The one Movement in Europe which has got it right, and it's so far only in Germany, and it is largely moved by East Germans - making waves as they did in '89, and gathering steam from all over Europe. They are the most completely demonized of any group currently, by every party and politician, all the mainstream media, the fatally clueless Jewish Community, all the gummint agencies: as what? As "right-wing, racist, xenophobic."...oh yes, and as "Nazi" - the favorite club to use on any opposition to the far-Left ruling trend and political stage of today's "reality-show." Never question or oppose the Islamization of Germany or of Europe - because it is a desired development of the EU and of the ruling (I cannot call this governing) Bundestag.
Guess who is NOT being given this treatment because they are still too useful for the mainstream Image-Makers: right, the actual Nazi Party here (still never made illegal) and its skin-troopers and criminal. However, PEGIDA is entirely and non-violently and intelligently engaged in becoming a growing opposition front of citizens resorting to their democratic right to free speech, free opinion and right to demonstrate peacefully. They are singing "Silent Night" for Chrissake, and it is the "Antifa" - the self-named "anti-fascists" whoa re the radical and violent SA-stormtroopers of the Left here, who shout down anything dmeocratic and are fo loaded with German self-hatred and self-contradiction that their frothing betrays the sheep illogic of the current situation.
When the East Germans hit the streets in the Autumn of '89 in every growing numbers, demanding an end to the Regime bullshit, chanting "Wir sind das Volk!" (We are the People!), the entire Western press and political spectrum here and abroad proclaimed this a democratic uprising of citizens, the voice of freedom from the yoke of manipulation and chicanery and repression by a State machine of power-holders. The EU of today was in its planning stages. no one could see that coming.
The current Monday demonstrations beginning in Autumn 2014, also in Dresden as then, by citizens who knew what they were facing down then and know today that the same manipulation and chicanery and repressionof free speech and right to demonstrate is being driven by that very same media and political class – under the flatulent and insipid Party slogans of "multi-cultural" and "Islam-tolerant" Islamization, driven by an EU-dictatorship and gladly executed by a Left-operated all-German self-hatred mentality – these current Monday-demos are maintinaed by a hopefully grownig groundswell under the name PEGIDA, also chanting "Wir sind das Volk!" and as rightfully so as in 1989 – these however are demonized and discredited by the same above mentioned media and politcal spectrum as "populist"! Now that is manipulation.
On this continent only one country has withheld itself against all defamation, from membership in the EU-suck-mandate, reserving for itself and vehemently protecting its right and reason to national integrity and to its treasured history as a European culture: Switzerland.
UPDATE 19 Jan 2015:
The live stream video (from which most of these were lifted) is from a non-mainstream news outlet, runs some four hours - only the first two hours were at all about Bärgida,… that was a bit of aftermath and then two hours of an entirely different action in district Marzahn, same evening, which had and has nothing whatsoever to do with or in common with the (pro-)Pegida or Bärgida demo where we were, just off of Alexanderplatz.
The first 20-30 minutes shows you some of the "Antifa" (my new
slogan: "Antifa: die neue SA!") - so skip that, it's boring anyway, and
shoot to ca. 30 minutes in and stay there till exactly 2 hours
through. You'll see a lot of Rana and myself, when we begin the
"Spaziergang" we're right up front there, I'm front row far right of
the screen, Rana behind me yackin' with folks; the best shot is perhaps
there exactly 1:55:00 for the last five minutes till it sort of peters
out after closing the evening. After two hours in, you've pretty much
seen everything. Don't overlook the prominently conspicuous Israeli
flag there.
There were three talks or speeches, all clearly articulated, all easily heard on this and close up; then a closing speech which addressed some important points.
We were both interviewed together by an N-TV and a ZDF camera team respectively, and then by a Tagesspiegel reporter. They even got our names, ages, etc. We found nothing at all on N-TV, ZDF showed nothing of the interviews - presumably because we didn't fit their "idea" of Pegida, and yes, the Tagesspiegel correctly quoted us - but on about one-fifth of what either of us told him, at least our names and ages they got right, and residence in Wedding, they got that in there. But as it was all couched within the same character assassination you will find in every mainstream "news" outlet bar none, and in the mouths of every public figure, we both have wound up permanently fixed in the "reactionary far-right extremist qua racist qua xenophobic - not to mention (gasp) Islamophobic" camp - so now we may have a price on our heads in our own nabe.
Even problem district Neukölln's mayor Buschkowsky publicly rejects PEGIDA - when that happens, you know you're on your own.
So be it. We will maintain the integrity of this Movement come what may.
24 Jan:
26 Jan:
There were three talks or speeches, all clearly articulated, all easily heard on this and close up; then a closing speech which addressed some important points.
We were both interviewed together by an N-TV and a ZDF camera team respectively, and then by a Tagesspiegel reporter. They even got our names, ages, etc. We found nothing at all on N-TV, ZDF showed nothing of the interviews - presumably because we didn't fit their "idea" of Pegida, and yes, the Tagesspiegel correctly quoted us - but on about one-fifth of what either of us told him, at least our names and ages they got right, and residence in Wedding, they got that in there. But as it was all couched within the same character assassination you will find in every mainstream "news" outlet bar none, and in the mouths of every public figure, we both have wound up permanently fixed in the "reactionary far-right extremist qua racist qua xenophobic - not to mention (gasp) Islamophobic" camp - so now we may have a price on our heads in our own nabe.
Even problem district Neukölln's mayor Buschkowsky publicly rejects PEGIDA - when that happens, you know you're on your own.
So be it. We will maintain the integrity of this Movement come what may.
who have known me for decades may wonder, and some have, how I square
my commitment toward Sufism (more accurately, my commitment to universal
worship as expressed through Sufism) with my determined effort to shed
critical light on Islam and its founder, and on the Muslim world
community. This is Sufism as expressed by Hazrat Inayat Khan: "TO
Islam offers the world then as today an entirely different message, and
I have a Qur'an and the Hadiths and imams and the outline to "The
Project" in our time, to prove it.
The sometimes upwards to 10,000 mixed Antifa (new generation of low-brow and exeedingly violence prone "left"-fascistic rioters) and student and good-citizen turn-outs from the anti-Pegida contingent facing off our Evening Walks and demos with a loudly threatening presence which absolutely requires a full force police cordon to keep us from being attacked (Pegida is sworn to non-violent and dialogue-based action) is very revealing. It is a fact, and not my fantasy in explaining this to my FB community abroad, that the governing entities have been using open encouragement, private coercion, financial bait (to the irresistable tune of 10-25 Euros per hour and per person) to mobilize and to achieve the said turn-outs against us. A pupil who had uncooperatively rejected his teacher's instructions to attend the anti-Pegida throng was roundly scolded and his parents were invited to the school principal's office for a heart-warming lesson in PC-arm twisting.
The Chancellor herself and her party have been directly and concretely behind this, the entire spectrum of mainstream Parties with seats in the Federal Parliament here, from the conservative CDU/CSU to the SPD, The Left, Greens, Pirates (yeah they really took that name). Trade unions (!) have coerced or paid their members, employers have instructed or coerced their employees, middle-school teachers have instructed or coerced their pupils to join with students (living off the hog) and the Antifa and other wannabes from the citizenry to attend the anti-Pegida numbers to make it all massive, shouting for the absolute dissemblement of Germany and all national and cultural identity. They are doing this not in the name of democracy, but naively in the name of the officially blessed "multi-culti" and Islamophile ideology, by whose logic Pegida is of course "xenophobically racist and Islamophobic". The antisemites are on their side, not ours. This pathologically history-challenged German self-hatred is driving a fascism of the “left“ which exerts its influence through a media which coerces or co-opts its journalistically incompetent "reporters" to give completely slanted presentations of Pegida unequalled outside of Germany and abroad. I kid you not.
Pegida, for its part, remains undeterred. The following is a translation for you of some examples of a real and factual Islamization in stages, of Germany today. Following that I give you Pegida's main actual talking points.
"There is no Islamization"
A brief overview of the Islamization of Germany and Europe driven by the ruling politic (denied by the media and by sitting politicians across the spectrum) – please note, this is fact, not parody:
1. Islamization in schools and pre-schools/kindergarten: no more preparation of pork products in many kitchens and cantinas.
2. Islamization at public swimming facilities: special bathing days exclusively for Muslim guests; no entry for non-Muslims.
3. Islamization of Christian buildings: churches are being relinquished to Muslims to be rebuilt and dedicated as mosques.
4. Islamization in cemetaries: large areas are being reserved for Muslims and they may burie their deceased there without coffin or urn – permitted to bury as wished only with a cloth wrapping, which had previously long been forbidden by German law on grounds of hygiene.
5. Islamization in the Justice Dept.: Shari'a courts and (Islamic) peace-arbiter decisions/sentences as parallel jurisdiction have been already established in many parts of Germany.
6. Islamization in entrepreneurial areas: Christmas celebrations and related affairs are receiving an identity switch to End-of-Year celebrations.
7. Islamization in marriage law: polygamy through illegal weddings in German mosques will no longer be penalized.
8. Islamization of cities: the erection of new mosques is beocming a daily phenomenon in German cities.
9. Islamization in the public domain: traditional Christmas Markets are receiving a name change to Winter Markets.
10. Islamization in the media: Criticism of Islam is forbidden – only "Islamism" may be criticized. Furthermore, both public and large private media outlets are being held to present 30% positive reporting on Islam.
11. Islamization on the street: in some cities Shari'a-police have already been making rounds providing checks on Islamic dress codes. The number of head coverings one sees in public, from hijab to niqab – even burqa – has been exponentially on the increase. Girls and young women with hair exposed are increasingly verbally accosted, sometimes also physically. Perhaps the most graphic example was a 17-yr.-old who had her hair set on fire.
12. Islamization in the area of demonstration rights: low-brow Jew-hate and antsemitic vitriole at Islamic demonstrations. Muslims may call for "Jews to the gas!" without any fear of penalty (!) whatsoever. (Any German doing this would be immediately arrested and despised.)
13. Islamization of language: Christmas break will now be called Winter break, Easter break will now be called Spring break. (While this may long since be the case back in the States, for Germans it's unimaginable.)
14. Islamization is public buildings and schools: crosses and crucifixes must be removed. This would mostly affect the south, as in Bavaria, directly.) Furtermore, schoolgirls from Muslim households are being exempt form taking part in class excursions when forbidden by their families.
15. Islamization of Christian customs: The St. Martin's lantern walk (a childhood favorite in November) will now be called simply, Fest of Lights.
16. Islamization/crimes toward young children: ever growing numbers are recorded of FGM on little girls right in our midst, here in Germany.
17. Islamization via and among (Muslim) immigrants: polls run by Berlin's Center for Social Sciences shwo that two-thirds of European Muslims consider religious laws to be of greater importance than the lawsof the land in which they are residing.
18. Islamization in the supermarkets: halal-products at Aldi, Pennymarkt, Lidl and others.
19. Police criminal statistics (when looked at outside of the media's own concealment efforts) show an overproportionof Muslim perpetrators. The latter hear every Friday in the mosque or masjid, that they may take their male example from the life and practises of Muhammad.
20. The last few decades, particularly the last two and a half, have seen a disproportional growth in Muslim numbers in Germany: 1961: 7,000 (predom. Turkish) – 2014: ca. 4,000,000.
21. New demands each year from Muslim organizations, to promote an aggressive campaign of visible presence of a dominating monocultural Islamic culture without any referendum or recognition from the State of native German interests.
22. Whenever the issue of "Integration" is being addressed, it is mostly about Germany becoming more Islamic. Asians, other Europeans, Africans as such, or Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Baha'is, Alawites, Christians, Jews, what have you – these have never been any normal native Federal Republic German's "problem," period. Merkel more than anyone before her, while calling Pegida the ones “instrumentalizing“ (a media fave) issues for our agenda, is through her politics in sucking up to the EU and its politics trumping anything Germany might otherwise want, instrumentalizing the entire Muslim/Islamic influx, coyly keeping her cards close to her, playing sides against each other, exploiting and enforcing the EU-dictatorial agenda and molding Germany in its image. What she is doing can only be called instrumentalizing, much as Bush & Co, instrumentalized "9/11".
In Jan. 2015, Pegida updated and published the following bulleted position statements, with some additions:
The sometimes upwards to 10,000 mixed Antifa (new generation of low-brow and exeedingly violence prone "left"-fascistic rioters) and student and good-citizen turn-outs from the anti-Pegida contingent facing off our Evening Walks and demos with a loudly threatening presence which absolutely requires a full force police cordon to keep us from being attacked (Pegida is sworn to non-violent and dialogue-based action) is very revealing. It is a fact, and not my fantasy in explaining this to my FB community abroad, that the governing entities have been using open encouragement, private coercion, financial bait (to the irresistable tune of 10-25 Euros per hour and per person) to mobilize and to achieve the said turn-outs against us. A pupil who had uncooperatively rejected his teacher's instructions to attend the anti-Pegida throng was roundly scolded and his parents were invited to the school principal's office for a heart-warming lesson in PC-arm twisting.
The Chancellor herself and her party have been directly and concretely behind this, the entire spectrum of mainstream Parties with seats in the Federal Parliament here, from the conservative CDU/CSU to the SPD, The Left, Greens, Pirates (yeah they really took that name). Trade unions (!) have coerced or paid their members, employers have instructed or coerced their employees, middle-school teachers have instructed or coerced their pupils to join with students (living off the hog) and the Antifa and other wannabes from the citizenry to attend the anti-Pegida numbers to make it all massive, shouting for the absolute dissemblement of Germany and all national and cultural identity. They are doing this not in the name of democracy, but naively in the name of the officially blessed "multi-culti" and Islamophile ideology, by whose logic Pegida is of course "xenophobically racist and Islamophobic". The antisemites are on their side, not ours. This pathologically history-challenged German self-hatred is driving a fascism of the “left“ which exerts its influence through a media which coerces or co-opts its journalistically incompetent "reporters" to give completely slanted presentations of Pegida unequalled outside of Germany and abroad. I kid you not.
Pegida, for its part, remains undeterred. The following is a translation for you of some examples of a real and factual Islamization in stages, of Germany today. Following that I give you Pegida's main actual talking points.
"There is no Islamization"
A brief overview of the Islamization of Germany and Europe driven by the ruling politic (denied by the media and by sitting politicians across the spectrum) – please note, this is fact, not parody:
1. Islamization in schools and pre-schools/kindergarten: no more preparation of pork products in many kitchens and cantinas.
2. Islamization at public swimming facilities: special bathing days exclusively for Muslim guests; no entry for non-Muslims.
3. Islamization of Christian buildings: churches are being relinquished to Muslims to be rebuilt and dedicated as mosques.
4. Islamization in cemetaries: large areas are being reserved for Muslims and they may burie their deceased there without coffin or urn – permitted to bury as wished only with a cloth wrapping, which had previously long been forbidden by German law on grounds of hygiene.
5. Islamization in the Justice Dept.: Shari'a courts and (Islamic) peace-arbiter decisions/sentences as parallel jurisdiction have been already established in many parts of Germany.
6. Islamization in entrepreneurial areas: Christmas celebrations and related affairs are receiving an identity switch to End-of-Year celebrations.
