Thursday, July 15, 2021

"Happy 100th", CCP: After Mass-Murder And Atrocities, The Propaganda And Trauma Live On!

“It is not so much death which characterized the Cultural Revolution, it was trauma.” (Frank Dikötter, historian who has painstakingly chronicled Mao’s brutality)

1) Epoch Times: CCP At 100 Years - A Century Of Killing And Deceit


COMMUNISM (from Marx to Mao) and National Socialism BOTH, in FULL measure, have not only wiped out entire generations -  still more: BOTH have so deeply traumatized the surviving generations to this day, such that the ONLY hope and ONLY practical, certain solution to EITHER form of toxic Socialism (Brown OR Red), its ONLY antidote lies in swearing off Socialism altogether - with the tools of transparent political decisiveness (i.e., will), real-world education, an honest (i.e., neutral and objective) media, and literature reflecting the truth.  And to secure this effect, putting stringent safeguards in place that Red Socialism has no more chance at any political power or credence than does Brown Socialism already.

The perverse thing is:  No one in today's globalist Left-dominated and pandering world is willing to do just that, so the dark insanity of Socialism now drapes itself in the Rainbow flag.  It is the same dark ADDICTION to raw manipulating power and violence, the same denial and gaslighting, the same disingenuous hypocrisy and swindle, scamming, intimidation and projection.

It is very much akin to alcoholism, it doesn't matter if you're hooked on beer, hard liquor, or both - you have to swear off alcohol itself.  Once you've sworn off all denial of your addiction to it.  If you have found or researched your way, or have been mentored OUT of this DEEP TRAUMA, then you are a conservative by definition (regardless of party affiliation, or independent from such).

In Germany, this is EXACTLY the case, and it took me longer than I'd ever anticipated to grasp that myself - and the maleable 20th-21st century German penchant for both the Brown and the Red, the latter being much harder to remove from the fabric of the national psyche, having held far longer reign and proven itself to be more devious. To dismiss this as "only" restricted to the realm of politics, which some may claim disinterest in, is to ignore the fact that politics is embedded in every aspect of daily life, whether one is conscious of that or not: political agenda influence if not actually drive the national narrative throughout the infrastructure of norms, from the commercial to the health system, from law enforcement to free speech and free assembly.  But lest we get lost in the banality of often enough heard statements, let us stay on point and keep this short:

This is why no one on the Left can or cares to see the NSDAP for what is was: Socialism - and by its own declared admission, "of the Left".  The PsyOp of the Marxists, neo-Marxism if you will, Cultural Marxism, is to gaslight it to the public by exchanging "Left" for "Right" - it was and remains the disinformation sleight-of-hand to distract from the vast atrocities of Communism with the convenient propaganda (in effect) of highlighting "Hitler and the Nazis" over and over, and obligatorily redundant calls of "Never Again!"  And if liberal Jews are Left stuck, and remain stuck - Marxist Jews are unreachable.

I will go so far as to maintain, that socialists (i.e., Marxists, communists) LOVE trauma, they thrive on it - it is by far the best way to control persons or populations, and to keep them under your control - likewise, disabling all opposiiton, including firm liberals as much as conservatives, as we are seeing played out today.  Barring of course, that one is blind or clueless.

Healing and real progression is anathema to them.  Democrats, academics, who may have never picked up a hammer and nail but want to "organize for the working class" which has historically rejected and disappointed them, changing tactic and going for the race card or LGBT-mania, or the climate panic, or the gene-manipulating trans-humanist injection rapture and push toward The Great Reset.  Ideological training in CRT and BLM tactics arouses the clichéed image of the black sharecropper in baggy overalls, shirtless, out in the field (the very term "woke" crudely reflects their pandering to a romanticized identification with "po' black talk" from field to ghetto - who actually are the racists here?) - part of THEIR Boulè PsyOp to hold Black Americans to the Plantation, with the soft-bigotry of Low Expectation and with faux-outrage giving vent to well orchestrated street rage, rampage and intimidation, and unmitigated destruction and chaos.

THEIR version of "healing" is more ideology and no healing - for the latter is to them, again, anathema.  Keep the levers of that trauma going, keep reinventing it!  Hold to the Frankfurt School doctrines and to Saul Alinsky's doctrinaire strategies.  As with the Holocaust among Jews, the Shoah is put to use, to bludgeon the mind and keep Jews AND Germans in check (not Czech).

The evils of Communism (all forms of Socialism, as they proceeded from Marx - as did both Mussolini and Hitler), share these same totalitarian characteristics with the Islam of Shari'a and JIhad, Du'a and Taqiyya - i.e., stringent codes of ideological orthodoxy, holy war, proselytizing, deceit.  And they each and all create and build on TRAUMA, on traumatization.

