Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Merkel schmeißt das Volk unter dem Zug

Merkel schmeißt das Volk unter dem Zug - ohne zu zittern.

"Der barbarische Kindesmord im Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof, nach Polizeiangaben die Tat eines eritreischen Staatsangehörigen, wird bei jedem auch nur halbwegs normal fühlenden Menschen Trauer und Zorn bewirken.

"Frankfurts SPD-Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann gehört allerdings nicht zu diesen Menschen. Es ist schon lange bekannt, welch ein linksideologischer „Populist“ und Demagoge er ist. Nun wissen wir auch, dass er in einer das ganze Land erschütternden Situation des Schmerzes, des Mitleids, aber auch der gerechten Wut nichts anderes ist als ein besinnungsloser Ideologe, der vor keinem verbalen Missbrauch der schrecklichen Tat zurückschreckt. (...)"

"Reaktionen auf den Mord im Frankfurter Hbhf:
"(...) Im heutigen Deutschland, nach 14 Jahren Kanzlerschaft unter Angela Merkel, sehen die einschlägigen Warnungen inzwischen anders aus: Frauen sollen eine Armlänge Abstand zu Männern halten; sie sollen sich nicht zu nah an Bahnsteigkanten stellen, wenn der Zug einfährt; wir sollen Schutzsuchenden nicht direkt in die Augen schauen, was besonders pragmatisch klingt, wenn man Kontakt zu den Neubürgern aufnehmen und bei der Integration helfen soll; in dieser Woche stellte ein Twitter-User eine Timeline der Experten-Ratschläge auf.

"Die lautete so:
2015: so schützt man sich auf Reisen;
2016: so schützt man sich zu Neujahr;
2017: so schützt man sich im Freibad;
2019: so schützt man sich am Bahnsteig. (...)"

Frankfurt war kein Einzelfall - Eine Liste von 'Gleisschubsern' in Deutschland:
"Der gestrige Vorfall am Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof ist alles andere als ein Einzelfall. Einer unserer Leser (U.O.) hat eine (nicht vollständige) Liste ausländischer Gleisschubser seit 2012 (Stand  29.7.2019) erstellt. (...)"

"Statement nach dem Mord an einem achtjährigen Jungen, der in Frankfurt am Main von einem Eritreer vor einen einfahrenden Zug gestoßen wurde: Hierbei handelt es sich mitnichten um einen Einzelfall. Immer wieder werden Deutsche Opfer ausländischer Täter, die hier angeblich Schutz suchen, aber dann bald im Gefängnis zu finden sind. Das Unsicherheitgefühl im öffentlichen Raum bricht sich mehr und mehr Bahn; Freibäder, Schulen und Bahnhöfe werden zu Angstzonen. Politisch muss endlich gegengesteuert werden: Migrationsanreize vermeiden, Grenzen endlich schützen, Kriminelle konsequent abschieben!"

"Als wäre nichts passiert, lässt sich Dr. Merkel samt Ehemann in einem Helikopter der Bundespolizei (genau jene Truppe, welche eigentlich die Grenzen sichern sollte) in den Urlaub fliegen. Lässig und entspannt. Wie muss man im Kopf verdrahtet sein, um so handeln zu können?"

"Die ultimative Abrechnung mit dem katastrophalsten Kanzler seit 1945: Angela Merkel. Stephan Egerlein nimmt sie hart aber fair auseinander."

"Ausländer killt Deutsch-Kasachen in Stuttgart mit Schwert und die Tagesschau schweigt."

"Die Wende muss kommen: Deutschland macht den Menschen wieder Angst!"
 "STUTTGART MORD: Statt dem Mörder werden jetzt die Berichtenden um dne halben Erdball gejagt" -

"Gloria's Plan: Merkel in Rente, Grenzen zu, alle Illegalen sofort raus!"

"Frau Merkel, Deutschland, ein Land in dem man gut und gerne lebt. Diesen Satz hätte der umgekommene 8jährige Bub vielleicht auch gerne formuliert. Nun kommt es nicht mehr dazu, wie so oft. Ein weiterer dramatischer Einzelfall in der langen Serie des „Wir schaffen das-Wahnsinns“, der einen Menschen tötet, eine Familie zerstört, ein Land erschüttert, Niemanden kalt lässt. Der Tod des Kindes, ein niemals überwindbarer Schmerz, der die am Boden zerstörten und traumatisierten Eltern und Angehörigen ein Leben lang begleiten wird:

"Und ich frage Sie unablässig und auch diesmal:

"Wie schaffen Sie es, den Eltern jemals gegenüber zu treten und ihnen zu erklären, dass ihr geliebtes Kind ein unschuldiges Opfer des falsch verstandenen Toleranzbegriffs der politischen Eliten unter Ihrer Führung – Frau Merkel - wurde?

"Und auch heute frage ich Sie:

"Wie schaffen Sie es, sich täglich in den Spiegel zu blicken und dabei an Mia aus Kandel, Maria aus Freiburg und heute an diesen 8jährigen Buben zu denken, die alle aus dem Leben gerissen wurde, weil Sie Frau Merkel, die staatlich geduldete Anarchie, das Chaos zum politischen Prinzip erhoben haben?

"Die Lichter auf den Gräbern der Opfer Ihrer Politik könnten mittlerweile ganze europäische Großstädte Mitternachts erhellen.

"In diesen Stunden beginnt sich das immer wiederkehrende Perpetuum mobile der Erregung zu drehen. Heute Bestürzung und Entrüstung samt vorgefertigter Beileidsbekundungen, morgen die politische Debatte darüber, in den nächsten Tagen die Mahnwachen und Demonstrationen zum tragischen Tod des Opfers und am Ende der Woche die Diskussion über eine politische Radikalisierung der Bevölkerung.

"Man sagt: Verbrecher sind der Spiegel der Gesellschaft. Frau Merkel, diese Gesellschaft haben Sie geformt!"

Die Bahnhof-Beklatscher von 2015 - ob München oder Berlin...oder hier Frankfurt - dürfen sehen, was "Bahnhof" daraus jetzt, spätestens 2019, bedeutet.  Nur, sie sehen immer nicht.  Und wer langsam sieht - oder sieht seit lange, darf nicht darüber reden, darf nicht mit Namen nennen, sonst wird's zensiert, sonst wird's entfernt, gelöscht, wird's bestraft auf immer schlimmerer Art und Weise.