7. Islamization in marriage law: polygamy through illegal weddings in German mosques will no longer be penalized.
8. Islamization of cities: the erection of new mosques is beocming a daily phenomenon in German cities.
9. Islamization in the public domain: traditional Christmas Markets are receiving a name change to Winter Markets.
10. Islamization in the media: Criticism of Islam is forbidden – only "Islamism" may be criticized. Furthermore, both public and large private media outlets are being held to present 30% positive reporting on Islam.
11. Islamization on the street: in some cities Shari'a-police have already been making rounds providing checks on Islamic dress codes. The number of head coverings one sees in public, from hijab to niqab – even burqa – has been exponentially on the increase. Girls and young women with hair exposed are increasingly verbally accosted, sometimes also physically. Perhaps the most graphic example was a 17-yr.-old who had her hair set on fire.
12. Islamization in the area of demonstration rights: low-brow Jew-hate and antsemitic vitriole at Islamic demonstrations. Muslims may call for "Jews to the gas!" without any fear of penalty (!) whatsoever. (Any German doing this would be immediately arrested and despised.)
13. Islamization of language: Christmas break will now be called Winter break, Easter break will now be called Spring break. (While this may long since be the case back in the States, for Germans it's unimaginable.)
14. Islamization is public buildings and schools: crosses and crucifixes must be removed. This would mostly affect the south, as in Bavaria, directly.) Furtermore, schoolgirls from Muslim households are being exempt form taking part in class excursions when forbidden by their families.
15. Islamization of Christian customs: The St. Martin's lantern walk (a childhood favorite in November) will now be called simply, Fest of Lights.
16. Islamization/crimes toward young children: ever growing numbers are recorded of FGM on little girls right in our midst, here in Germany.
17. Islamization via and among (Muslim) immigrants: polls run by Berlin's Center for Social Sciences shwo that two-thirds of European Muslims consider religious laws to be of greater importance than the lawsof the land in which they are residing.
18. Islamization in the supermarkets: halal-products at Aldi, Pennymarkt, Lidl and others.
19. Police criminal statistics (when looked at outside of the media's own concealment efforts) show an overproportionof Muslim perpetrators. The latter hear every Friday in the mosque or masjid, that they may take their male example from the life and practises of Muhammad.
20. The last few decades, particularly the last two and a half, have seen a disproportional growth in Muslim numbers in Germany: 1961: 7,000 (predom. Turkish) – 2014: ca. 4,000,000.
21. New demands each year from Muslim organizations, to promote an aggressive campaign of visible presence of a dominating monocultural Islamic culture without any referendum or recognition from the State of native German interests.
22. Whenever the issue of "Integration" is being addressed, it is mostly about Germany becoming more Islamic. Asians, other Europeans, Africans as such, or Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Baha'is, Alawites, Christians, Jews, what have you – these have never been any normal native Federal Republic German's "problem," period. Merkel more than anyone before her, while calling Pegida the ones “instrumentalizing“ (a media fave) issues for our agenda, is through her politics in sucking up to the EU and its politics trumping anything Germany might otherwise want, instrumentalizing the entire Muslim/Islamic influx, coyly keeping her cards close to her, playing sides against each other, exploiting and enforcing the EU-dictatorial agenda and molding Germany in its image. What she is doing can only be called instrumentalizing, much as Bush & Co, instrumentalized "9/11".
In Jan. 2015, Pegida updated and published the following bulleted position statements, with some additions:
PEGIDA in 19 Position Points:
1. Affirms the right of asylum for war refugees and politically persecuted people. 2. Advocates to include a duty to integrate into the German Basic Law.
3. Advocates for decentralized housing of refugees.
4. Suggests creation of a central refugee agency for a fair allocation of immigrants among countries of the European Union.
5. Demands a decrease in the number of asylum seekers per social worker from currently 200:1.
6. Suggests to model German immigration policies after those of the Netherlands and Switzerland and demands an increased budget for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to speed up processing of applications.
7. Demands an increase in funding for the police.
8. Demands implementation of all asylum laws including expulsion.
9. Mentions zero tolerance towards criminal refugees and immigrants.
10. States that Pegida oppose a misogynic and violent political ideology, but does not oppose assimilated and politically moderate Muslims.
11. Supports immigration as in Switzerland, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
12. States that Pegida support sexual self-determination (opposing "early sexualization of children").
13. Argues for the protection of Germany's Judeo-Christian coined culture.
14. Advocates the introduction of civil referendums as in Switzerland.
15. Demands an end to arms delivery to Constitution-hostile and outlawed organizations, e.g., the PKK.
16. Argues against the allowing of parallel-societies / parallel-courts of law in our midst, such as Shari'a-courts, Shari'a-police, peace-arbiters, etc.
17. Argues against the absurdity of "gender-mainstreaming," often called "genderization," which applies a forced, politically correct sex-neutralization of our language. (The matter of language does not address English, or might very little, in comparison with the drastic effect it will have on German, French and other languages whose nouns and cases all carry a gender.)
18. Positions itself against radicalism, regardless whether religious or politically motivated!
19. Positions itself against hate preachers, regardless to which religious affiliation!
To those of my dear FB Community who still consider me a ranting alarmist bigot, I invite you – in fact I challenge you – to watch this one Norwegian report (English subtitled) filmed by a Norwegian Muslim, it runs all of 49 minutes if you can afford the time, it's well worth it and deserves your attention from beginning to end. I have posted so many proofs and watched, read and attended to so many more than could ever be posted, I have written and translated enough. Let all my feminists out there see it, just this one – let my LGBT detractors give it a shot, let my liberals and “left“ists and Islamophiles and Muslims have a go at it. Let it inform you, once and for all, rather than writing either me or Pegida off as racist or fascist or phobic. I have been asked for proof, by people who had not found the time or energy to follow all or any of what I've written or posted till now. Well and good, be of good cheer, for I offer this one last posting for your consideration. If you will but consider it:
1. Affirms the right of asylum for war refugees and politically persecuted people. 2. Advocates to include a duty to integrate into the German Basic Law.
3. Advocates for decentralized housing of refugees.
4. Suggests creation of a central refugee agency for a fair allocation of immigrants among countries of the European Union.
5. Demands a decrease in the number of asylum seekers per social worker from currently 200:1.
6. Suggests to model German immigration policies after those of the Netherlands and Switzerland and demands an increased budget for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to speed up processing of applications.
7. Demands an increase in funding for the police.
8. Demands implementation of all asylum laws including expulsion.
9. Mentions zero tolerance towards criminal refugees and immigrants.
10. States that Pegida oppose a misogynic and violent political ideology, but does not oppose assimilated and politically moderate Muslims.
11. Supports immigration as in Switzerland, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
12. States that Pegida support sexual self-determination (opposing "early sexualization of children").
13. Argues for the protection of Germany's Judeo-Christian coined culture.
14. Advocates the introduction of civil referendums as in Switzerland.
15. Demands an end to arms delivery to Constitution-hostile and outlawed organizations, e.g., the PKK.
16. Argues against the allowing of parallel-societies / parallel-courts of law in our midst, such as Shari'a-courts, Shari'a-police, peace-arbiters, etc.
17. Argues against the absurdity of "gender-mainstreaming," often called "genderization," which applies a forced, politically correct sex-neutralization of our language. (The matter of language does not address English, or might very little, in comparison with the drastic effect it will have on German, French and other languages whose nouns and cases all carry a gender.)
18. Positions itself against radicalism, regardless whether religious or politically motivated!
19. Positions itself against hate preachers, regardless to which religious affiliation!
To those of my dear FB Community who still consider me a ranting alarmist bigot, I invite you – in fact I challenge you – to watch this one Norwegian report (English subtitled) filmed by a Norwegian Muslim, it runs all of 49 minutes if you can afford the time, it's well worth it and deserves your attention from beginning to end. I have posted so many proofs and watched, read and attended to so many more than could ever be posted, I have written and translated enough. Let all my feminists out there see it, just this one – let my LGBT detractors give it a shot, let my liberals and “left“ists and Islamophiles and Muslims have a go at it. Let it inform you, once and for all, rather than writing either me or Pegida off as racist or fascist or phobic. I have been asked for proof, by people who had not found the time or energy to follow all or any of what I've written or posted till now. Well and good, be of good cheer, for I offer this one last posting for your consideration. If you will but consider it:
Je suis Kuffar.
26 Jan:
A little side note here:
There is a NeoNazi political party in Germany, called the NPD (National Partei Deutschland) whom I just call the Nazi Party bccause they are that – it has existed since several decades, is anti- Constitutional, antisemitic, thoroughly anti-foreigner, anti-Israel, Holocaust-deniers, anti-democratic, anti-West, also anti-Muslim by the way, intellectually-challenged bozos. They are the "respectably" organized right-extreme backbone for all the skins and other bomber jacket and jump boot wearing thugs who have marched with impunity through the streets waving the Reich's flag (you will never see them carrying the actual real and current flag of the Constitutional Federal Republic as Pegida however only does – Chancellor Merkel herself doesn't even, either, by the way) and giving Hitler salutes, caroused, burned houses, murdered a string of kiosk and shop keepers in recent memory.
They are a voters' option, i.e., they have never won, nor ever will win, seats in the Federal Parliament (Bundestag) but in Saxony at least have gotten themselves well represented in the State Parliament (Landestag). I just caught on their State-level rag, how vociferously they vented their contempt for Pegida-Bavaria (you could throw in Berlin for that matter, as I was there and posted the pics) because Pegida, having nothing whatsoever in common with these bums for a longer list of reasons than I could attribute to any Party, this very Pegida "dares" to carry among all its flags of today's Federal Republic a large, prominent ISRAELI flag, which the NPD finds shameful. That is, Pegida is despised and scorned by the real NeoNazis, capiche? Why am I pointing this out?
The NPD has been under watch all these decades, and all these years I've been here, by the Federal Agency for the Protection of the Constitution, which cannot arrest anyone but can provide – and has at times provided – enough evidence to have the NPD closed down, prohibited, outlawed, forced out of existence.
That this has never happened is due to a long story which I can gladly detail more if anyone requires, but in a nutshell, it's a story laden with astounding cover-ups, police foul-ups, highly suspicious "screw-ups" in the investigation and prosecution, and no one has ever brought the job to home plate.
There is a reason for this, and it is more sinsiter than decades of incompetence, which of course is suspect enough: the State does not want to prohibit this party. The NPD is too useful, you see, as long as there is an NPD the self-hating German mainstream mentality as embodied – and driven – by the established political class and the media, has the best Nazi-Past bat to hit itself (read: any dissidents of PC or the multi-culti program or any other agenda of the ruling establishment politic) with.
When a peaceful, i.e., committedly non-violent and articulate demonstration force, so small yet growing, which addresses real issues and questions agenda with concrete criticism, attracting to its numbers a wide spectrum of themiddle class, all ages, mostly educated, outof the population – when this is so beset with and set upon by all the powers of State and media employing enormous mobs to badger and violently attack this demonstrating force, it has to tell you there is something going on here. And when you see the Antifa and today's "Left" working shoulder to shoulder with the established powers lending a truly fascistic tone to the attacks, "combatting" as they are encouraged to see themsleves, an imaginary image of Pegida at real Pegida events, then you know something doesn't square here. As has long been observed, if you go far enough Left, you come out Right.
But Pegida, which carries the Israeli flag as well – this gets maligned every day with ferocious rage by these entities as being "right-wing" and "Nazi" - neither of which it is in the least.
The NPD rejects the national flag of the (until now) democratic Federal Republic; the equally violent prone Antifa and masses of students and "left"ists soil and belittle it – after ripping it from the hands of some Pegida participants when they can, as they have none of their own – and this with impunity, although there is a statute making just that a criminal offense punishable with a fine or up to 3-5 years jail time, theoretically but hardly in practice. No one is seen being taken to account for it.
And neither was twice-elected Chancellor Merkel, EU-lackey, as she ripped it away and discarded it before running cameras, from the hands of one of her underlings who was waving it at the announcement of her second term election win in recent memory.
Something is wrong with everyone's memory.
27 Jan:
There is a NeoNazi political party in Germany, called the NPD (National Partei Deutschland) whom I just call the Nazi Party bccause they are that – it has existed since several decades, is anti- Constitutional, antisemitic, thoroughly anti-foreigner, anti-Israel, Holocaust-deniers, anti-democratic, anti-West, also anti-Muslim by the way, intellectually-challenged bozos. They are the "respectably" organized right-extreme backbone for all the skins and other bomber jacket and jump boot wearing thugs who have marched with impunity through the streets waving the Reich's flag (you will never see them carrying the actual real and current flag of the Constitutional Federal Republic as Pegida however only does – Chancellor Merkel herself doesn't even, either, by the way) and giving Hitler salutes, caroused, burned houses, murdered a string of kiosk and shop keepers in recent memory.
They are a voters' option, i.e., they have never won, nor ever will win, seats in the Federal Parliament (Bundestag) but in Saxony at least have gotten themselves well represented in the State Parliament (Landestag). I just caught on their State-level rag, how vociferously they vented their contempt for Pegida-Bavaria (you could throw in Berlin for that matter, as I was there and posted the pics) because Pegida, having nothing whatsoever in common with these bums for a longer list of reasons than I could attribute to any Party, this very Pegida "dares" to carry among all its flags of today's Federal Republic a large, prominent ISRAELI flag, which the NPD finds shameful. That is, Pegida is despised and scorned by the real NeoNazis, capiche? Why am I pointing this out?
The NPD has been under watch all these decades, and all these years I've been here, by the Federal Agency for the Protection of the Constitution, which cannot arrest anyone but can provide – and has at times provided – enough evidence to have the NPD closed down, prohibited, outlawed, forced out of existence.
That this has never happened is due to a long story which I can gladly detail more if anyone requires, but in a nutshell, it's a story laden with astounding cover-ups, police foul-ups, highly suspicious "screw-ups" in the investigation and prosecution, and no one has ever brought the job to home plate.
There is a reason for this, and it is more sinsiter than decades of incompetence, which of course is suspect enough: the State does not want to prohibit this party. The NPD is too useful, you see, as long as there is an NPD the self-hating German mainstream mentality as embodied – and driven – by the established political class and the media, has the best Nazi-Past bat to hit itself (read: any dissidents of PC or the multi-culti program or any other agenda of the ruling establishment politic) with.
When a peaceful, i.e., committedly non-violent and articulate demonstration force, so small yet growing, which addresses real issues and questions agenda with concrete criticism, attracting to its numbers a wide spectrum of themiddle class, all ages, mostly educated, outof the population – when this is so beset with and set upon by all the powers of State and media employing enormous mobs to badger and violently attack this demonstrating force, it has to tell you there is something going on here. And when you see the Antifa and today's "Left" working shoulder to shoulder with the established powers lending a truly fascistic tone to the attacks, "combatting" as they are encouraged to see themsleves, an imaginary image of Pegida at real Pegida events, then you know something doesn't square here. As has long been observed, if you go far enough Left, you come out Right.
But Pegida, which carries the Israeli flag as well – this gets maligned every day with ferocious rage by these entities as being "right-wing" and "Nazi" - neither of which it is in the least.
The NPD rejects the national flag of the (until now) democratic Federal Republic; the equally violent prone Antifa and masses of students and "left"ists soil and belittle it – after ripping it from the hands of some Pegida participants when they can, as they have none of their own – and this with impunity, although there is a statute making just that a criminal offense punishable with a fine or up to 3-5 years jail time, theoretically but hardly in practice. No one is seen being taken to account for it.