While we are on the main subject of trauma and traumatization, let it be firmly noted, in closing, that as of this writing: more and more is being uncovered, revealed, exposed to the light of day - the omertá and open secret of the past hundred years being broken open and addressed - concerning the relationship of paedophilia to the Marxist strain which has produced Socialism in all its forms, and to the Cultural Marxism now, which has thrown open the gates to a doctrine of globalism hostile to any and all national sovereignty and integrity of borders, with more trafficking and trade in paedophilia, and more indoctrination toward the acceptance and submission to it.

Healing through awakening is the key to ending the trauma, the traumatization visited upon humankind by Socialism dating back to Marx and bringing us to today's CCP and all its enablers, to this Stockholm or this Helper's Syndrome, so long as consent is there.  Do not consent to Communism, Covid or Climate propaganda and manipulation.  A nightmare can be broken the moment you suddenly grasp that you are dreaming it, then it is just a dream, and you quickly wake up.  The "Woke" will be outmatched by the Awakened.  We are getting there.

People of faith and bonafide patriots are taking us there.  Be one of them, dare to be conservative, it is the preservative of all that is just and real and dear.  We Americans have the Constitution, we can be that beacon of light to the nations, and we can hold in our hearts that divine antithesis to Marxism: Jesus Christ, who is acting with us and on our behalf.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

If it's going 'be Biblical' - Musings En Route To And From - And During - My Work Day


Branch Covidian:  The Story Of A Sect (possible bestseller and movie) - complete with Mask fetish; Lockdown-Stockholm; unwavering trust In Merkel and her Robert Koch Prostitute with her Ministry Of Health; her Joy Through Vaxx Campaign; hourly two-minute Hate Sessions toward Deniers; the pleasures of Virtue-Signaling and Denunciation; embracing "The Great Reset"...
The Inquisition's AUTO DA FÉ = "ANTI"FA in our day,
And BLMs burn down your city if they do not get their way.
College feeds the SJW, puer aeternus immature:
Marxist CRT cult/ure a toxic pack of horse manure.
To Dems, No Lives Matter but to exploit and to pander,
Obama or Biden, Kamala or Sanders...
The TDS-cancer's the actual pandemic,
The reader will tire if I keep up this polemic.
First Amendment's endangered for any conservative,
Globalist Left's Maoist indoctrination leaves no one room to live.

If it's going 'be Biblical', I'm thinking of the erection of the Golden Calf, and its destruction, dismantling, its reduction to molten gold and forced upon its erectors and its celebrants to literally drink - a horribly brutal outcome to read, but perhaps fitting to what the Golden Calf Cult produced which is spared us in the reading. And on this note I view the metaphoric, but no less real, fulfillment of THIS 'Biblical outcome' today as very very desirable.
"If it's going 'be Biblical', I'm thinking of the line drawn in the sand by Moses, on the one side of which should stand those who joined Korah and his cohort in the open rebellion against Moses, and on this side of which should stand those who did not but rather stood by their trust in Moses as agent of the Living God's Plan with this hard-necked people. The ground opened up between them, and if that alone were not impressive enough, all of those who stood with Korah and his co-leaders against Moses and the authority vested in him, were swallowed up in the chasm of that earth - all.
Today these images would serve as metaphors for what nonetheless must occur - and large, really large and visible. Without a complete exposure with meltdown and existential crisis of Leftist-Liberal ideology, of traumatic shattering the mind-control matrix, of every self-definition, of the attraction or illusion of Socialism/Marxism/Communism altogether - without this there can be no passing from enslavement to exposure to crisis to trauma to self-inspection to healing and to a whole, i.e., non-weaponized diverse society with a politic which is finally for the People and from this: for the world.
LG Michael Flynn, [03.06.21]
**The incredible levels of fraud, deceit, and lying by elements in our own federal government to hurt the Trump campaign and then effect a coup against a sitting President (Trump) so damaged our country, we may likely never recover. To recover, all Americans must wake up and get involved in this fragile experiment in democracy. If not, America, as we know it, will fall.**
To any Democrat voter:
The difference between us, between you and me, is this: that you will never lose one night of sleep, not one, over countless thousands, hundreds of thousands, of children - US-wide, Europe-wide, global-wide - babies, toddlers, kids, teens - who are sacrificed, trafficked, sexually and ritually abused, traumatized, disfigured, murdered: enhanced by open borders, by lockdowns, by blackmail, by the most lucrative industry on this earth (hands down).  Perpetuated or knowingly abetted by the low-brow, low-life criminals, scammers and con-artists, circus clowns and carnival freaks whom YOU voted into public offices (or have been appointed by the same) reaching every echelon of political power.  For whom you'd voted and continue to vote, and with whom YOU identify.
You will not lose sleep over this, as I do and have for years.  It is why I dropped a lifetime of identification with the Democrat party like a sack of sh*t, in 2016 - the Republican/RINO contingent notwithstanding.  It is why I twice voted for and stand with Trump.
It's the reason why ALL of this WILL be and IS being exposed, and NO ONE except the most self-deslusional will get away with telling ANYone "it's fake news" or "conspiracy theory", or "I didn't know" (you could have known, you should have).  WE've known since nearly 10 years, and we lose sleep over it, even now.
But not you, you will not lose sleep over the children, nor over all or any of the abominations against humanity on the part of those YOU hold on that pedestal (or even just take "for granted").
You might lose sleep when your icons of TDS-"liberalism" - Obama, Fauci, Biden, Kamala, BLM, are exposed, charged, tried, sentenced and condemned as they all deserve.  You might lose sleep - or you might WAKE UP.  If you do ever wake up, we might find something in common.

