Sunday, April 2, 2023

"Trans Ideology Is The Real Face Of Toxic Masculinity." (Guest Article)

From Holly's Substack (Holly Math Nerd)

"This is an absolutely fantastic piece.  I especially related to Sarah's dicussion of how similar the language of transgender activism is to the language used by abusers.  Very powerful and engaging - I encourage you to give it a read."

From Sarah's Substack (Sarah St. Onge)


Sarah St. Onge, 2 Apr 23

Yes, I am transphobic, and you made me this way.

Well, maybe not you specifically, but trans rights activists who completely disregard the battles women have faced to maintain access to women-only spaces.

I would hazard a guess many other women who have survived domestic violence feel the same way, but having rescued themselves from their bad situations, they have no desire to embroil themselves in a new trauma.

But I will no longer be that person.

I am genuinely afraid of transgender women (men who have "colonized" womanhood), in so many ways.

Most pragmatically, I am afraid of losing my job, which provides medical insurance for my family, should I accidentally "mis-gender" a co-worker.  This would be catastrophic as I have a child with serious medical issues.

I am afraid of speaking publicly about my growing concern regarding women's rights to segregated accomodations, because I face cancelling and blackballing on social media - which provides me wiht an avenue for continued connection with my extended family, as well as a side income in terms of freelance writing opportunites.

I am afraid of losing the continued esteem of friends and family who have wholeheartedly embraced the gender ideology movement, particularly in terms of (unaffiliated) political causes I am passionate about.

However, at this point, I've grown more afraid of MtF transgender people themselves than any of these peripherals - and I mean all transgender people - including those who may be genuinely struggling with conforming their perception of themselves to the objective reality of their bodily sex.  They refuse to allow any dissent, from "gender critical" (meaning honest) women, about the hi-jacking of our sex-based rights.

Those suffering from gender dysphoria allow dangerous men to utilize their pain in order to harm women.

This is unconscionable.

Not only are we discouraged from dissenting by people, but critics are actively soughtout and hounded by trans "allies" online.  People who identify with their biological sex come to the rescue of fragile men (yes, men) who are too sensitive to defend themselves against the "violence" of women..."violence" which most often consists of our vocalizations and public writing.  We are chastised for asking for privacy in public bathrooms/ changing rooms, or for the ability to seek segregated shelter in domestic violence facilities/while incarcerated - despite the fact these spaces were created precisely due to our biology.  Even our requests that discussions about what it means to be female in the world today be guided by those who have experienced the evolution form girl-child into woman, are maligned as bigotry.

Females are no longer permitted to speak about our experiences of womanhood without the approval of men.

The irony here is trans individuals and their allies seem to be those who previously championed sex-based rights.  Many are straight women - often those who believe they have the right to speak for all women (we see the same things in discussions about reproductive rights, where a small but vocal minority refuse to acknowledge women do have diversity of thought about abortion).  Some are men who haven't transitioned but for whom a transition is imminent, and who are already imagining (what they perceive as) a women's life for themselves.  These men are attracted to cosmetics and wearing a pink pussy hat, but will never be able to grasp the deeper psychological reality of what being female means.  This doesn't matter.  They will have the last word on womanhood, their ideas much more valuable than mine.

But their ideas are wrong.

Because for the entirety of their existence in the English lexicon, gender and sex have been synonyms.  Gender norms have varied according to various cultural and social constructs, but gender and sex have always colloquially meant the same thing.  To suggest otherwise is a pernicious lie.  No one will call them out on the lies though.  We've all become too afraid.

Some who dispute this will share narratives of historical outliers, like Joan of Arc, or stories of non-binary indigenous people (from every continent/ ethnicity), or of unusual women who chose to live like men in times where a woman's right to live freely was not guaranteed, as evidence that transgender people have always been with us.  Not only do we have no evidencewomen like Joan of Arc believed they were genuinely men, the insistence on hijacking women's accomplishments against the odds to count as male successes, is the epitome of appropriation.  This is a malignant and insidious mimcry of partiarchy which provides no benefit for women.