And neither was twice-elected Chancellor Merkel, EU-lackey, as she ripped it away and discarded it before running cameras, from the hands of one of her underlings who was waving it at the announcement of her second term election win in recent memory.
Something is wrong with everyone's memory.
27 Jan:
is growing - Bärgida (Berlin) is growing as well. May it grow more in
number and strength and influence than the established entities of
anti-democratic forces against us ever imagined. May it indeed.
I could not make it to this evening's Monday demo-gathering, as I was working. My dear Rana went and gave me the low-down later. Likewise I'll have to miss next week's as well, but as long as either oneof us is there, we're both represented. (Gotta tell my super to give me every working Monday evening off.)
But some cogent points struck me while watching the non-German full coverage of the evening. As Pegida, or Berlin's Bärgida in our case (I can use these interchangeably as the platform and intent is the same) is committed to non-violent, substancially substance rich addresses and demonstration of presence; and as our message is a groundswell protest for democracy, for the rights of women and the cultural rights of Europeans to maintain their long culture(s) in the face of a daunting EU-driven strategy of deconstructionism - teh police who are there to protect us have no problem with us, they walk among us with ease. We appreciate them and applaud them for their effort.
That effort involves them not with us, but with the exceedingly violent prone Antifa-led students and "left"ist wannabes, the ones who destroy shops and burn parked cars inthe street and raise hell on the cops every single May 1st, every year, over decades. This is okay, we are not. They wave their communist- international flags, no German Federal Republic ones, but I've said that already. Among them are lots of terribly naive doe-yed good-citizens who groom their image by showing up with the mob, sharing in their completely puerile content-challenged shouted slogans - I'll come back to that shortly.
I told Rana over the cell phone, "Listen, hon', before you get there, today is the anniversary of The Liberation of Auschwitz" (when all the usual suits come out and light tea-candles and chant the mantra "Never Again!" before the running slavering press, ho-hum, bieng sure to polih that Holocaust-bat to hit themselves over their self-hating heads with, so the world can know what good Germans they all are). And I told her not to be surprised when the mob out there instrumentalizes this against Pegida. Pegida, who mourns the Eritrean who was murdered last week by his Tunesian roommate (oops, not by a Pegida participant after all, as the press had wished), and the late trimester pregnant 19 yr. old who had jsut been stabbed, chopped and burned alive by her Turkish husband for something or other to do with "honor". Both cases here in Germany - inside of one week. No Antifas or lefties would be heard mourning the Jews murdered in the Paris café, nor let themselves be caught dead carrying an Israeli flag, of course. Bärgida does both, and with the dignity both deserve.
Another word about dignity - the speakers, whose addresses are never printed by the established press here because if anyone not already with us ever actually read their statements we'd be seeing even more than the over 1,000 strong who showed up this evening (at least twice as much as last week, and the press waters it down to a "couple hundred" emphasizing how "enormous" the mob is) - the three Bärgida speakers express themselves, not over our heads by any means, but on a level I have to call truly parliamentary. Direct and unyielding, at the same time eloquent, articulate and civilized. Not the rabble against us however, they had to shout "Never again Germany, never again Auschwitz!" They don't even know any Nazis, and against the actual Neo-Nazis or NPD-Party they either don't have the balls to do anything effective, as they have no platform, just saliva, or: they are being directed by the elected class of politicians to vent their odium at us alone. I opt for the second factor but maintain the first as well.
In fact, what we may see coming in Leipzig, where the first blood may likely be shed (our blood that is) is that the few NeoNazis who hung around our demo there will join with their traditionally arch-foe the Antifa because they both share the same lust for rioting for its own sake.
It is my urgent prayer that Pegida/Bärgida grows in strength and numbers, and maintinas its own integrity, poise and dignity, and resists being provoked into scuffles with paid Antifa thugs who every week try to cross the line to attack us, or even damn near jumped in the Spree River between ourselves and them, chawing at the bit for a good scrap.
The driving "logic" in the phenomenon playing out is this: if you're say, mid-central, as in not rigidly dogmatic enough to fit in the conservative right niche and yet mature enough to see the pitfalls of far left, you are already "right-extremist" enough for the now over-represented farther and farther left, which is the agenda being driven by the EU (with Merkel as an ambitiously willing figurehead in my neck of the woods) which in turn is being driven by Washington. This is a much older and settled agenda than we had imagined. So it places Pegida in the "far-right" and of course "Nazi" coloring book of what passes for politics today.
Already in Frankfurt-am-Main (W. Germany), the Communists (they're formerly outlawed party is now also back in operation) and Antifa had just recently physically attacked Pegida participants of a wide spectrum of ages, en route to a pro-Pegida demo. No one has been killed yet in any melees, but injuries were inflicted on some of the attacked Pegida individuals. Judging from what we've seen of this mob, it could get there in Berlin. One hopes not, but it won't take this kid by surprise if it does.
Below is a pic from German TV-chat among heads, the well-written article about it is titled "How Pegida is Demonized," and the opening line you see here reads: "Justice Minister speaks of a 'Schande' (the word, also known to Yiddish speakers, means unmitigated shame, he's referring to Pegida of course) . "Others warn of making oneself 'partners in culpability'. Of what, then? Of considering democratic rights?"
(Rotem Avitov, German-born Israeli, addresses Pegida in Frankfurt, Jan. 2015):
28 Jan: (Merkel shows her true colors)
I could not make it to this evening's Monday demo-gathering, as I was working. My dear Rana went and gave me the low-down later. Likewise I'll have to miss next week's as well, but as long as either oneof us is there, we're both represented. (Gotta tell my super to give me every working Monday evening off.)
But some cogent points struck me while watching the non-German full coverage of the evening. As Pegida, or Berlin's Bärgida in our case (I can use these interchangeably as the platform and intent is the same) is committed to non-violent, substancially substance rich addresses and demonstration of presence; and as our message is a groundswell protest for democracy, for the rights of women and the cultural rights of Europeans to maintain their long culture(s) in the face of a daunting EU-driven strategy of deconstructionism - teh police who are there to protect us have no problem with us, they walk among us with ease. We appreciate them and applaud them for their effort.
That effort involves them not with us, but with the exceedingly violent prone Antifa-led students and "left"ist wannabes, the ones who destroy shops and burn parked cars inthe street and raise hell on the cops every single May 1st, every year, over decades. This is okay, we are not. They wave their communist- international flags, no German Federal Republic ones, but I've said that already. Among them are lots of terribly naive doe-yed good-citizens who groom their image by showing up with the mob, sharing in their completely puerile content-challenged shouted slogans - I'll come back to that shortly.
I told Rana over the cell phone, "Listen, hon', before you get there, today is the anniversary of The Liberation of Auschwitz" (when all the usual suits come out and light tea-candles and chant the mantra "Never Again!" before the running slavering press, ho-hum, bieng sure to polih that Holocaust-bat to hit themselves over their self-hating heads with, so the world can know what good Germans they all are). And I told her not to be surprised when the mob out there instrumentalizes this against Pegida. Pegida, who mourns the Eritrean who was murdered last week by his Tunesian roommate (oops, not by a Pegida participant after all, as the press had wished), and the late trimester pregnant 19 yr. old who had jsut been stabbed, chopped and burned alive by her Turkish husband for something or other to do with "honor". Both cases here in Germany - inside of one week. No Antifas or lefties would be heard mourning the Jews murdered in the Paris café, nor let themselves be caught dead carrying an Israeli flag, of course. Bärgida does both, and with the dignity both deserve.
Another word about dignity - the speakers, whose addresses are never printed by the established press here because if anyone not already with us ever actually read their statements we'd be seeing even more than the over 1,000 strong who showed up this evening (at least twice as much as last week, and the press waters it down to a "couple hundred" emphasizing how "enormous" the mob is) - the three Bärgida speakers express themselves, not over our heads by any means, but on a level I have to call truly parliamentary. Direct and unyielding, at the same time eloquent, articulate and civilized. Not the rabble against us however, they had to shout "Never again Germany, never again Auschwitz!" They don't even know any Nazis, and against the actual Neo-Nazis or NPD-Party they either don't have the balls to do anything effective, as they have no platform, just saliva, or: they are being directed by the elected class of politicians to vent their odium at us alone. I opt for the second factor but maintain the first as well.
In fact, what we may see coming in Leipzig, where the first blood may likely be shed (our blood that is) is that the few NeoNazis who hung around our demo there will join with their traditionally arch-foe the Antifa because they both share the same lust for rioting for its own sake.
It is my urgent prayer that Pegida/Bärgida grows in strength and numbers, and maintinas its own integrity, poise and dignity, and resists being provoked into scuffles with paid Antifa thugs who every week try to cross the line to attack us, or even damn near jumped in the Spree River between ourselves and them, chawing at the bit for a good scrap.
The driving "logic" in the phenomenon playing out is this: if you're say, mid-central, as in not rigidly dogmatic enough to fit in the conservative right niche and yet mature enough to see the pitfalls of far left, you are already "right-extremist" enough for the now over-represented farther and farther left, which is the agenda being driven by the EU (with Merkel as an ambitiously willing figurehead in my neck of the woods) which in turn is being driven by Washington. This is a much older and settled agenda than we had imagined. So it places Pegida in the "far-right" and of course "Nazi" coloring book of what passes for politics today.
Already in Frankfurt-am-Main (W. Germany), the Communists (they're formerly outlawed party is now also back in operation) and Antifa had just recently physically attacked Pegida participants of a wide spectrum of ages, en route to a pro-Pegida demo. No one has been killed yet in any melees, but injuries were inflicted on some of the attacked Pegida individuals. Judging from what we've seen of this mob, it could get there in Berlin. One hopes not, but it won't take this kid by surprise if it does.
Below is a pic from German TV-chat among heads, the well-written article about it is titled "How Pegida is Demonized," and the opening line you see here reads: "Justice Minister speaks of a 'Schande' (the word, also known to Yiddish speakers, means unmitigated shame, he's referring to Pegida of course) . "Others warn of making oneself 'partners in culpability'. Of what, then? Of considering democratic rights?"
(Rotem Avitov, German-born Israeli, addresses Pegida in Frankfurt, Jan. 2015):
28 Jan:
"Ever Forget, Ever Again!"
German President (and former post-Reunification Stasi-Archives Adminstrator) Joachim Gauck presided with Chancellor Angie Merkel over official-dumb's 70th season of the annual Memorial to the Liberation of Auschwitz, with of course all the lip-service and bromides about "learning" something or other from the past, and such. What Gauck stated in his address however, exceeded even my worst expectations of their predilection for tasteless national masochism, parading as the dignifying of sacred memory and responsible reflection. He achieved a level of absurd satire which Monty Python could not equal – but the weird thing is, I know this guy, he meant it.
"Auschwitz," he declared (much the way Merkel declared that "Islam bleongs to Germany" the day she returned from that 'Je-suis-Charlie' mockery in Paris), "belongs to the identity of every German." Wow – this should have been addressed to the '50s or the '60s generation, but it wasn't then.
It is shamefully misplaced here and today, yet proves useful as the Nazi-bat – and not because they are serious about Nazis. Why, if they were that, they'd outlaw the NPD and run them and their NeoNazi thugs out of the country. If they were that, they would openly point out that Hitler and Himmler had a smashing good relationship with Jerusalem's Grand Mufti Husseini, and with the still young Muslim Brotherhood, and that Hamas appreciates the Third Reich's efforts as much as H & H appreciated Islam and what it offers. If those presiding over this very staged breast-beating wanted to put substance into it for just once, they would address Islamic antisemitism. But they don't.
Willi Brandt, as Social-Democratic Chancellor in his time, created a real shit-storm when he politically very incorrectly knelt in spontaneous sorrow at the Warsaw Ghetto wreath laying ceremony. This was spontaneous and sincere, it was authentic, and it was a breakthrough for its time. These suits of today have nothing approaching his backbone.
Gauck had an opportunity to set a tone of real authentic Remembrance, every President has that opportunity. But no, he joins with Merkel in identifying Islam with Germany. Gauck, who one would have thought might have learned from his experiences living in the GDR (or maybe he really had learned from the Stasi and never was the anti-Stasi dissident pastor he'd gotten himself marketed as after the Wall fell) – this same Gauck insults the dignity of Jews who perished at Auschwitz, German Jews among them. And he defames hundreds of years (not to mention two millenia) of German heritage and culture, giving this People the Enlightenment with all it shared with the French; he is washing over composers, poets, philosophers, painters, sculptors, scientists, and yes – also a post WWI democratic Republic.
I'll mention here those whom he also dissed, and who deserve much better: the German Hitler-resisters – Social-Democrats and Conservatives, highly placed and of humble means alike, students like the Scholls, priests and pastors who did not sell out when their respective Church bodies did, people who'd hid Jews or helped them flee, people who'd planned Hitler's assassination, people who'd laid plans for a return of Germany to its pre-Nazi normality and roots and moral dignity.
Not the Communists were the heroes, they were pugilistic thugs as socialist as the National Socialists, coming to blows on the streets one day for love of a good scrap – like the Antifa and the Neos – and marching together down the same streets the next day to demonstrate against the Weimar Republic over some shared agenda. Like the Antifa and the Neo-Nazis when it comes to Jews and Israel.
But Pegida is the "new Nazi threat" of course, to be fought tooth and nail with every end-justifying means available, however insipid, however below the belt - and however violent. Pegida which is and remains infinitely more in the tradition of Hitler-resisters than any of these mechanical Pavlovian Auschwitz-abusers ever had the moral standing or intenstinal fortitude to be.
Gauck's address, and any others given on this day on that podium by these twits, is a kick in the teeth of the Federal Republic and all it has stood for and achieved these seven decades. Furthermore, and I am deeply incensed over this - the war's-end generation and the generations which followed it were no perpetrators and will never ever heal as long as Presidents and Chancellors of this caliber practice this unpardonable ignorance, visiting upon them this travesty of tragedy, abuse of history and pathological masochism.
Yes, this is an American Jew speaking, with 26 years under his belt in a land being groomed to despise itself and learn nothing, from anything – it's own history, European history, Islamic history. In order to deconstruct, after the EU-pattern, its entire identity as a People with a culture and a history. All being reduced to Nazis, and to Asuchwitz, to fulfill a weird agenda:
Ever to forget, ever again.
German President (and former post-Reunification Stasi-Archives Adminstrator) Joachim Gauck presided with Chancellor Angie Merkel over official-dumb's 70th season of the annual Memorial to the Liberation of Auschwitz, with of course all the lip-service and bromides about "learning" something or other from the past, and such. What Gauck stated in his address however, exceeded even my worst expectations of their predilection for tasteless national masochism, parading as the dignifying of sacred memory and responsible reflection. He achieved a level of absurd satire which Monty Python could not equal – but the weird thing is, I know this guy, he meant it.
"Auschwitz," he declared (much the way Merkel declared that "Islam bleongs to Germany" the day she returned from that 'Je-suis-Charlie' mockery in Paris), "belongs to the identity of every German." Wow – this should have been addressed to the '50s or the '60s generation, but it wasn't then.
It is shamefully misplaced here and today, yet proves useful as the Nazi-bat – and not because they are serious about Nazis. Why, if they were that, they'd outlaw the NPD and run them and their NeoNazi thugs out of the country. If they were that, they would openly point out that Hitler and Himmler had a smashing good relationship with Jerusalem's Grand Mufti Husseini, and with the still young Muslim Brotherhood, and that Hamas appreciates the Third Reich's efforts as much as H & H appreciated Islam and what it offers. If those presiding over this very staged breast-beating wanted to put substance into it for just once, they would address Islamic antisemitism. But they don't.