To any "Woke SJWs"/BLMers: Hey, you know that "micro-aggression" you thought you just picked up on me?  Yeah, that - only it wasn't "micro-aggression", just a thinly veiled warning that you are walking on thin ice.  And not for being a "POC", no - but for being a real POS.
Furthermore: To eliminate National Socialism from the collective psyche, you have to first eleiminate socialism.  To diable and eliminate "nazis" you have to disable and eliminate all socialists.  (Can you DO that?)  I came to Germany to commit myself to wiping out every last vestige of Nazism in the collective psyche, to actively participate inthe healing of this trauma.  What I came to learn, is that this requires nothing less than - but also nothing other than - confronting, exposing, disabling and eliminating every form and every element of socialism: brown, red, green, or rainbow.  All of it antisemitic (but pro-Islamic), all of it anti-German, all of it doctrinaire and totalitarian, all of it prone toward violence and conquest, power and virtue-signaling prestige, humiliating any opposition with defamation and character assassination, all of it scamming and disingenuous, noncreative and destructive.  Socialism is the authoritarian tyranny without equal, the collectivist totalitarianism itself.  When communists doggedly refer to "nazis" as the fascists, it's to distract the public, the pseudo-educated population from the NSDAP having been (and its "progeny" still) socialist, from Hitler and Goebbels having been self-declared Leftists, and Mussolini as well.  In socialism is where you'll find fascism.
That is why Stalin and the Stalinist GDR never referred to the nazis as the brown socialists they were, but as fascists - which they indeed were, only not because they were German but because they were sociaists.  But CAN you and WILL you eliminate it?  Or just keep on intoning that hollow, stale and reedy-voiced "Never Again!" - while nations and culture dies out?  And while a silent Merkel is determined to keep the borders open and the illegal flood of Jew-hating, misogynistic German-terrorizing and system-abusing coming?  Because under 16 years (and counting) of Angie's despotic hand: the Stasi-infiltrated infrastructure, the persecution of all conservative opposition and the restrictions on constitutionally granted free speech and free assembly, the gaslighting and globalisation, the Plandem(on)ic Lockdowns and dismemberment of economy and sovereignty at all, the Climate scam and of course the ever-obligatory instrument of "Kampf-gegen-Rechts" (Fight against Rightwing "Extremism") - ALL of this is inseparably related and insufferably shoved down our throats, in this once booming Republic of democratic vision.  (And, just a reminder: Trust no Paedophil-anthropist, always research any Philanthropy org and its CEO!  The Greens, by the way, may boast of former NSDAP-members, certainly paedophiles, and RAF-supporters among its founders and - of the latter two - among its own members.  Keep this in mind, because that is no coincidence, no accident, and nothing apart from one another.)
Moreover: BLM (Baal-worshipping Lesbian Marxists) is both Marxist and Voodoo, no joke.  It works like this: They use Marxism against all Whites (and "White-adjacents", i.e., Asians, Latinos) and they use Voodoo against their own Blacks.  This is how ritual sacrifice in this context works - there are dozens of other examples of ritual sacrifice, this is BLM'S own special contribution.  If it appears I am implying human sacrifice, I'm not implying such - I'm saying it.

To mask wearers who would lecture me:  That mask is NOT normal, so it CANNOT be the norm, and CANNOT be allowed to "normalize" YOUR life.  There is no Covid-19 "Pandemic", no "Delta" or "Lamda", or any "variant".  There is a lot of YOUR fear of it.  So there is only The Jab, and they want YOU to take it.

Our sources are clear; your sources are the paid and compromised, the scammers, the blackmailed, the profiteers; you are the low-infomationally brainwashed and manipulated dupes; we, the gratefully healthy and infomred immune, invulnerable to propaganda - as unlikely to reach you as your sources are of ever getting their clammy hands on us.

There is no separating politics from the discussion of anything affecting the moral, ethical and survival structure of your own daily life and that of any community of any size: Euthanasia was politic, every Camp and every Auschwitz, every Gulag and The Great Spring forward - politics, political, politic full of policy - capisce? Likewise OpenBorders and State control is politics.