Aus Merkels "bereichendem Gold" - und einem Islam, der "zu Deutschland gehört":

Vor ca. einem Jahr oder mehr: Neukölln-Bhf., wo die junge Frau von hinten die Treppen hinunter getreten wurde.  Aus "Spaß" an Frauenhass.

Januar 2019: wo drei deutsche Jugentlichen auf einen S-Bahn Gleis niedergestoßen wurden.  Aus Spaß am "Streiten".

Kaum einer Woche her, in Voerde, NRW: wo eine frisch gebackene Mutter, Mitte 30, von einem 28 J. "Serben" (nicht Ostkirchliche, sondern eher Kosovar-Osmanische - und selbst 9x Vater) zu Tode vor einem hineinfahrenden Zug gestoßen wurde.  Aus reiner Mordlust, aus "Spaß" am Deutschenhaß.

Kurze Zeit danach: wieder ein Mann auf einen deutschen Gleis hineingestoßen - weitere Details sind mir nicht bekannt.

Gestern am Frankfurter Bhf. mitten am Vormittag, mitten im Sommerferienverkehr: wo eine Mutter und dann ihr 8-j. Kind (einer Dritte - 78-j. Frau - auch, beinah) von einem 40-j. Eritreer gleichfalls vor dem einfahrenden Zug niedergestoßen wurde - Kind sofort überfahren, tot.  Aus reinem Mordlust, aus "Spaß" an Deutschenhaß.  Sorry - aus "psychiatrischen" Gründen, da er gerade aus der Schweiz (seit 2006 wohnend) per Zug nach Frankfurt geflohen ist, nachdem er seine Frau und drei Kinder (u.a.) als Geisel nahm und mit einem Messer bedroht habe.  "Psychisch-gestört" - was heißt das, depressiv? schizophren? borderline, bipolar, Bulemie, zwangsneurotisch...?? - ist ein Deckwort, seit 2015 eine gebräuchliche Ablenkung.  (Aber sagen wir doch, der stößt Frauen und Kinder nieder, vermutlich aus übertragener Rache gegen seine eigene Frau und Kindern - ziemlich gestört, das Ganze.)

Denn es ist völlig irrelevant - wenn die Linken nicht schon "Rassismus" schreien weil der Täter wieder und immer wieder illegal aufenthaltender Afrikaner faktisch ist, werden sie "Psychophob" als neuen Stolpersteinwort genau so schrill und skuril verwenden.  Relevant ist und bleibt, die Sicherheitskrise und geplante Panik - ausgelöst durch Merkels 2015 #OpenBorders (#RefugeesWelcome) und die Links/Grüne globalistische Politik.  Menschenopfer, geschenkt. Kinderopfer nicht auszuschließen.  Linksideologie ist Ritualmord - nur, "Experiment" genannt.

Apropos psychisch-gestört:

Der Bürgermeister verhöhnt die Betroffenen und die vielen Dauer-Traumatisierten, wie bei jedem Fall (ich erinnere an Kölns Reker in Jan. 2016), Merkel fährt in den Urlaub (Südtirol, mit ihrem Sauer, in einem von Bundespolizei gesicherten Hubschrauber) und verhöhnt dabei - auf ihrer krassen besonderen Art - die Betroffenen und die vielen Dauer-Traumatisierten, Seehofer bricht seine Urlaubsreise ab und geht hin, um noch weiter die Betroffenen und die vielen Dauer-Traumatisierten zu verhöhnen auf seiner köstlichen innenministerialen Art.  Und die "Qual-itäts"-Medien machen diesen Verrat und dieses Gaslighting  weiter mit.  Kein einziges Wort von Merkel oder von Steinmeier.

IGNATZ BEARTH: "Live aus Südtirol - Genießen Sie Ihren Urlaub, Frau Merkel?"

Und das Volk, oder besser - die "Bevölkerung", mit ihren Wählern und gehirngewaschenen Jugend...schläft.

Aber nicht mehr lange.  Die Teddys und die Blumensträuße sind allmählich nicht mehr so verkaufbar, auch bald nicht mehr das Narrativ an die Naiven, das Framing verliert langsam an Kraft, der "#Kampf_gegen_Rechts" Propaganda und Hype wird sich schließlich rächen, auf der einst gesunden nationalen Psyche.  Und doch, die Teddys und die Sträuße werden erneut angeschaffen und verwendet - nur, dieses Mal um bei den Teelichter an den mehreren Opfer des vorherigen "#WelcomeRefugees"-Wahn.  Weder Greta noch Rackete, noch Luisa noch Anetta, wird diesen Massenwahn für eine Masseneinwanderung vom Ferne bzw. -Unterwanderung durch Links/Grünen Kommunismus, Deutschland eine "Zukunft" geben.  Nur Chaos, Leid, Tod, Sklaverei, und komplett massenhafter Nervenzusammenbruch.

Die Gesunden müßen dies aushalten, durchhalten, abwarten - dann Aufstand leisten.


Inzwischen brauchen wir längst, und dringend, eher: Einen (gewaltfreien, demokratischen) Kampf gegen Links - ohne # oder _, ohne "Konzeptverzeichnisse" - EIN KAMPF GEGEN DEN ROTEN, GRÜNEN, sowie BRAUNEN SOZIALISMUS, denn egal welche "Farbe", und sei das mit buntem Regenbogen, zu bekämpfen ist und bleibt, der wahre LINKSFASCHISMUS.

Was nennt man einen Eritreer aus der Schweiz?
- "Refugee" (insbesondere wenn vor der schweizer BKA-Fahndung geflohen).
Was nennt man einen gesuchten Eritreer der aus der Schweiz nach Deutschland mühelos eingereist?
- Nachbar.

Was werden wir bald bei künftigen Ansagen der DB oder sogar BVG, bzw. Medien, hören - und, zum Teil schon?
- "Liebe Fahrgäst*innen und Fahrgäste - und Kinder: Wie man mit einer 'Armlänge' das Gleis vom Bahnsteig 'fernhält' - und dabei den nächsten Stoß von hinten meidet."
Was werden wir von (o.g.) niemals hören?
- "Grenze zu - und Abschiebung!"
Aber, "nur keine Panik"!

