropped by the DA, on the basis of it being baseless - according to §130 Abs. 2 of the law books - and this DA's interpretation.
(Here it is in black and white, the DA threw my case flat out - the charge having been, "openly displaying a swastika at a public demo" - for the obvious reason that an American Jew practically standing under an Israeli flag at a Pegida demo where he's shortly slated to deliver a Talk, and holding an unmistakeable image of HItler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem which clearly indicates a thread with the current Regime in its insistence on an illegal and ill-thought mass immigration policy for Muslims and that Islam (still) "belongs to Germany" - that this Jew would likely NOT be waving a swastika because he loves Adolf or hates the Constitution.)
Ja, wir wissen schon von "Justiz"-Minister Heiko Maas und den Pläne dieses Muttersohnes - heißt:
Neben dem, wie klar und objektiv, wie sachlich und deutlich, die Dame sich artikuliert, und wie wichtig ihre gefragte Äußerung - ist auch nicht zu übersehen, wie die "Flüchtlings"hosenpisser einmischen auf höhnischer und eindringlischer Art und Weise um eine Interview nur zu versauen -, weil die dürften.
Weiterhin empörend ist, wie die "Journalistin" nicht mal die Professionalität zeigt, a) die Dame bzw. die Interview davor zu beschützen, noch b) die Hosenpissser da weg zu halten - und c) sie zeigt sogar langsam Desinterresse ihrerseits gegenüber die Dame selbst! DAS nennt man heute "Journalismus"!!
(Und ausschließlich dürfen wir dieses Verhalten alleine "die-Religion-des-Friedens" vertretend begreifen - wer begreifen will!)
Wer unter den Gutmenschen, die Wahrheit mit deren Augen immer nicht sehen wollen -
müssen eventuell mit deren Zungen die bittere Geschmack kosten:
ehe sie von ihrer empathiearmen, täterfreundlichen Unfähigkeit zur Wahrnehmung
geheilt werden, und von ihrer Feigheit und ihrer Trägheit mal endlich befreit.
Linke Hamasfreundliche Antisemiten
und Deutschlandfeindlche Grünen
sind ein und das selber: (Inter)National-Sozialisten.
. . . Noch eine Frage?
Here I carried the same placard the following Monday, for which I'd gotten taken for questioning by the police and charged Saturday (see posting of 6 Feb), only instead of Adolf with Mufti, just Himmler - and his cap-swastika blacked out just to avoid the issue twice - and an equally pointed clarification of where "The-Religion-Of-Peace" stands in relation to National-Socialism and its admired icons.
And try not to miss that Israeli flag prominently waving among the German Federal Republic tri-color: either of which you would never ever find at any rally or demo or event which had anything neo-Nazi about it - rather a no-brainer really, just not so for the Brain-Dead of this political elite, this mainstream media, and this Left/Green dominated climate of Gutmensch-Absurdistan.
This turns out to prove an inadvertant violation of a statute in Germany against so much as showing a swastika in public, regardless of the clear intent behind that. That “Network-Against-Nazis,“ a well supported and well represented blog, has always carried an open swastika being smashed with a fist – but nonetheless open to see – is not regarded as a violation. Nor is our own Bärgida or Pegida banner showing a swastika being tossed into the wastebin of history along with symbols of other hostile socialist ideologies, regarded as a violation. But this fellow here, American and Jewish to the bone, with 27 years in Berlin, was suddenly regarded in violation of this otherwise well-known statute.
(No one showed the least interest in his beloved partner's cogent mention of the 10,000 disappeared refugee children in pädophile-friendly EU-rope.)
And this American Jewish fella, a Berliner since '88 and for the trouble he took to simply show the entire discrepency in the governing Regime's asertions, as well as those of the Left and the Greens altogether, is led off to be booked and charged – because he used a swastika to emphasize his point without considering possibly violating that statute.
But as this same fella was anxiously awaited by those fellow dissenters with whom he regularly participates on these unbroken Walks since the end of 2014, under heavy police escort due to the dissent-hostile climate of the Left here, they kept the booking and paperwork to a minimum of just over a half-hour so he could return to welcome-back cheers as he still had a promised and anticipated speech to deliver – as he sporadically does since exactly this time one year ago.
And got right to it, nonplussed and full of 60 years' piss 'n' vinegar.
(The Idiots of the "Antifa" of course, thought they "had me" on something - just as they never would imagine listening to our talks, much less would they understand a word, being too stoned - they also are clearly incapable of checking their facts, as seen here):
Felix Herzog
1534 Dieser #Nazi hatte Plakat mit #Hakenkreuz
#Bärgida wartete bis er wieder "frei" ist und läuft
#noBärgida #b0602
4 Gefällt mir
07:06 - 6. Feb. 2016
1 Gefällt mir
The original text to the talk given in Doitch:
And the Talk - with a slightly belated film-start:
26 Feb
Charge got dropped by the DA, on the basis of it being baseless - according to §130 Abs. 2 of the law books - and this DA's interpretation.