Segregation was always "for the common good" - with Vaxx-discrimination we may see a comeback of prohibition of "mixed" marriages.
"Man uses electrical current tester to find V@cks-in-nation site on his friend:
Electric current tester turns on - pretty scary when humans have become batteries!"
(WARNING: This video may contain only Spanish, any Democrat voter or MSM-consumer who actually finds ex-Sen. Kamala H. credible or competent, will be challenged by the language. There is no English, nor translation in this conversation. Just science.)
So: Take The Jab, Become That #Magnet_For_Change!
There are those who instinctively can differentiate between a shower stall and a gas chamber - before it is too late.  Against these are all the dark smiling forces of the Covid-Agenda, the Pharma-Industry, the Fauci-fawning, and the V@cks-Campaign-And-Panic Patrols, marshalled by government officialdom, controled and compromised media, and Marxist academics.  These will always tell you the latter is really only the former of the two - and the majority goes for it.  We say: Never Again!

Psaki-Pspin on Cuba: As we've already seen from their spin on Guatekamala's infamously belated and infamously cringe, crisis-avoiding "root-seeking" visits to two countries south of the US border (pre-El Paso cringe), neither the Cookie-Queen nor the Badministration comprehend a word of Spanish, as their fawning press mistook their demonstably pro-Trump reception and the responses from those respective presidents as "well-wishing" or even taking her seriously. So with this Spanish-challenged WH coup-crew and its media, how could we expect them to distinguish Cubans on the streets calling out their native Communistas with Covid-19 - after all, they all three begin with C, sí?
BIDEN'S COG-TEST, or: "COG, JOE, COG!" (A Radio Interpretation Of This Event - which we are left to imagine, as it will never take place.)
Cast: Doc, Joe, Med. Staff Mbr. (MSM), and of course Jill
DOC: "MisinterpResident, we're about to administer a short..a...well, alright, a Cognitive Test, to test your cognitive condition, Sir."
JOE: "Well, go right ahead, shoot. Hey, what did HE score, I heard he took it?"
DOC: "Sir, that's confidential, but what the hell - he scored 30 out of 30, Sir."
JOE: "Hell, gimme that, I'll knock out all 40 in half the time."
DOC: "Right, hmm, okay, Sir, just sit down here and we'll begin with the first few questions."
JOE: "Oh, the ones CNN talked about? Hell, I'll ace 'em. C'mon, man, hit me."
JILL: "Hon', Joe, take this first, here."
DOC: "Ma'am, Madam First Lady, I'll have to ask you to leave the room."
JILL: "Not a chance, He needs me there for reassurance, I'm his Han...his wife after all, and The First Lady. Just...holding his hand."
DOC: "I'll have to have your word, you will not attempt to help him with any of the questions. ... Please don't fix me with that stare, ma'am, I'm just administering this test. ... No thank you, ma'am, no cookies, I'm on duty. ... Alright, but just one."
JOE: "C'mon, man, let's get on with it. And hey - softball questions only, I gotta long weekend."
DOC: "Sir?..."
JOE: "Not a long weekend - a long weak end. Jill says I can't finish a sentence coherently. ... Uh-oh, I'll get in trouble for that one, I know it."
DOC: "I see. Soo, My medical staff assistant will now administer the questions."
MSM: So here are some images of animals, Sir. Can you tell me which is the giraffe and which is the horse?"
JOE: "Well, that one remids me of my own long hairy legs, I let the kids rub their hands over them, they turn blond in the summer, you see."
MSM: "Sir, giraffe or....okay, tell me here which is the elephant and which the donkey. Sir?"
JOE: "That's a lot of malarkey, you switched 'em. Did you ever hear me tell about Cornpop? He was a mean dude. You sorta remind me of him."
MSM: "Sir? The animals, Sir. Which is the..."
JOE: "Oh, you know the thing!"
JILL: "Don't let them corner you., Joe. 'Queen of Hearts', Joe, think 'Queen of Hearts'..."
JOE: "Right, now gimme those pictures there! Why all these animals anyway, we goin' hunting? I have a son named Hunter...we're mighty proud of that boy - Jill, honey, don't squeeze my hand too hard there."
MSM: "Alright, let's try someting else. I have here what's called a Rorschach inkblot card, a simple test. Just tell me what you see there, just...right off the bat."
JOE: "Well, that's easy, I see a little girl - I just love children - yeah, about 11 or 12...just starting to...could I just sniff that card there?"
JILL: "Joe! 'Ace of Spades', Joe, 'Ace of Spades'...
JOE: "Hey, Doc! If you can't decide between Trump and me, then you ain't Black!"
MSM: "Sir, I..." (looks to Doc)
DOC: "I...think we'll just end this here for today, we'll make another appointment, Sir."
JILL: "Good job, honey, come - the limo is waiting, Joe, we're heading back for a nice nap..."
JOE: "Aw, c'mon, man, I was just warming up to this - could I see that inky card again?..."
JILL: "C'MON, Joe! NOW!...Honey..."
Deutsche Welle - in Doitch or English - WILL NOT give you the background facts YOU NEED, because DW is fully part of the system-media. So allow me to make some VERY RELEVANT FACTS abundantly clear:

I will list off the most cogent points. You figure it out. First, watch the footage from DW here, as it does show the immensity of the disaster, then consider all of the following, as it addresses not only the :factual disaster which just occurred after heavy downpour in an entire district of the German North-Rhine-Westphalian (NRW) state, leading to a broken dam - but much more, it flagrantly demonstrates the dark mentality of this Regime and its figures-in-power:
1. By comparison to like disasters in the past, and how two former Chancellors timely and effectively responded (Helmut Schmidt as then Lord Mayor of Hamburg, Helmut Kohl in his day with the Rhein-Main area, and later Gerhard Schroder with Dresden) - Merkel's Cast of Clowns could not manage to get either the firefighters, the police, nor the Bundeswehr, nor the Technical Assistance Agency over there until days after, and this very sloppily organized at that. IN FACT, many locally placed farmers and such had arrived with their own tractors and equipment, their own muscle and solidarity, to assist the stricken residents - BUT WERE PREVENTED IN DOING SO by the very above mentioned agents of the Clowns on Parade from Merkel's incompetent State apparatus. The only politicians who responded with consequence by showing up without press, and rolling up their sleeves and getting their feet wet and their nails dirty were the AfD's ex-Bundeswehr Officer-now-federal politican, Uwe Junge, with other conservatives.
2. Immediately following the NRW flooding, the TV-watching public (if they were even paying attention through their masks) was treated to record-breakingly sanctimonious PR-gaslighting, full of disingenuous - that's putting it nicely, it was overtly contemptuous if not intnentionally sadistic and cruel - posturing, behind which respective speaker these same political scammers and schemeres were caught on camera shucking and jiving.
3. Given the glaringly evident hypocrisy and gross incompetence in responding to and handling the catastrophe altogether, one watched as Federal President Steinmeier (SPD), an old communist himself, took turns at the podium berfore the press (@ 6:43 in) with NRW's flacid PM Laschet who is supposedly slated to replace Merkel in the Chancellery, as this same Laschet is seen in the back wings openly joking around with State Councilman Rock and others. Then it was Laschet's turn to put on the "Serious Face" and speak his "condolences" at the mike, while Steinmeier replaces him in the back to continue the light-hearted party likewise caught on camera (not shown here on DW).
4. Merkel is supposed to show up when she finds time in her busy schedule and gets around to it, but let this be clearly understood - regardless of DW's otherwise decent reporting: Merkel's name, with her long record, CANNOT be uttered in the same sentence, in any respect whatoever, with "solidarity with the German people", she is demonstrably the very opposite, and is infamously absent of any shred of identification with or empathy for suffering Germans, period.
5. Meanwhile, for that PR-Presser with Steinmeier, Laschet and Rock, THE LOCALS THEMSELVES, who'd merely shown up to hear them "offer thier support", were police-evacuated from being anywhere near the press or the talking heads - NOT, mind you, because there was any danger to those residents, but because their presence posed a danger to the speakers' image. So much for "meeting the people" and "speaking to the people affected" - which they weren't at all there to do but to posture and shit'n'grin and cut-up among themselves. But as cameras don't lie, that didn't go down well. Jaded and decadent, all.
6. The Brits and the European Weather Services had actually warned the Merkel-Regime significant days ahead of the disaaster, about exactly what was coming and where it would hit, all this was literally, factually and verifiably ignored - one may surmise, intentionally so in order to push Merkel's "Climate" Agenda. If you think this is cynical on our part, no - it is already infamously cynical on THEIRS.
(Speaking of cynical: FridaysForFuture (FFF) is using the occasion to demonstrate in some usual major city, against ClimateChange - much thanks. The Left in general (certainly the Greens) would only gladly watch all of Germany go under water. Let that be noted.  And speaking of FakeNews, caught off camera a week later, were: a) a female "reporter" for state-subsidized low-informational RTL television is caught off-camera by independent footage, rubbing mud from the flood ruins into her face with great care and checking herself in a cosmetic mirror before she goes live to report how "involved" she was in the "rescue help" they were literally pretending to be any part of - while real helpers from all over were being screened(!) for any chance of having "right-wingers" possibly showing up - yes, really - and b) two female "reporters" were likewise caught independently off-camera and between shootings, standing there amidst the disaster carnage literally as if they were extras in some movie on location, heard discussing in animated and reality-challenged conversation between themselves, on where best to vacation and where the hottest places to go do their summer would be - certainly NOT where they were standing now and would be leaving behind them in a couple of hours.)
7. Meanwhile, billions in taxpayers' Euros have been thrown all this time, up to right now, into all the wasteful pet projects: from foreign aid to China, Africa, India, Syria, more RefugeesWelcome, and elsewhere outside of Germany, to promote NGOs, or Climate and C*vid propaganda and wasteful measures within Germany, and of course above all, to "Fighting-Right-Extremism" here; in fact, all the once stored funds earmarked for just such catastrophes as this flooding, for specifically these, had been funneled by Merkel only quite recently toward above said projects, leaving the now disaster-stricken flood areas so devastatingly short of government funds, such that Merkel is right now - likewise unable to withhold her laughter and lightness together with another female Clown in Office - "appealing to the public" for contributions! And offering a whopping 300 Euros to each affected household.
And consider THIS: A "Conspiracy Theorist" is one who can tell a shower stall from a gas chamber.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