"Die Festung Reichstag: Wie sich die Regierenden für die Folgen ihrer Politik rüsten: 
(Selten war ein Vorhaben von größerer Symbolkraft als die Ankündigung, die Vorderseite des Berliner Reichstags durch einen zehn Meter breiten und zweieinhalb Meter tiefen Graben befestigen zu lassen.)"

KATHOLISCHES: Freimaurer diktieren Masseneinwanderung -

Livestream - HENRYK STÖCKL begleitet HEIDI MUND:  Live aus #Frankfurt: Mahnwache für getöteten Jungen (8), den ein Afrikaner vor einen Zug stieß:
"Gestern Vormittag gegen 10 Uhr am Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof: Eine Mutter steht mit ihrem 8-jährigen Sohn an Gleis 7 und wartet auf ihren Zug. Als der ICE gerade einfährt, nähert sich ihnen von hinten ein dunkelhäutiger Mann und schubst Mutter samt Kind vor den einfahrenden Zug!

"Die Mutter kann sich noch gerade irgendwie retten, der Sohn schafft es nicht mehr: Der Zug rollt über seinen kleinen Körper!  Der 8-jährige Junge ist sofort tot.

"Menschen schreien auf und brechen weinend zusammen! Wie die Polizeisprecherin sagt, handelt es sich bei dem Täter um einen 40 Jahre alten Afrikaner aus Eritrea! Die Polizei konnte ihn vor dem Bahnhofsgebäude festnehmen.

"RÜCKBLICK: Vor ziemlich genau 4 Jahren standen an der gleichen Stelle, wo der Junge jetzt starb, knapp Eintausend Menschen und jubelten, als ein Zug mit Asylbewerbern aus Afrika & dem Nahem Osten in den Bahnhof einfuhr. Mit Luftballons empfingen sie die „Flüchtlinge“ und sangen „Say it loud, say it clear, Refugees are welcome here“.

"MAHNWACHE: Heute gegen 18:00 Uhr soll es eine Mahnwache für den getöteten Jungen am Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof unter der Andacht „Ruhe in Frieden kleiner Mann“ geben. Ich werde live vorort sein. Seid ihr auch dabei?"

Und die Bundesdeutsche Nationalhymne spielt - und Merkel zittert.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Realsozialismus 2019: "Gaslighting" und Heuchelei ohne Ende

(1) Merkel kann kaum warten, zur jährlichen Bayreuth-Festzeit gesehen zu werden, in ihrem ewigen #Kampf_gegen_rechts - wie vom Führer bestellt!  Aber siehe mal: ganz so alleine bei der Heuchelei ist sie keineswegs!  Denn (2) der hochgradig international angesehene russische Dirigent und "Putinversteher" Gergiev wurde ausgebuht!  Von Grünen, von Sozialisten - von wem sonst!  Schließlich war das "Bayreuth-Sommerwagner" überhaupt so fest in der Geschichte gegangen, wegen Hitlerverstehern und Adolf selbst!  Und nun?  Die ausdrücklich unangemessene, zwar merkwürdige Ablehnung von Gergiev - aus rein politischen "Gründen" - spricht nicht die "freie Meinung", schon gar nicht bei einer solchen Edelveranstaltung - sondern eben eine Hetze gegen einen ausländischen Leistungsbringer und Gast, also gegen eine wahre Fachperson (der sie nicht einmal das Wasser reichen könnten), auf einem Niveau den man heute nur den "Rechtspopulistischenazis" zuschreiben würde.  Oder sind die tickettragende, prestigebegeisterte Stammgäste und elite Teilnehmer bei dem Wagnerspiel die "Nazis"?  Es kann manchmal recht(s?) kompliziert sein, aber so ist es mit Heuchelei und Gaslighting.  (Oder ging's doch um eine(n) schwarz(en) Drag.Queen,  "die"/der für Aufruhr sorgte, erst am Ende der 3-stündigen Aufführung?  Tja.)

Parkettsicher, stilvoll und voller Glanz und Gloria wird gefeiert, während anderenorts Deutschland fällt!
(Lehnt Euch zurück und genießt die Show!
Tim K.)

2) Weltberühmter russischer Dirigent niedergebuht:

Ach, apropos Gaslighting: also, Käppi Rackete darf den Führer grüßen, und die VS-Männer in Chemnitz nicht?  Wieso das??  Weil Arroganz gehört zu den Sozialisten - der "fem" Variante umsomehr - egal ob Braun- Rot- oder Regenbogen-...
 (Original, nicht "fake")
Und nun, was macht schließlich einen "Nazi" aus, hm?...Richtig, die Zöpchen - frag einfach Anetta (IM-"Erika") Kahane, sie ist nämlich Expert*in in allen solchen Angelegenheiten.  Das gehört zur Stasi-Ausbildung.  Und zu ARD...

Aber wie kann Greta "Nazi" sein - oder ist sie nur eine Nazist*in, wie Käppi Rackete eben?  Sie hat keine Zöpfe, die Käppi - auch keinen Stil oder Empathie oder frisches Hemd vor Gericht - und bald auch keine Lizenz mehr.

Gaslighting bis zum geht-nicht-mehr - keine Sicherheit keine Bundeswehr - Merkel und ihr Kartel, vor allem ihre Medien:  Bayreuthwagner ja, aber "alles-Nazi" wiederum außer Merkel und Konsort, und der "Kampf-gegen-rechts" zieht weiter gegen einen Dirigent aus Moskau.  (3) Klimagreta geht hüpfen mit Zöpfen und beweist ihren nazifreien Faschismus mit "Anti"fa Hemder, Kahane zieht weiter ihren (4) Hetzjagd gegen die ethnische Deutschen, die bewußt und bewahrsam ethnische Deutsche sind.  Also Gretlein darf die Zöpfe tragen, aber einheimische, autochthone Deutsche nicht?  (Und wenn doch...??)  Dann gibt's (5) Konsequenzen!

3) Swedish 'Apocalypse Guru' Greta Thunberg  Slammed for Posing in Antifa Shirt:

Greta Thunberg has added more controversy to her name by posing in a T-shirt with radical left-wing Antifa movement imagery and calling for a national strike for the sake of climate. (...)

4) (Noch im April 2019) Bespitzelungs-Leitfaden darf kritisiert werden:

5)  Unser täglich Nazi gib uns heute - diesmal: Tagesschau:

Ach...und was nu?...