>> Trans ideology is the real face of toxic masculinity. <<

These anecdotes are also irrelevant in our current discussions about sex and gender, because they do not erase the fact that for all of eveloved human historygical classification of the sexes, as female and male, have been objective realities, and whatever gender norms an individualor culture have in place have nothing to do with the innate sex of a typical human being.

This is reality, and anyone claiming otherwise is lying.

The breadth of the lies involved here is dangerous to the core fabric of our society, because historically speaking, it has been weak-minded men who involve themselves this deeply in women's issues.

Especially when those issues threaten their sovereignty or their access to our bodies and minds.  These men desire to control women and will use any device they can to accomplish this goal.  In the past we have seen such things as public health measures wielded as weapons against the independence of women.  Currently the cudgel of choice is the trans-activist movement.  And it terrifies me because I have lived in a home with a weak-minded man and suffered incredibly because of it.

When I was a young girl, my mother moved into a section 8 apartment, an event she had waited years for. It was the first time she had ever lived outside the home she was born into. Within weeks she invited her boyfriend (R), a drug-dealing/using psychopath and occasional car detailer, to come live with us, along with his young son (S). For the duration of our time with R, he used cruelty and lies to keep the household under his control. My mother was only powerful when it came to passing his cruelty on to us, which she did, with relish.

S and I experienced incalculable sexual abuse at his hands.

The disembodied body is part of that sexual abuse experience. I am unwilling to concede to womanhood (in general) being parceled out in pieces because I was sold and bought in pieces as a little girl. Acknowledging and affirming trans ideology is deeply personal to me— it  would force me to acknowledge and affirm the things my abuser said to me while sexually exploiting me.

It would make his characterization of me true. I would become what he said I was- a conglomeration of functional parts. Until you have been called a box or a hole by a person violating you (often with a preceding sexual descriptor), you can not internalize the sheer panic induced by the words, “uterus owner”, “person with a cervix”, or any other phrases currently used to describe women.

When writing portions of this earlier I became ill, even contemplating this makes me feel like I’m going to vomit. My body shakes and my heart races.

It’s a profound type of pain.

Those who can not see the correlation between separating women’s physical sex characteristics from their very existence as women, and the exploitation of women are wildly privilege.

My external genitalia and reproductive organs are more than window dressings for my soul. My body parts are me, and I am a woman.

You can not be a woman if you are a man, because you are a man.

So to be crystal clear:

When I am in the presence of a man who is masquerading as a woman, I am in the presence of a man who is trying to own women’s body parts for himself. It’s a nihilistic dominance of women.

If I will not give them my sex, they will take it from me, until there is no safe space, no place I can hide. Until the objective reality of me as a human ceases to exist and I again become nothing more than a box.

I will leave, 100% of the time. Because I do not want to share space with you. This limits my access to sex-segregated spaces. Spaces explicitly meant to assure I’m as safe as possible.

I have no obligation to accommodate, much less affirm, what I understand is clearly predatory behavior. It took me a long time to internalize this, because like most women: I’ve been trained to be "nice". But lying to men who engage in ownership predation isn’t "nice". It’s self-immolation, and I’m not ready to die.

This is a boundary I will not cross.

I have had my fill of men who want to invade women’s spaces to subject them to a distorted idea of what women are – which most often, with these types of men, involves objectification for sexual gratification. I promised myself long ago that I had no obligation to succumb to the unfettered control of anyone who expects me to lie to them in order to stay safe, and I refuse to do so now for the sake of "trans-rights".

I have lived in a home with a weak-minded man as a child, and because of this I made the choice to surround myself with confident men --  I made the choice to marry a man who wasn’t threatened by my autonomy, and to raise sons who didn’t need to feel they were in competition with women, and those choices were acts of liberation.

I cultivated relationships with good men and in doing so created a new life for myself devoid of the cage of shame and fear that abuse had built.

But if I want to maintain some level of normalcy in my life today, I must allow myself to be coerced into accommodation. You have made it socially unacceptable for me to appropriately respond to what I perceive as a dangerous situation. You have now forced me to engage with your malignant insanity outside the walls of my house.