#Black_Knives_Matter: Bavarian Würzburg, 25 June 2021 (Let It Be Known)

 #Black_Knives_Matter, as do #LGBTQ+Rainbows and #RefugeesWelcome, as does #FightingTheRightWing, as does #WearAMaskGetVaxxed

Just. Not. Actual. Lives.  Welcome to perpetually traumatized, perp-loving Merkel's Germany.

On a sunny Friday afternoon, late June 2021, 5 1/2 years following Merkel's throwing open the borders so that a Biden-Surge of "refugees" and "asylum-seekers" could ALL storm into the welcoming bosom of Germany to enjoy all that dubious "Lebensraum" Merkel & Co. told them about in a third-world wide ad campaign; and 4 1/2 years after the still-ignored Berlin-Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market terror attack; in Bavarian* Würzburg one Abdirrahman J.*, a Somali resident of an "asylum" house, who had evaded deportation on a number of occasions, known to the police and living four years in this facility for Merkel's Guests, where a house-search has just turned up stacks of ISIS material for summer reading, this very Abdirrahman J. walked into a local Woolworth, bought or took a knife from the merchandise there, and proceeded to live out the Jihadi dictates of his Prophet, pieces be upon him.  The aftermath left three brutally slaughtered, several critically wounded.  The White German police had subdued the Somalian person-of-color with one round to the thigh after a crowd of men-with-spine-and-cojones had rendered the police's job a no-brainer.  The media-manipulated public was more concerned about his health and well-being ("mental case" and after arrest "suicidal", so convenient).  Sound familiar?  Leftist rules.

Thorsten Hinz (Junge Freiheit, 6/921), opens his excellent article, "And the Chancellor Remains Silent", with:
"The reactions from politics and media to the bloodbath in Würzburg all follow the minimalist principle. From the very start, the reporting and commentaries were set upon one clear goal: Under no circumstances was the crime to be associated with illegal immigration, wildly strange asylum laws, with Islamism, with cultural idiosyncrasies and incompatibilities.  The policy of open borders had to remain unchallenged! (...)"

But let it be known:

Würzburg is also a story of heroism:

Christiane H. (49), already fatally wounded, protectively threw herself onto her 11-year-old daughter, and gave her own life right there saving the child's.

The attacker stabbed her already lifeless body over and over trying to get to the child.

Johanna H. (82), the child's grandmother, immediately distracted the killer toward herself, to save her grandchild.

She was slaughtered on the spot as well by Abdirrahman J.  The child did survive with her young life, her future now marked with the unspeakable trauma of having brutally lost her mother and grandmother before her very eyes, to The Religion Of Peace in the fashion of true Jihad.

Now out on the open street in mid-day, having just left Woolworth, the Shari'a faithful Abdirrahman, heard by still-living witnesses shouting "Allahu-akbar", proceeded to stab nearly to death with 13 blows of his Woolworth knife 73-year-old Ingrid L., who miraculously survived with critical injuries, as a passerby cared for her blood-drenched person until professional help (eventually) arrived.

Some 170 meters distance from the Woolworth store, the still knife-wielding perpetrator was finally actually stopped by several men who'd instinctively responded and given chase - with chairs, shopping bags, branches, and even broomsticks - whatever they had on hand.  Let it be noted, that not only native Germans but immigrant citizens made up this concerted and effective effort to intervene.

Let it be noted, that the police arrived after the Somalian jihadi was already prevented in this, from injuring still more persons out shopping and enjoying the good weather.  Another young woman, Steffi W., age 24, the third fatality, also met her horrible end inside that Woolworth - she was shopping that day for a bridal dress.  Abdirrahman J. told the police upon arrest that he had "performed his duty of Jihad", he had targeted exclusively women, and had aimed his knife with expertise at their throats and necks - as prescribed in Qur'an (look it up).  The Greens and The Left love this, they get really turned on at the idea of Jihad, and - being all hard-core Third Wave "feminists" and cucked beta-males - they disguise their venomous and toxic hostility toward women by proclaiming themselves to be "warriors against toxic masculinity and patriarchy".  Würzburg - as with so many other German towns since 2015 - got a good taste of this a week ago as of this writing.

Let it be noted, that the press immediately took the side of the perpetrator, doubting along with every public figure "any connection" to Islamist motives, gaslighting the public, defaming the bold men who had confronted him and given chase, bringing the bloodbath to an end, as having "gone on a racist manhunt of an African asylum-seeker".  Only hours later did that same press change their narrative to the facts, without so much as a beg-your-pardon.  When the press did turn the "manhunters" into the heroes they were, not one German among them was mentioned by name or face, only an Iranian resident of Würzburg got broad mention, in order to serve the Spin they had to put on it.  He was "the one" who'd cornered the Somali jihadi - implying that no one else specifically bore the least recognition.