Zum guten Letzen:  Wer noch "Mitgefühl" für Merkel haben, und "Rücksicht" auf ihren "gesundheitlichen Zustand" nehmen möchte - bitte schön - ich mache dasselbe, als Jude, auf Bruno Ganzs "Hitler im Führer-Bunker" während er so zittert - und das, ohne Wassermangel - bei seinem Untergang.  Denn er war auch schließlich, "nur-ein-Mensch".

Ach, ja...apropos "Bunker":

"Die Festung Reichstag: Wie sich die Regierenden für die Folgen ihrer Politik rüsten:
(Selten war ein Vorhaben von größerer Symbolkraft als die Ankündigung, die Vorderseite des Berliner Reichstags durch einen zehn Meter breiten und zweieinhalb Meter tiefen Graben befestigen zu lassen.)"

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Germany 2019: Summer of Censorship - and of Resistance

(Lord, vindicate the righteous with victory over the enslavement of minds, dumbfound the dumbed-down, needle the numbed-down, aggrevate the arrogant, ignite the ignorant with information, teach the childish or still-childlike - and fry the wicked.  For there are such, and they are vastly, vastly networked.)

We are the Antiglob to the "Anti"fa, we're the Antisoz, or the Antikomm - but all kidding aside, we are simply the civil resistance toward censorship and the socialist experiment, co(m)patriots with conviction against Cultural Marxism, jarring the established parties with our joyful vision of actual German sovereignty.  My MAGA-hat for Germany would read: LGBG - Let Germany Be Germany!  No rainbow.

But here's what we're up against, and it is of many dimensions:  "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph 6:12

(Sophie and Hans Scholl, The White Rose - "sentenced for hate speech")

A very fine woman we've known in the course of our street demonstrations carries on her FB-page a very apt description of the "Anti"fa and all the forces over and behind and beside them - she writes: They fight "Nazis" with a fervor, as if the Führer had still personally ordered it.

The "Nazis" of course, are we, ALL of us now - even liberals who are not "being obedient", not appealing "enough" to the radical Left, not Green enough, or Red enough, or Rainbow enough.  It's no longer just holding healthy conservative and nationally conscious, patriotic values which makes you a "Nazi" - it's already enough to be critical AT ALL toward the Cultural Marxist Program (yes, that is no invented lark) of planned mass unconditional unvetted and illegal flooding-in by vastly predominently Muslim "immigrants" and asylum-cons, of illegally unsecured borders, of serious issues not put before an already uninformed, mis- and disinformed public, of a deliberately crippled armed forces, a horrendous energy agenda, the rewarding of criminally incompetent and competently criminal functionaries in politics, NGOs, industry, the arts, media and academia.

Learn one word of German, if that is all - I have referred to it on numerous occasions here:  Verfassungsschutz, or Federal/State Office for the Protection of the Constitution.  That's BfV, or sometimes just VS, as in when they infliltrate, which is largely what they do.  It is the equivalent of Home Security, and a bit similar to to the FBI, they just cannot arrest - only observe and report.  Observing and reporting of course devolves into infiltrating, gathering, even planning, and of course instigating and provocating.  THAT is where your V-Men come in, these are recruited out of the "right"-extreme scene or the Left-extreme, they are maintained there to stir up, and are backed by their actual handlers from the offices to which these report.

(August Landmesser, rejecting the Hitler salute, 1936 - yes, really)

20 JUL 2019:
Wanting to keep this more brief which I'm afraid cannot be done, yet bear with me - because in a decisively cogent and informative manner, I will present the actual turn of events as they're unfolding right now in Germany.  The juxtapositions of real-world irony should not be lost on any reader.

Keep in mind how in the States, the Fraud-Squad still enjoys its soon-to-prove short-lived shot at manipulative power and framing in the hallowed halls of Congress, as R. Tlaib compares her BDS proposal with earlier boycotts, all of which have as little relation to what she's driving in her historically challenged Hamas-chutzpah as does A. Presley's (or I. Omar's?) transparently arrogant attempt to throw actual Black Americans under the bus of her intellectually embarrassing lumping together of "all people of color", or as does AOC's grotesquely twisted attempt to make "Nazi concentration camps" out of ICE border facilities.  These girls - they are not women - are the zombies for the likes of George Soros, who would know something about concentration camps, as he'd sent enough of his own Jewish landsmen packing there.

The German version of the Fraud Squad - many, many more than a mere four - do the same thing here with pushing the Merkel Plan, calling the millions arriving illegally from mostly regions of a predominantly (more or less) Shari'a-based, in any event Islamic, culture of Jew-hatred as they clamor for the German social teet: "the new Jews".  Or they compare them to the real (post-WWII) refugees who'd suffered what no American history book will tell you and no German Leftists will ever acknowledge - except when they can pull it out and use it to support the "Refugee-and-Asylum" Industry for the purpose of washing their own phantom "sins" and pathological, therapy-ripe "guilt" in the floodwaters of Germany's complete destruction inside the first quarter of this century.

July 20th, 75 years ago to the day, saw the most significant of all (previously failed) attempts on Hitler's life - one encompassing a vast (far vaster than the Left-propagandists ever want reaching a better informed public) network of high level entities from the military (and MI) to the nobility to the academics and professions - with Stauffenberg above all putting a face on it and his life directly on the line.  This was assassination of a tyrant, a very clearly mapped out plan for a before, a during, and an immediately-after with a blueprint for the future entirely free of National-Socialism, a liberation of Germany by and for Germans and for all who were under the "Reich's" influence - open to assistance from the Allied side.  An assistance they could very well forget about.  That was the first tragedy.  The second was that Hitler wound up surviving the blast.  The third is that even to this day, Germans are not allowed to have had a Hitler-Resistance, not without a knee-slapping guffaw - an abominably fact-resistant, morally-relativistic, and communist-dominated reaction to what had been a testament to extraordinary character, courage, intestinal fortitude, intelligence, and a very Prussian code of national-conservative ethics and Christian conviction.  Not the stuff of National-Socialists, but what these latter had abused - and the patriotic July Conspirators were determined to take this back and own it again.  They were the stuff of heroic role-models for a generation today most urgently in need of them.