Willi Brandt, as Social-Democratic Chancellor in his time, created a real shit-storm when he politically very incorrectly knelt in spontaneous sorrow at the Warsaw Ghetto wreath laying ceremony. This was spontaneous and sincere, it was authentic, and it was a breakthrough for its time. These suits of today have nothing approaching his backbone.
Gauck had an opportunity to set a tone of real authentic Remembrance, every President has that opportunity. But no, he joins with Merkel in identifying Islam with Germany. Gauck, who one would have thought might have learned from his experiences living in the GDR (or maybe he really had learned from the Stasi and never was the anti-Stasi dissident pastor he'd gotten himself marketed as after the Wall fell) – this same Gauck insults the dignity of Jews who perished at Auschwitz, German Jews among them. And he defames hundreds of years (not to mention two millenia) of German heritage and culture, giving this People the Enlightenment with all it shared with the French; he is washing over composers, poets, philosophers, painters, sculptors, scientists, and yes – also a post WWI democratic Republic.
I'll mention here those whom he also dissed, and who deserve much better: the German Hitler-resisters – Social-Democrats and Conservatives, highly placed and of humble means alike, students like the Scholls, priests and pastors who did not sell out when their respective Church bodies did, people who'd hid Jews or helped them flee, people who'd planned Hitler's assassination, people who'd laid plans for a return of Germany to its pre-Nazi normality and roots and moral dignity.
Not the Communists were the heroes, they were pugilistic thugs as socialist as the National Socialists, coming to blows on the streets one day for love of a good scrap – like the Antifa and the Neos – and marching together down the same streets the next day to demonstrate against the Weimar Republic over some shared agenda. Like the Antifa and the Neo-Nazis when it comes to Jews and Israel.
But Pegida is the "new Nazi threat" of course, to be fought tooth and nail with every end-justifying means available, however insipid, however below the belt - and however violent. Pegida which is and remains infinitely more in the tradition of Hitler-resisters than any of these mechanical Pavlovian Auschwitz-abusers ever had the moral standing or intenstinal fortitude to be.
Gauck's address, and any others given on this day on that podium by these twits, is a kick in the teeth of the Federal Republic and all it has stood for and achieved these seven decades. Furthermore, and I am deeply incensed over this - the war's-end generation and the generations which followed it were no perpetrators and will never ever heal as long as Presidents and Chancellors of this caliber practice this unpardonable ignorance, visiting upon them this travesty of tragedy, abuse of history and pathological masochism.
Yes, this is an American Jew speaking, with 26 years under his belt in a land being groomed to despise itself and learn nothing, from anything – it's own history, European history, Islamic history. In order to deconstruct, after the EU-pattern, its entire identity as a People with a culture and a history. All being reduced to Nazis, and to Asuchwitz, to fulfill a weird agenda:
Ever to forget, ever again.
#JE-SUIS-KUFFAR. (Merkel shows her true colors)
29 Jan:
31 Jan:,7340,L-4618182,00.html
Not bad for a short interview, but it even understates the gravity of what is being perpetrated and why so much energy is being invested from the top down and out to the broad public, to undermine and to destroy us (Pegida). We will not back down, and if some do in some cities, as in Dresden, or accept actual right-wing entities elbowing in as iin Leipzig, it doesn't change anything. This will grow, and the established mainstream manipulators are expending so much of their air time and print to peddle and to instrumentalize (their own favorite term) a completely false image, which is working to be sure, but getting really thin. Some are noticing. Berlin's "Bärgida" is still intact as are almost all other cities' - we are entirely non-violent, and entirely provoked by the mobs paid and propagandized against us, and we will stand our ground. Period.
BTW - even an Antia-member commented on his Antifa website, how odd it seemed that they receive so much undreamed-of support from the government's Parties in Parliament, exclusively whenit comes to mobbing Pegida, and nothing when they (Antifa) pursue their other actions and "agenda"...yes, odd, isn't it.
02 Feb:
Imagine this! Abu Dhabi, one of the Gulf States, i.e., one of the Emirates, is telling Germany, demanding of Germany - a sovereign European country - to empower an "anti-Pegida Lobby" and has been financing this all along! WTF, they're not wishing, they're not suggesting, they're calling in their marks (pun intended) and telling Germany to do this. OMG, who do they think they are, telling Germany what it can or cannot do! Only Washington gets to do that! Whoa - did I say "a sovereign" European country? Post-war Germany hasn't achieved sovereignty in all these decades - what the US and the EU and the Federal German gummint have concealed and repressed ever since "Reunification" is that there has never been a peace accord since WWII, and also not after the Wall fell and Reunification was established.
Whereas Gorbachev gave back all of Russia's demands on German soil, German politics and German identity - the Allies did not for their part follow suit, in any case not Washington. It has been seen to that Germany still has no sovereignty over its own affairs to this day, it remains a vassal to the US and US policy. That is why "denazification" was and remains a sinister joke, and all the "never again"s on the lips of Merkel and every other Party in the Bundestag is a cynical phot-op. Not because Germans today are any friends of Hitler, they are not that. But Muslims certainly were then and many certainly are today. Here where I live and in Germany and in Europe.
So when Pegida gets entirely and ever so comfortably bashed for being "Nazi" (makes so many spineless good-citizens feel more good about themselves) and all the political agenda of the day show the governing Parties falling over themseves to court and curry to the Muslims and Islam, any sane thinking person has to wonder: who ARE the Nazis here, and why is Germany so anti-deomcratically un-sovereign?
I happily dedicate the following 10 minute vid to all my Islam- & Muslim-apologists out there from the politically correct to the neo-“left” and -“liberal”, particularly in the US, who still may think I’m just ranting. THIS is no hate-sermon, nor is he bullshitting us. He is addressing what no Muslims nor their apologists (among us “kuffar”) will: here is a Brooklyn imam of considerably high standing, speaking from the gut, directly to Muslims, and givin’ them hell, he’s taking them to task!
While I admit he doesn’t go far enough and take Islam itself to task, true, or for that matter Muhammad, still I’m satisfied to see him put the American and EU crap & propaganda from the Tolerance-fog about “persecuted Muslims” in Western countries, to rest here. He owns it.
As it appears that ALL of's videos have been either hacked or blocked - by whom, I can only guess - this revealing and honorable message from Imam al-Masri in Brooklyn is at least (still) viewable inside the following article (when you down-scroll) really worth your attention:
Listen to what he says because he is authentic and sincere, he is addressing his own in clear and unmistakeable language. Speaking of which, even after 30 years my military-trained Arabic is sufficient to confirm word for word the accuracy of those English subtitles:
05 Feb:
Antifa – short for the wannabe "anti-fascists" – and the
parliamentary Parties of The Left, The Greens, The Pirates, even the
far longer established SPD (Social-Democrat, which is no longer
social or
democratic in post-reunified Germany), and Merkel's mainstream CDU
with its southern partner CSU (the one being neither
Christian nor
democratic, the other being neither
Christian nor
social, both being merely union, so they should
just keep the U in their names) – present a united, if motley front
against Pegida, in whichever city it takes form to civilly
demonstrate. To demonstrate our positions and our demands however,
we are forced into the bizarre position of having to demonstrate our
right to demonstrate peacefully and unmolested.
Antifa is the very Fascist it purports to be "anti-" to, they
have a decades long history of burning down working-class
neighborhoods every May 1st,
every year, and provoking casualty-ridden clashes with the police.
Their only agenda is nihilistic destruction, violence as an ideology,
pseudo-Marxist pop-Communism, operating as a mob (no individual
strength or courage, all mass-oriented). They are alarmingly akin to
the SA, for love of whacking other people, shouting vulgarities and
cheap slogans with no substance behind them whatsoever – these,
THESE permit themselves to be directly and illegally sponsored by
sitting Parties of Parliament (Left, Greens, SPD) and abbetted or at
least overlooked by the more staid Parties of suits in the Bundestag
or Interior Ministry, or Justice Ministry. All these entities have
been financing and directing the Antifa, which at an earlier time
would have been completely, utterly unthinkable.
The Antifa actively and openly advocates violence, openly providing material to groom and instruct all willing members in how to build arsenals of moletov cocktails, how to construct and place simple bombs, tactics for street violence and how to completely overrun any peaceful assembly (not only Pegida) which so much as discusses or promotes any controversial position which is anathema to this terrorist organization which is, I repeat, sponsored by parliamentary parties. Out of the Red Army Faction (RAF) terror killing sprees of the '70s and '80s, the Red Flora has grown and remained - the women of the RAF who had felt the squeeze of Communist-revolutionary patriarchy and did their own brand of what they are now doing with Antifa: attacking police (not the other way around), attacking any events which they don't like, gathering official sponsorship from the ever further left-leaning parties to foment and to realize their only driven motive: to destroy democracy and all institutions of it, violently assert "anti-Nazism" while tearing down Israeli flags, espousing antisemitism, supporting Hamas, Salafists and Islamisation, etc. This will or just may dawn on the majority of the population of "good citizens" after it is too late; there will be injuries, I'm afraid, and deaths, at the hands of these bastards. Leipzig might be first, we've just witnessed Frankfurt, I hope it doesn't come to this in Berlin. It might.
The Antifa actively and openly advocates violence, openly providing material to groom and instruct all willing members in how to build arsenals of moletov cocktails, how to construct and place simple bombs, tactics for street violence and how to completely overrun any peaceful assembly (not only Pegida) which so much as discusses or promotes any controversial position which is anathema to this terrorist organization which is, I repeat, sponsored by parliamentary parties. Out of the Red Army Faction (RAF) terror killing sprees of the '70s and '80s, the Red Flora has grown and remained - the women of the RAF who had felt the squeeze of Communist-revolutionary patriarchy and did their own brand of what they are now doing with Antifa: attacking police (not the other way around), attacking any events which they don't like, gathering official sponsorship from the ever further left-leaning parties to foment and to realize their only driven motive: to destroy democracy and all institutions of it, violently assert "anti-Nazism" while tearing down Israeli flags, espousing antisemitism, supporting Hamas, Salafists and Islamisation, etc. This will or just may dawn on the majority of the population of "good citizens" after it is too late; there will be injuries, I'm afraid, and deaths, at the hands of these bastards. Leipzig might be first, we've just witnessed Frankfurt, I hope it doesn't come to this in Berlin. It might.
mob, as it can only be called, for it cannot be seriously dignified
with the term "counter-demo" or "opposition," screams and
barks all of its vitriole and contempt without any content at Pegida,
knowing nothing whatsoever of our platform and not wanting to – it
is these who are contemptible. What is still more dismaying however, is to
see the thousands of lemmings from the self-clichéed "Gutbürger"
liberal-thinking-wannabe strains of the German civilian population
who are so taken in with what they've been told in the thoroughly
compromised media, on pre-staged talk-shows, in pre-digested
prevarications dished out from parliamentary pundits about Pegida.
To watch so many non-reflecting good-person unwitting dupes of the
rainbow-tolerance-PC crowd, after mouthing all week long in agreement
with the easy-propaganda against
Nazi-right-extreme-xenophobic-Pegida, showing up on Mondays in droves
to shrilly froth along with the Antifa which is just a hair away now
from breaking through the police line and bludgeoning more of us or
even murder – this is really a phenomenon of the times.
Yes, the
Antifa are also dupes, but the difference is: some of them know it,
and none of them gives a shit – as long as they can be Antifa and
even make a buck or a Euro on it.
the Antifa is sponsored, and a mere taste of what they are capable
is the German-Jewish Israeli whose videos statement I had already
once posted, addressing the matter of Germany and Pegida, exquisitely
- here he is now at last week-end's (24/25 Jan) Frankfurt demos as it
was being violently broken into and attacked by Antifa and other
"left" entities sent there; Dr. Rotem Avituv):
31 Jan:,7340,L-4618182,00.html
Not bad for a short interview, but it even understates the gravity of what is being perpetrated and why so much energy is being invested from the top down and out to the broad public, to undermine and to destroy us (Pegida). We will not back down, and if some do in some cities, as in Dresden, or accept actual right-wing entities elbowing in as iin Leipzig, it doesn't change anything. This will grow, and the established mainstream manipulators are expending so much of their air time and print to peddle and to instrumentalize (their own favorite term) a completely false image, which is working to be sure, but getting really thin. Some are noticing. Berlin's "Bärgida" is still intact as are almost all other cities' - we are entirely non-violent, and entirely provoked by the mobs paid and propagandized against us, and we will stand our ground. Period.
BTW - even an Antia-member commented on his Antifa website, how odd it seemed that they receive so much undreamed-of support from the government's Parties in Parliament, exclusively whenit comes to mobbing Pegida, and nothing when they (Antifa) pursue their other actions and "agenda"...yes, odd, isn't it.
02 Feb:
Imagine this! Abu Dhabi, one of the Gulf States, i.e., one of the Emirates, is telling Germany, demanding of Germany - a sovereign European country - to empower an "anti-Pegida Lobby" and has been financing this all along! WTF, they're not wishing, they're not suggesting, they're calling in their marks (pun intended) and telling Germany to do this. OMG, who do they think they are, telling Germany what it can or cannot do! Only Washington gets to do that! Whoa - did I say "a sovereign" European country? Post-war Germany hasn't achieved sovereignty in all these decades - what the US and the EU and the Federal German gummint have concealed and repressed ever since "Reunification" is that there has never been a peace accord since WWII, and also not after the Wall fell and Reunification was established.
Whereas Gorbachev gave back all of Russia's demands on German soil, German politics and German identity - the Allies did not for their part follow suit, in any case not Washington. It has been seen to that Germany still has no sovereignty over its own affairs to this day, it remains a vassal to the US and US policy. That is why "denazification" was and remains a sinister joke, and all the "never again"s on the lips of Merkel and every other Party in the Bundestag is a cynical phot-op. Not because Germans today are any friends of Hitler, they are not that. But Muslims certainly were then and many certainly are today. Here where I live and in Germany and in Europe.
So when Pegida gets entirely and ever so comfortably bashed for being "Nazi" (makes so many spineless good-citizens feel more good about themselves) and all the political agenda of the day show the governing Parties falling over themseves to court and curry to the Muslims and Islam, any sane thinking person has to wonder: who ARE the Nazis here, and why is Germany so anti-deomcratically un-sovereign?
I happily dedicate the following 10 minute vid to all my Islam- & Muslim-apologists out there from the politically correct to the neo-“left” and -“liberal”, particularly in the US, who still may think I’m just ranting. THIS is no hate-sermon, nor is he bullshitting us. He is addressing what no Muslims nor their apologists (among us “kuffar”) will: here is a Brooklyn imam of considerably high standing, speaking from the gut, directly to Muslims, and givin’ them hell, he’s taking them to task!
While I admit he doesn’t go far enough and take Islam itself to task, true, or for that matter Muhammad, still I’m satisfied to see him put the American and EU crap & propaganda from the Tolerance-fog about “persecuted Muslims” in Western countries, to rest here. He owns it.