So I stay home.

If your "gender identity" doesn’t correlate with the objective reality of your sex… I should have no more obligation to take that into consideration when assessing my health and safety, any life choices I make, or how I support women-centered social justice issues, than I do any other extenuating factor.

But I am expected to squash my intuitive knowledge about predatory behavior. Knowledge that all women carry in their core, even the ones who claim to be allies.

So yes, I am transphobic. Just like I was fearful of the men who came into the house I shared with a predator. Because people who ask you to lie about an observable truth are dangerous.

I am again regularly ensconced in environments where I must be cautious of how I express my femaleness — the very essence of my existence — in order to avoid receiving the wrong kind of attention from men… or their enabling female "allies".

And until very recently I stewed in this fear and allowed myself to be limited because of it.

My fear is not gone. I could still lose all of what I have, if I continue on this path. But doing the right thing is always frightening. So now I am choosing liberation for the sake of the women, and men, that I love.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear..."


Above Source:

Trans-Nazis (After "Anti"fa & BLM, Biden's 3rd SA) In Full Force As State Terror Reigns, Targeting: Women -

Riley Gaines Speaks Out -

Transgenderism America's Fastest-Growing Religion -

THIS Is Why They Do It -

Protecting Beauty: Self-Respect And Instinct -


When Two Liberal Men Have To Clarify Women's Rights In Sports...To A Woman -

Glenn Greenwald (and others) Want To Know: What Are They Hiding About Nashville Shooter's Manifesto? -

Greenwald: Our Stonewalled Attempt To Obtain Hidden Nashville Manifesto -

Man Threatens To Kill Anyone Stopping Him From Going Into Girls' Restroom -

We Will Not Forget, We Will Not Forgive -

The Queer Gnostic Cult -

The Satanists Are Winning -

Sam Brinton Finding Out That Prisons Are Very Binary -

Rockefeller-Target Connection Exposed -

Woke Disney's Drag Groomers Get Pushback -

Gays Turning On Trans: "We Want A Divorce!" -

(Ger.) Zum Stolzmonat -

3 Physicians Incl. 2 Gynecologists Confirm That Dylan Mulvaney Is A Woman -

Grown Men Engage In Adult Acts At Pride Event In Front Of Children, Sparking Outrage -

Pride Month Has Been Going Great So Far -

The Left Reacts To (M. Walsh) Exposing The Trans Healthcare Scam -

Biden's New LGBT Coordinator...Because -

Gutless Cowards -

Dem Presser: Scott Wiener Officially Honors Drag Sister Roma -

How Times Have Changed... -

Male Ideologue Threatens Own Classroom Students Over #Pride Indoctrination -

"Accept LGBTQ+ Or Get Out Of The Country" -

Elliot Page Goes Full Jussie Smollett, Takles "View" For Ride *-

*View: Page's Chapter Out Of Smollett Playbook -

Paedo Color Added To #Pride Flag Replacing S&S On WH Facade * -

*Bidens Shit On American Flag At WH #Pride -

Meanwhile In California: Another (Gay, Jewish) Wiener -

Cringe-On-Pierre Gaslights & Dominates In Press Room, To Defend Brutality Of Trans In Girls' Sports -

14-Yr.-Old Irish Girl Speaks Out On Biological Reality And Trans Indoctrination -

Woke Trans Kids Dr. Gets Career Ended In Congress By Based Psychiatrist With Scientific Evidence -

Woke UK Teacher Melts Down Over Based Students Questioning Why Girl Identifies As Cat -

Teen girl Injured By Trans Athlete Blasts Biden, KJP For Their Trans Hustling -

Former Dem Lawmaker & 1st Openly Trans State Rep Arrested On ChiPor -

4 Children Found With Trans Adult Corpse, 6 Other Trans Males In Filthy Boston Apt. -

Eunuchs And Transgenders: A Historical Comparison -

Dark Underbelly Of "Trans Surgery": Director Of "Gender transformation" -

(Epoch Times) Gender Transformation: The Untold Realities -

DC Comix Goes Full #PriDEMONth, Inkl. Children -

Coming For Your Children - 

Coming For Your Children -

NYC PrideParade: Coming For Your Children -

Why Did The Brutal Murder Of 2 Lesbians & Their Child By A Trans Attract So Little Publicity In The US Media? * -