Let it be noted, that also not one name of any victim was mentioned in any press report, nor their age - either of which would normally be routine - they were listed by birth year(!) like a common corpse destined for a pauper's grave.  Not even at the memorial (lip)service held for the victims, were any of them so much as with first name addressed - not one, not even there.  (If anyone of foreign birth met anything like such an end here, the press would be loaded for months with maudlin im memoriums to their names, faces, ages, German "BLM"-style - with annual ceremonies by Merkel or some highly posted functionary of hers.  Let that be duly noted.)

Let it be noted, that the most prominent image circulating of the perpetrator going about his business, shows him a) with a proper Covid-mask on, unhampered by the same, taking responsible consideration of not being a "spreader" of the virus, only the virus of The World's Fastest Goring Religion; and b) being flanked (to the left of the image) by a hanging Rainbow Flag for tolerance and diversity and human togetherness, something the Bad Germans always and incessantly need to be "reminded" about observing.  Did I say False-Flag?  Perish the thought.  I only said "flag".

Let it be noted, that the globalist-opportunist and certified sadist Bavarian PM, Markus Söder*, gave visibly grudging recognition to those men, in a satanically-globalist Germany whose atmosphere reeks from the Cult/ure of German self-hatred and a love for non-Western-European violent criminal perpetrators with police records and long criminal histories brought from home.  It may well be surmised, call it an educated guess, that this Somali Muslim had been well-trained in this by Al-Shabab back in the day.  The current official crime statistic covering the period of 2014 when Merkel initiated her Open Borders policy, through 2015 when she cemented it, spanning into 2019, specifically reflecting non-Germans, i.e., illegal mass unvetted immigration from all over the Islamic world - from Afghanistan to Syria to Iraq to North (and Central) Africa - is at six million. When you read "crime" here, understand that these elements specifically lead in robbery, rape, and murder.  This is not about jaywalking.  So you see, if you want to link "Germany" with six million", you have a whole new picture for this century.

Let it be noted, that neither Supreme Leader Merkel nor anyone of any "consequence" has - or will have even in a decade's time - visited the families, taken any action, but did manage to pull some grudging photo-ops with lip-service "condolences" worthy of Ex-Sen. Kamala, promising to employ all measures to assure the "Woke" Community they all pander to, that no "generalizations" or "payback" toward anyone in the Somali or any other Muslim "community" will be "tolerated".  It is hard to say what torches ones determined wrath toward these satanic gaslighters and criminals more, to see them all brought to justice with capital punishment: the flip bromides of staged words of "condolence" out of their usual playbook followed by literally nothing and certainly no outreach to the families (time and again), or the sheer icey, cowardly - or just indifferent silence - by a despotic Merkel who will NOT and NEVER close the borders.  Open Borders is actually meant to favor the Abdirrahmans of Merkel's illegal mass migration into Germany and EUrope.

Let it be noted, that with every single attempt to air our protest of Merkel's fatal and diabolical policy, we conservative and liberal patriots hit the streets to call attention to this - week for week, quarter for quarter, or annually - since 2014/2015 on behalf of just such girls and women: we have been met with constant and wrathful opposition and politically backed blocking of our route, from "Anti"fa, Third-Wave "Feminists", and a good dose of police chicanery.

The Women's Marches which we had participated in, legally demonstrating our enraged sorrow and our mourning regonition of - with faces and names and dates - every single woman and girl who had fallen prey to Merkel's illegal policy and paid with their lives for her crimes, these marches, these demonstrations have long become verboten - with much help by the instrument of Covid propaganda.  "Anti"fa not, however, but then they already have a mask fetish.  And the BLM demo during the very week after Würzburg, on the streets of Berlin, drawing hundreds for George Floyd and decrying "police racial brutality", flies in the face of every surviving family member of the real victims of this insanity.

Merkel crowned her cynical policy with signing the Migration Compact in Marrakesh in January 2019, reinforcing with physical and psychological violence on the German population the cementing of its now quite manifest Stockholm Syndrome.  (She was well trained in East Germany as Youth Secretary for Propaganda and Agitation, destined for Chancellorship in a Federal West-German Republic to be taken over, after 1990, by the East German Republic which had groomed her for just this.  She has repeatedly broken with Constitution and Basic Law, feeling no obligation to so much as explain why.)

Let it be noted, that four days following this, speaking of the Death-Cult of "tolerance", The Team (no longer calling itself the German National Soccer Team - too..."racist" and "exclusionary") meeting on the green for their next scheduled Woke-Appearance for the European Cup, facing the Hungarians with flatulent insults toward Viktor Orbán for his decisive policies against Paedo-grooming and gender-propaganda in his country's schools, all bent a knee for BLM - yes, for those Marxists and for the criminal George Floyd - and flaunted the rainbow colors - from the banner waved in the opposing team's faces, to the flags, to the streamed colors over the stadium.  All this, to demonstrate - on the playing field, using the European Cup attention by the press - "diversity and inclusion, tolerance and a signal against hate and racism".  Really.