As it appears that ALL of's videos have been either hacked or blocked - by whom, I can only guess - this revealing and honorable message from Imam al-Masri in Brooklyn is at least (still) viewable inside the following article (when you down-scroll) really worth your attention:
Listen to what he says because he is authentic and sincere, he is addressing his own in clear and unmistakeable language. Speaking of which, even after 30 years my military-trained Arabic is sufficient to confirm word for word the accuracy of those English subtitles:
05 Feb:
COUNCIL OF GERMANY (my translation):
Honored Dr. Schuster,
ventings against the Pegida demonstzrations are completely
inacceptable. Every normal citizen shares views similarly with
Pegida-demonstrators, that great dangers ensue worldwide from Islamic
pages. I survived the Shoah with my mother under great duress, but
after the anti-Israel demonstrations in the summer of 2014 I am once
again reminded, that Jewish facilities and events still require
police protection. Jews are as ever for the Islamic world, the main
Germans now, as an exception to the rule, courageously take to the
streets to send a signal against the Islamization of the West, the
Central Council should actually be grateful and follow-up on these
actions without commentary. But please stop falling into usual
insults, that over tehre in Dresden mostly racists and Nazis are
running about.
in Germany must actually have grasped that the opponents of the worst
enemies of Israel and of the Jews, are the Jews' best friend. That
is how I in any case perceive the Pegida demonstration. And that is
what you should also be considering, very honored Dr. Schuster, and
not passing judgment so lightly.
Jan. 2015
Survival Through Submission
(Henryk M. Broder, Axis of Good, - my transl.)
four million Muslims are living in Germany, that's five percent of
the population. About 200,000 Jews are also living in Germany,
that's 0.25 percent of the population. There are around one hundred
synagogues in operation in Germany, built up like fortresses. On
the High Holy Days the Central Jewish Council advised its
congregations to exercise caution that those attending services not
stand around in the open in front of the houses of worship. That it
would be too dangerous.
Now the new president of the Central Council pile one on a notch higher. In an interview with a German daily, he warned of "Right-populist networks," which "would gain ever more influence in Germany." He didn't mean antisemitic, but Islam-critical networks, which pursue an "agitation of the most evil sort."
What drives the the speaker of the Jews in Germany to such a position? Concern about the political culture in Germany? No, it is pure fear of those before whom he curries favor. It is the good old dhimmi-tradition: survival through submission. You don't do anything to us, and we speak well about you. And just so shall we manage admirably to get along.
Four million Muslims and 200,000 Jews.
The number of mosques figures at about
three thousand, give or take a few depending on which source one
consults. Unlike the synagogues they pose no consideration of
security risk. It occurs again and again – and more frequently,
that persons who are recognizable as Jews on accountof a yarmulke or
a star of David, are accosted on the street, spat upon, beaten. The
perpetrators are mostly "young men with immigrant backgrounds,"
but none of them Catholic Poles or Protestant Danes, who may have
slaked their thirst on one too many brewskis, rather fully sober
Muslims, who just don't happen to like Jews.
Under these circumstances it strikes one as more than odd, that of
all people the leading functionaries of the Central Jewish Council
step up as public intercessors for the Muslim, as if two minorities
bond together to stand by each other. That antisemitism and
Islamophobia can be named in one breath today, is by far the
achievement of the former general secretary of the Central Council,
who had made this absurd analogy appropriate for public discussion.Now the new president of the Central Council pile one on a notch higher. In an interview with a German daily, he warned of "Right-populist networks," which "would gain ever more influence in Germany." He didn't mean antisemitic, but Islam-critical networks, which pursue an "agitation of the most evil sort."
What drives the the speaker of the Jews in Germany to such a position? Concern about the political culture in Germany? No, it is pure fear of those before whom he curries favor. It is the good old dhimmi-tradition: survival through submission. You don't do anything to us, and we speak well about you. And just so shall we manage admirably to get along.
Four million Muslims and 200,000 Jews.
short clip, just over 2 minutes: IF THE COMPROMISED-PRESS CAN'T NAIL
for Germany (AfD) is the one political party, still facing enormous
hurdles from all the forces of the mainstream climate, which has a
clear democratic agenda and is EU-critical as well as representing
muchof what Pegida also happens to demonstrate about. As with
Pegida, it has long been demonized on talk shows and in the press,
maligned and libeled, laughed at until they achieved some elections
uccess which made the govenring Parties sound the alarms. Everything
not towing the EU and “left“-leaning appeasement line and moving
in a frankly communist direction in today's climate, is branded out
of hand as right-extremist. Everything.
newspaper, “taz,“ which had once had a reputation for being
objectively critical of established status quos, just sent a reporter
to an AfD meeting, where he was reported in that paper for being
attacked and knocked to the ground by those present there. As you
can see toward the end of the vid-clip, he staged his fall and the
entire matter was an invention of a press which has taken leave of
all that goes with any journalistic responsibility.
as the January murder of a young Eritrean in Dresden turned out to be
by a Tunesian housemate over household bullshit, and not (OMG!) a
lynching by “xenophobic“ Pegida demonstrators as was immediately
gossiped and spread through mouth and media everywhere, likewise was
this another staged attempt by the disappointed “Left“ to make a
politically-incorrect entity, as loathed and maligned as Pegida, look
just as suspicious as the alleged IS-attack threat which the
authorities claimed to be apprised of and used as a convenient
argument to cancel a Dresden Monday-dmo earlier in January –
immdiately after which a huge anti-Pegida concert was held in Dresden
which drew crowds not seeing themselves as at any risk – just as
suspicious is the current claim that (this time the real) neo-Nazis
have been signaling with murder threats on members of the Parties of
The Left, the Greens, the Pirates, and the SPD. Instead of actually
enforcing laws and pulling every stop to investigate and nail the
underground neo-Nazis of the NSU over period of a decade which had
left a trail of murders in its wake of shopkeepers (8 Turkish and one
Greek, plus one young police woman) rather than shredding or
misplacing so much evidence until it was all too late, then getting
out the violins and crocodile tears before the mourning families –
the governing status-quo suits continue to let the neo-Nazis march
and the political party (NPD) which backs and represents them exist
with fullimpunity, Pegida and AfD get blamed and pilloried by press
and politicians for being the reason that neo-Nazis are what they
2014 the Turkish-German slime-rapper, Bushido – known for
hate-lyrics toward gays, women and non-Muslims (us kuffar), also for
his domestic violence and his loyalty to a large criminal Clan here
in Berlin – got headlines (which didn't hurt him any, after all –
they'd already awarded him a Bambi prize for his admirable work on
“integration“) for making concrete murder threats in his
then-current “lyrics“ against several politicans – from the
Greens and the gay and SPD mayor. Nothing worth mentioning has been
undertaken toward Bushido, he's been free to carry on, gets air time,
enjoys his notoriety to the hilt, sends his dough to the Clan, and
just beat the shit out of his wife again. He's okay.
Pegida! And AfD! Well:
23 Feb.
Note: I had Rotem Avitov in Jan. as my example in penning and delivering the following - first Avitov, again, as he took the mike in Frankfurt that day:
My public talk this evening, to a crowd of some 400 - and an unknown number of idiots from the Antifa outside our view but blocking our Monday Walk to the Chancellry - seemed to go over quite well, amon us and the police escort behind me (translation follows):
23 Feb.
Note: I had Rotem Avitov in Jan. as my example in penning and delivering the following - first Avitov, again, as he took the mike in Frankfurt that day:
My public talk this evening, to a crowd of some 400 - and an unknown number of idiots from the Antifa outside our view but blocking our Monday Walk to the Chancellry - seemed to go over quite well, amon us and the police escort behind me (translation follows):
Liebe Berliner, als Amerikaner
jüdischer Herkunft, kam ich vor 26 Jahren nach Berlin, weil ich ein
großes Interesse hatte, das Nachkriegsdeutschland zu sehen und zu
erleben. Ich wußte damals noch nicht, wie lange ich bleiben würde,
und an PEGIDA war auch noch nicht zu denken.
Mein Ziel war es, die
Nachkriegsdeutschen kennenzulernen. Ich glaubte, gerade auch nach dem
Mauerfall, das die NPD, die Neonazis, also die Braunen insgesamt, die
größte Bedrohung für die Zukunft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
dargestellt hätte.
Was ich aber schon früh erkennen
konnte, und mir drehte sich immer öfter der Magen um, war der
pathologische Selbsthass der Deutschen, indem kein gesunder
Patriotismus mehr Platz haben durfte.
Ich erkannte, das dieser
Selbsthass, auch geschürt durch Politik, Schulunterricht und Medien,
in Wahrheit die eigentliche Bedrohung ist, denn dieser Schuldkomplex
läßt die Nachkriegs-generationen, und damit unschuldigen Deutschen
von diesem Trauma nicht heilen, und somit frei werden.
Denn es darf von keinem Volk
erwartet werden, das es sich selbst hasst!! Wir Amerikaner sind in
der Tat, als US-Nation, ein Einwanderungs-Volk, mit einer 239
jährigen Geschichte.
Ihr Europäer habt aber schon
seit Jahrtausenden einen bunten Teppich, mit mehreren Landeskulturen
und Zweigkulturen, Identitäten, etc.
Meine Regierung will, aus eigenem
Machterhalt, schon seit Jahrzehnten, die euröpäischen, nationalen
Staaten und Kulturen zerstören, in dem sie die EU, den Islam
installiert haben und jetzt Euch das Freihandelsabkommen aufzwingen
Und da kann ich als Amerikaner
nur auf Eurer Seite sein, denn das Vorhaben meiner Regierung ist ein
Verbrechen an Euch und insgesamt der europäischen Völker.
Nun, zu meinem 2. Punkt:
Berliner, Pegida-Mitspazierer: dort drüben sind die
wahren Mitläufer!
Wie wir alle wissen, sind sie aufgehetzt und bezahlt dafür, uns
einzuschüchtern und uns zu provozieren, um das wir die Nerven
verlieren, um unsere Spaziergänge endlich verbieten zu können. Aber
wir als Bärgida bleiben weiterhin gewaltfrei!! Wir bleiben stark,
und sprechen frei aus, was uns ehrlich bewegt und zusammen bringt!
Bleibt Euch,
auch unter diesem starken Druck und Verleumdungen selbst treu!
Haltet durch, haltet durch!
Denn nur eine selbstbewusste und
selbst schätzende Kultur kann Frieden finden, Frieden stiften,
Frieden vertreten und verbreiten. Nur solch eine Kultur, als Nation
und als Nachbar, kann eine respektvolle Zukunft mit anderen Länder
mir leider erst spät einfiel, z.H., und hätte am Redeschluss sehr
gern gesagt, wäre:
ich bin stolz, mit jedem von Euch hier auf der Strasse, laut und
deutlich zu sagen: Ich – bin – ein – Bärgider!“)
Berliners, as an American of Jewish heritage, I came to Berlin 26
years ago, because I had a great interest in seeing and experiencing
post-War Germany. I didn't know back then how long I would stay, no
one could have imagined Pegida or the need for it.
My goal
was to actually get to know the post-War Germans. I had thought,
just after the Fall of the Wall, that the NPD, the neo-Nazis, right,
the Brown plague altogether, posed the greatest threat to the future
of the Federal Republic of Germany.
What I
was able to recognize early on however, and it often turns my stomach
to this day, was the pathological self-hatred of the Germans, in
which no healthy patriotism ever could hope to find its place.
recognized that this self-hatred, stirred up as it was through
politics, school and the media, is in truth the actual threat, for
this guilt complex will never let the post-War generations, and
therewith innocent Germans, heal themselves of this trauma, and
therefore never become free.
For it
cannot, must never be expected of any People, that it hates itself!
We Americans, as a U.S.-nation, are matter of factly an immigrated People with a 239
year history. You Europeans however, already have millenia of
a colorfully woven carpet, with many national cultures and cultural
branches, identities, etc. And I
can in this as an American only be on your side, because the
intentions of my government are a crime against you and altogether
against the European Peoples.
Now to
my second point: Berliners, Pegida co-Walkers: over there are the
real runners-with-the-herd! As we all know, they're all stirred up
and paid to intimidate us and to provoke us, so that we lose our
nerve, in order to finally legally justify prohibiting our Walks.
But we as Bärgida remain ever further non-violent!! We remain
strong, and speak out freely what honestly moves us and brings us
true to yourselves, even under this great pressure and libelous
maligning! Stay teh course, stay the course!
only a culture which is conscious of itself and appreciates
itself can find peace, make peace, represent and spread peace. Only
such a culture can build a respectful future with other countries and
unfortunately only later occurred to me, and I'd so love to have
ended this with:
I am proud to say, with each one of you here on the street, loud and
clearly: Ich
– bin – ein – Bärgider!")
26 Feb.
Of all the peoples who may not use that word, patriotism, which we Americans want to monopolize, take for granted, the Germans are the most distrusted of all, should they dare. Hence my little speech, from the heart and really really reaching those hearts. I spoke to the pain, to the hopes and wishes, I spoke as only - I repeat, only - this Jew-boy from Colorado could do, and seeing it as my job to do it, I've waited 26 years for this moment. I'm a nurse, so I'll talk like one. When there's a problem, I like to cut through the bullshit and ask, "Where does it hurt?" I don't give a fuck whether the one in front of me likes me or loathes me, I just want to know, where does it hurt. Let's take diabetes. Let's call sugar patriotism and insulin responsibility. Both are good, both are necessary, but they have to be in balance or the body goes out of whack and dies. U.S.-Americans have too much sugar, they suffer a dirth of insulin. We're too ideologically "patriotic" to the point it has no meaning and get monopolized. We lack responsibility. I think we can go with this without an argument. Germans on the other hand, have an overload of insulin, their sugar - their patriotism - is so low, they go into diabetic shock and are kept there by the international community, esp. and above all, Washington. It is all ignorance, and I won't run with the herd, I will go against the stream, come what may.
And this word phobia, at all: why doesn't even one of these fucking geniuses look it up! If i'm arachnophobic, I have an inordinate fear of spiders, yes? If I'm agoraphobic, I irrationally avoid open public places. Claustrophobic, acrophobic, etc. etc. Inordinate, irrational fear and loathing toward, terrified avoidance of - whatever arouses this phobia which is a dis-ease in oneself. We are not, nor is anyone I know, Islamophobic. Critical is not phobic.
When you research Islam, the history of it, the Qur'an and Hadiths, the life and example of Muhammad according to the two closest and most undisputed authorities we have from the earliest period after his death, learn Arabic, and when you take a hard look at this even while still embracing Sufism as in my case, and go to what's responsibly available on the internet and watch (via MEMRI-TV for example) actual recorded statements before the camera by fatwa-giving Islamic clerics - scholars and imams - Arabs from all over the Muslim world - giving the lie to all the appeasers in the West, and having done this you go frontal with your criticism of and challenge of Islam and of Muslims, not avoiding but getting out there and asking hard questions, demanding answers, demanding responsible policies - HOW CAN ONE CALL THIS PHOBIC??? Now Islamophilia, this is a real phenomenon which is observable and can be rightly named, as I've just done. Philos is a love for something - when at the beginning of a word it's fine, you can be a philosopher or a stamp collector. At the end of a word it's pathological, it's an inordinate, unhealthy affection toward or "love" for something - hence pedophilia, Islamophilia, even Judeophilia, which have in common that a non-objective and uncritical and therefore non-healthy outlook is in play with the latter two examples, and a thoroughly unhealthy and dangerous outlook is in play with the first two of these three examples.