While Merkel, whose Cartel has seen to the step-by-step crushing and defamation of ALL forms of resistance toward her despotic and jadedly decadent administration, all manner of criticism - using and abetting the new thugish SA, the Mussolini-black and Rainbow-red "Anti"fa (schooled by aging RAF-cadres, steered and joined by the bloc-parties of The Left, the Greens, and the SPD, by the way, with the CDU smiling and nodding) as these domestic terrorists verbally and physically attack with accelerated frequency and intensification of violence and destruction: targeting members or supporters of the AfD party, liberal or conservative journalists, pro-Life marchers, non-violent Pegida or Identitarian demonstrators - while this trembling Hillary-Friend, occupying the Chancellery with a mocking indifference toward her entire endangered population, declares in accolades to the July 20th Conspirators at an open address for the occasion, that "their example encourages us in our #Fight-Against-The-Right campaign and the efforts of all citizens behind this endeavor..." - she actually pulls this off without appearing to even grasp that a Resistance of this nature today would be placing that brief-case bomb at the table leg right where SHE is sitting.  But grasp it she does, and I'll come back to that in a moment.

The "right-extreme" or "populist-right" or "Nazis" etc. - are in truth those still normal, very ordinary, and consciously German citizens whom I support to the hilt, with whom I demonstrate, with whom I communicate, with whose future I identify (as an American here, with family) - and all defamed, smeared, libeled, doxed, intimidated and threatened, stalked, attacked, sometimes nearly murdered.  And this isn't even counting the imported hordes of Shari'a-drunken purveyors of "The-Religion-Of-Peace", from Afghanistan to Morocco, knifing their way into the hearts of gradually re-traumatized, docile and compliant, certainly gaslighted Germans.  Meanwhile there are measures seriously being considered as well for collecting and locking up in "re-education centers", facilities much like the GDR's Stasi operated - let's not say (gasp) concentration camps, AOL would have a fit - specifically us "unrecalcitrant Nazis", all of Germany's present cream of real thinkers and critics, real jurists, real academics, real journalists and literary figures, real feminists, real human rights activists, real Christians ... and real Jews, would find themselves amongst one another in best of company behind barbed wire or rainbow walls.  While the fascists of socialist order, with their system-pastors and system rabbis and with their courted and embraced imams, all on the outside holding rallies and thumping their breasts with the self-righteous fervor of a reedy: "Never Again!"


In the Saxon-state city of Halle, the creatively avant-garde Identitarian Movement received a permit to hold an event - always disicplined, assertive, and non-violent - whlch had garnered some 150 for a registered demo with walk.  To honor the July 20th patriots of 1944, and to speak for national sovereignty free of Islamisation and with secured borders. Normally the police have no problem with our people, but are supposed to be there to assure safe passage and protection against the always-unregistered, cop-hostile cult of "Anti"fa.  On this particular occasion, those "all-cops-are-bastards" thugs of the "Anti"fa - some 3-400 of them in Halle that day, "worked" hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder WITH the cops, who in the end were indeed bastards - but to be honest, it came from their highest echelons, who in turn had gotten the orders from the far-Left administration of the town of Halle.

While not a single "Anti"fa threat was yet in sight - because they were for once being kept far, far at bay - the police prohibited the Identitarian demonstrators, including a lot of people over 40, in fact into their late-50s, many pensioners, retirees, some even up into their 80s, from leaving the train station at which they'd formed their initial meeting point.  The police - already in full riot gear - kept them there on the empty premise of there "being a threat".  They were kept there without access to reinforcements of refreshment - the day being summery hot - for at least an hour or nearly two.  Then they were told "it's all over" and to "go home now".  Some were from Halle themselves (having to now show proof of this), many had traveled by car or by bus to get there.  Now they were being sent off home.  And yet, not.  They boarded the train, the train would not move. They were told to depart, redirected and told to bugger off now and to be damned quick about it.

("Antifa: full of hate, and violence prone - Merkel's brawler squad")

Again blocked by the police from actually really leaving the grounds, they were led on a completely whacky - and unsafe - detour through (otherwise) no-admission tunnels to the train station, kept standing around there like idiots for more than an hour - I believe the entire chicanery extended over several hours altogether.  We were not present there, we watched all of this on the livestream cam of our very dear friend and YT-blogger Henryk Stöckl.  I would have gladly given the link here but Youtube removed it after about three days of its being accessible to view.  Stöckl is good, he is fair, he is a sweet guy with a steel spine, and a huge subscribership.  He was told to stop filming, but he knows his rights - he was told to delete what he already had on there, which he certainly refused to do, preferring to close shop before the police provoke a scuffle and they'd illegally force him to delete.  All who could not prove they were from the city were given - literally - orders to now vacate the city by whatever way they'd come and were now being "prohibited"(!) from ever returning to Halle.  Now they were sent packing, and this at risk of being met by obviously hostile "Anti"fa en route to their respective transportations out of there.

We've seen this elsewhere and we've experienced this in Berlin - but this number in Halle really took the blue ribbon in shitty, loathesome, unprofessional, anti-democratic, unconstitutional, politically partisan chicanery and tactics. But with "Anti"fa, that Sect of Hate, with these they "discuss" and "try to see all points of view" - while ours gets short shrift - and a stick, a shove, a boot.

Meanwhile, one of our best "public figures", a very serious patriot from Halle, Sven Liebich, a guy who could be a stand-up cabaret act or God's own fool - stood atop his own vehicle at a square, alone, delivering an impassioned address concerning the memorium to the July 20th Resistance to the National-Socialist State and its Führer-cult. "Anti"fa and Gutmensch indoctrinees of the heavily hyped Left-propaganda gathered about his car to jeer him.  This was all on camera as well.  The police told him to get down and quit, as what he was doing was unregistered.  He replied that as a "spontaneous one-man demo" what he was doing was perfectly legal, which it was.

Sven has long been known there for his edgy lone antics as a mirror to Merkel's insanity often pushing the envelope with brilliantly hilarious ideas:  walking in black-gray garb and carrying red-white-black flag with a Euro-figure rather than a swastika, he walked the cobble-stone streets or mingled close to some SPD beer-and-pretzel event, "promoting" over a loudspeaker with parodic irony ALL of Merkel's policies and callng for "more" of it:  open borders, lots and lots more uncontrolled immigration, more rapes and knife attacks, more asylum fraud and more Islamisation, more take-over by the Brussels EU, etc.  Or he'd stand at some statued fountain with his loudspeaker, completely done-up like an imam out of some costume-photo shop, although at moments visually convincing - yet no one so much as reacted:  as he forcefully "promoted" Islam and more Islamisation, the introduction of Shari'a, FGM, "honor"-killings, taking of German concubines, he quoted form Qur'an or from some Hadith...that's Sven.  Playing (seriously) to a tragically de-sensitized public.