*The Shameful Silence Over Dana Rivers, FULL Read -

An "Important Announcement" -

The Biggest Self-Own Ever? -

Liberal Media Goes Silent On Trans BLM Activist Committing Mass Shooting In Philly! -

Tucker On Twitter Ep. 8: Rick From Boston/Adm. Rachel Levine -

Save Our Children From This Insanity! -

Eugenics And Planned Parenthood: Margaret Sanger -

LGBTQ Movement Exposed: Shocking History Behind It -

They Don't Even Hide It -

Men Pass Themselves Off As Women To Avoid THIS In Prison -

You Won't Believe What This Trans "Activist" Said! It's Getting Out Of Control! -

Men Dressed As Disney Princesses Film Themselves Pissing In Urinals -

Court Allows "Non-Binary" Repeat Sex Offender To Walk Free After Being Convicted For Abuse Of 15 Yr. Old Boy -

The Trans Empire: How The Trans Movement Conquered American Life -

(Ger.) An die WHO und UNO: Pädofinger weg von Kindern!

PolitiFact Defends "Chestfeeding" b/c "Breastfeeding" Term May "Exacerbate" Anxiety -

US Proposing "Programming" To Queer-up Foreign Nations -

Jill Biden Courts Drag Queens / Groomers -

If You Care About Freedom Of Speech... -

Trans (F>M) Molester Of Autistic Children Finds "His" Demise In Jail -

Shocking Scenes Unfold At Trans March In Montreal, Unveiling Startling Truths -

Dems WALK OUT On Video About Gender Affirming Surgery -

Andy Ngo: Portland Trans-Terrorist Destroys & Defecates Inside Teenage Girl's Car Over "Transphobia" Claim -

IN-DEPTH: Woman Says Her Daughter Was Sex-Trafficked After School Hid Gender Transition -

Portland Transgender Lunatic Breaks Windows And Shits In Car -

Trans-Expert Oli London's Warning To Protect Children, After Detransitioning From 32 Ops: "What Really Goes On!" -

The Latest Effort To Normalize Paedophilia -

On The Push To De-Stigmatize Evil -

Abortion Businesses Take Aim At New Revenue From Trans Services -

Pranking The USB's American Ukratranny * -


Oregon: Male "Trans Girl" Assaults Real Girls In Middle School -

"NYC Jews & Queers For Hamas" -

NYC: "Gays-4-Gaza" On The Streets -

Finnish Chief-Psychiatrist: "Gender-Affirming Care Is Dangerous; I Know, Because I Helped Engineer It" -

Stunning & Brave Tran Knocks Out Teeth Of Female Player -

Transgender Nashville Shooter Manifesto Leaked, Targeted "Little Crackers" -

Nashville Trans Manifesto LEAKED, Media Confirms Real, ANTI-WHITE Propaganda Motivation -

FB Censors Nashvilled Manifesto, Big Tech & Media PANIC As Manifesto DESTROYS Liberal Narrative -

You Can't Talk About It -

Trans Goofball Destroys Hotel Room After Date Ditches Him -

Man Named "Courtney" Stabs To Death 4 Family Mbrs -


Mom Makes Joy Reid Freak Out & Defend Explicit Adult Books For Kids In School During Heated Debate! -

I Was Told To Approve All Teen Gender Transitions; I Refused -

The Fever Is Breaking! -

DEI Now Infecting The Airlines! -

Lib Journalist Exposes Herself After LibsOfTikTok Confronts Her w/ Images In LGBTQ Kids' Book -

Dr. Phil To Rogan: We're Being Lied To About "Gender-Affirming Care" -

Doritos Hires & Fires Marxist Tranny Activist After Self-Exposed As Active Paedo -