9 Mar.
Rana's Talk, translated below:
TRANSLATION: The ideology of the Left says, that with the recognition of private property came the misfortune of humankind. One no longer lived in harmony, but rather began to compete with one another. The French Revolution wanted to put an end to this unjust condition. Although this goal would not be reached, and cost the lives of ca. 250 million people, one holds fast to this course to this day. The self-proclaimed Left of our day see themselves in this tradition, as deliverer of the peoples, and to set up a better world, in which the pre-capitalist paradise may be resurrected. They know nothing of self-doubt in their plans, they have abolished the Christian faith itself, and set themselves in its place. The Left have a sunny nature, they are after all the Good Guys.
Of all the Good Guys, Claudia Roth (of the Greens) especially sticks out She has mutated into the Chief Tutor of the Nation, and unceasingly on German tour in the battle against injustice, and the enlightenment of Germans, which all has to do with her opinion of what is good, what is bad. Above all, she has to teach us Germans that all persons are equal. There also are no longer borders and nations, in order to reestablish the just condition. The Germans were always latently racist, this the Left knows with a mighty certainty, hence there are victims everywhere whom one has to protect from us Germans. Really popular among the victim groups are the Muslims, whom Claudia Roth has taken under her wing, and for whose interests she fights without let-up.
Completely history-amnesiac, as is the character of the Left, she can no longer remember that the National Socialists set up, under the spiritual leadership of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Al-Husseini, a Waffen-SS Division called Hanjar, fighting on the German side. The Grand Mufti counseled Hitler concerning the Jewish transports, and was a friend of Himmler's. By the way, Himmler had only words of warmest regards for Islam, and mentioned that Islam and National Socialism were very similar. After the war, high ranking Nazis fled into the Arab regions, and founded together with high ranking Islamic leaders the Muslim Brotherhood, for the express purpose of imposing Islam worldwide. To this day, the book “Mein Kampf“ is a best seller in Arab regions, and Hitler enjoys posthumously a good reputation. One is entirely united in hatred toward the Jews. Hence it should come as no surprise when, as in the summer of last year on Berlin's most central avenue, the Ku-Damm, Muslims would call out: “Jew, Jew, coward swine, come on out and fihgt alone!“
Sooo, dear Left, we of Pegida/Bärgida paid better attention in history class, and stand here today, because we're furious that Islam is so courted and supported by you. And we are furious, because next to North Korea, the greatest persecution of Christians in history continues to take place in all Muslim countries. 100 thousand people have to die annually, just for being Christians. For, dear Ms. Roth, in Islam the equality and brotherhood of all people out of the question!! It is not a religion among religions. Islam is a political religious ideology, which says, that all persons are by nature Muslims. It is a matter of natural right, i.e., a natural course or condition, to be Muslim. If one is not Muslim one is going against this natural condition, and is therewith no longer a fully worthy person but rather a less-worthy being, which must either be subjected or even killed.
Allah is alone the ruler of the world, who has created humankind for one purpose only, namely to serve him as slaves, and to follow his laws, sent through Muhammad. For Islam it goes without saying, that the Muslim is no victim, as the Left believes, but rather whole and holy and saved. And the non-Muslim, called KUFFAR or kafir, is one damned who in the afterlife will be given over to suffer unimaginable punishment for all eternity. Dear Left, you as well (by definition) belong to this latter group!! And whoever as kuffar dares to remove a Muslim from this natural order, this holy condition, via other worldly constitutions or ideologies, makes himself culpable of a crime which will be answered to with the death penalty.
That is why Islam knows no freedom of religion, for that Muslim who lets him/herself be seduced away from Islam makes him/herself just as guilty and is courting the death penalty. For this reason Muslims may not take a kuffar as friend or guardian, and one needn't wonder when parallel societies develop, and peace-arbiters take Muslim concerns into their own hands, and therewith go quite around teh lasws of respective Western countries. This insularization is desired, in order to keep oneself from being soioled and spoiled by the kuffars, or for that matter in order not to endanger the world conquest as decreed by Allah. In the Arab regions they laugh over the Good-Persons and the Left, and they loathes the latter's good-naturedness as weakness.
The conquest of the West is already long since a closed and deicded deal. It is quite advantageous to be able to follow in Arabic the discussions in Arab television as also the Friday sermons. Over there they are overjoyed to see how far the Islamisation in Europe has advanced. Of course one is aware that one cannot conquer the West militarily, and uses therefore the peaceful conquest, via the installment of mosque associations and the infiltration of politics and media.
They revel in
the irony that democracy makes this all possible.
In order to bring Islam in, and likewise avoid arousing unrest, the
deception of the kuffar is allowed, which proves supremely useful to the
Islam representatives on the usual talk shows.
Qur'an passages are here either falsified or else only half given, in
order not to shock us out of our wits.
Incidentally, every bit of land upon which a mosque is built becomes Islamic terrain, Islamic domain. That is why one is in such haste, to erect as many mosques and Islam Centers as possible. Every church in which a muezzin gives call, or prays, is thereby desecrated and belongs to Islam.
10 Mar.
"First they ignore you; then they ridicule you; then they arrest you and jail you; then you win." - Gandhi
However one views what I am involved with, we continue to demonstrate for freedom of speech and thought, democratically active and non-violently so. We express our issues vigorously and present our program intelligently. The brainwashed mob of "Antifa" revolutionary-wannabes, fascists of the Left, who have always proven how destructive and violent-prone they are anyway (that is their ideology, destruction and deconstruction at the price of everything, provided they needn't waste a brain cell on thinking) which is verifiably financed by a leftist Parliament and the trade unions, abetted by the Chancellory and by the mainstream churches, fed by all mainstream media, to overrun us, sometimes in some places - as in Frankfurt-am-Main (see below) this week, also in Munich and Cologne, Hamburg - only may not have reached this proportion of intensity against us here in Berlin, poss. because it would be too close to the capital city's government quarter.
Should it come to this, I may take a few scrapes, I may wind up in jail for defending my person, or if the laws turn against free demonstration against the stream - it may happen. Or we may wind up taking our knocks from these Orks, we may have to pay a very serious price. It will be for democracy, I can assure you. I am willing to pay that price.
Are any of my critics or detractors ready to put their lives on the line for what they really believe? For political-correctness, for open doors toward Islamization and Shari'a, toward gender-mainstreaming, toward the tearing down of basic traditional institutions of actual values, or of own cultural and national identity and self-definition, toward uncontrolled and unconsidered immigration of entirely questionable political legitimacy from predominantly Muslim countries sending into Europe (and elsewhere outside of safe America), to a massive extent, non-refugee "refugees" at the expense of all that is Western and all that is democratic about that?
Are these whom I am addressing in saying this, willing to put down their lives for the advancement of an alarmingly massive dumbing-down and a "utopian" anesthetic of the mind and soul - are these dear readers, if they are still reading my post at this point, willing to put their lives on the line for the death of empathy?
And in taking to the streets every Monday to address and to confront and to get current and stay awake and try to encourage others to wake up and stay awake on these issues - if in doing this and eventually putting myself in the line of fire for it, does it still really appear that I'm "right-extreme, Nazi, a racist and a bigot"?
My gut impulse has never been wrong on something so serious and affecting the future of so many people, and the generations we leave behind. Sorry if I'm a disappointment to anyone, I will not disappoint myself on this, nor my children and theirs.
And maybe we win.
11 Mar.
26 Feb.
Of all the peoples who may not use that word, patriotism, which we Americans want to monopolize, take for granted, the Germans are the most distrusted of all, should they dare. Hence my little speech, from the heart and really really reaching those hearts. I spoke to the pain, to the hopes and wishes, I spoke as only - I repeat, only - this Jew-boy from Colorado could do, and seeing it as my job to do it, I've waited 26 years for this moment. I'm a nurse, so I'll talk like one. When there's a problem, I like to cut through the bullshit and ask, "Where does it hurt?" I don't give a fuck whether the one in front of me likes me or loathes me, I just want to know, where does it hurt. Let's take diabetes. Let's call sugar patriotism and insulin responsibility. Both are good, both are necessary, but they have to be in balance or the body goes out of whack and dies. U.S.-Americans have too much sugar, they suffer a dirth of insulin. We're too ideologically "patriotic" to the point it has no meaning and get monopolized. We lack responsibility. I think we can go with this without an argument. Germans on the other hand, have an overload of insulin, their sugar - their patriotism - is so low, they go into diabetic shock and are kept there by the international community, esp. and above all, Washington. It is all ignorance, and I won't run with the herd, I will go against the stream, come what may.
And this word phobia, at all: why doesn't even one of these fucking geniuses look it up! If i'm arachnophobic, I have an inordinate fear of spiders, yes? If I'm agoraphobic, I irrationally avoid open public places. Claustrophobic, acrophobic, etc. etc. Inordinate, irrational fear and loathing toward, terrified avoidance of - whatever arouses this phobia which is a dis-ease in oneself. We are not, nor is anyone I know, Islamophobic. Critical is not phobic.
When you research Islam, the history of it, the Qur'an and Hadiths, the life and example of Muhammad according to the two closest and most undisputed authorities we have from the earliest period after his death, learn Arabic, and when you take a hard look at this even while still embracing Sufism as in my case, and go to what's responsibly available on the internet and watch (via MEMRI-TV for example) actual recorded statements before the camera by fatwa-giving Islamic clerics - scholars and imams - Arabs from all over the Muslim world - giving the lie to all the appeasers in the West, and having done this you go frontal with your criticism of and challenge of Islam and of Muslims, not avoiding but getting out there and asking hard questions, demanding answers, demanding responsible policies - HOW CAN ONE CALL THIS PHOBIC??? Now Islamophilia, this is a real phenomenon which is observable and can be rightly named, as I've just done. Philos is a love for something - when at the beginning of a word it's fine, you can be a philosopher or a stamp collector. At the end of a word it's pathological, it's an inordinate, unhealthy affection toward or "love" for something - hence pedophilia, Islamophilia, even Judeophilia, which have in common that a non-objective and uncritical and therefore non-healthy outlook is in play with the latter two examples, and a thoroughly unhealthy and dangerous outlook is in play with the first two of these three examples.
9 Mar.
Rana's Talk, translated below:
TRANSLATION: The ideology of the Left says, that with the recognition of private property came the misfortune of humankind. One no longer lived in harmony, but rather began to compete with one another. The French Revolution wanted to put an end to this unjust condition. Although this goal would not be reached, and cost the lives of ca. 250 million people, one holds fast to this course to this day. The self-proclaimed Left of our day see themselves in this tradition, as deliverer of the peoples, and to set up a better world, in which the pre-capitalist paradise may be resurrected. They know nothing of self-doubt in their plans, they have abolished the Christian faith itself, and set themselves in its place. The Left have a sunny nature, they are after all the Good Guys.
Of all the Good Guys, Claudia Roth (of the Greens) especially sticks out She has mutated into the Chief Tutor of the Nation, and unceasingly on German tour in the battle against injustice, and the enlightenment of Germans, which all has to do with her opinion of what is good, what is bad. Above all, she has to teach us Germans that all persons are equal. There also are no longer borders and nations, in order to reestablish the just condition. The Germans were always latently racist, this the Left knows with a mighty certainty, hence there are victims everywhere whom one has to protect from us Germans. Really popular among the victim groups are the Muslims, whom Claudia Roth has taken under her wing, and for whose interests she fights without let-up.
Completely history-amnesiac, as is the character of the Left, she can no longer remember that the National Socialists set up, under the spiritual leadership of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Al-Husseini, a Waffen-SS Division called Hanjar, fighting on the German side. The Grand Mufti counseled Hitler concerning the Jewish transports, and was a friend of Himmler's. By the way, Himmler had only words of warmest regards for Islam, and mentioned that Islam and National Socialism were very similar. After the war, high ranking Nazis fled into the Arab regions, and founded together with high ranking Islamic leaders the Muslim Brotherhood, for the express purpose of imposing Islam worldwide. To this day, the book “Mein Kampf“ is a best seller in Arab regions, and Hitler enjoys posthumously a good reputation. One is entirely united in hatred toward the Jews. Hence it should come as no surprise when, as in the summer of last year on Berlin's most central avenue, the Ku-Damm, Muslims would call out: “Jew, Jew, coward swine, come on out and fihgt alone!“
Sooo, dear Left, we of Pegida/Bärgida paid better attention in history class, and stand here today, because we're furious that Islam is so courted and supported by you. And we are furious, because next to North Korea, the greatest persecution of Christians in history continues to take place in all Muslim countries. 100 thousand people have to die annually, just for being Christians. For, dear Ms. Roth, in Islam the equality and brotherhood of all people out of the question!! It is not a religion among religions. Islam is a political religious ideology, which says, that all persons are by nature Muslims. It is a matter of natural right, i.e., a natural course or condition, to be Muslim. If one is not Muslim one is going against this natural condition, and is therewith no longer a fully worthy person but rather a less-worthy being, which must either be subjected or even killed.
Allah is alone the ruler of the world, who has created humankind for one purpose only, namely to serve him as slaves, and to follow his laws, sent through Muhammad. For Islam it goes without saying, that the Muslim is no victim, as the Left believes, but rather whole and holy and saved. And the non-Muslim, called KUFFAR or kafir, is one damned who in the afterlife will be given over to suffer unimaginable punishment for all eternity. Dear Left, you as well (by definition) belong to this latter group!! And whoever as kuffar dares to remove a Muslim from this natural order, this holy condition, via other worldly constitutions or ideologies, makes himself culpable of a crime which will be answered to with the death penalty.
That is why Islam knows no freedom of religion, for that Muslim who lets him/herself be seduced away from Islam makes him/herself just as guilty and is courting the death penalty. For this reason Muslims may not take a kuffar as friend or guardian, and one needn't wonder when parallel societies develop, and peace-arbiters take Muslim concerns into their own hands, and therewith go quite around teh lasws of respective Western countries. This insularization is desired, in order to keep oneself from being soioled and spoiled by the kuffars, or for that matter in order not to endanger the world conquest as decreed by Allah. In the Arab regions they laugh over the Good-Persons and the Left, and they loathes the latter's good-naturedness as weakness.
The conquest of the West is already long since a closed and deicded deal. It is quite advantageous to be able to follow in Arabic the discussions in Arab television as also the Friday sermons. Over there they are overjoyed to see how far the Islamisation in Europe has advanced. Of course one is aware that one cannot conquer the West militarily, and uses therefore the peaceful conquest, via the installment of mosque associations and the infiltration of politics and media.
Incidentally, every bit of land upon which a mosque is built becomes Islamic terrain, Islamic domain. That is why one is in such haste, to erect as many mosques and Islam Centers as possible. Every church in which a muezzin gives call, or prays, is thereby desecrated and belongs to Islam.
10 Mar.
"First they ignore you; then they ridicule you; then they arrest you and jail you; then you win." - Gandhi
However one views what I am involved with, we continue to demonstrate for freedom of speech and thought, democratically active and non-violently so. We express our issues vigorously and present our program intelligently. The brainwashed mob of "Antifa" revolutionary-wannabes, fascists of the Left, who have always proven how destructive and violent-prone they are anyway (that is their ideology, destruction and deconstruction at the price of everything, provided they needn't waste a brain cell on thinking) which is verifiably financed by a leftist Parliament and the trade unions, abetted by the Chancellory and by the mainstream churches, fed by all mainstream media, to overrun us, sometimes in some places - as in Frankfurt-am-Main (see below) this week, also in Munich and Cologne, Hamburg - only may not have reached this proportion of intensity against us here in Berlin, poss. because it would be too close to the capital city's government quarter.