Now, suddenly from on top of that car or truck he was using in the square on July 20th (no costume, just himself, although he'd been seen earlier on the demo-walk sporting the Stauffenberg eye-patch cocked up over his head as he spoke into Stöckl's camera about the issue of censorship and resistance) - this lone-man address taking place after the whole demonstration had been shut down and packed off for good by the police -  three cops approached, likewise in riot gear, leapt onto the top toward him, and unceremoniously took him down in head-lock and legs yanked and held fast.  Like a goddamned criminal.  I've watched these same lackeys "talk to" and "cajole" their own worst enemies - the "Anti"fa - as these illegally blocked entire streets with sit-down blockades against legitimate demos.  For hours.

The police are often largely prohibited form laying a finger on these punks and thugs.  After all, they are both on the same payroll.  I see stickers all over from these punks, reading:  "Still not loving cops" with a heart-ing for the word loving - so cutesy.  They injure cops and have tried to kill the same, while the latter are forced to go in with their hands tied behind their backs.  Well, that day in Halle they made an exception and actually did love each other just enough to crush FREE SPEECH together by nixing the legitimate and violence-free demo by the Identitarians.  We've seen this tactic against our Women's March in Berlin or elsewhere, but this was a whole new dimension.  To sum up this whole observation: AfD-members or supporters, Identitarians, Women's Marchers, Pro-Life - these they can manhandle as "Nazis".  Just never the actual (even if irrelevant) pro- or neo-National-Socialists - as I'm about to concretely elaborate.

I will now tell you who really is National-Socialist in wannabe-ing, and intent, and self-convinced identification, and likewise who really never gets reliable or accurate press exposing them - to be clear:  these are no friends of ours, nor of the AfD, nor of the Identitarians, nor of Pegida, each of which has gone to great lengths to oppose any infiltration from such, or their being planted by VS for purposes of sowing division and discredit - for all three of whom, those of us just named are too "watered-down" or "not-radical" enough (thank God for that) or "too Jew-friendly", or whatever.  No, actually we are not even from the same world - for the "right"-extremists are in fact Left to the marrow, even as the Nazis were Left and decidedly NOT "right".  Conservatives are to the right, and even an "arch-conservative" is still no "Nazi".

Now, to return from digressions, I am referring to any one of the three truly "Neo-Nazi" organized groupings - not one of which is any kind of effective threat to Germany, nor ever could be, and the establishment and the administration in fact KNOW this perfectly well.  These are the strawmen, and together with the old and perennially nowhere "national-and-socialist" (own words) NPD, these are ALL steered, infiltrated, managed and instigated BY THE VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZ!  Remember them?  The groupings are, just by the way, by name: "Europe Action", "The Third Way", and "The Right".  They are LIKEWISE on the same payroll as the "Anti"fa and the police.  That payroll is channeled from every party in Merkel's Unity-Cartel - all blocking the growing AfD in every way they can, with a toxic loathing and a frothing hate toward Free Speech and democratic national sovereignty, ethnic and cultural identity.  Something like those Trump-bashing Dems back home.  Pathological Groupthink with a venom and a vengeance, with a real bent toward hysteria.

Now - shoot over to Kassel, where recently a high ranking CDU politiican named Lübcke was mysteriously and inexplicably shot in the head on his terraced balcony just short of midnight at the start of June.  Whenever the investigation doesn't know - or not actually - they follow protocol and blame it on "the right", every time.  And in turn, if it's a Syrian or Afghani jihadi with a German pass - he winds up "a German" perp in the papers.  The right was blamed as "the usual suspects" and they allegedly "got" the guy.  As wishy-washy a narrative on the murder (suicide still not proven ruled out) as this was - e.g., son and buddy showed up right after the shot and cleaned up, erasing most traces, before alerting the charges(!), or a number of completely unrelated and unconnected data fed to the public while completely ignoring much of the obvious leads - I'll come back to Lübcke in a moment.

First, let me point out that after the matter in Halle on the 20th, or around that time, the afore-mentioned truly Neo-Nazi org calling itself "The Right" held a march through Kassel, as a sort of in-your-face to their having the onus of the murder placed on them - it is hard for me to say, for the reason that the entire thing was staged from the beginning.  I don't see the Neo-scene's handprint in this, for one, and the AfD is being negatively, cheaply instrumentalized by the Merkel-Cartel and Goebbels-Press as having been by way of its positions on just about everything:  "responsible" for the murder.  No, really, the propagandists are dead serious on pushing this narrative. Get this now:

The "Anti"fa were non- or hardly-present there in Kassel, maybe nominally, but then harmlessly.  The police gave these Neo-Browns-clowns complete freedom to have their walk, no chicanery of any sort, no threats, also no problems.  (To be honest, torching cars, vandalizing all manner of personal property, intimidating or randomly attacking passers-by, or even simply threatening counter-demonstrators, does NOT happen to be what even real "right-wingers", i.e., Neo-Nazis, whatever, DO.  THAT is the habitual behavior of the thugs and terrorists of the "Anti"fa, or of the "Interventionalist-Left", or of their "Black Bloc" - or of any of their slummy slovenly supporters.)  THEY ARE ALL ON THE SAME PAYROLL.  And the media has a fake-news field day with it all.

Deconstruction, de-classing, and demoralization of Bundeswehr and of the police:

Just as the Bundeswehr has been so rendered a shambles, that even Lichtenstein, if it wanted to, could just walk over the border with whatever it has for a military and take Germany - just so are the German police forces being emasculated, undermined, infiltrated at the whim of this administration by members/relatives from the countless large Turkish and Lebanese Arab Clan-families steeped in every crime you can name, from extortion to fraud to human trafficking to pressuring and murder - and their kids are getting into the police academies, even when they have a record - or into the Bundeswehr as well.  Needless to say, this disrupts any stings or raids which may be in planning.  This, together with a squeamish knee-jerk pro-refugee / anti-deportation hype and a climate of tolerance-hysteria more than bordering on literal insanity and expressing itself ever more through a fever of denunciation.  The police have not the political will behind them to clean up and break the Clans who should longs since have been deported altogether - they are tired of watching the revolving door of the courts when they even try, tired of the press gaslighting the public.

