Thursday, August 13, 2015

Contemplating "Suicide" – 2B or not 2B...

Having recently come across a message showing a young girl with a sign reading: "Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse, suicide eliminates the chances of it ever getting better," I was moved by the image, and commented as follows:

Life is not "short."
I take no pleasure in hearing when lives are cut short (man, woman, teen or child, animals or Nature). As John Donne beautifully put it in
No Man is an Island: "Each man's death diminishes me, for I am involved with mankind."

In view of our eternity – yes
ours, let's own it – a life is indeed short. (I'm 60 and I want to stick around much longer, I'm half-way there). But life is not short. It is long, ever so long, and supercedes our short-sighted view of what length and strength and grace mean. How long or short life appears is entirely also relative, but how rich and enriched and enriching a life is, is often undervalued, understated, worst of all one's own.

Life, each and every life, is sacred, by God!
it is sacred. Who does not respect that is dead already, but can be resurrected even now, this moment – it does happen.

Some would view what I am saying skeptically, because so many have deep personal and situational histories and issues, societal, social, or psychological issues, physical and mental health issues – and we are so self-conscious about our being here, cutting ourselves down, then cutting others down to compensate for that, cowering and dominating, both.

Some have depression to battle with – and I intimately do understand that, because I am involved with mankind – I'm a healthcare-giver long in the tooth, and a masseur to boot, including plenty of psychiatric.

But life matters, your life matters, and you matter. You, reading this, whoever you are (or by whomever this winds up), listen to me once: God loves you. Trust me on this, I know, and I have proof: because I love you. And I want you living.

That's it. Oh, and there's this bit I did compose back in 2005, passing a typically dour-faced, aged-before-her-time, obediently-dressed Turkish Muslim woman at my bus stop one evening:

What sort of religion is that then,
that lends you no joy
wherewith the world may see your smiling forehead,
your heart radiating love for Humankind?
What sort of faith teaches you no singing
instead of shouting or that tight-assed mistrust in your glance,
and contempt toward the "other"?
Sure, everybody has woes, who doesn't -
but honestly now: has no one ever told you
that God's name is compassionate and merciful?
. . . that He is indeed nearer to you than your jugular vein,
nearer indeed than your breath?
. . . or that in Him we live and move and have our Being?
. . . perhaps even once, that He dwells within you, actually as you?
And is that then no cause for joy?

And now, in almost closing, I offer this great in its own right:
Dylan Thomas reciting his villanelle 'Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night'

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

(To which I take the liberty of adding here...)

And now you, my dear, contemplating suicide,
Curse the fierce confusion of your life, if you will.
But don't "go gentle into  that good night," don't go at all!
Stay, stay and choose the worthy fight, and it's you
                                                                      who must decide!

In-Joying – Naturally

I am the love 'tween those I see,

wherever in love are gathered two – or even three;

there indeed is where you'll find me.

In love's embrace, passion, kindness, is my energy,

a force transcending heavens, mountains and sea,

ev'ry breeze which touches, rainfall on tree,

a mammal's snout, the hum of a bee:

this joy is mine – and mined, not purchased but free;

it has my back and draws my gait forward manifestly.

In this love I'm effaced, present in full identity.

Monday, August 10, 2015

What Peace Is Not

"The-Religion-Of-Peace" being sold us, is not.
And neither is peace "the opposite of war," as that is only a cease-fire or a non-hostile accord; non-hostility is certainly civil, but peace it ain't, rather a civil non-war.

Nor is being nice and getting along comfortably, peace.
Nor is appeasement, nor is it non-action passing for non-violent, nor non-confrontational, nor submitting to more dominant personalities because they dominate.

Peace is not "giving me a break" or avoidance of the unpleasant and disagreeable, nor is it the seeking of these; it is neither a matter of opinion nor is it ever mainstream or politically correct – ever; peace is not wishful thinking, though one may well wish for peace and desire it for others.  It is without arrogance or self-satisfaction in the least, solid without insisting on its solidity.

Peace is:   a state of non-ego, sovereign unto itself.  Politics cannot even approach it, even "balance" does not quite deliver, although there is balance in it.  When Scripture speaks of "the peace which passes all understanding," what Paul meant in this is that peace is without ego – and therefore outside of what the ego can grasp or use or manipulate or fake.  It is not unattainable, just not with ego.  That is what makes it sovereign.

Not with politics, not with appeasement, not with ideology of any kind whatsoever.  Not by falling all over each other to court and crawl before "The-Religion-Of-Peace" and practice greeting one another with "peace" in Arabic.  I once adhered to this notion, we no longer can afford to – one's own language will suffice.  Anyone is quite free to disagree with me on any point, we may argue or not, it doesn't matter.  I am at peace with what I am saying.

Peace is non-ego in action, one responds accordingly without being "the do-er," and leaving the approval or disapproval of others outside the equation.  How one is to come to this, how this is reached, attained, is too obvious to bear mentioning here.

