Saturday, January 18, 2014

Must Be The Wine...Ya Think?

It both pains and amuses me
to watch how un-scientifically
both those peddling arch-fundamentalist Christianity
and those some arch-material a-theist evolutionary theory
compete, thumbs in ass and feet in mouth, in mutual myopic stupidity –
as if God had no imagination for developments of ages,
nor patience for anything longer than six “days,“
as if concrete scientific search and discovery and analysis
had no place next to awed wonder at the timed beauty of the
odd One-der and exquisite in-telligence behind
the Creation and ceaseless re-creation of our universe as it
manifests before our reluctant eyes.
As if Einstein didn't know what he was talking about when he'd
said as much.

Friend, let's be honest, let's trash all the books
and the sermons and the lectures,
let's get wildly uncomfortably curious again, as once
we were as children:
take those five senses which some say are all we have,
to research and to prove “whether or not“ God exists – be
really scientific now,
and do as I did as a child – and still do: don't stay on the surface
and call it done, go deep! deep into each sense,

and find that sixth sense which accompanies the five – it's
on the breath behind each, and you have to think now
with your heart! See with your heart,
listen with your heart, smell, taste, feel with your heart –
and let no emotional religion nor materialist doubt interfere with
what God has placed you here to do, letting Him know Himself through you.

Science and research ideologue of today:
do you really think God would not plan evolution?
Bible-Theme-Park entrepreneur and mediaeval ideologue of today:
do you really think (?) that God would not plan evolution?

Idiots all, in both camps, competing for the Clown's own Crown!
Well this idiot, pained and amused by you all, just
celebrated Shabbos-Kiddush.
The wine was very good, sweet, lieblich in German; singing
its blessing a declaration of Love, sovereign mad and mysterious:
in its first taste of the week rests all of Creation with all its
evolving dimensions, myriad millenia of change and comings
and goings and return, resting on the solid ground of this kitchen in
Berlin-Wedding, here and now, as in eternity.

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