Across more and more cities and towns in the heat of this summer, whole gang-rioting is taking over the open air public swimming pools to the extent that NO one has any control over it.  Police capability is so down they have literally capitulated - not even special units sent in came away unscathed and beat feet rather than beating the Enrichers from The-World's -Fastest-Goring-Religion.  Public Swimming pools are beginning to see an increase in police presence and moreover the introduction of barbed wire.  This new trend, if you will, in Police Forces capitulating to mob violence has Extended to festivals - and I'm speaking of recent school summer festivals, not of low-perfoming highschools mind you, but at German Gymnasium level - infiltrated, as with a recent case in a highly affluent Bavarian school festival: infliltrated by some 50+ non-school members which the MSM won't tell you were also non-ethnic Germans (or recent arrivals), they just conveniently omit all of that, who took over and sent the cops who were called in running like Barney fife out of Mayberry.

But all this is nothing in comparison to the numbers expected "Out of Africa" - remember that romantic movie title? - with Muslims you get Africans, with Africans you get Nigerians, with these you get "The Black Axe".   If you would do your homework, you would find that this organized entity is like a cross between the MS-13 (which had made its way into the the U.S. over the southern border) and the Italian 'Ndrangheta which has long since established itself throughout West-Germany, and to which I'll return below - only worse:  because I have it on recorded conversation between two mafiosi figures back in Italy where the Nigerian "Black Axe" already circulated and set up shop, that even the 'Ndrangheta keeps a respectful distance in regard to them.  And guess what.  The "Black Axe" is also now in Germany, possibly "at a Merkel-Theater near you".  And yet, for all that:

"Fear is a bad counselor..."

Back in late 2014, Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) took hold like brushfire, completely non-violent, quite disicplined, always well-organized and legally registered, Dresden-centered and enormous, with its great addresses and the walks which followed these, then spreading all over Germany and internationally, always and still today held on Mondays without fail, in the tradition of the 1989 street demos which ushered in the end of the East-German SED regime (only to discover that the same was to be gradually re-establishing itself in the newly "reunified" Germany as the eventual Third Totalitarian-Socialist Dictatorship in modern German history).  Pegida was the last thing Merkel wanted to see, she needed - and still has today - a docile and compliant, obedient and anästhetized population of normopathic voters and willing indoctrinees.  Quite unlike the 67% who had NOT voted HItler in 1933, and even quite unlike many who had - under very extreme conditions of chaos and hunger and unemployment.  Those today who judge them from their high horse, how are these any different, if not worse:  they follow after Merkel's bidding WILLINGLY and WITHOUT the extreme conditions and upheaval of that time.  How dare they judge!

Merkel came from the GDR regime, she did well there, her selling herself as some kind of democrat is very thin indeed, as she had been verifiably privileged there and groomed for SED-loyal positions - she is the Trojan Mare of Honecker and his SED regime.  Let that sink in, because she is in her 14th year now as ChanceLiar of the Banana-Republic of DhimmiLand.

Merkel told her public with the warning tone of a nanny, NOT to "go there, not to participate" in Pegida's Monday demos, because they had "coldness in their hearts" and were "filled with hate".  A case of thorough projection of her own negative will out of a clearly narcissistic personality-disturbance.  But more on that in a moment.

In 2016 Merkel held a kind of Town Hall "Meet the ChanceLiar" afternoon, where people could come and enjoy the unique flavor of being flipped off with nauseating indifference and condescension by their own head-of-state - which is okay, because she's "a woman", which alone matters.

As chance would have it, the questioner of the day was also a woman - and a very rightfully concerned and logically frightened citizen and voter she was indeed.  She asked Merkel pointedly, but a tad timidly, why she doens't just close the borders, why is she doing this?

Merkel merely replied, "Fear is a bad counselor."  Shortly thereafter, in December of that year, the Berlin-Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market terrorist attack occurred, taking 12 lives and gravely injuring some 70.  Merkel's handling of that was even shabbier than her "Q&A".

Here is what 2016 also brought, and now we come back to Lübcke.  Not the mayor of West-German Kassel, but the highest-ranking CDU-guy there, Lübcke also held just exactly such a Q&A Town Hall event for the citizens and voters there.  Lübcke went on record for two things I can name.  He took strong measures in January of 2018 against the very deeply embedded and extremely brutal Italian 'Ndrangheta - no one called him Italophobe for doing this - and he made a name for himself as extremely Merkel-loyal and quite the multi-culti sorta guy.  This did not sit well with his consituency that day, as they were all quite upset - civil, but angry - over the continuous and non-dealt-with endangerment to their daughters (and sons) - whose girls were being heavily badgered en  route to school, and hit on by the MerkelGuests and "Enrichers" of German culture and society, the "Specialists" of which she spoke in glowing terms, "worth more than gold".  And their sons were getting shaken down or beat up by these thugs of "The Religion-Of-Peace".

Lübcke told them to have their daughters merely dress differently and change their route to and from school, the boys likewise.  This "somehow" angered the parents more.  And one guy, a male just like Lübcke and of his approximate age, only with spine, really gave Lübcke hell, and Lübcke being a politician, he ought to have used his ears instead of his mouth on this occasion.  Lübcke told him point blank, actually told everyone in there:  "If all you native Germans here don't like my policy (of applying Merkel's) you can emigrate somewhere else, you have a choice, it's a free country."  Germans havern't forgotten this moment - just the press.