Hidden In Plain Sight -

Enormous Medical Scandal: Leaked Emails Between Transgender Health Doctors -

UK: NHS Bans Puberty Blockers For Kids In Stunning Blow To Woke Agenda! -

Tucker: How Can Biden Get Away With Being Creepy With Kids? -

Mother Speaks Out After Bearded Man Threatened To Pose As Trans To Enter Women's Change Room -

Germaine Greer, 2015: Transgender Women Are "Not Women" -

Well, This Is Interesting -

(Ger.) Habeck gibt zu, daß Wirtschaftskrise "geplant" war! -

(Ger.) Der Fall Ganserer: Biologische Hintergründe zum Selbstbestimmungsgesetz -

Germany Passes Gender Self-Identification Law Allowing INFANTS To Transition, Imposes Massive Fine For "Deadnaming" -

14-Yr-Old "Trans Kid" Performing For Tips At LGBT Bars In Vancouver -

PP: Women's Health Care Clinic Bans Disabled Female Patient Over "Adult Human Female" T-Shirt -

Meet The Licensed Therapists Who Greenlight Sex Change Operations In The Name Of "Allyship" -

Transing The Gay Away -

A Strange Relationship -

After You Hear This, You Won't View Transgenderism The Same Ever Again -

The Monster Behind Gender Theory, And The Atrocious Lie He Based It On -

(Ger.) Wer die Botschaft der ESC nicht toll findet, ist ein Menschenfeind und Nazi -

(Ger.) Undercover bei LGBTQ-Kita (nocht nachmachen) -

Edinburgh: "Heresy Hunt" Victim Now Cleared By Employment Tribunal -

Nominee Grilled For Sending Male Serial Predator & Rapist To Women's Prison -

Nashville: School Shooter Wanted Mass Murder To Give Her "Eternal Gender Transition" -

Gender Affirming Treatment Gets Shattered -

Revealed: "Rachel" Levine Successfully Pressured Med Experts To Promote Chile Sex Changes -

Conservatives Blamed When "Anti"fa-Trans Kills Another Trans -

If Different Perverts Got There First -

PRIDE Parades Not A Place For Kids -

Trans Lies Are Lies -

Database Reveals Worst Hospitals For Inflicting Transgender Injuries On Children -

Survey Uncovers The Single Group In America That Would Push Transgenderism On Children: Democrats -

Berlin: Transgender Cop Attacks Two Other Male Cops -

Leftist Ideologues Admit There's No Evidence Child Sex Mutilations Reduce Suicides -

Exclusive: Leading Transgender Health Authority Cited Forum Co-Founded By Convicted Pedophile In "Standards Of Care" -

Another Trans Nightmare -

David Kupelian, WND: America’s Elites Openly Call For "Murder Of" Christians (Guest Article)

Help us defend and preserve Christian America from rising attacks
David Kupelian on countering the forces of darkness currently destroying America

While all good people are understandably focused on the heartbreaking mass murder of Christian children and adults in Nashville, you should know that America’s elite class has been literally ENCOURAGING such terrorism for a long time. Yes, I’m serious.

For example, just in the last week or two:

* During an appearance on ABC's "The View," host Joy Behar asked leftwing actress Jane Fonda how best to respond to all those annoying pro-life Christians out there in today’s America. “Besides marching and protesting,” asked Behar, “what else do you suggest?”

“MURDER,” responded Fonda.

“What did you say?” asked an incredulous Lily Tomlin.

“MURDER!” repeated Fonda.

* Over at Michigan’s Wayne State University, Professor Steven Shaviro posted the following on social media, with regard to conservative speakers coming to his campus: “I think it is far more admirable to KILL a racist, homophobic or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down.” Shaviro still has his job – of course.

* In Minnesota, that state’s Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan can be seen online wearing a tee shirt saying "Protect trans kids" – with a large dagger between the words.

