Sunday, January 18, 2015

How Do You Propose To Discuss?

How do you propose to pursue a discussion
with someone who's identifying – much or little,
with a nearly three billion population of believers
in a 14 centuries-old doctrine which proposes
that you are kuffar and thus unworthy; or dhimmi,
and therefore second-class and taxable for it –
unless you should decide to forgo and identify as well?

How do you propose to approach a discussion
with one who either perpetrates, aids, or abets
the practice and implementation of unspeakable abuses
on an unspeakable level at an unspeakable frequency,
with an ever double-sided habit of speaking, whose
stated agenda is to make you and the world bend to its image
or else bow to its all-encompassing domination?

How do you propose to begin a discussion
with those who demand your "tolerance" but have none themselves,
who mis-use the multi-culture you already had and press it into mono-,
who will not conform to the modern jurisdiction of lands they've entered
but demand you and every land conform to the archaic court of the bedouin;
who shun the clothing you wear and the meat you eat while demanding
that you break your neck to suit the design of their environment?

How do you discuss coexistence with one who is not only
incompatible with but entirely against the very notion of democracy,
who withdraws his hand from any Western female encountered in greeting,
or who withdraws herself behind her niqab and insists
                                                                                   it's her choice and right,
who hold Jews to be apes, Christians to be pigs, Hindus to be worse,
                                                                                                 gays to be less,
and generally despises animals and nature anyway – emphatically insisting
that this is about a religion of peace, asserting this argument most aggressively?

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