(Here it is in black and white, the DA threw my case flat out - the charge having been, "openly displaying a swastika at a public demo" - for the obvious reason that an American Jew practically standing under an Israeli flag at a Pegida demo where he's shortly slated to deliver a Talk, and holding an unmistakeable image of HItler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem which clearly indicates a thread with the current Regime in its insistence on an illegal and ill-thought mass immigration policy for Muslims and that Islam (still) "belongs to Germany" - that this Jew would likely NOT be waving a swastika because he loves Adolf or hates the Constitution.)
Ja, wir wissen schon von "Justiz"-Minister Heiko Maas und den Pläne dieses Muttersohnes - heißt:
Neben dem, wie klar und objektiv, wie sachlich und deutlich, die Dame sich artikuliert, und wie wichtig ihre gefragte Äußerung - ist auch nicht zu übersehen, wie die "Flüchtlings"hosenpisser einmischen auf höhnischer und eindringlischer Art und Weise um eine Interview nur zu versauen -, weil die dürften.
Weiterhin empörend ist, wie die "Journalistin" nicht mal die Professionalität zeigt, a) die Dame bzw. die Interview davor zu beschützen, noch b) die Hosenpissser da weg zu halten - und c) sie zeigt sogar langsam Desinterresse ihrerseits gegenüber die Dame selbst! DAS nennt man heute "Journalismus"!!
(Und ausschließlich dürfen wir dieses Verhalten alleine "die-Religion-des-Friedens" vertretend begreifen - wer begreifen will!)
Wer unter den Gutmenschen, die Wahrheit mit deren Augen immer nicht sehen wollen -
müssen eventuell mit deren Zungen die bittere Geschmack kosten:
ehe sie von ihrer empathiearmen, täterfreundlichen Unfähigkeit zur Wahrnehmung
geheilt werden, und von ihrer Feigheit und ihrer Trägheit mal endlich befreit.
Linke Hamasfreundliche Antisemiten
und Deutschlandfeindlche Grünen
sind ein und das selber: (Inter)National-Sozialisten.
. . . Noch eine Frage?
Here I carried the same placard the following Monday, for which I'd gotten taken for questioning by the police and charged Saturday (see posting of 6 Feb), only instead of Adolf with Mufti, just Himmler - and his cap-swastika blacked out just to avoid the issue twice - and an equally pointed clarification of where "The-Religion-Of-Peace" stands in relation to National-Socialism and its admired icons.
And try not to miss that Israeli flag prominently waving among the German Federal Republic tri-color: either of which you would never ever find at any rally or demo or event which had anything neo-Nazi about it - rather a no-brainer really, just not so for the Brain-Dead of this political elite, this mainstream media, and this Left/Green dominated climate of Gutmensch-Absurdistan.
Monday, February 1, 2016
The Banality of Campaign Hype
NOV. 2019 UPDATE TO THIS WRITING: I wound up indeed voting Trump as that year (2016) drew to a close. At the time of this writing I still knew nothing about Hillary, nothing about McCain, nothing about Obama, nothing about the Democrats, nothing about Benghazi or complete supplying of ISIS, nothing about the child and weapons and drug trafficking, the paedo-networks, the intensely criminal lives of all of the above. I knew nothing of their unmitigated treason. Opportunism yes, but actual treason? McCain?! Clinton? bet! I realized just as the election was closing in, that TRUMP was The Man, and he absolutely had to be President. And with God's will and my vote he will be that again in 2020. So much has happened in all this time to confirm the worst - and, the best reasons to have and to keep Trump in Office. McCain and Bush Sr. have been duly executed while on their own death beds. More to come. Here is a load on Benghazi, a must-listen:
TRUMP DOES IT AGAIN: Whenever I see him or even hear him mentioned I turn the channel before my stomach turns more than it already has. Only this time I was in the living room of a patient, and the news channel she had on was carrying a short bit of CNN, and as she is hard of hearing she had it on loud. No escaping the 10 minutes of unbearable American hype – and campaign hype at its worst, most obnoxiously from Republicans anyway.
All about Donald. Among other things, the one that blew me away – and maybe I had to hear that so that I could share this with y’all – was where he said he wants to (or he’s "going to"!) make America great again. Great. A narcissistic megalomaniac who’d never seen warfare is going to make an already megalomaniacal American empire: "great...again". But Republicans eat that up anyway, they go into a sect-like frenzy over this kind of babble, they’ve done it before, they always will. Then he took the Blue Ribbon in the most shameful insult upon injury toward those who are or were ever or will be sent into the front lines of America’s war plans.
Just to score a few cheap points off of McCain and at the cost of all the lipservice to the men and women in military service – he let all illusions of campaign honorability drop, revealing once again the sheer and tasteless shallowness of what passes for "moral integrity" in American politics - and not only Republican:
He said, and I quote: "Right, McCain – he ran on his fame for having spent six years imprisoned in North Vietnam. Well I’ll tell ya – I’m not into prisoners. I’m not into anyone who let’s himself get captured and imprisoned. I’m for victory."