Should it come to this, I may take a few scrapes, I may wind up in jail for defending my person, or if the laws turn against free demonstration against the stream - it may happen. Or we may wind up taking our knocks from these Orks, we may have to pay a very serious price. It will be for democracy, I can assure you. I am willing to pay that price.
Are any of my critics or detractors ready to put their lives on the line for what they really believe? For political-correctness, for open doors toward Islamization and Shari'a, toward gender-mainstreaming, toward the tearing down of basic traditional institutions of actual values, or of own cultural and national identity and self-definition, toward uncontrolled and unconsidered immigration of entirely questionable political legitimacy from predominantly Muslim countries sending into Europe (and elsewhere outside of safe America), to a massive extent, non-refugee "refugees" at the expense of all that is Western and all that is democratic about that?
Are these whom I am addressing in saying this, willing to put down their lives for the advancement of an alarmingly massive dumbing-down and a "utopian" anesthetic of the mind and soul - are these dear readers, if they are still reading my post at this point, willing to put their lives on the line for the death of empathy?
And in taking to the streets every Monday to address and to confront and to get current and stay awake and try to encourage others to wake up and stay awake on these issues - if in doing this and eventually putting myself in the line of fire for it, does it still really appear that I'm "right-extreme, Nazi, a racist and a bigot"?
My gut impulse has never been wrong on something so serious and affecting the future of so many people, and the generations we leave behind. Sorry if I'm a disappointment to anyone, I will not disappoint myself on this, nor my children and theirs.
And maybe we win.
11 Mar.
IS HAPPENING IN FRANKFURT gives one a good hard look at how the
situation for us is escalating. What this last Monday saw in
Frankfurt-am-Main, and what you may see below by merely clicking on, the
longest being the third (10 min.), the first two very short to watch -
as in Dresden, Leipzig, Nürnberg, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, as already
mentioned in recent postings. So why again? To underscore, to
illustrate and to emphasize what is plain to see when you click on but
you will NOT SEE (Nazi?) in the mainstream news, there you will not, or
if you do you will understand it the way the mainstream media wants you
to, namely zero and clueless.
As it all runs in German, and as even seeing for yourself doesn't necessarily suffice for actually knowing WHAT you are looking at, allow me to present these with hopefully brief clarification - this is NOT yet what it looks like in Berlin, but only because our police really can protect us, they really do cordon off and hold the "Antifa" mob of today's HItler Youth at bay so we can actually do the Walk, and it is obviously not (yet) in the interest of the Parliamentary Parties to have it look like in the other aforementioned cities:
Why? Why if not (yet) in Berlin, then here in Frankfurt, et al, does it look like this, which I encourage you to watch, below? Pegida in whichever city it adapts its name to (as in Bärgida, this-gida, that-gida) demonstrates its initiative every Monday evening with a Walk - unconditionally non-violent, with speeches expressly articulating our issues and clearly distancing ourselves from any form of hate-ideology, racism as such, xenophobia as such, etc.
What we decisively and unequivically assert however, is our anger and disgust with an entire and massive Leftist political agenda, which is as denied as it is perfidiously real, and our willingness at all cost, as democrats to non-violently name it and confront it, on the street and in the open: gender-mainstreaming, early sexualization of children in school and in propaganda, Islamization of European culture, total media compliance with censorship and manipulation, deconstruction of any national pride and sense of patriotism (like, Americans want to criticize someone for too much patriotism - hello??), and the revision and dumbing-down of history, reducing that of Germany down to "Third Reich" and "post-Third Reich".
Why are the police protecting us, from whom? Are we racing destructively through the streets, are we blowing whistles and banging drums to drown out anyone trying to just speak and be heard, are we showing up in mobs, illegally but verifiably paid by sitting politicians to foment violence and carry on destruction of property and of person (as you will see below), are we using school kids to increase our attendance and schooling college students in the art of street terror and mayhem, are we illegally blocking peaceful dmeonstrations from moving, while screaming redundantly witless slogans like, "Nazis Out!" although the only right-winger Nazis there really are here are at home watching this all on Youtube, wondering who that is being even called "Nazis" and who's that out there terrorizing a peaceful demo and making the police work double for their pay? Why it's the freedom-loving, "fascist-hating" Left-Brain-less "Antifa" - the heroes of a Germany they want to burn down, shouting "Never again Germany" like mechanical wind-up dolls on cue.
They are attacking my fellow Pegida-Walkers (who are heard in the foreground returning back the "Nazis Out!" clichée as the Antifa are the SA of our day); they are attacking our friends and protectors in police uniform, who by the way as you will notice do NOT put the same strategy into play as in Berlin, that of cordoning off and keeping the frothing mob of Orks at bay - because outside of Berlin, for example in Frankfurt, this is the way the established political entities manipulating and instrumentalizing all these stupid puppets, wants it that way. We are expected to be provoked into violence for our part, if we can't be intimidated off the streets, and as that has so far failed - they are really very pissed off. And the escalation of this quite orchestrated violence toward us is the result and will continue to worsen.
We will not bend.
This is exactly the article I've been waiting a long time to come across - excuse me for feeling shamelessly confirmed in what I've been saying and writing for at least three years or more: that the LGBT-Lobby is not in fact nor in essence, what the real issue of gay rights and the gay rights movement were ever about, but rather, similarly to the women's movement - both of which I've assiduously supported for the same core reasons that I participate in the Pegida/Bärgida initiative qua movement - the LGBT (now still further surrealistically adding on to itself "QA" - but not to be at all confused with "question and answer," silly), the LGBTQA-Lobby is a driving force dominated by lesbian socialists or socialist lesbians if you will, whose agenda is to emasculate all that is male in person and in culture.
I have been observing this for a long time, in mode and in trend, in commercial and in propaganda, the image of The New Thing-Person, de-haired, de-odorized, effeminated, castrated, and really quite confused: and IT HAS NOTHING, NOR EVER HAD, anything at all to do with just BEING GAY, permitted and unpersecuted!
The following short article, in German, tells us of the gay editor of a gay men's magazine, in Berlin, being dissed and distanced by an AIDS-Help organization for his statements expressing what they consider to be "too manly"-oriented, too certain of themselves as men, men who are gay, i.e. still men. He responded unabashed with a counter-attack, calling these out as authoritarian Gender-Ideologues who pressure and dictate what passes for "real" gay/lesbian/bi/transgender/questioning/asexual orientation!
Imagine that! The disgusting direction this has all been taking in dogmatic, totalitarian-style, utopian-collectivist Mainstreaming, has finally started to take its toll within the broader gay community itself, and some are beginning to affirm and assert point blank: that men are men and women are women, WHATEVER the orientation they privately live by - and basta! I hope to see this editor or others like him taking back the streets, with Pegida!
23 Mar.
PeGiDa views itself as a political movement, which takes on, free
of ideology, the current political and social problems of our time,
and which desires to find and to put into application solutions
together with the population.
Through our economic policies the middle class and the working class are increasingly disadvantaged. Wages and retirement benefits find themselves in an ever worsening relationship to cost of living.
Instead of providing the means to pursue urgently needed projects, horrendous sums are being wasted.
The rising crime rate, social focus points, as also the constantly growing oppositional societies, create unease in people. The security risk is ever climbing and the global conflicts are heating up on account of domestic and foreign policy.
A peaceful cooperation and coexistence between all sovereign nations worldwide is the basis for a secure future for us all.
Therefore we regard the following points as imperative:
1. Protection, preservation, and a respectful dealing with our culture and language. Stopping of political or relgious fanaticism, radicalism, Islamisation, genderisation and early sexualisation. Preservation of sexual self-determination.
2. Creation and strict application of an immigration law based on demographic, economic and cultural points of view. Qualitative immigration (instead of momentarily convenient mass immigration) according to the Swiss or Canadian model.
3. Decentralized accomodation of war refugees and politically or religiously persecuted, acording to the municipal possibilities and the social prognosis of the asylum seekers. Shortening of the processing time for asylum applications according to the Dutch model, and immediate return of asylum applicants who have been rejected. Admisssion of a right and a duty to integrate, into the Basic Law.
4. Reformation of family policy, as with that of education, retirement, and taxes. Particularly the encouragement of a sustained family policy must keep its priorities, inorder to put a stop to or even effect and reach a turnabout of demographic changes. The wish to have children must not be repressed through economic fears and caution.
5. Introduction of public referendums at the Federal level as with the Swiss model, in order to install a second leg for democracy to stand on parallel to the party system.
6. Consequent use of law, without any consideration of political, ethnic, cultural or religious aspects of those affected.
7. Equipping the police more effectively, and putting an end to the dismantling of positions on the force.
8. Immediate normalisation of relations with the Russain Federation, and the ending of any or all warmongering.
9. Striving for a peaceful European bonding of strong sovereign national states in free political and economic self-determination.
10. Rejection of TTIP, CETA and TISA, and any similar Free Trade Agreements which could cause sustained damage of European self-determination and the economy.
06 Apr.
As it all runs in German, and as even seeing for yourself doesn't necessarily suffice for actually knowing WHAT you are looking at, allow me to present these with hopefully brief clarification - this is NOT yet what it looks like in Berlin, but only because our police really can protect us, they really do cordon off and hold the "Antifa" mob of today's HItler Youth at bay so we can actually do the Walk, and it is obviously not (yet) in the interest of the Parliamentary Parties to have it look like in the other aforementioned cities:
Why? Why if not (yet) in Berlin, then here in Frankfurt, et al, does it look like this, which I encourage you to watch, below? Pegida in whichever city it adapts its name to (as in Bärgida, this-gida, that-gida) demonstrates its initiative every Monday evening with a Walk - unconditionally non-violent, with speeches expressly articulating our issues and clearly distancing ourselves from any form of hate-ideology, racism as such, xenophobia as such, etc.
What we decisively and unequivically assert however, is our anger and disgust with an entire and massive Leftist political agenda, which is as denied as it is perfidiously real, and our willingness at all cost, as democrats to non-violently name it and confront it, on the street and in the open: gender-mainstreaming, early sexualization of children in school and in propaganda, Islamization of European culture, total media compliance with censorship and manipulation, deconstruction of any national pride and sense of patriotism (like, Americans want to criticize someone for too much patriotism - hello??), and the revision and dumbing-down of history, reducing that of Germany down to "Third Reich" and "post-Third Reich".
Why are the police protecting us, from whom? Are we racing destructively through the streets, are we blowing whistles and banging drums to drown out anyone trying to just speak and be heard, are we showing up in mobs, illegally but verifiably paid by sitting politicians to foment violence and carry on destruction of property and of person (as you will see below), are we using school kids to increase our attendance and schooling college students in the art of street terror and mayhem, are we illegally blocking peaceful dmeonstrations from moving, while screaming redundantly witless slogans like, "Nazis Out!" although the only right-winger Nazis there really are here are at home watching this all on Youtube, wondering who that is being even called "Nazis" and who's that out there terrorizing a peaceful demo and making the police work double for their pay? Why it's the freedom-loving, "fascist-hating" Left-Brain-less "Antifa" - the heroes of a Germany they want to burn down, shouting "Never again Germany" like mechanical wind-up dolls on cue.
They are attacking my fellow Pegida-Walkers (who are heard in the foreground returning back the "Nazis Out!" clichée as the Antifa are the SA of our day); they are attacking our friends and protectors in police uniform, who by the way as you will notice do NOT put the same strategy into play as in Berlin, that of cordoning off and keeping the frothing mob of Orks at bay - because outside of Berlin, for example in Frankfurt, this is the way the established political entities manipulating and instrumentalizing all these stupid puppets, wants it that way. We are expected to be provoked into violence for our part, if we can't be intimidated off the streets, and as that has so far failed - they are really very pissed off. And the escalation of this quite orchestrated violence toward us is the result and will continue to worsen.
We will not bend.
This is exactly the article I've been waiting a long time to come across - excuse me for feeling shamelessly confirmed in what I've been saying and writing for at least three years or more: that the LGBT-Lobby is not in fact nor in essence, what the real issue of gay rights and the gay rights movement were ever about, but rather, similarly to the women's movement - both of which I've assiduously supported for the same core reasons that I participate in the Pegida/Bärgida initiative qua movement - the LGBT (now still further surrealistically adding on to itself "QA" - but not to be at all confused with "question and answer," silly), the LGBTQA-Lobby is a driving force dominated by lesbian socialists or socialist lesbians if you will, whose agenda is to emasculate all that is male in person and in culture.
I have been observing this for a long time, in mode and in trend, in commercial and in propaganda, the image of The New Thing-Person, de-haired, de-odorized, effeminated, castrated, and really quite confused: and IT HAS NOTHING, NOR EVER HAD, anything at all to do with just BEING GAY, permitted and unpersecuted!
The following short article, in German, tells us of the gay editor of a gay men's magazine, in Berlin, being dissed and distanced by an AIDS-Help organization for his statements expressing what they consider to be "too manly"-oriented, too certain of themselves as men, men who are gay, i.e. still men. He responded unabashed with a counter-attack, calling these out as authoritarian Gender-Ideologues who pressure and dictate what passes for "real" gay/lesbian/bi/transgender/questioning/asexual orientation!
Imagine that! The disgusting direction this has all been taking in dogmatic, totalitarian-style, utopian-collectivist Mainstreaming, has finally started to take its toll within the broader gay community itself, and some are beginning to affirm and assert point blank: that men are men and women are women, WHATEVER the orientation they privately live by - and basta! I hope to see this editor or others like him taking back the streets, with Pegida!
23 Mar.
Also, was genau ist BärGiDa bzw. PeGiDa Berlin? EIN ÜBERBLICK, BITTE:
Erst, die Dresdner Thesen, gemeinsam für Deutschland - danach, die 10 Hauptpunkte - English translation follows:
PeGiDa versteht sich als politische Bewegung, welche ideologiefrei die aktuellen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Probleme unserer Zeit aufgreift und gemeinsam mit der Bevölkerung Lösungen finden und umsetzen will.
Durch unsere Wirtschaftspolitik verarmen der Mittelstand und die Arbeiterklasse zunehmend. Löhne und Renten stehen in einem immer schlechteren Verhältnis zu den Lebenshaltungskosten.
Statt Mittel für dringend benötigte Projekte zur Verfügung zu stellen, werden horrende Summen verschwindet.
Die steigende Kriminalität, soziale Brennpunkte, sowie stetig wachsende Gegengesellschaften beunruhigen die Menschen. Das Sicherheitsrisiko steigt ständig und die globalen Konflikte verschärfen sich aufgrund unverantwortlicher Innen- und Außenpolitik.
Eine friedliche Zusammenarbeit und Koexistenz aller souveränen Nationen weltweit ist die Grundlage einer sicheren Zukunft für uns alle.
Deshalb sehen wir folgende Punkte als unerlässlich an:
1. Schutz, Erhalt und respektvoller Umgang mit unserer Kultur und Sprache. Stopp dem politischen oder religiösen Fanatismus, Radikalismus, der Islamisierung, der Genderisierung und der Frühsexualisierung. Erhalt der sexuellen Selbstbestimmung.
2. Schaffung und strikte Umsetzung eines Zuwanderungsgesetzes nach demographischen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Gesichtspunkten. Qualitative Zuwanderung (anstatt momentan gängiger quantitativer Masseneinwanderung) nach schweizerischem oder kanadischem Vorbild.