(This is the Merkel who'd cast down the German Federal Republic flag before all the world at her second election victory bash in 2013, to some lead song piped in from the dead-pants punk-Left group "Toten-Hosen" - in favor of an EU-flag.  This bodes not well for this office, so long as her vapors breathe through its halls.  This is the same Merkel who has now been seen, likewise before all the world, going into heavy tremors several times, and always either precisely from start-to-end of the German Federal national anthem, after which she's perfectly fine, thank you - or, as with Pres. Steinmeier, during his honorifically outspoken phrase: "German Federal Republic and its Volk".  Likewise perfectly alright before and after "The Apparent Trigger".  ALL the excuses are of course pure bs, bullshit of the highest order.  "Dehydration", "Parkinsons", "stress"...How old is Merkel?  How old is Trump?  How big a job is Germany?  How big a job is America?  Who actually takes more hits and has more to weather, and again:  at what age?  And who presses for historical acocmplishment, which of these two heads of state steps up to the plate swinging - every day - for his respective nation and people?  Ever see in the history of our modern time, any head of state anywhere on this planet, in the age of television, who went into tremors like this, which were always triggered by one's own national anthem?  I think not.  Certainly not Trump, whom Merkel once meant to "give some tips" on governing and diplomacy and the like.  Expecting from me some kind of sympathy or consideration for Merkel on account of her "condition" is like expecting the same of me toward the tremors of Bruno Ganz's "Hitler" in the Führer-Bunker in "Der Untergang" -  and this likewise no "dehydration".  Frankly: I am not worried that something will happen to Merkel, I am worried that something still won'tWe do not have a Stauffenberg.)

I don't actually claim to know who shot Lübcke.  Judging by his character, I also do not care.  The media is so caught up in its framing, disinformation, misinformation, and lies, it would no longer know an objective truth if it told us itself - intentionally or inadvertantly.  God killed Lübcke.  God gave Merkel the shakes.  What I mean by this, is that they got or will get what they have coming.  The angry voter in that hall that day did not shoot Lübcke.  He would have had the best of motives however.  Merkel is falling apart out of her own coldness of heart and hate-filled regard for her nation, her country, her people, her flag, her oath, her obligation to Germany and to Germans.  It is devouring her, and it will devour her, as it should.  Trump remains an honest man.  That is anathema to these reptilian monsters.

Reeling this all in - The Reichstag:

The very Bundestag which hurriedly passed a law but three weeks ago crushing Free Speech in every category you could name, calling anything critical at all "Hate Speech" and therewith "justifying" the complete abolition of this sacred right and cornerstone of any democracy and any constitution worthy of a democracy, then ratified it and passed it with less than 100 present in the hall - which is entirely illegal and should be nonbinding, for which the AfD sent its speaker to the podium to immediately and legitimately reject this, first of all for its own sake and secondly for the reason just mentioned.  With all the arrogance befittng her narcissistic ineptitude and the disturbed nature of her personality disorder, Greens-Clown Claudia Roth as Vice-Pres of the house that day, whacked her hammer down and told the AfD speaker, behind whom she sits, with a shake of her unappetizing head and a conspiratorial glance over to The Left (Die Linke) and her own Greens: "Sorry, nope, nosiree, we've all discussed this already..."  By "we" she just didn't mean the AfD.  And WE're the "Nazis" here, they're the "defenders of democracy". 2019, it gets "Progressive"ly more Orwellian every day.

As of 22 July, these draconian measures have gone into effect.  I for one, have been "disabled" from Facebook altogether, and I'm none too happy about it.

There was once a bomb threat of sorts at the Reichstag back in 2010.  That's nine years ago.  So "now" it's "time something was done" you see... There was a serious terror attack at Breitscheidplatz, on a Christmas market, on the other hand, where unprotected citizens and visitors (rather than security-protected politicians) were directly affected.  That was in 2016, and the borders remain wide open, more millions from very aggressive, even predatorial, groupings out of Africa and elsewhere unvetted and gotten over here, are scheduled to arrive.  No reaching out to anyone, no reparations to the Berliners, no substance from Merkel, no leadership, no nothing - well she has none of these to offer on any day of the year.

Also no Bundeswehr, they have effectively removed a national defensive army from existence.  "Don't need it." They're preparing the ground here for the European Army out of Brussels. Totalitarian globalism is getting into place, day by day, month by month, law by law.  They are already making changes to the Constitution and Basic Law.

Today you can still walk right up to the Reichstag and walk right in just as you always had, go through a brief control as you would in any federal building today.  However:

It has now been verified in all the news - ALL - as if this were all quite normal, and no voices from the MSM are being raised, only eyebrows, and: go-on-reporting-as-usual.  The Reichstag building, which houses the Bundestag (Parliament) will soon boast a visitors center far in front of it, connected to the interior of the Reichstag via a tunnel, where one will be thoroughly security-checked before passing through.  Why this tunnel?

Because around the two sides and the back of the building will be a high fence and razor-barbed accordian-wire.  And the FRONT of the Reichstag will boast a dry-moat stretching the full extent of the front, ten meters across and with a depth of two-and-a-half meters.  the drop will only be visible once you (presumably) even step that close up to it from the vast lawn.  Who would do that, who would "attack the Reichstag"??  Not a jihadi, nope.

All the parties got in on this, they'd each agreed to undersign the visitors center, yes.  But two parties - The Left (Die Linke) for some reason, and certainly the AfD for every obvious reason (it being the only real opposition) - had NOT at all been informed whatsoever, about the dry-moat, the barbed wire, the tunnel.  Too late, it's a done deal.  Entirely illegally, connivingly, back-handedly done, no one informed - but a done deal.

This means, that everyone OUTSIDE the Reichstag will remain fair game or dead meat, should anything which had apparently or allegedly "justified" this obscenity in the first place, occur - and all those INSIDE will be safe.  It is not at all far-fetched to assert, that the BER Big Airport which began being not-built about a decade ago, is still not open and will not open in gobs more years - as any kind of a functioning airport that is, the new "date" actually being 2050 in order to make everything "climate-conforming" (CO2 and such) - is in fact only there to house a real set of tunnels and labyrinthine bunkers for the ELITE.  Should "it" come to "that".

Like the Reichstag...the ELITE.  Supposedly on account of jihadi threats - no kidding?  On account of their OWN policies - it should be understood - and what these have inevitably brought.

Repeat after me:
"There is no such thing as Islamisation."
"Islam belongs to Germany."
"Fear is a bad counselor."

There is one other kind of THREAT for which they are planning all this, and which the CIA has "predicted" since ca. 2010 for the year 2020 - perhaps one they fear even more, perhaps so:

A GERMAN CIVIL WAR.  And they will have it.

Good source - if your German's up to it:
"Die Festung Reichstag: Wie sich die Regierenden für die Folgen ihrer Politik rüsten:
(Selten war ein Vorhaben von größerer Symbolkraft als die Ankündigung, die Vorderseite des Berliner Reichstags durch einen zehn Meter breiten und zweieinhalb Meter tiefen Graben befestigen zu lassen.)"