Whoa – dude! – or shall I already be saying Duce: Trump just openly insulted in the crassest words I can imagine, on nationwide TV, before all his slobbering voters and fan(atic)s, he just shit on all the soldiers who ever had been caught and imprisoned, perhaps tortured, definitely traumatized, who never knew if or when they’d ever leave or survive that captivity, who had gone where they were sent by those sitting where Trump plans to sit, sent by those who could give a goddamn what happens to them and now he lets the sacrifice which they’d made in being there in captivity look weak and stupid.
I’ll be honest: I wish Trump all that McCain had gone through in those six years in a bamboo cage, I wish him that. See how he deals with it.
He not only owes McCain an apology – he has seriously dissed every American vet of every war then, now, or in the future. And then he’s followed on the rostrum by PALIN ("We're gonna kick ISIS' ass!") – yeah, whose only claim to fame she owes to McCain anyway – you know her, the tiny pitbull with lipstick and not a brain in her skull. That Palin.
I wish it were the other Palin whom I love, but this wasn’t Monty Python, it just should have been. Nope – all those vet-worshipping Trump-fans were eating this shit out of his hand.
But if he makes candidacy then let the idiocy roll, it’s already fixed. Whoever wants to vote for this creature – maybe he’ll even bring her along – go for it, knock yourselves out.
Bark about Obama all you want, bark about Hillary, bark about Sanders – I don’t care, I’m not voting Dem in either. I’ve seen through it long enough, and more. My battle is here in Berlin, and it’s uphill and hopeless enough.
8 Jun 16: I have reconsidered my decision not to vote anyone, and will most certainly go against my rule of never voting GOP, by voting Trump - in fact praying that he takes it. Merely seeing or hearing Hillary turns my stomach; I never got a good feeling in the belly hearing Obama speak; Bernie wasn't going to turn this matter around either, and would only add to certain problems. Never from the GOP, and never from really anyone n a very long time, have I heard a speech which sat well with my gut as did this - Trump's full 7Jun16 speech:
TRUMP DOES IT AGAIN: Whenever I see him or even hear him mentioned I turn the channel before my stomach turns more than it already has. Only this time I was in the living room of a patient, and the news channel she had on was carrying a short bit of CNN, and as she is hard of hearing she had it on loud. No escaping the 10 minutes of unbearable American hype – and campaign hype at its worst, most obnoxiously from Republicans anyway.
All about Donald. Among other things, the one that blew me away – and maybe I had to hear that so that I could share this with y’all – was where he said he wants to (or he’s "going to"!) make America great again. Great. A narcissistic megalomaniac who’d never seen warfare is going to make an already megalomaniacal American empire: "great...again". But Republicans eat that up anyway, they go into a sect-like frenzy over this kind of babble, they’ve done it before, they always will. Then he took the Blue Ribbon in the most shameful insult upon injury toward those who are or were ever or will be sent into the front lines of America’s war plans.
Just to score a few cheap points off of McCain and at the cost of all the lipservice to the men and women in military service – he let all illusions of campaign honorability drop, revealing once again the sheer and tasteless shallowness of what passes for "moral integrity" in American politics - and not only Republican:
He said, and I quote: "Right, McCain – he ran on his fame for having spent six years imprisoned in North Vietnam. Well I’ll tell ya – I’m not into prisoners. I’m not into anyone who let’s himself get captured and imprisoned. I’m for victory."
Whoa – dude! – or shall I already be saying Duce: Trump just openly insulted in the crassest words I can imagine, on nationwide TV, before all his slobbering voters and fan(atic)s, he just shit on all the soldiers who ever had been caught and imprisoned, perhaps tortured, definitely traumatized, who never knew if or when they’d ever leave or survive that captivity, who had gone where they were sent by those sitting where Trump plans to sit, sent by those who could give a goddamn what happens to them and now he lets the sacrifice which they’d made in being there in captivity look weak and stupid.
I’ll be honest: I wish Trump all that McCain had gone through in those six years in a bamboo cage, I wish him that. See how he deals with it.
He not only owes McCain an apology – he has seriously dissed every American vet of every war then, now, or in the future. And then he’s followed on the rostrum by PALIN ("We're gonna kick ISIS' ass!") – yeah, whose only claim to fame she owes to McCain anyway – you know her, the tiny pitbull with lipstick and not a brain in her skull. That Palin.
I wish it were the other Palin whom I love, but this wasn’t Monty Python, it just should have been. Nope – all those vet-worshipping Trump-fans were eating this shit out of his hand.
But if he makes candidacy then let the idiocy roll, it’s already fixed. Whoever wants to vote for this creature – maybe he’ll even bring her along – go for it, knock yourselves out.
Bark about Obama all you want, bark about Hillary, bark about Sanders – I don’t care, I’m not voting Dem in either. I’ve seen through it long enough, and more. My battle is here in Berlin, and it’s uphill and hopeless enough.
8 Jun 16: I have reconsidered my decision not to vote anyone, and will most certainly go against my rule of never voting GOP, by voting Trump - in fact praying that he takes it. Merely seeing or hearing Hillary turns my stomach; I never got a good feeling in the belly hearing Obama speak; Bernie wasn't going to turn this matter around either, and would only add to certain problems. Never from the GOP, and never from really anyone n a very long time, have I heard a speech which sat well with my gut as did this - Trump's full 7Jun16 speech:
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