Of course, any advertisement for their lead sponsor, Qatar - known for strict prohibition of all forms of homosexuality, enforced with draconian measures - was decidedly not touched with rainbow colors.  What counts for Germans today is not the lives of defenseless victims of Merkel's own adamant and intransigent OpenBorder policy with weak vetting and almost void of deportation or responsibility, but of LGBTQ+ and CSD/Pride propaganda and pandering.  Fans be damned.  Victims likewise.

So let it be noted, finally, that this touching remark speaks volumes: "What would have been a more suitable signal to set, 'against hate and for solidarity and bonding together', than to have honored these people in Würzburg?  What a pity, @dfb_team."

No wreaths, no candles, no human chains of hands locked together - itself all an empty gesture full of virtue-signaling, lip-service, more Woke-Cult, and as soon forgotten as likewise never critically examined and learned from - since 2015.  Wait - they do "critically examine" here, every time this occurs, and we have stopped counting or keeping all the victims' names straight after all the rapes and murders since that year of "WelcomeRefugees".  The Germans - never having therapized their trauma from the "Third Reich" years, or their continued penchant for socialist experiments even following that one and the GDR which succeeded it, now surging over the same abyss with the Green New Deal and the Great Reset - fall for Merkel's pseudo-therapy of self-hating collective White "guilt" which explains every Würzburg as "our" failure, i.e., that of "German society and institutions" - and therewith, every German.  Just don't heal, never that, anything but that.  Including - in fact especially where - it means victims such as just this past week in Würzburg.  It is, after all, a prolonged Festival of a Death Cult of Self-Abasement and Self-Immolation.

(And official Würzburg itself?  Why, it is applying taxpayer Euros to hire the best court defense attorney money can buy, for Abdirrahman J.  Because one thing Germans have mastered, now that they've destroyed everything else they had going for them, is bending over backwards to be un-"racist" and "humane" - which results in being the very paragon of racism, inhumanity, crass cynicism, cruelty, sadism, toward everyone else.  It is correctly asserted by patriots, conservatives, alternative thinkers here, that the time-honored German Rechtsstaat - sovereign constitutional state based on law and on order - has been replaced, largely and most influentially through Merkel herself, with a Linksstaat - Leftist State Regime, despotic, authoritarian if not yet totalitarian, arbitrarily ruled.)

Let it be known, that already within the same week, following this slaughter in Würzburg, similar knife attacks - all by African Muslims, presumably jihadis, the German cities of Erfurt, Magdeburg, Münster, Dresden, and Zwickau may be counted.  In Vienna, a 13-year-old girl named Leonie was lured by four Afghani youth into a house she didn't know, drugged (up to 11 Ecstasy tablets found in her), kept and molested, abused, raped and actually tortured, finally suffocated and left there.  The Feminazis (known for their actual hostility toward women) of Vienna played the perpetrators down so they could scream some more over "the Western Patriarchy". It would be well to note, that Austrian PM Sebastian Kurz spoke out emphatically condemning this, which is to say the least everything other than what one may ever expect from Merkel or any of her sycophant lackeys from any of the established parties.  As of this writing, which is dated seven days after Würzburg.

Cui bono? Islam and Communism.  Now THAT will be a match for the REAL European Cup.

*Let it be further duly noted, that a) Abdirrahman translates to "Servant of the Compassionate" - does it get any more grotesque? The J. we do not know, as that has not been reported...might it be Jihad?, and that b) Bavaria, specifically under PM Markus Söder, has so thoroughly sold out to and been bought by Islamic interests, most notably Saudi and Qatar - which would explain WHY Söder was not pleased about passing civilians actually showing the real civil courage such as the German propaganda and social engineering apparatus always makes flacid superficial pitches for, and more importantly, WHY in not only Bavaria but in Germany generally you MAY NOT express yourself critically toward Islam or Islamic culture as it is being imported for Islamisation and take-over of the West, here in Germany where the Merkels and Söders, the Steinmeiers and Seehofers, have ALL done a 180 since 2015 from their earlier positions on record, since this turn condemning critics as "Islamophobic" if not also "racist", turning up the pressure so that the very subsidized LGBTQ+ and the very subsidized Jewish communities DON'T raise their voices every time a Würzburg occurs, perpetrated by the mass influx of culturally Jew-hating and Queer-hating  experienced and/or perpetually potential murderers of the same. Propagated, promoted - with steady gaslighting - by the State of Bavaria as with the despotic Merkel State itself.

One more traslation of note here: the German word Opfer refers to both "victim(s)" and "sacricifice".  Let that be noted.  And let that all sink in.