3. Dezentrale Unterbringung von Kriegsflüchtlingen und politisch oder religiös Verfolgten, entsprechend der kommunalen Möglichkeiten und der Sozialprognose des Asylbewerbers. Verkürzung der Bearbeitszeiten von Asylanträgen nach holländischem Vorbild und sofortige Abschiebung von abgelehnten Asylbewerbern. Aufnahme eines Rechtes auf und der Pflicht zur Integration ins Grundgesetz.
4. Reformation der Familienpolitik, sowie des Bildungs-, Renten- und Steuersystems. Besonders die Förderung einer nachhaltigen Familienpolitik muss Priorität erhalten, um einen Stopp oder sogar die Umkehr des demographischen Wandels zu erreichen. Der Kinderwunsch darf nicht aufgrund von wirtschaftlichen Ängsten unterdrückt werden.
5. Einführung von Volksentscheiden auf Bundesebene nach Vorbild der Schweiz, um parallel zum Parteisystem ein zweites Standbein der Demokratie zu installieren.
6. Konsequente Rechtsanwendung, ohne Rücksicht auf politische, ethnische, kulurelle oder religiöse Aspekte des Betroffenen.
7. Aufstockung der Mittel der Polizei, Beendigung des Stellenabbaus.
8. Sofortige Normalisierung des Verhältnisses zur Russischen Föderation und Beendigung jeglicher Kriegstreiberei.
9. Anstreben eines friedlichen, europäischen Verbundes starker souveräner Nationalstaaten in freier politischer und wirtschaftlicher Selbstbestimmung.
10. Ablehnung von TTIP, CETA und TISA und ähnlichen Freihandelsabkommen, welche die europäische Selbstbestimmung und die europäische Wirtschaft nachhaltig schädigen können.
Erst, die Dresdner Thesen, gemeinsam für Deutschland - danach, die 10 Hauptpunkte - English translation follows:
PeGiDa versteht sich als politische Bewegung, welche ideologiefrei die aktuellen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Probleme unserer Zeit aufgreift und gemeinsam mit der Bevölkerung Lösungen finden und umsetzen will.
Durch unsere Wirtschaftspolitik verarmen der Mittelstand und die Arbeiterklasse zunehmend. Löhne und Renten stehen in einem immer schlechteren Verhältnis zu den Lebenshaltungskosten.
Statt Mittel für dringend benötigte Projekte zur Verfügung zu stellen, werden horrende Summen verschwindet.
Die steigende Kriminalität, soziale Brennpunkte, sowie stetig wachsende Gegengesellschaften beunruhigen die Menschen. Das Sicherheitsrisiko steigt ständig und die globalen Konflikte verschärfen sich aufgrund unverantwortlicher Innen- und Außenpolitik.
Eine friedliche Zusammenarbeit und Koexistenz aller souveränen Nationen weltweit ist die Grundlage einer sicheren Zukunft für uns alle.
Deshalb sehen wir folgende Punkte als unerlässlich an:
1. Schutz, Erhalt und respektvoller Umgang mit unserer Kultur und Sprache. Stopp dem politischen oder religiösen Fanatismus, Radikalismus, der Islamisierung, der Genderisierung und der Frühsexualisierung. Erhalt der sexuellen Selbstbestimmung.
2. Schaffung und strikte Umsetzung eines Zuwanderungsgesetzes nach demographischen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Gesichtspunkten. Qualitative Zuwanderung (anstatt momentan gängiger quantitativer Masseneinwanderung) nach schweizerischem oder kanadischem Vorbild.
3. Dezentrale Unterbringung von Kriegsflüchtlingen und politisch oder religiös Verfolgten, entsprechend der kommunalen Möglichkeiten und der Sozialprognose des Asylbewerbers. Verkürzung der Bearbeitszeiten von Asylanträgen nach holländischem Vorbild und sofortige Abschiebung von abgelehnten Asylbewerbern. Aufnahme eines Rechtes auf und der Pflicht zur Integration ins Grundgesetz.
4. Reformation der Familienpolitik, sowie des Bildungs-, Renten- und Steuersystems. Besonders die Förderung einer nachhaltigen Familienpolitik muss Priorität erhalten, um einen Stopp oder sogar die Umkehr des demographischen Wandels zu erreichen. Der Kinderwunsch darf nicht aufgrund von wirtschaftlichen Ängsten unterdrückt werden.
5. Einführung von Volksentscheiden auf Bundesebene nach Vorbild der Schweiz, um parallel zum Parteisystem ein zweites Standbein der Demokratie zu installieren.
6. Konsequente Rechtsanwendung, ohne Rücksicht auf politische, ethnische, kulurelle oder religiöse Aspekte des Betroffenen.
7. Aufstockung der Mittel der Polizei, Beendigung des Stellenabbaus.
8. Sofortige Normalisierung des Verhältnisses zur Russischen Föderation und Beendigung jeglicher Kriegstreiberei.
9. Anstreben eines friedlichen, europäischen Verbundes starker souveräner Nationalstaaten in freier politischer und wirtschaftlicher Selbstbestimmung.
10. Ablehnung von TTIP, CETA und TISA und ähnlichen Freihandelsabkommen, welche die europäische Selbstbestimmung und die europäische Wirtschaft nachhaltig schädigen können.
what exactly is BärGiDa (PeGiDa Berlin)? AN OVERVIEW, PLEASE:
the Dresdener Statement, applying German-wide – followed by the 10
chief points:
Through our economic policies the middle class and the working class are increasingly disadvantaged. Wages and retirement benefits find themselves in an ever worsening relationship to cost of living.
Instead of providing the means to pursue urgently needed projects, horrendous sums are being wasted.
The rising crime rate, social focus points, as also the constantly growing oppositional societies, create unease in people. The security risk is ever climbing and the global conflicts are heating up on account of domestic and foreign policy.
A peaceful cooperation and coexistence between all sovereign nations worldwide is the basis for a secure future for us all.
Therefore we regard the following points as imperative:
1. Protection, preservation, and a respectful dealing with our culture and language. Stopping of political or relgious fanaticism, radicalism, Islamisation, genderisation and early sexualisation. Preservation of sexual self-determination.
2. Creation and strict application of an immigration law based on demographic, economic and cultural points of view. Qualitative immigration (instead of momentarily convenient mass immigration) according to the Swiss or Canadian model.
3. Decentralized accomodation of war refugees and politically or religiously persecuted, acording to the municipal possibilities and the social prognosis of the asylum seekers. Shortening of the processing time for asylum applications according to the Dutch model, and immediate return of asylum applicants who have been rejected. Admisssion of a right and a duty to integrate, into the Basic Law.
4. Reformation of family policy, as with that of education, retirement, and taxes. Particularly the encouragement of a sustained family policy must keep its priorities, inorder to put a stop to or even effect and reach a turnabout of demographic changes. The wish to have children must not be repressed through economic fears and caution.
5. Introduction of public referendums at the Federal level as with the Swiss model, in order to install a second leg for democracy to stand on parallel to the party system.
6. Consequent use of law, without any consideration of political, ethnic, cultural or religious aspects of those affected.
7. Equipping the police more effectively, and putting an end to the dismantling of positions on the force.
8. Immediate normalisation of relations with the Russain Federation, and the ending of any or all warmongering.
9. Striving for a peaceful European bonding of strong sovereign national states in free political and economic self-determination.
10. Rejection of TTIP, CETA and TISA, and any similar Free Trade Agreements which could cause sustained damage of European self-determination and the economy.
to experience and to be witness to: Jan 12th of this year I'd attended
my first Bärgida Demo and Walk, it was held at the Brandenburg Gate.
The first Berlin Pegida event took place the week prior at the Red Town
Hall, one of the relics of East German officialdom. I had to wend my
way through crowds and crowds of counter-demonstrators, lots of students
and hangers-about from the left scene and the ever-pressing "Antifa" -
little did I know they were already on the payrolls of the mainstream
Red-Green legislative parties of the Bundestag. Finally, through very
helpful police direction - the cordons of police protection being
enormous from the start - I found my way to the square on the west side
of the Brandenburg Gate, where a very hemmed-in Bärgida rally was in
full swing and in the best of moods.
We could not really do a Walk, as was later to become the form we've taken, because the streets were too blocked by screaming, punch-drunk counter-demonstrators (countering what, they still don't even know themselves to this day). After the opening talks, we took what in effect was a looping circle along the inner perimeters of the square defined by the police who were there to keep the peace-loving Left at bay from openly attacking us (they were restricted to verbal tantrums and this continues as of this writing, in Berlin so far at least - elsewhere they've broken through and hurled rocks at our members in other cities, burnign and smashing cars, windows, detroying property in general and all the while being pampered and indulged by the above mentioned parites and the media).
After that evening we held our gatherings and our Walks at the Berlin Main Train Station, very close to the Chancellery and the Government Quarter, on the far side of which is the Brandenburg Gate. Until now we have walked to the Chancellery (when not blockaded as was the case a couple times, by the brain-challenged "Antifa") and have held further demonstration and talks on that property. This week however, we took back the streets - we had the firm cooperation via our relationship with the Berlin police, they having seen after 11 weeks how seriously non-violent we are, and how clear our statement, and carried the Walk through main boulevards right up to the Brandenburg Gate, and reclaimed our place right there, no longer hemmed-in, but free to stand there and to hold our talks, and to sing the Song of the Germans. In the coming week we will do the same, taking the route through the Government Quarter itself, to the Brandenburg Gate. We are taking back the streets.
We also stopped and gave some hell to ARD, the leading TV-broadcaster of the mainstream NewSpeak-NoThink media, it was, well, refreshing to step out and exercise our right to address what needs to be said and at the right addresses.
Permit me to point out: the "Lied der Deutschen," or Song of the Germans, was composed in the mid-19th century, in the romantic tradition which placed its stamp on the cultural expression then, was an ode to a visionof national unity at a time when "Germany" was a pack of fiefdoms and royal houses, all biting at each other's necks. There are three stanzas, and sung together it is a very fine anthem. The National Socialists infamously made the first stanza alone it's anthem, perverting its meaning and souring it for the next generations, the second and third stanzas were entirely excluded. The post-war Federal Republic instituted the third stanza, excluding both the first and the second altogether. The phrase "Deutschland über alles" - quite the contrary to what the Nazis did with it (they were Socialists after all, and like the East German Socialists who followed in their wake, collectivistic ideology tends toward an exclusively and anal-retentive perversion of normally elevating ideas with its own current NewSpeak) - is a declaration of patriotic love (do I really have to explain this one to Americans??) which says "I love you over everything" and NOT "Vee vill dominate ze vurld!"
I sing this with my fellow patriots here, in my host-country with the same fervor I ever sang the "Marseillaise" - and THAT being quite bloody, did anyone ever, ever have a problem with hearing THAT sung? No. So I sang this and I sing it, and know why I am there doing so.
We could not really do a Walk, as was later to become the form we've taken, because the streets were too blocked by screaming, punch-drunk counter-demonstrators (countering what, they still don't even know themselves to this day). After the opening talks, we took what in effect was a looping circle along the inner perimeters of the square defined by the police who were there to keep the peace-loving Left at bay from openly attacking us (they were restricted to verbal tantrums and this continues as of this writing, in Berlin so far at least - elsewhere they've broken through and hurled rocks at our members in other cities, burnign and smashing cars, windows, detroying property in general and all the while being pampered and indulged by the above mentioned parites and the media).
After that evening we held our gatherings and our Walks at the Berlin Main Train Station, very close to the Chancellery and the Government Quarter, on the far side of which is the Brandenburg Gate. Until now we have walked to the Chancellery (when not blockaded as was the case a couple times, by the brain-challenged "Antifa") and have held further demonstration and talks on that property. This week however, we took back the streets - we had the firm cooperation via our relationship with the Berlin police, they having seen after 11 weeks how seriously non-violent we are, and how clear our statement, and carried the Walk through main boulevards right up to the Brandenburg Gate, and reclaimed our place right there, no longer hemmed-in, but free to stand there and to hold our talks, and to sing the Song of the Germans. In the coming week we will do the same, taking the route through the Government Quarter itself, to the Brandenburg Gate. We are taking back the streets.
We also stopped and gave some hell to ARD, the leading TV-broadcaster of the mainstream NewSpeak-NoThink media, it was, well, refreshing to step out and exercise our right to address what needs to be said and at the right addresses.
Permit me to point out: the "Lied der Deutschen," or Song of the Germans, was composed in the mid-19th century, in the romantic tradition which placed its stamp on the cultural expression then, was an ode to a visionof national unity at a time when "Germany" was a pack of fiefdoms and royal houses, all biting at each other's necks. There are three stanzas, and sung together it is a very fine anthem. The National Socialists infamously made the first stanza alone it's anthem, perverting its meaning and souring it for the next generations, the second and third stanzas were entirely excluded. The post-war Federal Republic instituted the third stanza, excluding both the first and the second altogether. The phrase "Deutschland über alles" - quite the contrary to what the Nazis did with it (they were Socialists after all, and like the East German Socialists who followed in their wake, collectivistic ideology tends toward an exclusively and anal-retentive perversion of normally elevating ideas with its own current NewSpeak) - is a declaration of patriotic love (do I really have to explain this one to Americans??) which says "I love you over everything" and NOT "Vee vill dominate ze vurld!"
I sing this with my fellow patriots here, in my host-country with the same fervor I ever sang the "Marseillaise" - and THAT being quite bloody, did anyone ever, ever have a problem with hearing THAT sung? No. So I sang this and I sing it, and know why I am there doing so.
Rana: "Das bin ich, mit meinem Schild, gestern bei dem
Bärgidaspaziergang. Auf der Rückseite ist das Jewgidalogo, so daß ich
das Schild immer Wenden konnte. Die Ironie meiner Familiengeschichte
ist, das mein Großvater die Nazis überlebt hatte, dafür aber von den
einrückenden russischen Truppen in Berlin erschossen wurde, da sie
glaubten (weil Deutscher), er sei Anhänger Hitlers. Meine Großeltern
waren kein Einzelfall. Einige Gemeinden halfen und versteckten jüdische
Mitbürger, die später, von der BRD, nicht geehrt wurden, und auch der
christliche Widerstand unter dem Teppich gekehrt wurde. Es ist ein
Skandal, das Widerständler und Überlebende des Holocaust von der BRD mit
mickrigen Renten abgespeist, und hochrangige Nazis wiederum mit
großzügigen Pensionen bedacht wurden."
("That's me with my sign, at yesterday's Bärgida-Walk. On the back side is the JewGida logo, so I could always rotate the signs. The irony of my family history is that my grandfather survived the Nazis, was however shot by the Russian troops pressing in on Berlin, who just figured (because German) he'd be a loyal follower of Hitler. My grandparents were no singular case. Some congregations helped and hid Jewish fellow citizens, and were later not showed any honorable recognition, and also trhe Christian resistance would be swept under the carpet. It's a scandal that resisters and survivors of the Holocaust have to get by on a measly retirement, and high-ranking Nazis onthe other hand are concidered for generous pensions.")
Translation of placard: "My grandparents were in the Resistance!...
...and that's where I too am today!"
...and that's where I too am today!"
Tell 'em, Rana! The Antifa, the NPD, the Central Jewish Council here:
tell 'em what Germans should finally be proud of, show 'em what a
German patriot is!
Sag's den,
Rana! Der Antifa, der NPD, dem ZentralVerrat der Juden hier: sag's
den, was deutsche Tugend ist, und wie eine deutsche Patriotin aussieht! (