* Josselyn Berry, press secretary for Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (whom overwhelming evidence indicates stole the election from Trump Republican Kari Lake), posted a meme unabashedly calling for violence against “transphobes” (that’s code for Christians). The image she posted depicts a woman with a revolver in each hand, pointing them threateningly at an unseen adversary. Berry captioned her image: "Us when we see transphobes."

By the way, she tweeted this one day AFTER the trans terrorist killed six Christians in the Nashville Christian school.

Friends, as I’ve pointed out previously, there’s an increasingly undeniable reality underlying so many of today’s news headlines, public statements and social media posts coming from today’s “ruling class.”

And that is this: Alongside all this unfolding degradation and societal destruction we are now experiencing – from the intentional destruction of our nation’s economy and fossil fuel industries to the intentional full-scale foreign invasion across America’s southern border to the intentional promotion of violent crime and the intentional orgy of grooming and recruiting America’s innocent kids into the ultra-dark transgender world, and so on – something else remarkable is happening: The very same political, cultural and sexual revolutionaries responsible for all of today’s unprecedented chaos in America have recently dared to “come out” and publicly identify exactly WHO they consider to be their mortal enemy.


That’s right, Christians are their enemy. That is the hidden message in almost everything taking place in the public, political and cultural spheres today.

For years they’ve beat around the bush, condemning conservative Christians with labels ranging from “Ultra-MAGA” and “white supremacists” to “the unvaccinated” and some mysterious entity called “QAnon.” Some of their attacks have been droolingly stupid – like the U.S. Department of Justice accusing normal, decent parents of being “domestic terrorists” for standing up and complaining at school board meetings about teachers brainwashing and corrupting their 6-year-olds with Marxist critical race theory.

Somehow, every moral, patriotic, traditionally minded American these days is a “violent extremist” in these people’s minds.

And now we know why.

The ruling elites have finally grown sufficiently brazen to OPENLY identify the one group they consider the true and ultimate enemy:

* "It’s becoming increasingly clear that the United States is under siege by Christian fundamentalists and traditionalists!" warns MSNBC's Ja'han Jones.

* "Christian Nationalism Is The ‘Single Biggest Threat’ to America’s Religious Freedom,” announces the Center for American Progress.

* “[The Republican Party is] a movement dedicated to imposing White Christian nationalism,” insists the Washington Post’s pretend “conservative,” Jennifer Rubin.

* "If Christian Nationalism isn't essentially domestic terrorism, then I don’t know what is,” opines Cari Marshall of the Texas Democracy Foundation, who goes on to explain the methods of all those supposedly violent Christian extremists: “They simultaneously weaponize the Bible and the Constitution to justify their wanton disregard for the views and safety of others and their insatiable lust for weapons and violence.”

Allow me to translate.

What’s REALLY happening is the ruling elite’s fear and loathing of Christianity – the faith that once made America the freest and most wonderful nation in history, the once-widespread belief that the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount provide the basis for a good life and a truly decent society – that hatred is now boiling over.

To the hard Left, Christians ARE racists … and Nazis, and terrorists and fascists. (Or as Biden called conservative Christians during one recent speech, “semi-fascists.”) But in reality, what’s actually going on is that the Left has always been at war with Almighty God and His laws and His ways. They are in perpetual rebellion against the Creator of the Universe, because Marxism – by definition – amounts to hatred and rejection of God so that human “saviors” can create paradise on earth. With them in charge, of course. That, in turn, always ends up being hell on earth, with the 20th century the bloodiest in all of human history, thanks to the very types of God-hating utopians who, right now, are maniacally obsessed with ruling America.

Today’s finally-out-in-the-open hatred of Christianity and Christians explains a lot – including the unprecedented censorship, vilification, demonization and cancellation of genuinely conservative, Christian, pro-American voices. Which of course includes the ceaseless attacks on WND, America’s original independent online Christian journalism organization, now weeks away from launching into its 27th consecutive year of 24/7 operation.

In fact, it explains in a dramatic way why we at WND are experiencing another huge wave of attacks on us as we, as Christian journalists, (figuratively) stand on the rooftops daily and shout the truth in the midst of a political culture steeped in lies and evil. (...)

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