I wish everyone reading this, as likewise myself, peace – the peace which passes all understanding. May healing come.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sufism Is Far Older than 14 Centuries...

The historically strong appearance and modern seeming-argument for the "inseparable" identification of Sufism with Islam (with persons from the former of these two, often being persecuted and murdered or executed, by those representing the latter) is clearly not reflected in the following parting words:

"The philosophy of Sufism is best summed up in the final instructions to his disciples one month before his passing, some seven-plus centuries ago, of Hazrat Khwaja Mu'inuddin Chishti, founder of this lineage":

Love all and hate none.
Mere talk of peace will avail you naught.
Mere talk of God and religion will not take you far.
Bring out all of the latent powers of your Being
and reveal the full magnificence
of your immortal Self.
Be surcharged with peace and joy,
and scatter them wherever you are
and wherever you go.
Be a blazing fire of truth,
be a beauteous blossom of love,
and be a soothing balm of peace.
With your spiritual light, dispel the darkness of ignorance;
dissolve the clouds of discord and war,
and spread goodwill, peace and harmony among the people.
Never seek any help, charity or favors
from anybody except God.
Never go to the courts of kings,
but never refuse to bless and help the needy and the poor,
the widow, the orphan, if they come to your door.
This is your mission, to serve the people.
Carry it out dutifully and courageously,
so that I, as your Pir-o-Murshid,
may not be ashamed of any shortcomings on your part
before the Almighty God and our holy predecessors
in the Sufi Order
on the Day of Judgment.


I don't know what that Mr. Chisti looked like, but this Mr. Chisti's own late Pir-o-Murshid in our 20th century, Hazrat Inayat Khan, looked like this, and as one sees, quite evidently embodied those last instructions from a much earlier century:

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Patriot sein

Man spricht längst, vom Wandlung der „Dichter/Denker zu Richter/Henker,“
Durch Himmler kam's zum Auschwitz Gaskammer „Himmelsweg;“
Arischer“ Kult und ihre Runen brachten Deutschland zu Ruinen!
Auf Kosten der Entbürgerten floss deutsche Butter und Salz –
nach zwölf Jahren Nationalsozialismus wurde's bitter bezahlt.
Die Vergötterung des Reiches, durch Anbetung des Führers, konnten Hitler nicht heilen;
genau so wenig wird Heilung kommen durch selbst-hassenden Links/Grün-Parteien.

Hier spricht ein Mitbürger – Ami, Jude, Berliner, Patriot – ich strebe für Deutschland,
mit seiner Jahrtausend alten Kraft, Jahrhundert lange Kunst, Kultur, Literatur, Wissenschaft!
Da haben gemeinsam NPD, Prügelmobs, Antifas, und Islamisierung: gar nichts zu suchen.
Eine Bürgerbewegung mit Parteien drin, ist weder von Bürger noch Bewegung,
sondern zum Scheitern verurteilt, durch eigenen Selbstwiderspruch.

Ich strebe für Deutschland, seiner Zukunft, wo Juden sich wie Deutsche verstehen
so wie in jedem anderen Land, Mitbürger-mit-Herkunft anstatt wie Fremder da zu stehen!
Man hört von doppelzüngige Rede: wir haben „Distanzeritis,“ und vor Nationalen, Schiss –
doch! Pegida duldet keinen Judenhass, Israelhass, keinen Deutschlandhass noch NPD-Scheiß,
und strebt unmißverständlich nach den ursprünglichen Prinzipien, gegen jeden Mist!

Ich erkläre mich – eingewandert, europäischer Patriot – gegen Islamisierung:
des Abendlandes – ein judeo-christliches Abendland, ohne Schari'a, unter Demokratie
geordnet, tolerant weil man tolerant ist, ungezwungen, endlich souverän und freidenkend!
Von Ketten der Nationalverblödung so wie der Sozialistverblödung befreit,
von Washington und von Brüssel, UN und EU, respektvoll entlastet und anerkannt –
keine Deals mehr mit Saudi, mit Emiraten, Türkei und deren Kultur – wir verlieren Kant
dabei nur, Goethe, Schiller; hören wohl vom „Dritten Reich,“ doch kaum von
al-Handschas“ Scheikh –
komisch, das: die „Antifas“ halten sich für Historiker – sind aber nur Hysteriker.

Mein Nachbar, wer auch immer! – ist zu dulden, ertragen, sogar mögen, verteidigen
nicht aber NPD, Antifa, Grün-Links, Islam – niemals, und doch Patriot noch sein.

(Ein Publikum, das Toleranz predigt als Antwort zu Taqiyya,
steht vor Tätern gelähmt, hörig, vor ihrer eigenen Opferschaft.)

(A public which preaches tolerance toward those practicing taqiyya,
will only stand paralyzed before perpetrators, in willing obedience to its own peril.)