I hear them in the day
through the din of normal life,
I hear the cries of
children, of boys used as girls,
of girls used as
property, and mutilated in their own most sacred...
I hear the weeping of
women, and the bleating of God's creatures,
I sense the contempt
toward this world's beauty, the stench
of loathing reaches my
nostrils, and having no power but in prayer –
one hears how arrogant
the Jews are, how fundamentalist are both;
one hears little of
Buddhists, of Hindus, they must have become irrelevant;
of Muslims one hears a
great wind and clamor of how discriminated they are,
how misjudged, how
maligned, intolerated, how misinterpreted:
one is not allowed to
address the sheer lack of empathy
for the victims of
Islam, these are denied recognition
as the mainstream
sleep-walkers fall over each other – even atheists,
to recognize and fawn
upon the "Religion of Peace."
Confrontation is only to
be viewed as hostile hatred and vile bigotry,
no one can imagine that
confrontation comes from empathy.
But I will say this
once, and I'll be saying it again until one more awakens:
Being Human is something
truly, deeply divine at its core,
the one question of any
consequence being, what defines it, being Human:
it is not defined by
power or by wealth, not by poverty or by shame,
it is not decided by
ideology at all, or religion, or sexual orientation;
neither politics nor
supremacy, nor tyranny nor pitied victimhood,
doing-everything-right nor following someone nor being good.
What decides and defines the Human Being is the faculty of empathy.
Real empathy cannot be
manipulated, nor faked, nor sentimentalized;
it has the taste of
consciousness, it both reflects and is spurred to action,
where action is required
after reflection.
I hear much about
tolerance and about co-existence, useful cudgels
in the hands of today's
molders of NewSpeak, who know nothing,